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White Apache

Page 22

by tiffy

  ʺI was only pretendingto keep him from killing you. Spybuck asked meʺ

  ʺNo more lies, Elise,ʺ he said raggedly as he held her in his arms, feeling her soft breasts pressed against his chest. As always, she smelled of violets and that siren essence that was as old and beguiling as Lillith. With a muffled curse, he admitted to himself what he had come to doand it was not to kill her.

  As he savaged her mouth, his fingers dug painfully into her scalp, holding her head immobilized. She opened to him and her tongue darted out, colliding with his, then dancing hungrily around it. He felt her arms circle his neck, then move lower, feeling the bandages with which Manuelʹs wife had wrapped his lacerated back. ʺYouʹre gravely hurt,ʺ she murmured into his mouth, but he ignored her protest and pressed her back into the bed.

  Elise gloried in the feel of his warm, hard flesh rubbing against her chilled skin.

  She could feel the rapid beating of his heart. You are alive, my love, alive! His rough, yet sensual assault left her no time to reason or protest further. Someone had aided him, tended his injuries, yet instead of escaping he had returned to her, to punish her for what seemed to him a far more heinous betrayal than the lie about Edouard.

  Nothing would convince him that she was innocent. All she could do was to hold him close, to love him one last, bittersweet time. The memories would have to last the rest of her life. With a sob she gave into his unleashed passion, trying to say with her body what she could not say any other way.

  Santiago ripped her sheer cotton nightgown, baring her silky flesh. Her skin felt chilled in the cold night air until his hands and mouth warmed it. For all your treachery, you cannot control your bodyʹs response to my touch.

  Neither could his own raging desire be banked once he felt her soft curves mold against him. As he continued kissing her mouth, throat and breasts, he tore at his own clothing, tossing his weapons on the floor and unlacing his shirt. She helped him, unbuttoning his fly and shoving his pants down his hips.

  When her hands touched the hot, hard length of his phallus, he trembled, then growled low in his throat as he pulled her silky thighs wide and caressed the dark curls at their apex. She was wet and hot for him, trembling with a hunger as desperate as his. If only he could forget her as easily as she would forget him once the pleasure of their coupling was over. Angrily he thrust into her, pounding his hips against hers.

  Elise felt his fury and knew its cause as she enveloped him, wrapping her legs around his waist. Come to me, deeper, make us one. Rather than punishing her, he gave her startlingly intense pleasure, his desperation fueling her fiery ache, filling a void that would forever after this night remain empty. She arched and bucked, pulling him closer, closer yet in their primal mating dance.

  With his hands tangled in her long skein of silken hair, he labored over her, lowering his mouth to hers and plunging his tongue inside, imitating the motions of their joining in perfect rhythm. He could sense her reaching the crest, then felt the rippling convulsions of her release. With an oath he followed her over the rainbow abyss, spilling his seed deeply inside her in several long, slow thrusts that robbed him of thought and breath.

  When he collapsed atop her, she could feel his heart thudding against hers as his hard chest rubbed her tender breasts. She buried her face against his neck and held him tightly, willing their union never to end. His hoarse, breathless voice whispered in her ear, breaking the spell even as he pulled free of her body.

  ʹʹRemember this when next you lie in the arms of your French husband. Youʹll never burn for another man as you do for me.ʺ He rolled from the bed, pulling up his pants and refastening his clothing.

  Elise sat up with a small sob of frustration and reached out to him, knowing how useless it was, yet unable to stop herself. ʺPlease, donʹt gonot like this. You must understandʺ

  ʺI understand well enough. You arenʹt the first woman to betray me, Elise.ʺ He seized a fistful of her hair and pulled her from the bed. In the dim light, he saw her mouth open as if to screambut she did not.

  Elise silently pleaded with him not to kill her, yet before she would cry out and draw the soldiers, she resolved to die quietly. He raised his fist as if to strike her jaw, then cursed and dropped it.

  ʺIf you feel you must, do it.ʺ She thrust her jaw out, ready to take the blow. When he still hesitated, she said, ʺDo it and be done!ʺ

  He did not strike her hard, but when she crumpled in his arms, Santiago was frightened for a moment that he had seriously injured her. Then he felt the steady beating of her heart. He took a deep, painful breath and laid her gently on the bed, covering her with the heavy woolen blanket. Placing a soft kiss on her bruised jaw, he slipped silently from the room.

  Night Wind and Spybuck stood on a hillside looking down at Santa Fe. It was barely dawn, and gold and fuchsia light cast deep shadows through the mountains, striking the valley floor. Few stirred in the city.

  ʺHis body is not in the prison. Would that I could claim it before I make those who killed my brother pay dearly, beginning with Raoul Castal,ʺ Night Wind said tightly. His grief was bottomless, but he would hold it at bay until Santiago was avenged in the Apache manner.

  ʺIt is possible that he is not dead.ʺ Spybuckʹs voice sounded hollow, yet he was willing to grasp at any straw. ʺLet me go into the city and see what I can learn.

  No one will recognize me disguised as a cibolero. Before we attack, let us learn all we can. I will devise some way to speak with Elise.ʺ

  Night Wind nodded. ʺI will take my men to Analco and talk with our friends there. Silver Hairʹs family may know my brotherʹs fate. Already I know Castalʹs.ʺ His face was like granite. ʺCome to us when you are finished in the city.

  We will plan vengeance then.ʺ

  They split up, and Spybuck rode toward Santa Fe while the rest of the warriors followed their stony‐faced leader to the shanties of Analco. As they circled around the Indian village to approach obliquely, a lone rider appeared from between two of the larger adobe houses.

  Joaquin reined in and watched from a hiding place behind a stand of cottonwoods. The light was dim, yet . . . could it be? He recognized the big bay stallion.

  ʺTrue Blood would allow no other rider on his back,ʺ he murmured to himself, afraid to believe. Signaling for the other men to remain behind, he rode onto the trail and approached the horseman who had broken into a canter once clear of Analco.

  Santiago saw his brother and immediately spurred the bay forward to reach him.

  One look at that dark face told him all he needed to know. ʺI am not a ghost, Joaquin, come to haunt the living. I escaped from Castal. Manuel retrieved my horse for me.ʺ

  The two men seized each otherʹs arms and held fast for a moment suspended in time.

  Eyes glassy with unshed tears, Night Wind said hoarsely, ʺWe found the prison empty and assumed we were too late.ʺ

  Suddenly the poignant silence was broken as a cry went up from the jacals at the edge of the settlement. A column of soldiers rode through the dusty streets, trampling garden plots and knocking Indians aside as they caught sight of the two riders and recognized the oneʹs bay horse. ʺQuinn!ʺ They began firing.

  ʺIt is time to ride, my brother,ʺ Santiago said as they wheeled their powerful mounts around and headed south. From the cover of the trees, Night Windʹs men fired at the small party of presidials and three of them fell, leaving only four to pursue. Not expecting their quarry to have armed allies, the remaining soldiers turned and fled back toward the river.

  ʺWe will ride for the stronghold before they alert Castal,ʺ Joaquin said.

  ʺWhat of Spybuck?ʺ

  ʺHe is in the city. I will send a messenger to him once we are clear of the patrols.ʺ

  In a flurry of dust, the band of raiders took off at a gallop, quickly leaving the river valley behind and vanishing into the mountains.

  ʺYou are keeping something from me, Liza,ʺ Samuel said as he studied her haunted face and the slight discoloration along the si
de of her jaw. ʺAnd donʹt tell me that fairy tale about falling against the washstand in your room again.ʺ

  He watched her as she swallowed and stared out the window. ʺHe came here in the night, didnʹt he? And the son of a bitch struck you!ʺ He seized her shoulder and turned her around.

  Looking at his outraged face, she thought sadly, Edouard did far worse than strike a mere blow. Aloud she said, ʺYes. Santiago came to my room.ʺ Her eyes pooled with tears and she forced them back. ʺHe overheard my exchange with Castal as we were riding to the prison yesterday morning. He thinks I was a party to his torture, Samuel.ʺ

  Shelby swore beneath his breath as he took his sister in his arms. She broke down at last and began to sob. ʺYou never cried, even when that foppish Frenchman treated you like dirt.ʺ

  ʺI did not love him.ʺ

  Her voice sounded so forlorn, it tore at him. ʺYou canʹt love a renegade whoʺ A soft tap on the door interrupted them. Impatiently, Samuel commanded the caller to wait while he handed Elise his handkerchief. When he opened the door, Spybuck stood in front of him.

  ʺI see you have learned of Santiagoʹs death,ʺ he said softly as he watched Elise wipe the ravages of tears from her face.

  ʺDeath? Did they recapture him?ʺ She blanched as she seized the big Creekʹs arm. ʺHe escaped yesterday! Heʹd found helphis back was bandaged.ʺ

  ʺHow do you know that?ʺ

  ʺI . . . he came to my room last night. I assumed he slipped away after that.ʺ She watched the expression on Spybuckʹs normally impassive face change from a grimace to a look of joyous disbelief.

  ʺHe has escaped then! When we arrived at the prison this morning, we found it deserted. Night Wind has ridden for Analco and I came here to learn what you knew. We feared the worst.ʺ

  ʺSamuel brought Governor Alencastre back early yesterday, but Santiago was already gone. I wish he had waited for you and his brother to free him. The governor would have prevented any further torture until you arrived.ʺ

  ʺTell me everything about Santiago and Castal,ʺ Spybuck commanded.

  ʺSantiago is gravely injured. Castal had him whipped.ʺ Elise shuddered as Samuel held one arm protectively around her shoulders. She quickly related everything that had occurred since the Creek had ridden for help. ʺSo, you see, Santiago is hiding somewhere while patrols scour the countryside for him. You must find him and take him to safety.ʺ

  ʺIf he has eluded them so well, they will not catch him. Night Wind will know where to search. Santiago has probably gone to Analco, the very place his brother is right now. You and your brother are now Castalʹs bitter enemies. Best you come with me. I would not rely overmuch on the good will of any Spanish governor, no matter how honest you think him.ʺ

  ʺNo, Spybuck,ʺ Samuel interjected firmly. ʺAlencastre may not trust us completely, but neither does he trust Castal. The governor is a man of his word, and he promised us safe passage back to American territory.ʺ

  The Creek turned from Shelby and studied Elise for a moment, then asked, ʺDo you not wish to be reunited with Santiago?ʺ

  ʺI am not certain what I should do,ʺ she whispered, unable to meet Spybuckʹs imploring face.

  ʺThis was his parting gift to my sister,ʺ Samuel said as he gently lifted her jaw, revealing the darkening bruise. ʺIʹm taking Liza home as soon as Alencastre will give us escort.ʺ

  Spybuckʹs eyes never left Elise. ʺIs this your wish, as well?ʺ

  Elise looked pleadingly at her brother. ʺPlease understand, Samuel, I have to see him one last timeto tell him face to face that I didnʹt betray him. Then . . .ʺ She turned away, uncertain of what the future would bring. ʺYou can wait here.ʺ

  ʺAbsolutely not! If you insist on this madness, Iʹm going with you.ʺ He eyed Spybuck warily. ʺHow far is this Indian camp?ʺ

  ʺThe journey will take several days of hard riding.ʺ Spybuckʹs usually impassive face broke into a devilish smile as he added, ʺElise will have to vouch for you, Lieutenant, else I would never jeopardize the safety of Santiagoʹs people by bringing an American army officer into their secret stronghold.ʺ

  Chapter Twenty‐Four

  By the time they neared the Guadeloupe Mountains, Samuel had begun to grow at ease with the incredible Creek who spoke like an Oxford don and dressed like a cibolero. He had led them on an arduous journey, doubling back, hiding their tracks by riding in stream beds, and taking every precaution so no one could follow them. It took three days before he was satisfied. Then they rode directly into the heart of the mountains.

  The magnificence of the country awed both Shelbys as the lush river valley gave way to rolling foothills. The grandeur of the stark, jagged mountains was softened by fragrant Ponderosa pines and junipers.

  ʺThis country is even wilder and more isolated than the northern country I traversed with Pike,ʺ Samuel said when Spybuck reined in between two giant boulders.

  ʺSoon we will arrive,ʺ he said as he waved his arm to some hidden sentry, then kneed his piebald into the icy waters of a rushing mountain stream.

  Within minutes, they were riding around the side of a steep cliff, following the sparkling creekʹs course until it led them to the stronghold. The village was well concealed in the labyrinth of valleys that threaded the peaks of the Guadeloupes.

  Elise and Samuel studied the encampment with a mixture of trepidation and curiosity. Two warriors with shoulder‐length hair held back by buckskin headbands clutched what looked to be new Kentucky rifles. Their bodies, encased in well‐worn buckskin tunics, were squat and well‐muscled. Both nodded to Spybuck but eyed the whites with impassive bronzed faces.

  ʺNot exactly a hearty welcome. Glad Iʹm out of uniform,ʺ Samuel murmured.

  ʺIf you were in uniform, I am afraid even I might not be able to save your life, lieutenant,ʺ Spybuck replied genially as he led the way toward the orderly array of lodges with smoke rising from the openings at their tops.

  The air was brisk and chill in spite of the brilliant sunshine, and the people were warmly dressed. in furs and buckskins. Children played, laughing and running between the hide‐covered teepees. Few adults were outside, but as soon as word spread of Spybuckʹs arrival with a white man and woman, they began to file out of their homes to inspect the visitors. Most seemed curious, the women a little shy, as Spybuck led his companions through the gathering crowd to where an imposing older man stood with arms crossed, waiting for them to dismount.

  ʺI bring you greetings, Hoarse Bark,ʺ the Creek said in the Lipan dialect he had been practicing.

  ʺYou bring me more than that, I think,ʺ Hoarse Bark replied drily, eyeing the dark‐haired white couple.

  ʺThis is the Red Eagleʹs woman, Elise, and her brother, who is called Samuel.

  They have come to see that all is well with my friend.ʺ

  Hoarse Bark inspected them as Spybuck dismounted and indicated that they should do likewise. ʺThen they are welcome.ʺ

  ʺThey are both fluent in Spanish, so you may converse freely with them,ʺ

  Spybuck said as he made introductions.

  As soon as the amenities were over, Elise worked up her courage and addressed the Lipan chief. ʺI would like to see Santiagothe Red Eagleif I might.ʺ

  ʺYou have journeyed far to join him. He is within that lodge.ʺ He gestured to a teepee across the clearing.

  Elise nodded to Samuel and Spybuck, then walked resolutely toward the hide-covered edifice while Hoarse Bark offered Spybuck and Samuel hospitality.

  When she reached the lodge, Elise knew she was trembling. For days now, she had thought about what she would say to him and was no closer to having an answer now than she had been at the beginning. Is it too late for us, beloved?

  Not knowing protocol in an Apache village, where knocking on a skin‐covered lodge was not an option, she called out in English, ʺSantiago. Itʹs Elise. May I come in?ʺ

  Across the clearing, the three men stood expectantly until Hoarse Bark noted the way Spybuckʹs eyes continued sweeping the village. ʺDesert Flower is within
the lodge with the Red Eagle, tending his back. I imagine she will be out shortly.ʺ He coughed discreetly, then added, ʺIf you wish to wait for her, I will see to our guest.ʺ Eliseʹs call brought a response from a feminine voice in the Lipan dialect.

  The old medicine woman Spybuck had told her about? She hesitated a second, then opened the flap and stepped inside.

  The beautiful Apache woman from the ranch sat on a big pile of soft furs with a bowl of some sort in one hand. Santiago lay facing the opposite direction, seemingly naked beneath the furs. Ana was daubing a paste from the bowl into the lash wounds on his back.

  ʺYou!ʺ Ana exclaimed, almost dropping the medicine.

  At her accusatory tone, Santiago roused himself from the stupor in which he had been drifting. His head still ached and his back, although healing, was painful enough to have cost him a good deal of sleep. He stared at Eliseʹs pale face and blinked his eyes in disbelief. His heart pounded in his chest, squeezing breath from his lungs, but he sat up with complete self possession and said quietly in Lipan, ʺLeave us, Little Sister. I would speak with the white woman alone.ʺ

  Ana watched his face and saw desire still smoldering beneath his anger, and she knew it would serve nothing to argue. She set down the bowl and rose, saying quietly in Spanish, ʺWhen you are through with her, I shall return to finish treating you.ʺ

  Eliseʹs eyes never left Santiagoʹs face, but she felt the hatred radiating from the beautiful Lipan, who brushed past her and left them alone.

  ʺWhat witchery did you work to follow me here?ʺ He began to rise but before he could, she stepped around the fire and knelt in front of him on the fur pallet. He could smell violets.

  ʺNot witchery, Santiago. Spybuck brought us.ʺ

  ʺUs?ʺ was all he trusted himself to say.

  ʺSamuel came with me.ʺ ʹʹSamuel, your beloved brother.ʺ His tone was withering.

  ʺYes, my brother, who rode to bring Governor Alencastre while Spybuck sought your brother and I . . . I fabricated a tale to placate Castal so he would not kill you before they returned.ʺ


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