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Page 15

by Jacklyn Scott Rogers


  Not wanting to keep staring at the werewolf, I quickly turned away. Oddly, the man seemed to be studying me as well with the strangest expression.

  Did he feel this strange pull towards me too? And what the heck was up with his weird eye color changes?

  But just as with everything I encounter, any positives tend to come hand in hand with a negative. My senses picked up the pungent second scent, which was the most problematic. It was a manifestation of my own.

  Yes, I am aware of my own scent, and this one was very similar, although there were subtle differences within the fragrance. The similarities were uncanny, and when I noticed who was emitting that odor, my body stilled in revulsion.

  The crimson-haired woman looked up at us between her long lashes, and a snide grin crept along her bright cerise colored lips.

  “Well, well, well. Long time no see Sammie.”

  I snarled at the she-bitch in front of me.

  “Hello, Dasha.”

  Yep color me, surprised folks.


  This is bad, really bad.

  I wanted to lunge for Dasha’s neck, but Jareth quickly held my arm. He shook his head, sending a silent warning that now was not the appropriate time to go Mad Max Beyond Thunder Dome on her ass. So I controlled myself.

  For now, at least.

  Luckily, my demeanor towards his mate didn’t seem to affect the Alpha, or he just chose to ignore it. He and Jareth exchanged pleasantries as we were seated while Dasha and I just glared at each other from across the table.

  Well, this should be a fun-filled evening.


  It turned out Dasha was not his mate but only the Alpha’s longtime girlfriend, which was why she had accompanied him. I laughed at myself, wondering if the Alpha knew what a conniving bitch she genuinely was. I assumed he didn’t and felt a tinge of pity towards his ignorance. I almost wanted to warn him but then decided against it, seeing that he and Jareth were in the process of going through with their negotiations. I didn’t need to cause any unnecessary problems, and I knew any negative behavior would reflect poorly on Jareth.

  Besides, why did I even care?

  I’ve never even met this person before, so whatever his and Dasha’s deal was, was none of my concern.

  Dinner seemed to drag on as I remained silent, listening to the two men finalize their arrangement. I silently stewed in frustration while sipping on a glass of Merlot. In the end, my irritation with Dasha being so near me was becoming too immense. I decided that it might be safer for all parties if I feigned a headache and retired to mine and Jareth’s room. I leaned over to Jareth and let him know my intent apologizing for my discourtesy to both him and the Alpha. But of course, just as I stood up, someone else had the same idea.

  I glared at her and rolled my eyes.

  Annoying much?

  “Excuse me, gentlemen.” Dasha stood up and placed her napkin on the table. “I am still feeling a bit jet-lagged from our trip. I hope you don’t mind if I excuse myself and return to my room for the evening” She leaned down and gave Alpha Montgomery a heated kiss while smugly staring at me.

  WTF really?!!

  As if I care that she’s sucking the face-off of some hot ass werewolf! Wait … what?

  OK, clearly he’s hot but still, whatever. Why should I care?

  She went to try and slither her way past me.

  Instinctively my arm clasped hers as she stepped forward, catching Dasha entirely off guard.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Sammie?” She hissed through gritted teeth. “Get your hands off of me this instance!”

  Jareth and Alpha Montgomery both stared at the events that were unfolding in front of them. It was apparent both were ready to intervene any second should the situation escalate.

  I glared at Dasha. I was not letting her leave without saying my piece.

  “I will release your arm once I’m finished saying what I need to say to you bitch. Because this time, I want to make damn sure you listen before you slither away like the snake you are.”

  She rolled her eyes. No surprise there. “You certainly are pathetic, Sammie, you know that? How more obvious do, I have to be for you to get that our friendship is over. Caput. Finito. No matter how much you ludicrously beg, I have no intentions of rekindling that friendship.” Dasha’s venomous words spewed from her mouth.

  I laughed.

  The nerve of this bitch.

  She ludicrously thinks this is about being friends again. Narcissistic much?

  “Oh, Dasha. You’re the pathetic one. What I have to say has nothing to do with being your friend again. Hell, I doubt we were even friends in the first place. Which is fine because I am so much better off without a backstabbing piece of trash such as you.” I began. “No, I just wanted to give you a little word of advice.”

  Dasha regarded me indignantly. I hit a nerve, and I knew it.

  “I know it was you that tried to have me killed, but because your little minions were so stupid, you failed. So, heed my words here and now, Dasha. If you ever try and have your little lackeys kill me again, think twice. I’m a lot more dangerous than I was before.” My eyes grew black, and I extended my fangs as I growled to emphasize my intention. “Next time, I won’t hesitate to kill you.”

  I released Dasha’s arm, and she glowered as she walked away and grumbled, “Neither will I, Sammie. Neither will I.”

  Seriously does this bitch always have to get the last word in or what??

  Chapter 24

  Sammie's POV

  I immediately made my way back to mine and Jareth's room. I was pissed and needed to calm down. A warm pouch of O+ and a hot shower should do the trick. I hoped Jareth wasn't too upset with me for leaving. Although I'm sure given the circumstances, he would understand. Besides, I'd make it up to him when he gets back. I pulled out the handcuffs and blindfolds, placing them on the bed. A little role play in the bedroom always keeps things spicy.

  I climbed into the pallid Italian marble shower and allowed the hot water to spray over my naked body, soothing my tense muscles. I stared at the beige floor tile, mesmerized, watching the water swirl around the chrome drain before it made its inevitable escape. I rubbed my hands over my face and sighed. The whole time I'd been in the shower, my thoughts have been consumed with not only Dasha but with Alpha Montgomery. There was something about him that I just couldn't wrap my head around. Don't get me wrong; I love Jareth. He's my entire world. But Alpha Devon Montgomery caused something to stir within me. It wasn't his incredible, good looks or that sexy Aussie accent; it was something else. Something unshakable, especially when he shook my hand; a small spark of electricity surged between us. There was undeniably something going on between this mystery man and me, and I intended to find out what the hell it was.

  I emerged from my shower and dried off. I had just slipped on my fluffy pink bathrobe and slippies. I was just about to ready to chillax on the oversized black leather couch and read a book with a glass of wine when I noticed a lavender-colored envelope on the floor in front of the entryway door. I knew that wasn't there when I initially returned to the room, so my curiosity was piqued. I walked over to the door, knelt down, and gingerly picked up the envelope. It was small, but by the weight, I could tell that it contained a card. I turned it over and saw my name written in block lettering.

  Hmm ... was Jareth trying to do something romantic? I wondered. The card enclosed in the envelope was relatively simple. It was all beige except for a single red rose adorned in the center. Inside was a handwritten message.

  I know you felt something when we touched. I felt it too. I think we need to talk. There's something I need to show you. Please meet me on the roof at midnight alone. I promise, I mean you no harm.

  - Devon Montgomery

  Well, I guess I'd be getting the answers to my questions for Alpha Montgomery sooner than I thought.


  I was just about to let Jareth know that I was stepping out for a bit when speaking of the devil, he texted me. Apparently, Jareth received a request from the Council that needed to be addressed tonight, so I was on my own. I texted him back to be safe and that I would see him when he returned. Oh, and I may or may not have texted him a naughty pic of me to remind his sexy ass what he would be missing tonight. Hey, what can I say? If I had to be sexually frustrated tonight, I might as well share the wealth.

  Heh heh.

  Since I wasn't necessarily worried about being dressed to impress, I decided to dress comfy and casual for my meeting with the Alpha. I put on a pair of low-cut faded, ripped jeans with a studded belt, a retro Nirvana baby tee, and my slip-on black Vans. After I pulled my pastel coif up into a quick ponytail, slapped on some mascara and my signature cherry lip gloss, I was ready to head to the roof.


  I stepped onto the luxury hotel roof and was greeted by no one, which confused the shit out of me. I looked down at my watch, 12:01. I was definitely on time, so where was Alpha Montgomery? A chill ran down my spine. For a second, I thought I wasn't alone, but my well-honed vamp vision didn't see anyone when I looked around. I decided to walk over to the ledge and peer over at the sparkling lights that danced around the ground below. The serenity that I felt just looking at all the city lights was almost mesmerizing. Looking down from such a high vantage point, even with my keen vampire sight, everyone just seemed so small bustling around the busy metropolis streets; I could see why New York was labeled as the city that never sleeps.

  Simply breathtaking. I thought to myself.

  I sighed as I looked at my cell phone and noticed that it was already fifteen minutes past midnight.

  Safe to assume that someone wasn't showing.


  Did he change his mind? Was he punking the vampire? What the hell? I was seriously losing my patience and fast.

  A cool breeze blew, making a few strands of my loose tresses of hair blow along my brow, with it carrying another remarkably familiar scent.


  3rd Person POV

  Dasha stood in the shadows watching as Sammie stood atop the rooftop. A sneer formed across her mouth as the woman watched her former friend fall easily into her trap. She knew her cloaking spell wouldn't be able to allude Sammie's senses for long, but Dasha was enjoying her moment watching in anticipation of what she was about to do next. Seeing Sammie oblivious to the predator that stood merely a few feet away almost caused Dasha to laugh out loud, but she knew that would only alert Sammie to her presence. So she remained quiet, barely taking a breath, clutching her dagger. Waiting for just the right moment to strike. Dasha had made every preparation to lure Sammie up to the roof. She had a few of her constituents cause a stir an hour away. She knew that this would incite the Vampire Council to send Jareth over to placate the issue before it got out of hand. Which, of course, it would be. She just needed that damn vampire away from Sammie, so a ruse was orchestrated for just that purpose.

  Dasha noticed that both Devon and Sammie seemed to have some semblance of recognition for each other at dinner. Being the nosey person she was, Dasha knew that it wouldn't be long before Sammie's curiosity would prompt her to figure out its origin. Dasha was not about to let that happen. She'd be damned if she allowed Sammie to destroy everything. So, she played on Sammie's probing nature for her selfish benefit and invited her under the guise of one Devon Montgomery. And, of course, as Dasha predicted, it had worked.

  She noticed as Sammie glanced down at her phone. It was clear; Sammie was getting irritated. There was no way she'd be waiting around much longer. As Dasha slowly began stepping forward, allowing her concealment spell to dissipate, she observed as Sammie was suddenly aware of her presence. Dasha needed to strike now.

  The silver blade flew out of Dasha's hands, immediately flying at a fantastic speed towards Sammie, who instantly managed to smack the dagger away from her face, making it topple to the ground.

  A growl surfaced out of Sammie's chest as she faced Dasha, ready to strike. Dasha stood smugly, glowering at her impending attacker, then let out a wicked chuckle. Her overly confident display resulted in a look of confusion to appear on Sammie's face.

  And just as Dasha had predicted, Sammie collapsed.

  Laughter erupted from Dasha as she approached Sammie's lifeless form. "Oh, Sammie, you're so damn predictable. Did you actually think I was trying to kill you so easily? No, no, dear Sammie. I want to take my time with you. Consider it repayment for all the time I had to deal with you and your stupid bullshit. The silver blade I propelled towards you was heavily coated with a highly concentrated dose of Vervain. I only needed you to nick yourself when you blocked it for the Vervain to affect you." Dasha began binding Sammie with magically enhanced silver chains coated with Vervain to keep her subdued when she finally comes to.

  "Sweet dreams bitch because when you wake up, the real nightmare will begin."

  Sammie heard Dasha ranting off in the distance as she felt herself plummet further into a deep dark chasm. When she landed with a thud, she reached up and grabbed her aching head. Sammie stood up and tried to focus on her surroundings. She was back in an all too familiar corridor. A recognizable voice greeted her, breaking her out of her daze.

  "Welcome back, Beeotch!"

  That's when Sammie realized if she was here again, she was definitely in trouble.

  She rolled her eyes and slowly turned around, facing her companion.

  "Hello, again, Jay."

  Chapter 25

  Sammie's POV

  The moment I saw the long corridor and heard Jay, I knew I was in deep shit. How could I not be? I was in the realm that existed between life and death. This sad fact could only mean that Dasha must be reaping some serious havoc on my body in the natural realm.


  Son of a bitch.

  "What's up, hon? Aren't you happy to see me?" Jay asked as he hugged tightly.

  I nodded and smiled. Although I was always happy to see Jay, it was still a grim reminder of my reality, and that would always cast a dark shadow over our reunion. "Of course, I'm always happy to see you, Jay. I miss you greatly every day. But boo-boo, let's be honest, and I mean no offense; I'd be lying if I'd said I was glad to be here again. I mean, doesn't seeing you pretty much mean there's some fucked-up shit going on up in the real world?"

  Jay rolled his amber-colored eyes and snickered at my obvious frustration. "Oh, come on, Sammie. I promise you won't be here long, my vampy little minx. You'll be back in a couple of minutes."

  "What ... that's not that long, Jay -"

  I was immediately interrupted.

  "Relax, sunshine. Time's way different here. We have plenty of time in this realm to shoot the shit, but up there, you will literally only be out for a short while." Jay grabbed my hand and held it in his while, tracing little circles with his thumb on my palm.

  I sighed and scanned my surroundings. "So, tell me, Yoda, why am I here again?"

  "Maleyna sent me here to help you, Sammie."

  I coughed on air for a second stunned by Jay's words. "What? Why would she send you to help me...does she know what's going on?" I knew I was rambling, but I needed to understand how Maleyna had known to summon Jay.

  "Oh, my little love muffin, I can see the little wheels turning in that gorgeous head of yours." Jay teased as he tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

  "Don't tease me, Jay, just tell me how bad is my sitch really?"

  "Well, that's essentially entirely up to you, hon. But first, I need to fill you in on the juicy deets. So pretty sure you already know who the big bad is in this whole shit show, but it's time you knew everything, and in order to know that, I need you to go through this door."

  He pointed to a red wooden door with a tarnished brass
doorknob. I stood looking at Jay, puzzled.

  "Don't worry, sweet cheeks, this is just a pit stop. You will see me before you go back to your realm, but you need to do this, Sammie." Jay stepped to the side and directed me towards the door. When I opened the door and stepped inside, I was struck with a blinding white flash of light. Immediately my head felt like I was experiencing the world's worst migraine. I gripped my head, trying to suppress a scream when I was suddenly bombarded with a bunch of memories playing in front of me. But not just any memories. Memories of Devon Montgomery and me. Our entire time together. Our love and our relationship's deterioration. Then I was suddenly witnessing Dasha's memories. Her real ones. I witnessed her meeting Devon while we were still in college. She slept with him, and he tossed her aside like she was nothing. Dasha was angry. She used her magic and discovered that I was destined to be his mate. I saw the time that Jay and I included Dasha in our silly blood oath and how she secretly took a sample of my blood and kept it. I watched her hatred grow as I introduced Dasha to Devon and he never even acknowledged her let alone recognize her.


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