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Page 14

by Jacklyn Scott Rogers

  "I seem to recall telling you that I was taking you upstairs to ravish you. If you behave, my little minx, I may just allow you enough energy to phone your friends while we are packing, but for now ... you are MINE!" He gave Sammie a roguish slap on her exposed rear end, eliciting a moan from her sumptuous lips. Once they were both inside their bedroom, Jareth set a blushing Sammie on her feet.

  He ripped his jacket and shirt off in one fluid motion as his eyes blackened with lust. "Now ..." he commanded with a sultry growl, "Strip."

  Chapter 22

  Sammie's POV

  When I got up in the wee hours of the morning, it was still dusk. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at Jareth. He was sitting at his desk, working on his laptop.

  So Damn Sexy ...

  I rolled over onto my side and studied my beautiful enigma while biting my lower lip. His pale blond locks were disheveled, hanging over his sculpted brow, which was a rare sight to behold with Jareth. He was always so composed. So, of course, whenever the slightest imperfection appeared on him, I loved it. His disheveled appearance made me appreciate that he felt comfortable enough with me to let down the fortified walls he had preserved for over three centuries. He caught me watching him and smiled. "Love, if you continue to regard me with that expression while you are seductively sprawled on our bed and clothed in nothing but my shirt, then I assure you we shan't be on time for our flight this morning."

  "Why Jareth Mickelsen, I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just laying here staring at the sexiest man I've ever seen and picturing him naked. That shouldn't affect you ... should it?" I blinked my eyes, feigning innocence, then sauntered over to drape my arms over Jareth's shoulders. I purposefully allowed my breasts to rub against his bare skin as I pressed soft kisses along his neck.

  A soft chuckle passed his lips. "Samantha, I feel as if you are trying to deter me from finalizing our itinerary. And I'm certain that you wouldn't think to do that, would you? Especially when you know how imperative it is that I am on time for this meeting, right?"

  I gasped mockingly as I continued to nibble on the spot beneath his ear that drives him crazy. "I would never do such a thing," I whispered coyly.

  Jareth quickly swung his seat around and pulled me to his lap. His blackened eyes stared at me covetously as he skillfully traced his finger along the unbuttoned collar of the shirt I was wearing. His smooth stroke trailed along the nape of my neck, gliding down to the jutting sprout of my breast, circling it with his finger. I shuttered with delight from his masterful touch. And then Jareth did the unthinkable.

  He tweaked my nipples and then had the audacity to declare, "Tune in Tokyo!"

  My bratty vampire then burst into a fit of laughter.

  I scowled at him.

  Needless to say, I was not amused.

  I couldn't believe that Jareth, mister broody vampire, just got me all hot and bothered only to play Tune in Tokyo.

  Who does that?!

  I am so going to pay back his sneaky ass later on. I huffed and stalked away, pouting. "So mature, Jareth ... Not!"

  I could tell he tried to contain his fit of laughter. But the more he looked at my red cheeks, he just couldn't contain himself. He gently placed a hand on my shoulder and tilted my head up to look him in the eye. "Samantha, love, I'm sorry for teasing you. But I did warn you that we needed to prepare for our departure. Now the sooner we make haste, the sooner I promise, I will tend to whatever needs you may have once we are on board the plane."

  "Fine...wait... what? The plane? Jareth, I don't think that having sex on a plane, with a bunch of bystanders, is really something I'm comfortable with doing. I'm not sure what kind of crazy exhibitionism vampires are OK with, but I'm just not that daring. Also, those bathrooms are way too small, not to mention people poop in there. I seriously can't see how someone could actually have sex inside of them. That would be just eww, gross."

  Again, he snickered.

  How is this funny?

  "Samantha, I told you that we were going to be on the Council's private plane. No one, other than the pilots and cabin steward, will be joining us on the flight. Also, there is a suite at the back of the plane that is reserved for resting ... or other more surreptitious entertainment."

  He gave me a knowing wink.

  Well shit. I completely forgot. Oopsy. Color me embarrassed.

  "Now..." Jareth commanded as he gave me a quick pat on the ass, "go finish getting ready."


  It's official; I am now an exclusive member of the mile-high club folks. Whoop-Whoop!

  We landed in New York and arrived at our hotel a few hours later. As we walked through the stately glass double doors of The Crimson Veil hotel, my jaw dropped. I couldn't believe I was standing in one of the most luxurious prestigious hotels ever! The amazing thing is that this place is a mecca for supernatural beings to stay and have meetings. Jareth informed me that this hotel was considered neutral ground. He explained that when the hotel was initially built, the old witch Maleyna placed a strong ward over it, making it so that no one has any special abilities within the building.

  To sum up, inside this building, it's like we're all just essentially human. The ward was put in place as a failsafe so that neither humans nor other supernaturals can harm the other. That's some remarkably potent mojo if you ask me.

  Jareth literally had to tug me along the enormous boldly designed black and white marble floor-way just to get to the front desk. Here we were greeted by a stunning svelte blonde clerk who, I might add, looked way too happy to see Jareth's approach. She blushed as he set his hand on the burnished gold countertop.

  "Good Evening Mr. Mickelsen." She peered at him through her long lashes and began typing into the computer in front of her.

  "Good Evening Miss Camille."

  "Your accommodations have been confirmed, sir, just as you requested. Here is your keycard to the penthouse suite. Will you be needing to check anything into your safety deposit box?"

  "That will be unnecessary for this visit. Thank you, Camille. I've left our luggage in the limo. Please have someone bring them up. Also, I'd prefer to have Chef Jacques prepare dinner for my companion and me this evening, so please make the arrangements."

  "Yes, Sir. Enjoy your stay, Mr. Mickelsen. Please feel free to call me; I apologize. I meant to call the front desk, should you need anything to make your stay more comfortable."

  Oh, Hell, No! The bitch didn't even acknowledge me. She acted as if I weren't standing right here next to him.


  As if sensing my growing annoyance, Jareth smoothly lifted me bridal style and kissed me lovingly right in front of Miss Camille. While his lips and tongue traced tenderly along my neck, I turned to her and smiled smugly as she glared at me.

  Ha Ha! It sucks to be you bitch!

  Jareth began walking us towards the elevator, stopping midway. "Oh, how daft of me." He spoke, "Miss Camille?"

  "Yes, Mister Mickelsen." She responded, rather sickeningly sweet, I might add.

  "I'm sure you are aware, as the owner of this establishment, that I expect an impeccable level of professionalism and respect from my personnel. I reciprocate with such requirements in favor of excellent wages and many pleasantries that may not be provided at other locales of the sort. "

  "Yes, of course, Mr. Mickelsen." She consented.

  "I do not, however ... "Jareth interjects, "tolerate anyone that slights my Beloved mate, Miss Hunter. For to do so would, in fact, be an affront to me, and I have no lenience with such improprieties. As of this moment, you have been permanently relieved of your duties. Please see Mister Thorensen in his office to receive your severance pay. Good Day, Miss Camille."

  Jareth then continued to walk us to the elevator as I glared back at the now not so smug Miss Camille. She glanced up and looked at me as I smiled and waved ta-ta.

  That's right, skank ... who's the bitch now?!


  3rd Person POV

  When the elevator made it to the penthouse suite of the twenty-four-story luxury hotel, Sammie's eyes glazed over in wonder. The entire top floor was where she and Jareth would be occupying for the next few days. The massiveness of such a place was incomprehensible to Sammie. She was well aware that Jareth, being over three centuries old, had amassed himself a great amount of wealth, but she had never comprehended the degree of magnitude. Her cheeks blushed as she regarded Jareth. She realized there was still so much that she didn't even know about him, owning a giant luxury hotel being one of them.

  He guided Sammie around their new temporary home, which was surprisingly decorated with modern affixtures, a contrast to the Romanesque mansion they usually resided in. Yet, with the very masculine and stylized decor, she could easily visualize this belonging to Jareth. She took a deep breath and calmed her nerves, reminding herself that she still had so much to learn about her vampire. But, clearly, by bringing her here, Jareth was working on it.

  Jareth leaned over and placed a chaste kiss on Sammie's shoulder. "Are these accommodations to your liking, my love? Is there anything you may need to be improved upon in order to be suited to your tastes?"

  Sammie smiled and wrapped her arms lovingly around Jareth's neck as she stood up on tiptoe to kiss him deeply. "It's perfect, Jareth. Thank you so much for opening your world up to me. I love you."

  Jareth brushed a stray hair behind Sammie's ear and held her eyes lovingly. He lifted her petite frame upwards as she wrapped her lithe legs around his waist, causing her to let out an excited moan.

  "I love you too, my Beloved Samantha. Now, why don't we retire to the bedroom and work on building up our appetites before dinner arrives."

  A roguish grin spread across his lips as he carried Sammie to their bedroom.

  Chapter 23

  Sammie's POV

  When I woke up this morning, Jareth was already at his desk working, per his usual diligent self. So I decided to keep myself occupied and get some exercise time, outside of the bedroom, of course. It’s astonishing the number of things I could accomplish now that I am a vampire. I got in a thirty-minute yoga workout and an hour sparing session in the penthouse’s private gym. I then went for a good fifty lap swim in the gorgeous pool that’s out on our balcony. It was already past noon, so I decided to give my muscles a relaxing dip in the huge Jacuzzi tub located in the master suite. The thing is ginormous; I swear you can fit a good three to four people easily. I leaned back and let the warm pulsing jets soothe the muscles in my back and closed my eyes, enjoying the relaxing sensation. I’m not sure how long I was in there when I felt the presence of another person joining me all of a sudden. I opened my eyes and smiled as my beautiful vampire climbed in behind me, encircling me with his strong arms.

  “This is utter heaven.” I moaned. Jareth chuckled and gave me light butterfly kisses along my neck as I leaned into his firm chest. “What time is the dinner meeting with the wolf guy anyway?” I inquired lazily. Not gonna lie but I was enjoying myself too much just lazing around with my Jareth.

  I could tell Jareth found my terminology amusing as he smirked. “Oh, Samantha, you are truly a delight. The wolf guy, as you so jestingly put it, is, in fact, the Alpha for the Blood Moon Pack.” He continued, “The meeting today is to come to an amicable agreement between his pack and the Vampire Council. It seems that the Blood Moons are the largest wolf pack in the Midwestern region, and they recently acquired a hundred or so additional pack members. Evidently, several rogues have decided to succumb to the pack’s Alpha for protection and will be requiring homes. Unfortunately, the Blood Moon’s territory is not large enough, and they are asking for the Council to allow a few parcels of our lands in exchange for an alliance.”

  “That seems like a good deal … doesn’t it,” I ask curiously.

  “Well, technically, yes, Samantha. There are benefits to forming an alliance between the Blood Moons and the Council. But we also need to ensure that stipulations are in place in order to maintain a diplomatic balance. I have submitted several proposals with the Council. It seems that finally, we have all come to an agreement on which one we shall be presenting to this Alpha Montgomery.”

  Hmmm … why does that name sound vaguely familiar? I asked myself as Jareth continued.

  “The proposal that I have devised will be such that we shall allot one hundred parcels within the southwestern portion of our territory. This new border will still be a safe distance from the Council members but shall place our property, yours and mine Samantha, within approximately five miles from their pack.”

  “Whoa, wait … isn’t that dangerous? Why are we having these rabid mutts so close to our home, Jareth?” I was not too fond of knowing that a pack of wild dogs would be living so close to Jareth and me – not one bit. Mostly since I’m still a newb at being a vampire and fairly sure Jareth won’t be able to take me with him on all his business dealings. This little dilemma would mean that there are times when I’d be left alone.

  Yep, I definitely don’t like it.

  “Samantha …” Jareth replied pacifyingly. He must have sensed my anxiety, not that it wasn’t pretty obvious. “I assure you love; you have nothing to fret about. As I said, there will be stipulations on both ends, ensuring that things remain peaceful. While the Blood Moons shall be rather near the proximity of our home, the Council is also placing several of our own strongest members alongside the border as well. We have also necessitated that the Alpha, his Beta, and his Gamma reside along our border. This was set up as a safeguard to ensure that their pack does not cross into our territory. Placing the Pack's, leaders so close to the Vampire’s border ensures that there will be accountability. If the wolves get past their leaders, who can force the lesser pack members into submission, it shall be deemed an act of war; if that should happen, then the Vampire Council shan’t hesitate to strike. The same accountability falls into my responsibility as well. Those whom I will be placing along the border are all linked to me through our sire bond, and I, in turn. I am linked directly to the Council who can force our kind to submit as well. Should any vampire cross over into the Blood Moon’s land without consent, then it would mean that the Council or I allowed it as a pronouncement of war. So, I assure you, my love, there is no imminent danger. Neither party wishes to wage war against the other. Although, if that would ever happen, I would ensure that you remained unharmed and safe always.” Jareth wrapped his arms tightly around me and kissed me in an attempt to appease my discomfort. I could feel the love and comfort he was trying to relay through his actions, and it warmed my non-beating heart to no end. I would have to have faith in what he and the Council are planning and trust in Jareth. If I knew anything, it was that I trusted Jareth without question. It was these wolves that I knew absolutely nothing about other than what I saw in the movies and TV that had me nervous. I was glad that Jareth was having me accompany him to this dinner meeting with the Blood Moon Alpha, Mr. Montgomery. I wanted to see for myself if this wolf guy could be trusted or not. And if he so much as acted the least bit suspish, I wouldn’t hesitate to call his muttly ass out on it.


  By the time dinner came around, I was a bit apprehensive. I know that Jareth explained that this was a lovely peaceful dinner meeting, even if vampires and werewolves don’t have a friendly history. Jareth even asserted that if by some odd occurrence, things did get heated, I was safe. He assured me by explaining that the entire inside of his hotel was warded from any supernatural attacks. The funny thing was that I wasn’t necessarily nervous about the meeting per se. It was something else that I couldn’t quite put my finger on, and it had been eating away at me ever since he told me the name of the Blood Moon Pack’s Alpha. I again tried bringing up my concerns with Jareth, but he reassured me that there was nothing to worry about. So, I chalked it up as my own paranoia.

  As soon as we ste
pped into the elegant five-star hotel restaurant, my senses were on high alert due to two discerning scents that were infiltrating my nose. The closer to our destination we approached, the more intense the aromas became. The first scent was definitely a wolf, male and powerful yet vaguely familiar. The second was female, yet for some reason, her scent made me more agitated. Once we arrived at our table, there were already two others sitting there waiting for us. The first was the seriously hot werewolf, Alpha Montgomery. He stood up and greeted Jareth and me. There was something familiar about him that was drawing me to him. He had a captivating scent that began to envelop me; it was reminiscent of my favorite holiday beverage, peppermint, white chocolate, and whipped cream. That, of course, surprised me a lot. I mean, he’s a wolf, so my first inclination was that his scent should repulse me, but rather it was quite the opposite; it attracted me to him. I stood motionless, staring at his intense black-violet eyes for a brief moment before I noticed his eye color suddenly reverted to an icy blue coloring.


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