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Regency Romance: Duke’s Forbidden Love (The Fairbanks Series - Love & Hearts) (Historical Romance Fiction)

Page 2

by Jessie Bennett

  “Completely understandable.”

  “I agree.”

  “If you have any room, my lady, I would like to put my name on your dance card.”

  The look on Anna’s face was priceless. She stared at him for a moment before handing him her card without a word. He put his name on the card for the next dance.




  At the same time, Anna was thinking about the events of the night before. The Christmas season had always been her favorite. She wanted to be as festive as possible and made sure that she wore the brightest greens and reds she could. She longed for snow but so far, it had only rained.

  She sat up in bed, grateful that a fire had already been started in the hearth of her room. She enjoyed getting out of bed to a warm room. She would have to express her continued gratitude to Martha when she saw the young scullery maid.

  She swung her legs over the edge of her bed and stretched up toward the ceiling. She felt exhilarated, excited, happy. She also didn’t know why she felt that way. In the back of her mind, a young Duke had her attention. She was trying to block it out by humming a tune while she got ready. Quickly she realized she was humming the song she had danced to with young Duke Watson.

  She felt somewhat confused. There was surely no way that he was much older than her own son. He was no more than 23, she was positive. She didn’t feel in danger when she danced with him. She didn’t feel out of place or wrong. In fact, she felt perfectly matched in his arms, spinning around the dance floor. She allowed his face to come to the front of her mind and held his image there for a time. He was tall and had sweeping dark hair. His eyes were a tremendous hazel color, his gaze was sharp as a tack. His arms were strong when he held her to him as they danced. His hands were sculpted works of art.

  She shook her head. Apparently, this young Duke had very much caught her eye.

  A knock at the door brought her attention back to reality.

  “Mother?” The door opened and Drake put his head in. “Mother, are you decent? May I come in?”

  “I think it would be a little too late if I was not decent, Drake. What do you need?” Anna stood up, taking her robe in hand and crossing the room as she pulled it around her shoulders, sliding her arms into the sleeves gracefully.

  Drake smiled at her. “You are never not decent, mother.”

  Anna laughed. “What is it, Drake? What do you need?”

  “I have a plan for the Christmas Festival and I was told to consult you about it. It’s for church.”

  “You were asked to be in charge again this year? That’s wonderful news, Drake. I’m so proud of you.” Anna gathered her son in her arms and gave him a warm hug. He returned it and when he pulled away, he had a large smile plastered on his face.

  “You seem really happy, mother. Has something changed? Is someone courting you?”

  Anna was taken aback. She took a step back from him. “Why would you say that? No, I’m not being courted.”

  Drake’s smile lessened but he tilted his head and she could still see a sly grin in his eyes. She knew him well enough to know his facial expressions.

  “Drake…” she used a humorous warning voice. “Don’t…”

  “Mother, I see something has changed. You don’t look the same.”

  Anna shook her head. “You don’t know what you are talking about. You aren’t even 18. You don’t know what love looks like yet.”

  “So, you are in love!” Drake laughed, throwing his handsome head back and lifting the sound up into the air.

  “I did not say that.”

  “You do not have to say it, mother. Is it Duke Doughtery? Or the Earl of Viscount, we met last night? Who is it you are interested in having as your suitable mate, mother?”

  Anna closed her eyes, shaking her head. She lifted one hand and placed it on her son’s shoulder, turning him abruptly towards the door. “It’s time for you to leave and let your mother get dressed.”

  “Mother, I know you are interested in someone, I can see it. Tell me who it is. Please? Come on, mother. Tell me.” Drake allowed himself to be pushed toward the door. He was laughing as he flattened himself against the wall beside the open door. “Tell me, tell me, tell me…”

  “Drake! You are acting like you are six years old.”

  Drake was still laughing. “It’s so fun. You should try it sometime.”

  Anna was having a difficult time not seeing the humor in the situation. She wanted to laugh with him but she dared tell him the information he wanted. She wasn’t even sure of these feelings herself, much less who they were for.

  “I must say that I find myself acting like a child more often than I would wish. But you must go. I must get dressed. Now go.”

  Drake drooped against the wall and rolled out as though he was boneless, flopping from one side to the other. “Aww, Mother!”

  Anna burst out laughing and gave him a final soft shove. Once he was out of the way, she shut the door, making sure it was not closed violently. She could hear Drake in the hallway, walking away, singing a made-up song about a mother who was stingy with her love life information. His words made her laugh harder as she turned back toward the room and began to get ready for the day.

  “My lady? You have a visitor.” Gerald stepped to the side and allowed Anna’s visitor into the dining room. She was seated on a chaise lounge near the window. It was a place she typically had her lunch because she could see so far out over the land through the window and it made her feel more comfortable than the hard-high-backed chairs that surrounded the long dining table.

  She looked up from her book and set down the glass of tea she had been sipping so that she could sit up.

  “Why hello there, Duke Doughtery. How are you today?” She stopped a few feet away from him and lowered herself into a curtsy. He returned the gesture with a bow, removing the hat from his head and holding it to his chest as he did so. When he stood back up, he tossed the hat to the side. It landed on one of the small tables near the doorway he had just come from. He gave her a grin.

  “Lady Anna Maddy. It is truly an honor to see you today. I am fine. And yourself?”

  She gave him a smile in return and looked him up and down. He was well over six feet and had dark hair with shocks of white throughout. He was dressed well and carried with him the presence of a much younger man. He was in his early fifties, nearly ten years older than she was but often displayed peculiar mannerisms that made Anna want to shake her head in confusion.

  She held out one hand to a small black cushioned chair near her chaise lounge. He took a seat and she lowered herself to the lounge, holding her hands in her lap. She found herself quickly lost in thought, wondering what it would feel like if Duke Watson had been the one to pay her a visit today. She wondered what she would say to him if he ever showed his face to her again. She couldn’t help feeling like she hoped that day would come soon.

  “I am well, my lord. Thank you for asking. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?” She hoped it wouldn’t take long. Duke Doughtery was an excitable man. He held strange views on many subjects and liked to speak of them nearly every time they were alone together. It was as though he didn’t remember that he’d already discussed those topics with her the last time they spoke. It wasn’t something she was likely to forget. Especially after hearing the same stories several times. She could give him one thing. The fact that he told the same stories and never deviated in the story let her know that was he was saying was true.

  His views on politics and religion were odd. He wanted everyone to know it. She mentally prepared herself for whatever he was getting ready to say. She usually responded to his words with teasing and humor. She didn’t think it would be any different today.

  “I just thought, I would pay a visit and see how you are doing. We didn’t get many dances together last night.”

  “Yes, I am sorry about that.”

  “Do not apologize, my
lady. You are looking quite nice today.”

  She smiled at him again. “Thank you. You are looking well for your age and mental state.”

  She was glad when he laughed. “Oh dear. You are feisty today, aren’t you? You must have had a wonderful night at the ball.”

  “I did, yes.” Anna giggled.

  “My mental state is not in question, is it?” Ben glanced around them as though he suspected people were watching them. “Are they coming to take me to an asylum?”

  “An asylum, yes.” Anna answered.

  “I would not be surprised. They would not know what to do with me, my lady.”

  Anna shook her head. “My lord, I barely know what to do with you myself.”

  They both laughed.

  “You seemed to be enjoying your dances with the young Duke Bryan Watson.”

  “He is a charming young man.”

  “Yes, he is. I believe your father does banking for his family company.”

  “Yes, Duke Watson did mention as much.”

  “He is well known in the business circle.”



  “What is he known for?” Anna felt a bit of apprehension flowing through her. What was Duke Doughtery about to tell her about Bryan?

  “Oh, it is really not for me to say.” Ben looked away. Anna frowned.

  “Please sir. You mentioned this and now you will not reveal your thoughts? How very unfair of you.”

  Ben looked back at her. “I do not mean to offend, my lady. I am not trying to be unfair. I am simply concerned for your safety and well-being.”

  “Has the young Duke murdered someone?” Anna wondered why she was becoming defensive. She’d known Duke Watson for less than one day and already felt the need to defend his honor.

  “Of course, not, my lady, I….

  “Well, what is it that he has done that you will not reveal to me? I can always ask my father. I’m sure he knows Duke Watson.”

  “I am certain that he does. And you should ask him his opinion, if you choose to spend any amount of time with the young duke.”

  “Tell me what you are not willing to tell me, my lord, or I will be very upset with you. You do not want that, do you?”

  The Duke grimaced, his long face becoming stressed. “I do apologize. I have not really heard a lot about him. It seems very few people know him well and some question his motives. It is only rumors I have heard. I felt it imperative that you would also hear about them.”

  Anna frowned. “Question his motives?”

  “He is known to be someone who…extorts money from his father’s business.”

  Anna was immediately suspicious. For a moment, she pictured Duke Bryan in her mind, wondering if this kind of thing could possibly be true. It wasn’t the vibe she had gotten from him. It didn’t seem right.

  Was Duke Doughtery lying to her? What would be his reason to lie?

  Despite the warning words, all Anna wanted to do was find the young Duke and talk to him again. She would find out who he really was all on her own.




  “You must see the beautiful dress I bought for the ball tonight.” Anna smiled at her cousin, Elizabeth Worthington, as she sipped her tea. She was grasping the cup with both hands and holding it up in front of her face. She was chilled to the bone, having ridden to Worthington Manor in frigid temperatures. The fire was burning bright and hot in the fireplace, warming her up. Her fingers, however, remained as cold as ever. She tried to keep herself from shaking.

  “I look forward to it, my dear.” Elizabeth noticed her shaking hands and glanced at the fire to see if it needed to be stoked. “You are so cold, Anna. Is there anything I can give you, like a warm blanket or a shawl?”

  Anna smiled at her. “I don’t think so, Liz, but thank you for offering. I just need to get some of this hot tea in my tummy. It will warm me up from the inside out.”

  “Yes, I understand. I hope you like the tea. It’s a new flavor Shawn brought back from the Netherlands when he visited a friend who lives there.”

  “It’s delicious. Thank you.”

  “Of course, my dear.”

  “How has Shawn been? I haven’t seen him in a while.”

  “He has been doing a lot of traveling lately.”

  “I am anxious for the ball tonight. Are you?”

  Elizabeth smiled. Anna had been a firecracker; as long as she had known her. She thought the world of her cousin. “Do you have your eye on someone, Anna? It’s about time for you to marry again, isn’t it?” Her face suddenly fell somber and she leaned forward, casting sympathetic eyes on Anna. “Oh, I didn’t mean that. I shouldn’t have said that. I know how important your dear man was to you.”

  Anna nodded. “Don’t worry, cousin. I am better than I was a year ago, I hold him in my heart but I had long decided to move on.”

  Elizabeth’s grin was back. “Yes, that’s what I’ve heard.”

  Anna was taken aback. She narrowed her eyes, looking at her companion sharply. “What do you mean?”

  Elizabeth noticed the look. “I…um…well, I had heard something…” She trailed off on her words and looked away from Anna for a moment. She hadn’t meant to spread rumors. She truly thought what she was told was a fact, not a rumor.

  Anna set her cup of tea down on the tray, so that it clinked loudly. She cocked her head. “What have you heard?”

  Elizabeth hesitated. Anna could tell she was stalling for time, wondering how to tell Anna the news about her life. “It’s just that…well, I heard that you were soon going to be engaged to Duke Doughtery. He was seen visiting your house on several occasions and you have gone with him to restaurants and on outings with your son. It seemed a logical conclusion to me.”

  Anna rolled her eyes. “Oh no, not that again. Liz, you don’t know what I’ve been going through with my father over this very topic! I am not courting, nor will I ever be married to Duke Doughtery.”

  Elizabeth looked confused. “But all of the outings and the…”

  “My father set those up, each one of them. I know he means well; but I really am not interested in being married to Duke Doughtery.”

  “I am surprised by that. He seems very wise and interesting.”

  Anna snorted. “Oh, Liz. If you only had to spend time in his presence when you didn’t wish to. Then, you would not be as interested in his tidbits of unusable knowledge.”

  Elizabeth laughed. “Oh, Anna, you are so funny. I really would never have thought of it that way. Or him. I always thought he held the best conversations. And he’s very social. He is out and about in the town. A very well-known bachelor.”

  “And bachelor he shall remain.” Anna said, firmly, causing Elizabeth to burst out into another gale of laughter.

  “I see your mind is made up.”

  Anna nodded, her bright auburn hair bouncing on her head. She had put it up in many pins and enjoyed the way it sat on her head. She treasured the pins she used for her hair. They were lined with pearls and small diamonds, they were custom made of pure silver and had been fashioned to stay in her fine strands of fire kissed hair. “I have my eye on another bachelor right now!” She blurted out.

  “Oh?” Elizabeth’s eyebrows shot up. She stared at Anna over the rim of her cup. “Who is that?”

  “Duke Watson.”

  Elizabeth blinked for a moment. She continued to gaze at Anna’s face. “Pardon me? Who did you say?”

  “Duke Watson. Duke Bryan Watson.”

  “The young Duke from Albemarle?”

  Anna smiled. “Yes, that is him. I am intrigued by him. I would like to find out more about him.”

  Elizabeth was being very quiet. Anna knew why but didn’t want to approach it. She pulled in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Your face tells me what you think, Liz. I know what you’re going to say.”

  Elizabeth pressed her lips together. “I do not believ
e your father will approve of such a romance, Anna. You, in fact, know that he is spreading the rumor that you are to be engaged to Duke Doughtery in due time.”

  Anna’s heart sank. She had known it was her father spreading the rumors and that the Duke hadn’t denied them. She just hadn’t wanted to accept it.

  “I…I know. But Liz, this…this is something unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I…I didn’t become intrigued on purpose. It’s simply that…when I was introduced to him at the ball last, I…I was…” She lifted her eyes and gazed into her memory, seeing Duke Watson’s face in front of her. She blinked a few times and stopped speaking. She was surprised back to reality; when she heard Elizabeth’s cup clinking hard on the saucer. Elizabeth leaning forward, choking on her tea. Her hand was over her mouth and she was spurting tea through her fingers as she coughed.

  “Good Lord Almighty!” Anna exclaimed, standing up quickly to pat the Duchess hard on the back. “My lady! Are you okay? Liz? Can you breathe?”

  Elizabeth finally got herself under control, thanking Anna for the towel she offered. “Th…thank you, Anna. I…I choked.”

  “I noticed. How did that happen?” Anna sat back down in the chair opposite Elizabeth.

  “I…I was watching you…you went deep into memory, oh my goodness, Anna, you really have it bad for this young man. And you only just met him two or three days ago,”

  Anna nodded. “I know. But it has come to pass. And I am interested in finding out more about him.”

  “But everyone will object to such a relationship.”

  “I just want to talk to him, not marry him.”

  “Not yet.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Elizabeth shook her head and sat forward, scooting her tea cup and saucer to the side. She clasped her hands together and set them down on the table between herself and Anna. “Right now, you only want to talk to him. But it’s as plain as day that you long for more. And to make things much worse, Duke Watson is a very good-looking young man. He can have any woman he wants. Why would he…”


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