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White Apache

Page 23

by tiffy

  ʺThat should have come naturally enough,ʺ he said in a flat voice.

  A stricken look crossed her face, then she lowered her lashes and looked down at her hands. His nearness addles my wits. I cannot talk! ʺI spun him quite a yarn, involving your title and the vast wealth you were supposed to have hidden in banks across New Spain. I donʹt know if he believed the lie, but he was interested enough to test me. . . .ʺ She shuddered and raised her eyes to meet his. ʺDo you believe Spybuck would have brought Samuel and me to this camp if what I am saying were not the truth?ʺ

  Santiago stared into the violet depths of her eyes and remembered the way she had embraced him that night in Santa Fe. He felt his guts twist as he realized that she was telling the truth. ʺAnd I struck you, querida,ʺ he whispered hoarsely.

  ʺYou did not know,ʺ she said gently.

  ʺBut I judged you without giving you a chance to explain. However much I desired you, I never trusted you, and now I know my suspicions were groundless. You risked your life for me with Castalwere even ready to die at my hands rather than betray me to his guardsand I struck you.ʺ He stroked her face where that blow had landed.

  Elise closed her eyes and leaned forward, drawn to his embrace as she had always been, ever since that first kiss in the Chouteausʹ garden. Her hands reached out and touched his chest, feeling the warm hardness of muscle and the springy crispness of russet hair. She slid her palms over his shoulders and dug her fingers into his back to pull him closer. When he flinched in pain, she immediately released him, remembering the terrible slashes inflicted by the lash.

  ʺOh, my darling, Iʹm sorry. Let me finish dressing your back.ʺ As she murmured low, he did not let her go, but lowered his mouth to kiss her, stopping her protest.

  ʺDamn my back.ʺ His words were muffled against her silky skin as his mouth moved with ravenous hunger over her face and neck, feeling the pulse at the base of her throat accelerate wildly.

  Elise held him to her, but the memory of the beautiful Lipan woman flashed into her mind as Ana called out in Lipan.

  ʺRed Eagle, Hoarse Bark and Spybuck would speak with you. Also the one who claims to be the white womanʹs brother.ʺ

  He pulled his mouth away from the velvety lure of Eliseʹs flesh and struggled to regain his composure. With a grimace, he said to her, ʺIt seems I will at last meet your brother. The timing could have been better.ʺ

  ʺHe would not allow me to come without him,ʺ Elise replied, praying Samuel did nothing to offend Santiagoʹs Apache allies.

  ʺWe will come to the lodge of Hoarse Bark directly,ʺ Santiago called out to Ana.

  Ana opened the tent flap and stepped inside with smug confidence. ʺYour wounds must be dressed and bound ere you can don a shirt.ʺ Her eyes met Eliseʹs and dared her to protest as she knelt beside Santiago and picked up the bowl of medicine. ʺTurn Red Eagle, so that I may finish what I started.ʺ Her double meaning was not lost on her white rival.

  He muttered a Spanish oath and turned his back. Elise gasped as she saw the raw, oozing cuts and weals that crisscrossed his back.

  ʺWhite men did this,ʺ Ana said with a venomous glance at Elise.

  ʺMy old enemy did it, Ana. Elise saved me from dying at his hands in that prison.ʺ

  Ana made no reply, but finished applying the paste to his back, then reached over to a skin container against the wall and extracted some clean white cotton to bandage his back.

  Her familiarity with the lodge made Elise surmise that it must be her own. She has tended his wounds here in her own dwelling. What other needs had the beautiful Ana tended to for Santiago?

  As if reading her thoughts, Ana smiled at Elise. The feral, possessive light in her glowing black eyes was an open challenge.

  Samuel watched his sister and the attractive Lipan woman emerge from the lodge, followed by a tall, lean man with long, curly russet hair. In spite of his Apache clothing, the hard‐looking devil had no Indian blood. Shelby knew he was the half‐Irish renegade whom his sister loved. He had to admit that Quinn was a splendidlooking specimen, but lord, the coldness of those green eyes!

  As the dark‐haired stranger inspected him, Santiago had no doubt that this was Eliseʹs brother. Samuel Shelby had the same ebony hair and strong, arresting features, merely shaped in bold, masculine strokes. His blue eyes regarded Quinn with wary hostility.

  Spybuck broke the tension between the two men, who were sizing each other up like a pair of Roman gladiators. ʺThis is Lieutenant Samuel Shelby, Santiago. He went to no little risk and trouble seeking Governor Alencastre in Taos while Castal held you prisoner.ʺ Santiago extended his hand to Shelby. ʺI am greatly in your debt, lieutenant.ʺ

  ʺBut much more in my sisterʹs debt,ʺ Samuel replied. His meaning was not lost on Quinn as they shook hands guardedly.

  ʺThis is between Santiago and me,ʺ Elise interjected. ʺThere is so much we need to discussprivatelySamuel.ʺ

  Shelby began to protest, but before he could speak, the clawlike hand of an old Lipan woman clutched his arm. He turned in amazement to gaze into opaque eyes set in a face that was wrinkled and sunblasted as old rawhide.

  ʺThe fates of your sister and the Red Eagle are already decided,ʺ she said in clear Spanish. ʺNo one must interfere with the will of the Spirits.ʺ She looked around the small group and her nearly sightless eyes fastened on the slim figure of Desert Flower. ʺGo summon the other women to prepare a feast of welcome for our guests.ʺ

  As Desert Flower departed to do She Who Dreamsʹ bidding, Spybuck watched her retreating figure.

  ʺGo speak with her for I know you have waited a long time to do so,ʺ Santiago said in Lipan.

  Spybuck merely shrugged impassively. ʺThe time is not right.ʺ

  Samuel listened to their brief exchange in some heathen dialect, then noted the look of naked love on his sisterʹs face. Elise, who had always hidden her feelings so skillfully, had bared her soul before them all. What hold did the damnable renegade have on her?

  Again, as if reading his mind, the old woman addressed Shelby. ʺI will take your sister to my lodge, where she may rest and refresh herself before the feast. Go with the Red Eagle and do likewise. You have journeyed far these past days.ʺ

  ʺThis eloquent and rather domineering matriarch is She Who Dreams, a medicine woman of great renown,ʺ Spybuck said in English to the Shelbys.

  Elise smiled and reached out to take the old womanʹs hands. ʺSantiagoʹs sister is your foster daughter. Orlena has spoken of you, and I am honored to make your acquaintance,ʺ she replied in Spanish.

  She Who Dreams studied Elise. ʺCome, tell me of Sun In Splendor. How is my newest granddaughter?ʺ

  A decidedly unhappy Samuel Shelby was forced to leave his sister in the chaperonage of the old medicine woman. Santiago Quinn walked beside him as they headed toward one of the larger bisonskin teepees. Perhaps he could take the Spaniardʹs measure.

  Hoarse Bark and Spybuck must have been thinking the same, for they quickly found an excuse to leave the two antagonists alone to settle matters between themif such was possible.

  Santiago sat in his lodge, staring across the campfire at Eliseʹs brother. ʺYou donʹt like me, do you, lieutenant?ʺ Quinnʹs face was guarded. He held out a cup of hot coffee as a peace offering.

  Shelby blew on the steaming tin cup and inhaled its fragrance before replying. ʺIf youʹre asking if Iʹd pick you for Lizaʹs husband, you have to admit youʹre one hell of an unlikely choice, Quinn.ʺ His stormy blue eyes studied the renegade.

  ʺI asked Elise to marry me,ʺ Santiago replied simply. ʺShe refused. It seems thereʹs a small impedimenther French husband. Is he the man you picked for her?ʺ

  Shelby cursed as he took a swallow of scalding coffee. ʺI donʹt approve of that French fop either. She married him in Paris when she was too young to know any better.ʺ ʺWhy did she leave him? Or did he desert her?ʺ Santiago was still stunned and confused by Louvoisʹ resurrection.

  Samuel shrugged uncomfortably. ʺDamned if I know. Theyʹve lived apart
for five yearsever since he was posted to Washington. He made her unhappy.ʺ Shelbyʹs glacial gaze sent a clear message.

  ʺI imagine it looks as if I couldnʹt make her any happier,ʺ Santiago said as he gestured around the lodge.

  ʺI heard of your reputation back in St. Louis, Quinn. Youʹre the White Apache.

  You court death running guns to these sayIndians.ʺ

  ʺThese people have treated me with kindness, offered me a home. The Spanish arm our ancient enemies, the Comanche, and send them to annihilate us. Your own American traders bring whiskey to destroy us. Who are really the savages, Shelby?ʺ

  ʺYou speak of the Apache as if you were one of them, as if you shared their blood.ʺ

  ʺIf only I didI would a thousand times over have preferred to claim a Lipan father rather than Conal Quinn,ʺ Santiago said bleakly. ʺAt least my halfbrother has one side of his family in which he can take pride. Being the son of an Irish mercenary and a Spanish noblewoman, I choose to claim neither.ʺ

  ʺYouʹd actually prefer to be a half‐caste like your infamous brother?ʺ Shelby was incredulous.

  Santiago stiffened. ʺYes, I would. The Night Wind is a man of great courage and honor.ʺ

  Realizing that this was not the way to settle matters, Shelby tried another tack.

  ʺThis is no place for a woman like my sister. Sheʹs an educated lady, used to the comforts and amenities of civilization.ʺ

  ʺPerhaps you underestimate her mettle,ʺ Quinn replied with a smile. ʺShe was quite tough and resilient on the trail.ʺ ʺShe almost died on that trailfrom snakebite and God only knows what else that she hasnʹt confided to me. I wonʹt have Liza risk her life any more, Quinn. Iʹm taking her home.ʺ

  ʺWhy donʹt we leave that decision to the lady?ʺ Santiago asked. ʺShe came after me.ʺ

  Shelby sighed in defeat, knowing that Liza would do as she wished. All he could do was appeal to her common sense, but somehow he feared that her love for the renegade would override all reason and logic. He looked at the White Apache and asked baldly, ʺDo you love her, Quinn?ʺ

  ʺYes.ʺ Santiago figured that he owed that much of an honest answer to Eliseʹs earnest young brother.

  ʺThen donʹt risk her life by asking her to stay in New Mexico,ʺ Shelby replied stubbornly.

  ʺShe came to New Mexico because of you, not me, Shelby,ʺ Santiago replied, stung and defensive. ʺBut youʹre right,ʺ he added grudgingly, ʺthis life is too dangerous. I have a lot of things to ponder before I discuss them with Elise.ʺ

  With that, the renegade rolled effortlessly to his feet and left the lodge on silent moccasined feet.

  Chapter Twenty‐Five

  The feast that night was lavish. The winter had been mild, and game was abundant. With the new Kentucky niles Red Eagle had brought, the Lipan were successful hunters. Elise and Samuel were treated as honored guests, seated beside the chief, Hoarse Bark.

  As the delicacies were served, Elise noticed that although the women waited upon the men, the children were fed first, and fathers, elder brothers, and uncles took as much time with them as did their female kin.

  Could I live this hard, austere life? Elise knew Samuel was appalled that she would even consider such a thing. She wished he could see Orlena and Joaquinʹs ranch.

  That life would have been far more reassuring to him. But Elise did not know what Santiago wished to do.

  She had thought when he asked her to marry him that he would live among the Spanish. But now, after seeing how he fit in with the Lipan, she questioned her earlier assumptions. There was also the presence of Orlenaʹs beautiful foster daughter to consider. Ana was an even more formidable rival dressed in her Lipan finery than she had been in the clothes of a Spanish lady.

  She belongs here and I am an outsider. Her eyes met Santiagoʹs over the leaping flames of the campfire. Aria, whom everyone here called Desert Flower, sat beside the Red Eagle, offering him juicy chunks of roasted venison, much as she herself had done in the Osage camp.

  Although Elise smiled and conversed graciously in Spanish with Hoarse Bark, Spybuck, and others, Santiago could tell that she was every bit as uncomfortable here as her brother had indicated she would be. When the meal was done, She Who Dreams approached Santiago. He rose and bowed respectfully to her, knowing the old medicine woman never did anything without a purpose.

  ʺIf you will walk along the stream beyond the camp, I will send your woman to you. There is much you have to say to each other.ʺ Her tone indicated that she knew their feelings better than they did themselves.

  Santiago smiled gratefully at her and slipped quietly from the festivities.

  ʺThe Lipan donʹt seem to have whiskey,ʺ Samuel said to Liza in English. ʺAll the tribes along the trail we encountered were quite debauched by it.ʺ

  ʺSantiago gives them weapons to defend themselves and provides other useful tools, but he doesnʹt seek their destruction as other white men do,ʺ she replied.

  ʺHow does he afford it? His smuggling and mustanging must be profitable, but I imagine he spends it all on his Indian brothers. What would be left for you, Liza? How could he take care of you, provide for you?ʺ

  ʺI have some money from Father, Samuel.ʺ She smiled ruefully as she recalled her bargain with Quinn. ʺIn fact, I owe my guide quite a sizable sum for delivering me safely to you in Santa Fe.ʺ

  Samuelʹs face darkened. ʺYou canʹt mean to support him!ʺ

  Before she could reply, the old medicine woman approached them. She Who Dreams was a mysterious person whose almost sightless gaze seemed omniscient. Elise believed the old woman possessed powers beyond anything she could have imagined before she came to this strange, enchanted land.

  ʺCome.ʺ She Who Dreamsʹ commands were never disobeyed.

  Elise excused herself from Samuel and Spybuck and followed the old woman.

  Only when they rounded the blazing fire did she see that Santiago had slipped away while she and Samuel were arguing.

  ʺI will see that your brother does not come in search of you. Walk by the water.ʺ

  She gestured to the meandering stream that burbled through the village.

  Nervously smiling her thanks, Elise approached the water and followed its course upstream, past the lodges, climbing a steep trail through fragrant fir and pine.

  Samuel watched her depart. Then, seeing that the renegade was also absent, he muttered a curse and stood up. The old crone who had spirited Liza away blocked his path.

  ʺYour sister is a woman grownand wed. You cannot protect her virtue,ʺ she said to Shelby.

  His face reddened in the flickering firelight. ʺI can protect her life. That renegade has endangered her.ʺ ʹʹYet it was she who hired him to bring her west and she who followed him here. Her life is her own. She must choose.ʺ

  ʺYou must pardon me if I do not accept that,ʺ Shelby replied stiffly.

  ʺThings move out of our hands now. The Spirits will decide if your sister and Santiago Quinn are fated to be together. Many trials lie before them . . . and before others,ʺ she said as her eyes moved to Spybuck and Desert Flower.

  Santiago crouched on the muddy bank beside the stream, tossing pebbles into the icy water, trying to let its soft murmur soothe his roiling emotions. Would Elise come? What would he say to her? Did he even have the right to ask her to share his life?

  He sensed her presence even before she spoke.

  ʺSo pensive, my love. Would you share your thoughts with me?ʺ Elise walked up to him as he stood and faced her.

  ʺHonestly, I donʹt know where to begin. Iʹm confused, Elise.ʺ He sensed her shiver beneath the heavy buckskin robe she wore. ʺYouʹre not used to the thin mountain air,ʺ he said softly as he took her in his arms.

  Elise went willingly, reaching out to hold him tightly. She could still feel the heavy bandages across his back. Castal could have tortured him to death. The thought of that made her tremble even more.

  Mistaking her shivering for cold, he scooped her into his arms and walked swiftly toward the village, taki
ng a route away from the communal fire where the celebration was still going on. His lodge would afford them privacy and warmth.

  Elise said nothing, just nestled her head closely against the beating of his heart as he carried her to a large teepee and entered its warm, welcoming interior. When he set her on her feet, she did not relinquish her hold. ʺItʹs heavenly warm in these skin lodges. I much prefer them to the Osagesʹ.ʺ She met his eyes. ʺI would like to learn more of the Lipan . . . and to take my brother to meet Orlena and her family. Perhapsʺ

  ʺYour brother will never accept us, I fear. And he has good reason to mislike our alliance, Elise. You yourself said it. Iʹm a renegade.ʺ

  ʺYouʹre the only man I will ever love,ʺ she said slowly and carefully, willing him to return her declaration.

  Instead, he muttered a vile Spanish curse and lowered his mouth to claim hers in a fierce, desperate kiss. When his lips touched hers, she opened to him and their tongues dueled, gliding and twining as his mouth savaged hers. Hungrily, she returned the rough caress as she felt his fingers unfastening the ties of her robe.

  When it dropped to the floor beside the fire, his hands slid to her waist and began to work on the buttons of her riding skirt until it slid heavily to the ground.

  Elise tugged at his elaborately beaded buckskin tunic, loosing the lacing in front, then pulling it over his head. He helped her, shrugging it off carelessly, heedless of his painfully slashed back. Resuming their interrupted kiss, he slipped open the buttons of her blouse and slid it free.

  ʺNo corset stays,ʺ he whispered hoarsely when she stood before him, clad only in her sheer lace camisole and cotton underdrawers.

  ʺYouʹve taught me well, querido,ʺ she replied as he carried her to a pile of pelts nearer the wall of the lodge and laid her on the warm, glossy fur. ʺMy boots,ʺ she instructed.

  Quickly he pulled them free, running his hands down her legs, over the soft cotton covering them, feeling the curve of hips and calves. As he peeled away the last of her thin undergarments, she unlaced his buckskin pants, then waited impatiently as he unfastened his moccasin boots and pulled off the tight buckskins.


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