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The 120 Days of Sodom and Other Writings

Page 64

by Marquis de Sade

  For the Second Part, begin with the assumption Augustine and Zéphyr are already sleeping in the Duc’s bedchamber in the First Part; likewise Adonis and Zelmire in Curval’s, Hyacinthe and Fanny in Durcet’s, Céladon and Sophie in the Bishop’s, even though none of them has been deflowered yet.



  THE 1ST OF DECEMBER: Champville assumes the task of storytelling and relates the one hundred and fifty following tales (the number of each precedes the tale).

  1. Won’t depucelate any save those aged between three and seven, but only cuntishly. ’Tis he who deflowers Champville at the age of five.

  2. He ties a girl of nine in a curled-up position and depucelates her from behind.

  3. He wishes to rape a girl of twelve or thirteen, and depucelates her while holding a pistol against her heart.

  4. He likes to frig a man upon a maiden’s cunt, he uses the fuck for pomade, and next encunts the maid while she is held by the man.

  5. He wishes to depucelate three girls in succession, one in the cradle, one at the age of five, the other at seven.

  THE 2ND. 6. He’ll not depucelate anyone who is not between nine years old and thirteen. His prick is enormous; four women are needed to hold the virgin. The same individual Martaine speaks of, who only embuggers three-year-olds, the same hell-inspired individual.

  7. He has his valet depucelate the maid, aged ten to twelve, before his eyes, and during the operation touches them nowhere save upon the ass. He now fondles the girl’s, now the valet’s. Discharges upon the valet’s ass.

  8. He wishes to depucelate a girl destined to be married the following day.

  9. He wishes the marriage to be performed, and to depucelate the bride at some time between the hour of the mass and the moment the couple retires to bed.

  10. He would have his valet, a very ingenious personage, go about marrying girls left and right and bring them to his master, who therewith fucks them, and next sells them to procuresses.

  THE 3RD. 11. He must be provided with two sisters; he depucelates them.

  12. He marries the girl, depucelates her, but ’tis all a fraud, the marriage is a fraud, once he’s fucked her, he leaves her.

  13. He will only fuck a maid, and then only immediately after another man has deflowered her while he has watched. He must have her cunt muddied up with sperm.

  14. This one depucelates with an artificial engine, very large, and, without introducing himself, discharges upon the hole he has cleared.

  15. He will have none but maids of rank and distinction and pays for them in accordance with their wealth. This individual proves to be the Duc, who will admit having depucelated more than fifteen hundred of them over a period of thirty years.

  THE 4TH. 16. He forces a brother to fuck his sister in his presence, then fucks her afterward; he obliges both to shit beforehand.

  17. He forces a father to fuck his daughter after he has himself had her maidenhead.

  18. He brings his nine-year-old daughter to the brothel, and while she is held by a procuress, depucelates her. He has had twelve daughters; has had all twelve maidenheads.

  19. Must have virgins between the ages of thirty and forty to fuck.

  20. He will depucelate no one but nuns, and spends immense sums of money to get them; he fucks several.

  ’Tis the evening of the 4th of December, at the orgies, the Duc depucelates Fanny, who is held by the four governesses and ministered by Duclos. He fucks her twice in a row, she faints, the second time he fucks her while she is unconscious.

  THE 5TH. To celebrate the fifth week’s festival, Hyacinthe and Fanny are joined in matrimony, the marriage is consummated very publicly.

  21. He would have the mother hold her daughter, he first fucks the mother, then depucelates the daughter while she is held by the mother. The same one Desgranges mentions on the 20th of February.

  22. He likes adultery only; one must locate women for him who are generally known to be virtuous and well behaved, he makes them disgusted with their husbands.

  23. He enjoys having the husband come himself to prostitute his wife and hold her while he fucks her. (Messieurs imitate that passion forthwith.)

  24. He places a married woman upon a bed, encunts her while that woman’s daughter, suspended above, presents him with her cunt to be licked; the next instant he effects a reversal and encunts the daughter while kissing the mother’s asshole. When he has done licking the daughter’s cunt, he has her piss; then he kisses the mother’s asshole and has her shit.

  25. He has four daughters, legitimate and wedded; he wishes to fuck all four: he makes all four of them conceive and bear children so as someday to have the pleasure of depucelating the children he has had by his daughters and whom their husbands suppose to be their own.

  Apropos of which the Duc recounts—but his anecdote cannot be numbered amongst the stories because, Messieurs being unable to duplicate it, it does not compose a passion—the Duc recounts, I say, that he once knew a man who fucked three children he had by his mother, amongst whom there was a daughter whom he had marry his son, so that in fucking her he fucked his sister, his daughter and his daughter-in-law, and thus he also constrained his son to fuck his own sister and mother-in-law. Curval recounts another unusual history, that of a brother and a sister who reached an agreement whereby each would surrender his children to the other: the sister had a boy and a girl, so did the brother. They mixed the pudding in such wise that sometimes they fucked their nephews, sometimes their own children, and sometimes their first cousins, or else the brothers and sister would fuck while the father and mother, that is to say, the brother and sister, fucked one another also.

  That evening, Fanny is surrendered cuntwardly to the assembly, but as the Bishop and Monsieur Durcet do not fuck cunts, she is only fucked by Curval and the Duc. Henceforth, she wears a small ribbon aslant, like a baldric, and after the loss of both her pucelages she will wear a very wide pink ribbon.

  THE 6TH. 26. He has himself frigged while a woman is being frigged about the clitoris, and he wishes to discharge at the same time the girl does, but he discharges upon the buttocks of the man who frigs the girl.

  27. He kisses the asshole of one girl while a second girl frigs his ass and a third girl his prick; they then exchange tasks, so that, when all is said and done, each of the three has her ass kissed, each frigs his prick, each frigs his ass. Farts are required of them all.

  28. He licks the cunt of one girl while fucking a second in the mouth and while his asshole is being licked by a third; then exchange of positions as above. The cunts must discharge, he swallows their balm.

  29. He sucks a beshitted ass, has a tongue frig his own beshitted asshole, and frigs himself upon a beshitted ass; the three girls then exchange positions.

  30. He has two girls frigged before his eyes, and alternately fucks the friggeresses from the rear, but in the cunt, while they continue with their sapphotizings.

  Zéphyr and Cupidon are upon that day discovered in the act of frigging each other, but they have not yet had recourse to reciprocal embuggery; they are punished. Fanny is much encunted at the orgies.

  THE 7TH. 31. He would have an older girl introduce a younger girl to bad habits; the older must frig her, give her wicked advice, and end up by holding her while he fucks her, whether virgin or not.

  32. He calls for four women; he fucks two of them orally, two cuntwardly, taking great care not to insert his prick in a mouth until after having first had it in a cunt. While all this is going on, he is closely followed by a fifth woman, who throughout frigs his asshole with a dildo.

  33. This libertine requires a dozen women, six young, six old and, if ’tis possible, six of them should be moth
ers and the other six their daughters. He pumps out their cunts, asses and mouths; when applying his lips to the cunt, he wants copious urine; when at the mouth, much saliva; when at the ass, abundant farts.

  34. He employs eight women to frig him; each of the eight must be situated in a different posture. (This had better be illustrated by a drawing.)

  35. Wishes to have three men and three women fucking each other in divers attitudes.

  THE 8TH. 36. He forms twelve groups of two girls each; they are so arranged only their asses are visible to him; all the rest of their bodies must be concealed from his sight. He frigs himself while studying all those buttocks.

  37. He has six couples simultaneously frig themselves in a room paneled with mirrors; each couple is composed of two girls frigging each other in various and equally lubricious postures. He is in the middle of the room, he regards both the couples and their reflections, and discharges in the middle of it all, having been frigged by an old woman. He has kissed the buttocks of every participant in this drama.

  38. He has four streetwalkers besot themselves with wine and then fight with each other while he looks on; and when they are thoroughly drunk, they one after another vomit into his mouth. He favors the oldest and ugliest women possible.

  39. He has a girl shit in his mouth, but does not eat her turd, and while the first girl is in action, a second sucks his prick and frigs his ass; while discharging, he shits into the hand of the girl who is socratizing him. The girls exchange places.

  40. He has a man shit into his mouth and eats while a little boy frigs him, then the man frigs him and he has the boy shit.

  That evening, at the orgies, Curval depucelates Michette, in front: she is held by the four duennas and ministered by Duclos; this arrangement is the conventional one and is observed upon all occasions; therefore we will not allude to it again.

  THE 9TH. 41. He fucks one girl in her mouth just after having shitted into the same receptacle; a second girl is lying on top of the first, with the first girl’s head between her thighs, and upon the face of the second girl a third girl drops a turd, and he, while thus fucking his own turd in the first girl’s mouth, eats the shit deposited by the third girl upon the second girl’s face, and then they alternate roles, in such wise that each girl enacts all three of them.

  42. Thirty girls pass through his hands during a given day, and he has them all shit into his mouth, consumes the turds of the three or four prettiest. He repeats this party five times a week, which means that he sees 7800 girls a year. When Champville first encounters him, he is seventy years old and has been in business for fifty.

  43. He sees twelve girls every morning and swallows their dozen turds; he sees them all at the same time.

  44. He places himself in a bathtub; thirty women come up one after another and piss and shit into it till it is full; he discharges while paddling about in all that.

  45. He shits in the presence of four women, requires them to watch and indeed help deliver him of his turd; next, he wishes them to divide it into equal parts and eat it; then each woman does a turd of her own. He mixes them and swallows the entire batter, but his shit-furnishers have got to be women of at least sixty.

  That evening Michette’s cunt is put at the disposal of the assembly; thereafter she wears the little sash.

  THE 10TH. 46. He has girls A and B shit. Then he forces B to eat A’s turd, and A to eat B’s. Then both A and B shit a second time; he eats both their turds.

  47. He requires a mother and her three daughters, and he eats the girls’ shit upon the mother’s ass, and the mother’s shit upon one daughter’s ass.

  48. He obliges a daughter to shit into her mother’s mouth and to wipe her ass with her mother’s teats; next, he eats the turd in the mother’s mouth, and afterward has the mother shit into her daughter’s mouth, whence, as before, he eats the turd.

  (It would perhaps be advisable to substitute a son and a mother, in order to create a contrast with 47.)

  49. He wishes a father to eat his son’s turd, then he eats the father’s.

  50. He would have the brother shit in his sister’s cunt, and he eats the turd; the sister then must shit in her brother’s mouth. He eats this second turd, too.

  THE 11TH. 51. Champville announces she is now going to speak of impieties, and makes mention of a man who wishes the whore, while frigging him, to pronounce dreadful blasphemies; in his turn he utters terrible ones. His amusement during their dialogue consists in kissing her ass; he does no more than that.

  52. He would have a girl come with him to a church, and frig him there, especially at the time the holy sacrament is exposed. He situates himself as near to the altar as possible, and fondles her ass while she performs her task.

  53. He goes to confession for the sole purpose of making his confessor’s prick rise aloft; he lists a quantity of infamous misdeeds, and frigs himself in the confessional all the while he speaks.

  54. He wishes the girl to go and make her confession, then fucks her orally the moment she emerges from the confessional.

  55. He fucks a whore throughout a mass being said in his private chapel, and discharges when the Host is raised.

  That evening, the Duc depucelates Sophie cuntwardly, and while doing so blasphemes considerably.

  THE 12TH. 56. He buys a confessor, who yields him his place; thus he is able to hear the young pensionnaires’ confessions and to give them the worst possible advice while pardoning them their sins.

  57. He would have his daughter go to confess to a monk he has previously bribed, and he is placed where he can overhear everything; but the monk demands that the penitent keep her skirts raised high while she catalogues her faults, and her ass posted within plain sight of the father: thus he is able to hear his daughter’s confession and contemplate her ass at the same time.

  58. Has mass celebrated for completely naked whores; while observing the spectacle, he frigs his prick upon another girl’s ass.

  59. He has his wife go to confess to a monk he has bought: the monk seduces the wife and fucks her in front of her husband, who is hidden. If the wife refuses, he emerges from hiding and helps the monk force her.

  On that day they celebrate the sixth week’s festival with the marriage of Céladon and Sophie, which union is consummated, and in the evening Sophie’s cunt is put generally to use, and she dons the sash. Because of this event only four passions are recounted on the 12th.

  THE 13TH. 60. Fucks whores on the altar at the same moment mass is about to be said; they have their naked asses on the sacred stone.

  61. He has a naked girl sit astride and bend forward over a large crucifix; he fucks her cunt from behind while she is thus crouched down in such wise the head of Christ frigs her clitoris.

  62. He farts and has the whore fart in the chalice, he pisses thereinto and has her piss thereinto, he shits thereinto and has her shit thereinto, and finally he discharges into the chalice.

  63. He has a small boy shit upon the paten, and he eats this while the boy sucks him.

  64. He has two girls shit upon a crucifix, he shits thereupon when they have finished, and he is frigged against the three turds covering the idol’s face.

  THE 14TH. 65. He breaks up a crucifix, smashes several images of the Virgin and of the Eternal Father, shits upon the debris and burns the whole mess. The same man has the mania of bringing a whore to hear the sermon and of having himself frigged while listening to the word of God.

  66. He takes communion and, the wafer still in his mouth, has four whores shit upon it.

  67. He has her go to communion and fucks her in the mouth when she returns.

  68. He interrupts a priest in the midst of saying mass in his private chapel, interrupts him, I say, in order to frig himself into the chalice, obliges the whore to frig the priest thereinto, and forces the latter to quaff the mead.

  (* Passion Number 69 omitted by Sade.—Tr.)

  70. He intervenes directly the Host is consecrated and forces the priest to fuck th
e whore with the Host.

  Upon this day Augustine and Zelmire are found frigging together; they are both rigorously punished.

  THE 15TH. 71. He has the girl fart upon the Host, himself farts thereupon, and then swallows the Host while fucking the whore.

  72. The same man who had himself nailed into a coffin—Duclos mentioned him—compels the whore to shit upon the Host; he also shits upon it and flings the whole affair into a privy.

  73. Frigs the whore’s clitoris with the Host, has her discharge upon it, then buries it in her cunt and fucks her, discharging upon it in his turn.

  74. Chops it up with a knife and has the crumbs rammed into his asshole.

  75. Has himself frigged and then discharges upon the Host and finally, when he is restored to perfect calm and after his fuck has flowed, feeds biscuit and all to a dog.

  The same evening, the Bishop consecrates a Host and Curval destroys Hébé’s maidenhead with it, he drives it into her cunt and discharges thereupon. Several others are consecrated, and the already depucelated sultanas are all fucked with Hosts.

  THE 16TH. Profanation, Champville announces, lately the principal element in her stories, will from now on be no more than accessory, and what, to borrow the brothel term, are known as little ceremonies are going to provide the main ingredient in the following complex passions. She asks her auditors to remember that everything connected with that will be presented merely as secondary matter, but that the difference subsisting between her stories and the examples Duclos has given, is that Duclos always pictured a man with one woman, whereas she, Champville, will always show several women administering to a single man.

  76. He has himself flogged by one girl during mass, he fucks a second girl orally, and he discharges when the Host is elevated.

  77. He has two women gently flog his ass with a martinet; each woman bestows ten stripes, alternating them with asshole friggery.


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