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Regency Romance: Duke’s Forbidden Love (The Fairbanks Series - Love & Hearts) (Historical Romance Fiction)

Page 3

by Jessie Bennett

  Elizabeth stopped herself, but not before Anna caught on to what she had been about to say. Elizabeth shook her head. “I should not have said that. To be honest with you, Anna, I can see why a younger man would be attracted to you. Even if they had never experienced such an attraction before.”

  Anna tilted her head to the side. “Please explain? Are you insinuating that I look like a desperate woman to you?”

  “No, not at all, Anna. I’m simply saying that you carry a youthful vibrancy that men find attractive; no matter what age they are. You are level-headed and kind. You do things for people who can’t do anything for you. It doesn’t matter what age a man is. If he is mature enough, he will recognize quality and, in turn, be attracted to it.”

  Anna pulled in a big breath again. This time, she held it for a bit. It almost sounded as though Elizabeth would support such a relationship. She already knew that should she pursue anything, she would be rebelling against her father and possibly damage her son in some way, as he was closer to Bryan’s age than she was.

  But the intrigue she felt when she thought of Duke Watson made her heart race. She suddenly would feel an overwhelming happiness that brought an instant smile to her face.

  She only knew of one emotion that caused that kind of reaction.

  She didn’t know him well enough for her senses to react to him the way they did. She could compare it to an injection from a doctor. As soon as she considered his blue eyes, she wondered what he was thinking and hadn’t stopped wondering that every moment of the day since. She went about her business and didn’t show it on the outside; but she felt like she was being pulled to find him, to talk to him. It was the strangest thing she’d ever felt.

  “Would you be in favor of such a romance?” She asked.

  Elizabeth lowered her eyes. Anna could tell she was thinking again. That was the best thing about Elizabeth. She always weighed her thoughts before she expressed them. If that put a small pause in the conversation, then so be it.

  “You must ask yourself how you are going to react when others do not take it well. You…you are a special woman, my dear. You really are. Most of us who know you well think highly of you. I really cannot think of anyone who does not think highly of you.”

  Anna giggled. She could think of a few. She was sometimes cruel to Duke Doughtery but felt justified for her actions because he’d been forced upon her. She also tended to lose her temper at times and raise her voice. These were not things she was proud of and she didn’t regularly go around telling everyone she met about her flaws. But it was nice to hear that people thought of her so highly.

  “You have so many friends, Anna. I won’t be surprised if you encounter many of them who will be accepting of any relationship that makes you happy, regardless of obvious obstacles. But it doesn’t need to be an obstacle. It can be a hurdle. And you just need to get over the hurdle.”

  “Oh Liz, you are so wise.” Anna smiled wide. “What would I do without a friend like you?”

  “Be left without vast amount of wisdom, I suppose.” Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders.

  Anna laughed at that. “You are such a delightful friend, Liz. I am so glad we are friends.”

  “As am I, my dear. Now I do believe you wanted to show me the dress you will be wearing to the ball?”

  Anna didn’t want to stop talking about Duke Bryan. She wanted to know what the Worthingtons thought of the Watson family. She wished she could ask her father and really get into details about Bryan specifically but she dare not. He was not going to be happy to hear that she wanted to pursue someone else, least of all someone so much younger.

  But she also knew, in all honesty, that she was not going to be able to do any less.




  Bryan pulled himself up on his horse and leaned forward to pat the large animal on the neck. Pontius snorted and lifted his long nose. “There, there, boy. You will always be my trusty steed, I promise.” He had the horse since he was a child. He didn’t know how many more years the big beast would be able to carry him.

  “You are talking to your animals again, my lord?” Bryan looked down into the laughing eyes of his stable groom, Allan.

  “Yes, I find their conversations are sometimes more interesting than the ones I have with humans.”


  “Yes, sir.”

  “Well, I would suggest continuing that practice then, my lord.”

  Bryan grinned.

  “Are you off to the city then?” The stable boy didn’t seem to want him to leave. He thwarted his impatience and nodded.

  “Yes, that’s right, Allan. I have some errands to attend too.”

  “Safe travels to you, your grace. I do hope you have a pleasant journey and visit.” Allan took a step back and bowed at the waist.

  “Thank you, Allan.” Bryan turned Pontius toward the trail that would lead him through the surrounding woods to the road toward the city. He wasn’t going to take the main path from the big house. He wanted some time to think before he got on the main road. He’d been unable so far to remove the distinguished Lady Anna from his mind. He longed to talk to her, to find out what her innermost thoughts were. He wanted to know if she enjoyed the taste of certain foods and meals. He wanted to know her favorites; so, that he could have them cooked for her every night. Not all of them…but one at a time.

  He laughed at his own thoughts as he rode. What was it that intrigued him about her? He couldn’t put his finger on it. It wasn’t even an instant physical attraction. He just wanted to talk to her. To be close to her.

  He let his thoughts linger on her as he made his way down the path through the woods. Every now and again, a hare would run past or a squirrel would scurry up a tree. His eyes took in the sight but his mind was not on them. It was on a certain woman that he couldn’t help but, to have a longing for.

  He was just taking note of his confusion of this sudden attraction, as he led Pontius onto the main road. There were other travelers in front of him and more behind him. He was preparing himself to think about Lady Anna all the way to the city. Then he heard a distinct voice calling out to him from behind.

  “Duke Watson! Your Grace!”

  He halted Pontius and turned in the saddle to see Duke Benjamin Doughtery coming toward him on his own horse. One hand was lifted high in the air. The Duke had a large grin plastered on his long face. “Duke Watson!” He called again, as if he didn’t see Bryan staring right at him.

  Bryan smiled.

  “Hello, Duke Doughtery, how are you, sir?”

  “I am well, thank you, and you?”

  “I am also well.”

  “That is good. Would you care if I travel with you? You are going into Fairbanks, correct?”

  “Yes, that’s right.” Bryan nodded. “You may travel down this road at any pace you choose, my lord. If that is the same as mine, how can I object?”

  Ben laughed. “I feel that didn’t seem as friendly as you intended, my lord.”

  Bryan just smiled at him. He had not necessarily meant it to be friendly. He didn’t particularly want to travel with Duke Doughtery. He’d heard rumors that the older man was planning to court and marry Lady Anna.

  That was the last thing he wanted to happen. He had only just met the woman but he couldn’t deny the instant bond and would give anything to know if it was shared by her. Did she feel the same way? He had to find out.

  “Don’t be absurd.” He said aloud. “There is no better pleasure than traveling with a friend.”

  “Aaah but are we friends? I did not know you before last night.”

  “This is true. I suppose we must become friends.”


  A short pause took over the conversation. Each man thought about what they wanted to say but couldn’t. Duke Doughtery could not get his mind from the fact that Lady Anna, a woman he was truly in love with, he was almost positive; was showing attention toward a
nother suitor. It was someone she ought not to be carousing with.

  Bryan was only thinking about the face and the smile of a woman he admired and respected more than any other woman he’d met in his life. He’d lost his mother at a young age and had never become truly close to his step-mother, who had not come into the picture until five years after his own mother’s death. He didn’t care what Ben Doughtery thought. He only wanted him to stop talking to Lady Anna. Since that wasn’t bound to happen, he kept his mouth shut and saw no reason to pursue it further.

  “May I ask you a personal question, my lord?” Duke Doughtery broke the pause in the conversation. Bryan braced himself. He felt strongly he was going to at least slightly object to whatever question the Duke had to offer.

  “Of course, your grace. What is it?”

  “Did you enjoy dancing with Lady Anna at the ball?”

  Bryan instinctively smiled. “I did.”

  “She is a delightful woman.”

  “She did seem to be so. We had very good conversation while we danced. She is quite intriguing.” He couldn’t help spilling over with his compliments, though in the back of his mind, he knew that he was talking about a woman the Duke traveling with him was supposed to be marrying in the future.

  “She is a taken woman.”

  Bryan’s heart almost stopped. He kept his cool in front of the Duke, narrowing his eyes at him as Pontius strode down the road. “I was under the assumption her husband died in a construction accident last year.”

  “Yes, that did happen to her. A real tragedy. I was devastated for her, I truly was.” Bryan could tell Ben meant what he said. His long face pulled down and he lowered his eyes. “She is a pure soul and did not deserve to lose such an important part of her life.”

  “Yes, I agree.” Bryan looked away from the Duke to stare down the road in front of them. “So why do you say she is taken, if this is so?”

  “She will be marrying me in a few years.”

  Bryan frowned. “In a few years? What is keeping you from this important date?”

  It was Ben who created the silence as he hesitated to answer. “I feel certain she will be ready by that time.”

  Bryan’s frown deepened. Ben made it sound as though he were grooming a horse. “She is no cattle or animal to be groomed, Ben.” He said aloud before he could stop himself.

  Ben grunted. “I have been working toward marriage with her for some time now, son. There is no doubt of it.”

  Bryan shook his head, bristling at being called ‘son’. The Duke had stripped him of his rightful title and the proper respect he was due, simply to insult him. “I do not see things that way, sir. And I would beg you to watch what you call me; as I am of the same level of nobility as you are.”

  “It will eventually come to pass, my lord. You need only wait and see.” Ben gave him a wicked grin and chuckled deep in his throat. “You are not old enough to understand the nuances of life and your title didn’t give you that understanding. She will quickly bore of your attention and come back to what is reliable for her.”

  “Reliable?” Bryan thought of the conversations he’d had with Lady Anna. She seemed like the wild and adventurous type. She described many of the places she’d been and relayed memories to him that made him jealous he had not been there to share it with her. He wanted to make memories with her now. He vowed silently not to let Duke Doughtery interfere with his plans. “She doesn’t want stable and reliable, my lord. She desires adventure, fun and happiness. These are not things a person with a mundane life is capable of experiencing.”

  “It sounds as though you believe you know her well.”

  “I admit, I do not know her well.”

  “Have you visited her house?”

  “No, I…”

  “Have you sent a messenger to arrange a meeting with her?” Ben pushed on.

  “No. I am…”

  Again, Ben cut him off with his own words. “Don’t you think there’s a reason for that? Either you are too young to know what to do or she isn’t interested; and shows it by not reaching out to you.”

  “It would not be appropriate for her to reach out to me.” Bryan could not help thinking there was an ulterior motive for Ben’s sudden interest in his relationship with Lady Anna. If there was even a relationship to speak about at that point.

  “And one of the biggest reasons is because of your age.”

  The creeping doubt threatened to take over Bryan’s mind. “I will not listen to that.”

  “Well, I do suggest that you heed my warning, Duke Watson. There are many people who will come from the woodwork to protect Lady Anna. She has made a spotless reputation for herself that everyone who loves her will strive to protect. Do you understand that?”

  “I do understand that there may be hardships but…”

  “Prepare yourself for the worst. You will find that most people will not accept what you desire to attempt.”

  “I am not concerned with that.”

  “You should be concerned about her reputation, if you care about her enough. It is an obvious sign that you do not know or care about her; if you are willing to put her in harm’s way.”

  Bryan screwed his face up. “In harm’s way? How would my courting the Lady Anna be harmful to her in any way? Or harmful to anyone else? Why would she be in danger? And who from?” He was ready to pounce on anyone who tried to hurt the woman.

  “You have known her for several days. I have known her for years.”

  “That says nothing to me.” Bryan shook his head. “The only thing I perceive from that is that you have not succeeded in your path to marriage with her, even after decades of persistence, even despite her marriage to another man.”

  He could picture Lady Anna dancing with Duke Doughtery. The sour look on her face never left until she cast her eyes upon him and a smile would glow from her. He’d watched her spin around the dance floor, secretly jealous of all the other men she danced with but not daring to say a word, as she was not yet his.

  “I would suggest that you discontinue your pursuit of Lady Anna.”

  A thought came to his mind and he narrowed his eyes at Duke Doughtery. “I have not expressed my desires to you regarding Lady Anna. Why are you mentioning these things to me, these warnings of sorts?”

  Duke Doughtery sighed heavily. “I visited her earlier today.”

  “What does that have to do with me?” He felt sudden hope. “Did she speak of me?” He couldn’t help the anxious smile that passed quickly over his lips. When the Duke didn’t immediately deny it, his heart began to race. “She did speak of me, didn’t she?” His tone was almost triumphant. Duke Doughtery grimaced and grunted again.

  “She may have said something about you, yes.”

  Bryan pulled back one side of his lips in a half-grin. “What did she say?”

  “I don’t feel the need to discuss private conversations with you, sir.” Ben’s horse was pulling ahead a little bit as he tried to get away from Bryan.

  “I must know.” Bryan said, happy thoughts swimming through his mind. “Did she speak of me first? Or did you bring up something to do with me?”

  “I brought you up to her.” The Duke conceded.

  “And what was her response? Did she ask you about me?”

  “I am not willing to speak of this anymore.” With that, Duke Doughtery pressed his heels into his horse and the stroll turned into a fast trot. Bryan watched Ben leave, unable to hold in a big smile. The beautiful lady had been thinking of him.

  She had been thinking of him.




  The room was filled with liveliness, people talking, dancing, laughing. Bryan scanned them, watching for the one face he desired to see more than any other. She had not yet arrived, it seemed. He was standing with a drink in his hand next to the host of the evening, Duke Shawn Worthington. He had been coaxed to join the Duke and his wife Elizabeth by none other than the Duchess herse
lf and he could not say no to the prominent and much beloved couple. Why they were interested in his presence, he was unsure.

  “Your Grace, I have been meaning to ask you a question.” Elizabeth said, leaning toward Bryan so that her soft voice would be heard. He smiled at her and she saw right away what Anna saw in him. Still, his youth didn’t fail to escape her. Personally, she felt that Duke Watson had been through quite a lot in his years, having to become the Duke so suddenly when his father was forced to give up the title by order of the Prince Regent. Disgraced, the only thing the man had been left with was his estate and his job. The Prince Regent liked Bryan and had given him the title he’d taken from Bryan’s father. It had all been a hushed-up affair and no one really spoke of it unless there was good reason.

  She wondered how he faired, living in the same house with the man whose title he had taken.

  “What is that question, my lady?” Bryan asked.

  “What do you think of our lovely Lady Anna Maddy?”

  Elizabeth’s question was so forthright, it took Bryan a moment to understand what she’d said. He was even more confused when her smile grew large. He narrowed his eyes. Elizabeth leaned even closer.

  “You know what is very amusing?”

  “What’s that, my lady?” He was glad to be given the excuse to get away from the subject of Lady Anna, though he was suspicious as to why Elizabeth had moved on from the topic.

  “When I was speaking with Lady Anna earlier and the conversation fell on you, sir, she had that same look on her face that you had a few moments ago.”

  He blinked rapidly and struggled not to pull one side of his lips back in a satisfied grin. His heart took a leap every time he felt she might have been thinking about him. He gave Elizabeth a sheepish look and dropped his gaze. “I suppose you object to the…possibility.”

  “Lady Anna is my cousin. I have known her for a long time, since we were children. She is not one to take things like this lightly. She is a fun-loving woman but also very serious and intelligent. She deserves a special man. Do you believe you are qualified to take a position in her heart?”


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