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SAVAGE LOVE (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)

Page 7

by Casey, London

  Miller let Ella’s face go and opened the back door. There was the baby. Beck. Miller stared for a few seconds. The baby kicked its little legs and waved its helpless arms. Beck turned his head and looked at Miller, crying out again. Miller climbed into the car and grabbed the car seat. He fumbled around until it became unhooked from the base. He slid out and held the car seat in one hand.

  “I was able to grab some stuff,” Ella said.

  Miller looked at the prospects. “Both of you. Get her shit and follow me. Right now.” Miller then looked at Erik. “Hide her car. Put it around back.”

  “On it, brother,” Erik said.

  Miller started to walk.

  Shay came walking up to him, a lit cigarette hanging from his lips. “Holy Christ. What the fuck is this?”

  “Hey,” Miller growled. He plucked the cigarette from Shay’s mouth. He dropped it and crushed it. “There’s a fucking baby right here. No smoking. Goddammit. Show some respect.”

  “Aye,” Shay said. “My apologies.”

  “Come on,” Miller said and put a hand to Ella’s back. “Let’s get inside and figure this out.”

  “Miller, if you’re busy…”

  “No, darling. I’m not busy.”

  Just a second away from slitting a guy’s throat. Then I planned on cutting his head off. I was then going to leave his burned leather cut and head near the edge of my lot so his guys would find it and know not to fuck with me. Oh, and besides that, darling, I’m going to find a way to kill your fucking husband.

  Miller led the way into the clubhouse. With a commanding order, all smoking was to be taken outside. Little lungs didn’t need that shit.

  Miller put the car seat up on the bar and looked at the baby. The baby’s eyes were wide. There was a flicker of a smile.

  “He’s so confused right now,” Ella said.

  Beck’s head turned and he smiled big when he saw Ella.

  “Ah, he knows his mother,” Miller said.

  “Of course he does,” Ella said.

  “Can I get you a drink? Beer? Whiskey? Something to eat?”

  “No alcohol right now.”

  “You’re not leaving tonight,” Miller said.

  “Not because of that,” Ella said. Her cheeks turned red.

  “Then what?”

  She looked down, then back up. “I breastfeed Beck.”

  “Oh,” Miller said.

  His eyes couldn’t help but look down at her. Her breasts pressing against her shirt. Full and swollen. Miller knew her tit felt different the other night when he touched her. When she took his hand and made him touch her.

  “Food then?” Miller said.

  “No. We’re good. He was sleeping when…”

  Ella lost her breath and started to get shaky.

  “Okay, don’t talk about it right now,” Miller said. “Come on, let’s go to the room. You guys can have my room. Get some rest and we’ll figure this out in the morning.”

  “I can go to a hotel,” Ella said. “If you can just get me there. Safely.”

  Miller put his thumb to Ella’s chin and stroked. “You’re safe here. So is Beck. I swear on it, darling.”

  Ella nodded. “Okay, Miller. I trust you.”

  Damn, those words were like poetry to his outlaw ears. His other hand came forward, memories jogging strong in his mind, making him want to grab Ella by the hand and walk her down to his room.

  But at the last second, Miller’s hand changed course and he grabbed the car seat from the bar. He snapped his fingers and a prospect behind the bar gave him a couple beers.

  It was going to be an interesting night for sure.

  The other prospects were in the clubhouse now, following Miller, Ella, and Beck down the hall. When they got to Miller’s room, they put the bags down.

  “Anything else?” one asked.

  “No,” Miller said. “Get back to the fucking gate and watch it. We’ve had a…” Miller glanced at Ella then back to the prospect. “… situation tonight. Eyes open. I’ll have the guys taking turns on a night watch.”

  The prospects nodded and hurried away.

  Miller opened the door and Ella put a hand to his wrist. Her small hand, delicate fingers, beautiful touch. It set Miller on fire. His cock instantly became thick, full, pressing inside his jeans, seeking out more room.

  “What kind of situation?” Ella asked.

  Miller looked at her and smiled. “Thirty seconds in the clubhouse and you’re going to ask about club business? I guess some things never change.”

  “I’m trying to make sure my son is protected,” Ella said.

  Miller looked down to the car seat. Beck had since fallen asleep. His head to the side, chubby cheeks, a little spit bubbling as he took breaths.

  “I guess the kid is worn out,” Miller said softly.

  “What am I going to do with him?” Ella asked.

  “Let me take care of that.”

  They entered the room. Miller put the car seat on the bed. He turned on one of the nightstand lamps and nothing else. He went to the closet and opened it. On the floor in the corner were some boxes. He crouched down and grabbed one of them, tearing it open.

  “Here,” he whispered.

  Miller took the box to a small alcove in the room. He had no idea what the hell the purpose was for the little space, but now it seemed to serve a purpose. He took a small sleeping bag out of the box and put it on the floor. Then he put a few pillows down, making three quarters of a box looking shape.

  He stood and turned, pointing down. “There. That should work for now, right?”

  “That’s for Beck?”

  Miller nodded. “I’ll send one of the prospects out tomorrow to get a crib for the little guy. You’re taking my bed. If you want to crash with him in the bed, that’s up to you. I just figure for now you can put him here. Unless you want to go to sleep right now.”

  Ella shook her head. “I’ll sleep on the floor next to him. I’m not going to overtake your room, Miller.”

  “Too late. I have a cot in the closet. I’ll sleep right outside. Gun under the pillow, okay? Nothing is going to happen to you.” Miller looked down at the makeshift bed. “Or Beck.”

  Ella put a hand to Miller’s shoulder. “Thank you.”

  Miller looked at her. “I made a promise, darling. I always keep my promises.”

  “Not all of them.”

  That was a cheap shot to the heart. Miller gritted his teeth, knowing he wanted to explode on Ella. But he held back. She’d had a fuck of a night. The last thing she needed was to step back in time and go through what happened. What didn’t happen. What could have happened.

  “Get the little guy,” Miller said. “He doesn’t look comfortable right now.”

  They went to the car seat. Miller reached down and pulled at the straps. The little plastic clip thing didn’t open. Miller tugged again and the car seat shook. Beck let out a shaky breath and jumped.

  “I give up,” Miller whispered.

  “Like this,” Ella said.

  With one press of the little plastic thing, the clip opened. She then gently pulled Beck’s tiny arms out of the straps. Watching her made Miller smile. She was always caring, always gentle. So fucking beautiful. Then… and now. Time did nothing bad to her. Christ, with those full tits… her hips a little extra curvy than he remembered…



  Ella slowly lifted Beck out of the car seat. She then put the baby to her chest. There was a moment right then that Miller never thought he’d see. The intense love between mother and son. The way Beck seemed perfectly comfortable and Ella was finally content. She stood there and rocked left to right, burying her nose to the baby’s head, kissing him.

  “I’ll put him down in a second,” Ella said.

  “Take your time,” Miller said. “Do whatever you need to do. If he’s… hungry… I’ll step out or…”

  “He’s fine,” Ella said. Her cheeks blushed again.

lla turned and walked the baby to the bed Miller had made. Miller put the car seat on the floor. He grabbed Ella’s bags and put them in front of the dresser. He then looked at the bed, suddenly worried if the sheets were clean enough for Ella to sleep in.

  When he took a few steps and looked, he saw Ella on the floor. On her knees, bent over, giving the baby a kiss. His eyes traveled to the line of skin showing where her shirt pulled up. Jeans started where skin ended. Ella’s ass was still nice and round, making Miller’s hands tingle to grab and hold tight, like he’d done before.

  Miller moved forward and went right into the bathroom. He opened the cabinet and took out peroxide, cotton balls, and grabbed a couple bandages and antibacterial ointment. All for Ella’s face. He had to patch her up before leaving her in the room alone.

  When he turned, Ella stood there, a finger at her mouth. “I think he’ll be good. Give him a few more minutes to get settled.”

  “Did he wake up?” Miller asked.

  “No. He’s a good sleeper. He has his own little routine. I kind of messed it up big time tonight.”

  “It happens. He won’t even remember.”

  “I will.”

  Miller had nothing to say. He grabbed Ella by the wrist and pulled her into the bathroom. He quietly shut the door behind her. His hands then grabbed at her hips. He lifted her and spun her around, sitting her on the sink.

  “Let me get your face taken care of,” Miller said.

  It angered him so much that Jerry had done this to her. Smacking a woman around? That was beyond low. That was beyond being scum. That was one rule Miller told all his guys. If they lifted a hand to a woman, no matter what, they would get that hand fucking broken by Miller.

  After all Miller had to see with his asshole father damn near killing his mother on numerous occasions.

  Miller touched her cheek. He swallowed hard, wanting to ask her why she let it happen. Why she didn’t fight back. What the hell she was thinking staying with Jerry because this was definitely not the first time it happened. But none of the questions mattered because Ella was the victim. She didn’t cause it. Not at all. And she deserved to carry absolutely no guilt for this. She did the right thing by leaving, taking herself and the baby to safety.

  “This is going to sting like hell,” Miller said.

  He poured peroxide on the cotton ball. He touched Ella’s cheek. She jumped and winced, whimpering in pain.

  Miller felt his cock getting hard.

  He rubbed her cheek and took the cotton ball away. The peroxide did its job, cleaning out the wound. Ella had one hand on the counter, the other hand on her leg.

  When Miller touched her face again with the peroxide, she threw that other hand forward, grabbing at his shirt.

  “I know, darling,” Miller said. “It’s still kind of oozing here. Got to get the shit out so it won’t get infected and the swelling will go down. I hate to ask this, but did he hit you with something?”

  “I was on the floor trying to crawl away,” Ella said. “And he stomped on my head. My face hit the tile floor. I blacked out for a few seconds or minutes, I don’t know.”

  “Fucking hell,” Miller said, gritting his teeth. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Me too.”

  Miller took the cotton ball away. He dropped it into the sink. His eyes locked with Ella’s and he couldn’t look away. It was impossible that someone this beautiful could be treated like that. Christ, when was the last time she was touched? She was loved? She was fucked?

  His hand touched her cheek again, his thumb grazing over the swollen wound. Ella took a shaky breath. Her hand was tight around Miller’s shirt.

  Don’t do it, man. Don’t fucking do it. She’s technically married. She has a kid. You’re a fucking outlaw biker. You’re going to kill her husband…

  “Miller,” Ella whispered.

  “Darling,” Miller whispered back.

  “Oh… fuck…”

  Miller nodded and pressed his lips to Ella’s a second later.


  Ella kissed back, hard. She couldn’t fucking take this anymore. The waiting, the longing, the lingering heat between she and Miller. And it had only been a few minutes that they were alone. But the passion was impalpable and uncontainable. Not with Miller’s strong hands cupped around her face, her hand ripping at his shirt, her fingertips cutting under, feeling the hard skin of his stomach.

  Rippling with muscle, just like she remembered.

  Miller kept kissing her. His lips and tongue as wild and rampant as his attitude and heart. Each kiss he made sure ended with their lips closing, smacking, then opening right up again for more. The make out session, hands down, was the hottest in years for Ella. She caught herself wrapping her legs around Miller’s body, pulling at him, wanting to feel him again.

  Her hand moved down, from hard stomach to the metal rim of his belt buckle. She kept going, down, knowing she had to move fast before logic and reasoning got the best of her. She cupped between Miller’s legs, feeling the steel like thickness of his cock pressing against his jeans. She made the final decision right then that she wanted him inside her. Just to take her, fuck her, make her forget everything, even for a few minutes or just one night.

  Ella broke the kiss, giving herself a chance to end everything. She could put her hands to Miller’s chest and push him away. She could tell him something, anything, just some bullshit words to stop this.

  As Ella slid her hands to Miller’s chest, her lips quivered with a hunger for more of his mouth. More of his touch. More of everything that was so wrong and bad about Miller that made him suddenly seem so damn right.

  She had her hands right there, right at his chest, ready to push away.

  This can’t happen. It. Can’t. Fucking. Happen.

  Ella felt her hands squeeze, not push. She then caught herself nodding, giving Miller the go ahead for everything.

  One thing Ella knew all too well was that when you gave Miller the chance, he was going to take it. And there would be no stopping him.

  Miller’s lips crashed to her neck.

  “Oh, shit,” Ella groaned, feeling his rough touch to her soft neck.

  His hands went right for the bottom of her shirt, lifting. Those big paws of his cupped over her breasts, but only for a moment. He wanted her damn shirt off.

  Yes, sir.

  Ella felt her shirt lift up and over her head. Miller threw it to the floor and went right for her bra next. He moved fast and with precision, as if he knew there was a time limit on this wild scene.

  When her breasts became exposed, Ella felt very vulnerable. Her chest hadn’t been an object of view or pleasure in a long time. It had been solely for nourishing her son.

  But Miller destroyed all that.

  His hands touched her bare breasts, cupping, squeezing.

  “Fuck, darling,” Miller whispered. His lips flirted with her neck. Kissing. His tongue flickering. “I’ve always loved your tits. They’re beautiful.”

  Ella put a hand to the back of Miller’s head. She pulled at him, wanting him to taste her.

  “Yes,” she purred. “Please, fuck, yes.”

  Miller kissed down her neck to her chest. Ella looked down, shuddering, seeing the outlaw’s lips creeping closer to her breasts. Suddenly she was afraid that something would happen.

  What if I… leak…?

  Before she could say a word, Miller was there. His mouth moving over her breast, taking it into her mouth, sucking at her. The tip of his tongue cut up and down like a beautiful razor, sending pulses of intense pleasure down between her thighs. She pulsed, wetness racing to her sex, making her heels dig at the bathroom counter, pulling, wanting Miller to fuck her.

  As he sucked and kissed, his other hand kneaded at her other breast. Ella put her head back and groaned, losing herself. Miller’s mouth pulled away with a wet pop sound. He kissed up and over, switching to her other breast. It just felt so fucking good. So fucking right.

  Then Ella looked down a
s Miller pulled away again. Their eyes met and something happened. Something clicked.

  This is wrong. This is bad. This…

  Miller slid his hands to her shoulders and pulled her off the bathroom sink.

  Miller kissed the top of her head and whispered, “Hurry.”

  Ella listened, going to work.

  This wasn’t the time for foreplay, digging up memories, and fooling around. This was straight up emotions and the need to fuck.

  Ella sent her hands climbing up Miller’s shirt. He took off his leather cut and allowed Ella to take his shirt off. One of her hands quickly grabbed at his belt buckle, opening it. Both hands shook as she tugged at his jeans, opening them, unzipping them. Her hand moved into Miller’s jeans, easily finding his cock. Her fingers trailed the thick length and her knees started to buckle.

  That’s when Miller pulled at Ella, lifting her, turning. She gasped as he opened the door and carried her out of the bathroom. For a brief second, Ella looked and saw that Beck was still sleeping. That mother instinct would never go away, no matter what.

  “He’s fine,” Miller whispered. “Focus on yourself, darling.”

  Miller put Ella on the floor and then turned her around. One of his hands touched the top of her back, sending shivers down her spine. She tingled everywhere, her toes curling. She had no idea what to expect right now.

  With his other hand, Miller reached around and opened Ella’s pants. Moving with the masterful touch she had always longed for, Miller stripped her pants and panties down to her knees. His hand then cupped at her bare ass, squeezing as he groaned.

  “Fuck,” he whispered. “Right now.”

  His fingers slid down and around, grazing her bare pussy. Ella jumped and gasped, quickly biting at her lip to keep from screaming out. Two fingers plunged into her body, sending a wild storm of fire through her lower belly. She reached for the bed, bending over, her body’s needs taking control.

  Miller was behind her, hands at her hips, tugging at her. She felt him touch her, his thick and intense cock pressing to her tender center. Miller ran his hands up to her sides. He squeezed tight, holding her in place. He added more pressure, forcing her body open, the way she had been dreaming about for years. To break her open, tear down her walls, make her feel beautiful like she had felt before.


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