Shatter Me (The Jaded Series, #1)
Page 24
I knew that my hot showers were a little too much, but it was truly the only way that helped me stay clean all those years. I feel sorry for scaring him. I turn my head and nuzzle my face into his neck.
“I’m sorry I worried you. The hot showers were my coping mechanism, but I’ll try and tone it down a bit in the future. I know they aren’t good for me, but I was desperate to feel clean again after seeing what was in the box. Seeing that decimated doll brought everything back to me.”
“I understand, Angel, but if you ever feel the need to take one, please come to me first. Talk to me and I’ll do everything it takes for you to overcome the dirty.”
I nod my head against his neck. “Okay.”
My body is worn out from the heat and abuse of the shower and my eyes start to drift shut. Right before I succumb to sleep, I hear a knock coming from the front door.
“That’s the police,” Jaxon says and slowly pulls away from me.
All I want to do is get into bed with Jaxon holding me and sleep, but I know that we have to make a report first. I get up and follow Jaxon out of the bedroom to the front door. After looking out the peep whole Jaxon opens the door and I’m surprised to see Mac on the other side.
He’s dressed casually with a button up hunter green shirt and a pair of dark jeans. On one hip is a badge and on the other is a holster carrying a gun. My jaw drops. This must be the sheriff that’s a good friend Jaxon was talking about.
“I didn’t know you were a cop,” I say dumbfounded.
Both Mac and Jaxon chuckle, making me feel even more like an idiot. I frown at my lack of knowledge.
“Don’t feel bad, Bailey. In a town like this it’s not very often I have to wear a gun and badge. Now, why don’t y’all tell me what’s going on here.” Turning to Jaxon, he says. “You said something about a package.”
I stay behind when Jaxon leads Mac out onto the porch. No way am I looking in that box again. I shudder at the memory. Walking into the kitchen, I decide to make a pot of coffee. After searching for a few minutes, I find everything that I need. The kitchen smells of fresh coffee by the time Jaxon and Mac come into the kitchen.
Jaxon walks to my side and places his arm around me. Mac stands across from us.
“Bailey, hunny, I know it’s hard for you to talk about it, but I need you to tell me about your husband Steven. Jaxon’s filled me in some, but I need to hear it from you.”
I look to Jaxon and he gives me an encouraging smile. “It’s okay, Angel. I’ll be right here with you.
After making all three of us a cup of coffee we take our mugs and sit at the table. For the next half hour I tell Mac everything about Steven, leaving nothing out. He takes notes and interrupts me a few times to ask questions. I watch while Mac’s jaw begin’s to tick during the more gruesome parts, noticing as his eyes get hard. The whole time Jaxon is at my side and I feel the tension radiating off him.
By the time I’m done my brain is exhausted and a mess. I know that it’s necessary for me to tell Mac what happened with Steven, but it’s still hard to speak about. I went from having no one but Chris knowing about the mess of my life to six people knowing.
“Okay, I think that’s enough. I’m going to go to the station and run a background on Steven. I’m also going to make a few phone calls to find his movements within the last several days; credit card statements, cash withdrawals, etc. I’ll also ask around town to see if anyone new has been lurking about.”
He closes his little notepad and gets up from the table. When he picks up the coffee mug to take to the kitchen, I stop him. “Don’t worry about that, I’ll get it.”
Walking him to the door, we all stop and Jaxon reaches his hand out for Mac to shake. “Thanks for coming all the way out here, Mac. Keep us posted on what you find out.”
“Will do. In the meantime, keep an eye out. If you see anything suspicious or if he contacts you again, Bailey, give me a call. This guy seems like a real nut job.” He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a card and hands it to me. “My mobile and office number are on there.”
“Thank you, Mac.” On an impulse, I walk over to him and place a small kiss on his cheek.
I go to step back, but Mac grabs my arm lightly. “I’m so sorry for everything you’ve been through but don’t worry. We’ll catch the sick son of a bitch and he’ll pay for all he’s put you through.”
I have no idea what happened between Mia and him, but I do know that Mac’s a good guy. Whatever the issue is I hope they eventually work it out. Anyone would be lucky to have him.
After saying our goodbyes, Jaxon closes the door, locks it, and sets the alarm. Turning to me, he bends to my level, places both hands on my cheeks, and looks straight into my eyes. “How are you doing?”
Scrunching up my face to show him my distaste of the whole matter I tell him honestly. “I hate talking about it, but I know I have to. It gets a little easier each time I rehash it.”
Jaxon gets closer and kisses my lips softly. Pulling back, he asks me, “Are you hungry or do you want to go straight to bed?”
My stomach is in knots so I don’t know if I can handle food right now. I tell him as much and we make our way to the bedroom.
Once inside, we both strip down for bed, I decide to wear one of Jaxon’s t-shirts and Jaxon in nothing. I never thought I would enjoy sleeping with a naked guy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way with Jaxon. I still haven’t worked up the courage to prance in front of him naked though.
Slipping into bed, I immediately make my way over to his side. After he is situated he holds out his arms to me. I lay my head on his chest, throw my arm around his waist, and my leg goes on top of his. He pulls me closer until I’m plastered against his body from head to toe, just the way I like it.
I fall asleep wrapped in a big, warm, and safe Jaxon cocoon.
Chapter Nineteen
Jaxon and I both are doing last minute chores at the bar before heading home. He’s in his office finishing up the rest of his daily paperwork and I’m wiping the counter down and putting away the dishes from the dishwasher. It’s one in the morning and I’m drained. It was hectic tonight and I’m ready to settle down and relax.
Mac was in earlier, much to Mia’s dislike, to tell us that nothing came up on Steven’s background check. This information didn’t really surprise me since he’s a public defender and, as such, probably wouldn’t still be a public defender if there were incriminating information in his past. He also said that he couldn’t find any traces of his credit card being used outside of his town. No cash withdrawals either. And no one’s seen anyone of suspicion hanging around. No fingerprints were found on the box. All of this was discouraging, but came as no surprise. Steven isn’t stupid. He won’t leave trails behind. Mac reiterated for me not to worry and that he still had a couple things he wanted to look into.
Anna left today to surprise Nick with a visit. She was so excited when she stopped by the house this morning to say goodbye. I’m so happy for her that she finally got the opportunity to be with him while out of town. She may not be able to go with him every time, but even every once in a while will make a big difference.
I spoke with Chris a couple of times and filled her in on current events. She was, of course, upset and threatened again to come up. It took some work, but I finally got her to agree to wait until she had originally planned to visit.
I feel a slight slap on my butt and turn around squealing. Andrew is standing there with a towel twisted getting ready to flick me with it again. I narrow my eyes at him, daring him to do it again. He looks at me with an adorable innocent face, but we both know it’s fake. Andrew is anything but innocent.
“What? It wasn’t me, I swear! It was that guy.” He throws his hand over his shoulder pointing with his thumb and ever so naturally throws the towel over his shoulder as well.
Knowing that no one is behind him I keep my eyes fixed on him. An idea forms in my head.
“So, you like to play games, huh?”
I casually walk closer to him and he eyes me cautiously. Just before I reach him I stop. “You look at little hot, Andrew. I think you need to cool off.” I quickly reach over and grab the sprayer from the sink and direct it at him and pull the trigger. A hard blast of water hits him square in the chest.
The look on his face is priceless. I don’t know what’s funnier; his expression or the fact that I one-upped him. I drop the sprayer and double over in laughter.
“Oh, you’ll pay for that, beautiful,” Andrew says as I stand back up, trying to compose myself. He starts towards me and I turn to flee. I only get a couple of feet before he has his strong arms wrapped around me and is tickling my ribs. I howl in laughter and squirm to try and get free.
A strong masculine voice filled with mirth interrupts our teasing. “What are you doing with your hands all over my woman? Go get your own girl.”
Andrew drops his arms and we both turn to see Jaxon standing there with a smirk on his face.
“Well, hello there sexy. If I didn’t know better I would say you’re jealous of Bailey here. Don’t you worry, baby, there’s more of Andrew to go around.” He says in his equally masculine voice. He finishes his ridiculous spiel with a wink at Jaxon.
I laugh at Andrew’s antics. Jaxon chuckles and shakes his head. “Maybe next time.”
Andrew fist pumps the air and hisses. “Yesss!” Knowing that it would never happen.
“Are you ready to go? We have to get up early tomorrow.” Jaxon asks as he walks up to me.
Jaxon’s mom is hosting a bar-b-cue tomorrow while the weather is still reasonable, and most of the town is invited. We promised we would come early to help her set up.
“Yep, just let me get my purse.” I bend down and grab my purse from under the bar.
“Need anything from upstairs?”
“Yeah, I wanted to grab a few more items of clothes.”
Before leaving the bar Andrew grabs my hand to stop me. “I meant to ask you earlier. How are you holding up?”
I ended up telling Andrew everything yesterday at work. We’ve grown closer the past several weeks and it didn’t feel right keeping something this big from him, especially with Steven being so unpredictable.
“I’m hanging in there. I haven’t heard from him in a couple of days. I hate not knowing what his next move is. There’s no telling what he’ll do next.”
“Well, whatever it is you know you’re surrounded by people that want to help, including me. Don’t be afraid to ask for it. Promise me.”
I kiss his cheek and whisper in his ear, “I promise. And thank you for being such a wonderful friend.”
After we leave the bar we head upstairs where I gather a few things and put them in a small travel bag. Locking the door behind us, we head out to Jaxon’s truck. The motion of the ride and the very long and busy day has my eyes drifting closed. I wake again to the feel of Jaxon carrying me in his arms into the house.
“You can put me down. I can walk now.” I mumble sleepily.
“Nope, not gonna happen. I like having you in my arms.”
I snuggle deeper into him while he walks through the house and into his bedroom. He doesn’t stop to put me down until we reach the bathroom. I’m so tired that I stumble a little when he lowers me to my feet. Jaxon steadies me and reaches to turn the shower on.
“Come on, let’s get you clean and into bed.”
I reach for the bottom of my shirt, but Jaxon bats my hands away. “Let me.” He removes my shirt first, then my pants, bra, and panties. His hands are slow and his gaze is appreciative and I know he likes what he’s revealing. I’m left standing there naked and just a tad bit uncomfortable.
Stepping back from me he watches my eyes as he takes off his clothes next and I forget about my modesty and my tiredness. I’m completely awake now.
My eyes trial after each body part that is exposed. My breath catches when he’s standing in front of me in the buff. This man is so breathtaking that it amazes me every time I see his naked form.
“Like what you see, Angel?” He asks me, already knowing what my answer will be. There is no way this man cannot know how hot he is. How I got so lucky will forever be a mystery to me.
After roaming his body, I bring my eyes back up to his and see a smirk on his face. “You have to know how utterly beautiful you are, Jaxon.”
He takes a step towards me. “Beautiful, huh? Don’t know if I like that word, unless it's in reference to you.”
I watch as he takes another step closer to me. “ about handsome, hot, completely breathtaking? Would those words work for you?”
He’s standing in front of me now and he molds his body to mine, wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his face in my neck to take a nibble.
“They’ll do.” He mumbles there. “Now, get in the shower before I have my way with you on the bathroom counter.
His words send a thrill through my body. I definitely wouldn’t mind him having his way with me on the counter, but I feel icky with sweat from a hard day’s work.
Stepping in the shower, I release a sigh as the warm water hits my body. It’s not my usual hot shower, but it feels good regardless.
Jaxon steps in behind me and grabs the coconut shampoo bottle. After squirting some in his palm, he instructs me to turn around. I do so gladly, loving the thought of him washing my hair. He lathers my hair and massages my scalp gently, then washes away the suds. Grabbing the matching conditioner he runs his fingers through the strands and then rinses that as well. Next, as all men tend to do, he quickly and carelessly washes his own hair, skipping the conditioner.
Jaxon grabs a wash cloth and applies my favorite cucumber melon soap to it and works it into a soapy lather. Stepping up to me, he commences to washing my body, starting first with my neck and slowly working his way down my chest, stomach, and legs. He hands linger on my breasts and my private area.
“Gotta make sure I clean them good,” He says and gives me a wink.
He picks up each foot and runs the rag over the bottom and even between my toes, which causes me to giggle.
“Turn around.”
I turn my back to him and feel the rag working its way back up my legs. When he reaches my bottom Jaxon drops the rag and I feel his bare fingers touch my center. My breath catches and I let out a soft moan. He doesn’t put his finger inside me, just lightly stroking me from my clit to my opening.
“Lean forward, Angel, and brace your hands on the wall. Spread your legs for me.” He says in a husky voice.
I do what he says, which leaves me bent at the waist with my butt in his face. A shiver runs through me at the thought of what he’s going to do.
My head drops and I release another moan when I feel his lips kissing and skimming across my butt cheeks. Both of his thumbs go to my opening to spread me open.
“I’ve wanted to taste this pretty pussy since the first time I saw you. Are you ready?”
Feeling bold, I push my backside towards his face and gasp out a, “Oh God, yes! Please, Jaxon!”
He chuckles lightly.
The first contact of his tongue running over my clit has me crying out and my body bucking.
“Easy, baby,” Jaxon says in a gruff voice.
Grabbing a hold of my hips to steady me, he trails his tongue back over my clit and down to my opening. He slips the tip inside before pulling back out and making his way back to my clit, where he latches his lips around it and sucks, hard. I clench my hands into fists against the shower wall and cry out again.
Jaxon takes one of his hands and reaches up to grab my breast and flick my hard nipple. His other goes under me and finds my clit. Using his thumb, he starts rubbing it in a circular motion. His lips and tongue have moved back to my opening. While one hand is tweaking my nipple and the other thumbing my clit Jaxon starts fucking me with his tongue, moving it in and out.
My body is in sensory overload and won’t last much longer. When Jaxon has his tongue in me and starts swirling it around, it s
ends me over the edge. I cry out my orgasm and scream his name.
Once my body has settled Jaxon stands back up and brings my back flush against his front. I feel his hardness against my lower back.
“That was so fucking sexy.” He growls in my ear.
With one hand wrapped around my middle Jaxon takes his other and places it around my neck, gently applying pressure until I turn my head towards him. He runs his tongue over my lips and kisses me softly.
He reaches down to move his hard shaft until it’s between my legs. I feel it between my folds resting against my clit, which sends another shock wave through me. On instinct, I clench my legs around him, trapping him. He lets off a low groan and starts moving his hips. Although he’s not inside me the wetness from me and the shower and my legs squeezing him I know that it has to feel good for him.
All of a sudden Jaxon spins me around and lifts me up. I immediately wrap my legs around his hips and my arms go around his neck. His thick cock slides inside me in one powerful movement. He slams his mouth down on mine and ravishes my mouth. My back hits the wall and he starts pounding his hips forward.
This is different than all the other times we’ve made love. This isn’t making love, this is fucking. This is pure, raw need. And I love it. I love that Jaxon’s control has let loose. I know he worries that he’ll hurt or scare me, but what he doesn’t realize is that I have absolutely no fear of him. For him to lose control in the bedroom, or in this instance the bathroom, is something I look forward to, which is something I never thought I would do. It’s liberating and freeing.
Jaxon’s ruthless pounding continues. He has a hold of my butt and each time he thrust forward, he pulls my body to him. With each push forward his pubic bone slams against my clit. Every few pushes he grinds me down on him, which sends even more shocks to my clit. His hips hit so hard against mine that I may end up with bruises tomorrow, but I don’t care. It feels too damn good to care.
After several more minutes, my body can take no more and I shatter into a thousand pieces. Jaxon throws his head back and gives off a guttural growl to signal his own release.