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The 120 Days of Sodom and Other Writings

Page 65

by Marquis de Sade

  78. He has himself whipped by four different girls while farts are being launched into his mouth: the girls take turns, so that each will have had a chance both to whip and to fart.

  79. He has himself whipped by his wife while he fucks his daughter, next by his daughter while he fucks his wife; this is the same individual Duclos spoke of, the same man who prostituted his wife and daughter in her whorehouse.

  80. He has himself whipped simultaneously by two girls, one flogs the front of him, the other his rear, and when at last he has been well stimulated, he fucks one of them while the other plies the lash, then the second while the first flogs him.

  That same evening Hébé’s cunt is made available to the public, and she wears the little sash, not being entitled to the large one until she has lost both her pucelages.

  THE 17TH. 81. He has himself flogged while kissing a boy’s ass and while fucking a girl in the mouth, then he fucks the boy in the mouth while kissing the girl’s asshole, the while constantly receiving the lash from another girl, then he has the boy flog him, orally fucks the whore who’d been whipping him, and then has himself flogged by the girl whose ass he had been kissing.

  82. He has himself whipped by an old woman, fucks an old man in the mouth, and has the daughter of this aged couple shit into his own mouth, then changes so that, ultimately, everyone takes his turn in each role.

  83. He has himself whipped while frigging himself and while discharging upon a crucifix propped up by a girl’s buttocks.

  84. He has himself whipped while fucking a whore from the rear, using his prick to tamp a Host into her fundament.

  85. He passes an entire brothel in review; he receives the lash from all the whores while kissing the madame’s asshole and receiving therefrom into his mouth both wind and rain and hailstones.

  THE 18TH. 86. He has himself whipped by teams of cab drivers and chimney sweeps who pass two at a time, one plying the lash, the other farting in his mouth; he employs ten or twelve in a morning.

  87. He has himself held by three girls, he gets down on hands and knees, a fourth girl mounts astride him and thrashes him; each member of the quartet takes her turn mounting and flogging him.

  88. Naked, he puts himself in the midst of six girls; he is conscience-stricken, asks to be forgiven, casts himself down upon his knees. Each girl decrees a penance, and he is given one hundred strokes for each penance he refuses to do: ’tis the girl he refuses who whips him. Well, these penances are all exceedingly unpleasant: one would like to shit into his mouth; another have him lick up her spittle from the floor; a third is menstruating and would have him lick her cunt clean; the fourth hasn’t washed her feet, will he kindly lick between her toes; the fifth has snot awaiting his tongue, etc.

  89. Fifteen girls arrive in teams of three: one whips him, one sucks him, the other shits; then she who shitted, whips; she who sucked, shits; she who whipped, sucks. And so he proceeds till he has had done with all fifteen; he sees nothing, heeds nothing, is wild with joy: a procuress is in charge of the game. He renews this party six times each week.

  (This one is truly charming and has my infinite recommendation; the thing has got to move very briskly along, each girl must bestow twenty-five strokes of the whip, and it is between whippings that the first sucks and the third shits. If you would prefer fifty strokes from each girl, that will total up to seven hundred fifty, a very agreeable figure, not by any means excessive.)

  90. Twenty-five whores soften up his ass with a quantity of slaps and fondlings; he is not sent away until his ass has become completely insensible.

  That evening the Duc is flogged while culling Zelmire’s forward maidenhead.

  THE 19TH. 91. He has himself tried by a jury of six whores; each knows the role she is to play. He is sentenced to be hanged. And hanged he is; but the cord snaps: ’tis the instant he discharges. (Relate this to similar ones Duclos described.)

  92. He arranges six old women in a semicircle; while three young whores lash him, the six crones spit in his face.

  93. A girl frigs his asshole with the handle of a cat-o’-nine-tails, a second girl whips his thighs and prick from the front; ’tis thus he is made eventually to discharge over the tits of the whipper posted before him.

  94. Two women flay him with bulls’ pizzles while a third, kneeling before him, causes him to discharge upon her breasts.

  She recounts only four that day because of the marriage of Zelmire and Adonis which marks the seventh week’s conclusion, and which is consummated, Zelmire having been depucelated, with what regards the cunt, the night before.

  THE 20TH. 95. He struggles with six women, the cuts of whose whips he pretends to wish to avoid; he strives to snatch the whips from their hands, but they are too strong for him and fustigate him none the less. He is naked.

  96. He runs the gantlet between two ranks each of twelve girls who are wielding switches; he is whipped all about the body and discharges after the ninth race.

  97. He has the soles of his feet whipped, then his prick, then his thighs while, as he lies upon a couch, three women successively mount astride him and shit in his mouth.

  98. Three girls alternately flog him, one with a martinet, one with a bull’s pizzle, the other with a cat-o’-nine-tails. A fourth, kneeling before him and whose asshole the lecher’s lackey is frigging, sucks the master’s prick while frigging the lackey’s, which he has discharge upon his sucker’s buttocks.

  99. He is amidst six girls: one pricks him with a needle, the second uses pincers on him, the third burns him, the fourth bites him, the fifth scratches him, the sixth flagellates him. All that everywhere upon his body, indiscriminately. He discharges in the thick of this activity.

  That evening Zelmire, depucelated on the 18th of December, is surrendered cuntwardly to the assembly—to, that is to say, Curval and the Duc, who alone of the four friends fuck cunts. Once Curval has fucked Zelmire, his hatred for Adelaide and Constance redoubles; he wishes to have Constance minister to Zelmire.

  THE 21ST. 100. He has himself frigged by his lackey while the girl, naked, balances upon a narrow pedestal; all the while he is being frigged, she may neither budge nor lose her equilibrium.

  101. He has the procuress frig him while he fondles her buttocks; and meanwhile, between her fingers, the girl holds a very short candle which she must not drop until the roué has spat out his fuck; he is very careful not to discharge before the girl’s fingers have been seared.

  102. He sups at an immense table; for light, he has six burning candles, each inserted in the ass of a naked girl lying upon the dining table.

  103. While he takes his supper he has a girl kneel on sharp pebbles, and if in the course of the entire meal she stirs, she is not paid. Above her are two tilted candles whence hot tallow spills upon her bare back and breasts. She need but make the slightest movement and she is packed off without being paid a sou.

  104. He obliges her to remain four days in a very narrow iron cage, wherein she can neither sit nor lie down; he feeds her through the bars. He is the one Desgranges will mention in connection with the turkey’s ballet.

  That same evening, Curval depucelates Colombe’s cunt.

  THE 22ND. 105. He wraps a girl and a cat in a large blanket, has her stand and dance about; the cat bites, scratches her as she falls to the floor; but, come what may, she must skip and leap, and continue her antics until the man discharges.

  106. He massages a woman with a certain substance which causes her skin to itch so violently that she scratches herself till her blood flows; he watches her at work, frigging himself the while.

  107. He gives a woman a potion to drink, it halts her menstruating, and thus he makes her run the risk of grave illness.

  108. He makes her swallow a medicine intended for horses, it causes her horrible gripes and colics; he watches her suffer and shit all day long.

  109. He rubs a naked girl with honey, then binds her to a column and releases upon her a swarm of large flies.

same evening, Colombe’s cunt is put at the free disposition of the company.

  THE 23RD. 110. He places the girl upon a pivot which revolves with prodigious speed. She is naked and bound and turns until he discharges.

  111. He keeps a girl suspended head downward until he discharges.

  112. Makes her swallow a heavy dose of emetic, persuades her she has been poisoned, and frigs himself while watching her vomit.

  113. Kneads and mauls her breasts until they are entirely black and blue.

  114. Kneads and maltreats her ass for three hours; he repeats this rite for nine days in succession.

  THE 24TH. 115. He has a girl climb a tall ladder until she is at least twenty feet above the ground, at which point a rung cracks and she falls, but upon mattresses prepared in advance; he walks up to her and discharges upon her body the very moment she lands, and sometimes he chooses this instant to fuck her.

  116. He slaps a girl’s face with all his strength and discharges while so doing; he is seated in a comfortable chair and the girl is upon her knees, facing him.

  117. Beats her knuckles with hickory ferrules.

  118. Powerful slaps upon her buttocks until her behind is scarlet.

  119. Inserts the nozzle of a bellows in her asshole; he inflates her.

  120. He introduces an enema of almost boiling water into her bowels, then amuses himself observing her writhe, and discharges upon her ass.

  That evening, Aline’s ass is soundly slapped by the four colleagues, who keep it up until her ass is crimson; a duenna holds her by the shoulders. A few slaps are bestowed upon Augustine’s ass, too.

  THE 25TH. 121. He has some pious women recruited for his pleasure, beats them with a crucifix and rosaries, and then has each of them pose as a statue of the Virgin upon an altar, but pose in a cramped position from which they are not to budge. They must remain thus throughout an exceedingly long mass; when at last the Elevation occurs, each woman is to shit upon the Host.

  122. Has her run naked about a garden at night, the season is winter, the weather freezing; here and there are stretched cords upon which she trips and falls.

  123. When she has removed all her clothes, he casts her, as if by accident, into a vat of nearly boiling water and prevents her from climbing out until he has first discharged upon her body.

  124. Naked, on a wintry day she is secured to a post in the middle of a garden and there she remains until she has repeated five Pater Nosters and five Hail Marys, or until he has yielded his fuck, which another girl excites to flow as he contemplates the spectacle.

  125. He spreads a powerful glue upon the rim of a privy seat and sends the girl in to shit; directly she sits down, her ass is caught fast. Meanwhile, from the other side a small charcoal brazier is introduced beneath her ass. Scorched, she leaps up, leaving an almost perfect circle of skin behind her.

  That evening profane tricks are played at the expense of Adelaide and Sophie, the two believers, and the Duc depucelates Augustine, of whom he has been passionately fond for weeks; thrice he discharges into her cunt. And that same evening the idea enters his head to have her run naked through the courtyard, dreadful though the weather be. He proposes the idea with great energy and in forceful language, but his confreres regretfully reject it, saying that Augustine is very pretty and that the program calls for her further use; and, the Bishop points out, she still has not been depucelated aft. The Duc offers to pay two hundred louis into the common fund if the society will allow him to take her down into the cellars at once; he is again refused. He wishes at least that she have her ass spanked; she receives twenty-five blows from each friend. But the Duc applies his with his fist and discharges a fourth time between the eighteenth and nineteenth. He requisitions her for his bed and that night encunts her thrice again.

  THE 26TH. 126. He gets the girl thoroughly drunk, she lies down to sleep. While asleep, her bed is raised. Toward the middle of the night, she reaches down for her chamber pot; not finding it within reach, she gropes further and tumbles out upon a mattress; the man awaits her there and fucks her as soon as she has fallen.

  127. He has her run naked about the garden, he follows after her, brandishing a cabman’s whip, but only threatens her with it. She is obliged to run until she falls from weariness; at which instant he springs upon her and fucks her.

  128. He bestows one hundred strokes, ten at a time, with a martinet of black silk; between each series of blows, he kisses the girl’s ass with great fervor.

  129. He flogs her with a cat-o’-nine-tails whose thongs have been steeped in brandy, and does not discharge until the girl’s blood is flowing. Then he discharges upon her buttocks.

  Champville recounts only four passions on the 26th of December because it is the day of the eighth week’s festival. It is celebrated by the marriage of Zéphyr and Augustine, both of whom belong to the Duc and lie at night in his chamber; but prior to the ceremony, His Grace would have Curval flog the boy while he, Blangis, flogs the girl; and ’tis done. Each receives a hundred lashes, but the Duc, more than ever aroused by Augustine because she has made him discharge frequently, lays on very emphatically and is content with nothing short of much blood.

  In connection with that evening’s entertainments, we must fully explain the character of the Saturday punishments—how they are meted out and how many lashes are distributed. You might draw up a list itemizing the crimes and, to the right, the appropriate number of lashes.

  THE 27TH. 130. He likes to whip none but little girls between the ages of five and seven, and always finds a pretext so as to make it appear as if he were punishing them.

  131. A woman comes to confess to him, he is a priest; she recites all her sins, and by way of penance, he gives her five hundred lashes.

  132. He receives four women and gives each six hundred lashes.

  133. He has the same ceremony performed in his presence by two valets, one relieving the other when his arm is fatigued by the whipping; twenty women are dealt with, each merits six hundred strokes: the women are not bound. He frigs himself while the work is in progress.

  134. He flogs only boys aged from fourteen to sixteen, and he has them discharge into his mouth afterward. Each is warmed by one hundred lashes; he always sees two at a sitting.

  Augustine’s cunt is surrendered that evening; Curval encunts her twice and, like the Duc, wishes to whip her when he has had done with her. Both gentlemen fall upon that charming girl like ravenous beasts; they propose a contribution of four hundred louis to the common fund in exchange for permission to take her in hand together that same evening; their offer is rejected.

  THE 28TH. 135. He has a naked girl enter a chamber; whereupon two men fall upon her and each whips one of her buttocks until it is raw. She is bound. When ’tis over, he frigs the men’s pricks upon the whore’s bleeding ass, and frigs himself thereupon also.

  136. She is bound hand and foot to the wall. Facing her, and also attached to the wall, is a blade of steel adjusted to the height of her belly. If she strives to avoid a blow, it is forward she must lunge; she cuts herself. If she wishes to avoid the blade, she must fling herself backward toward the lash.

  137. He flogs a girl, giving her one hundred lashes the first day, two hundred the second, four hundred the third, etc., etc., and ceases on the ninth day.

  138. He has the whore descend on all fours, climbs upon her back and faces her buttocks; he squeezes his legs tight about her ribs. Once in the saddle, he brings his lash down upon her ass and curls the thongs round to her cunt, and as for this operation he employs a martinet, he has no trouble directing his blows so that they carry into the vagina’s interior, and that is just what he does.

  139. He must have a pregnant woman, he has her bend backward over a cylinder which supports her back. Her head, on the other side of the cylinder, rests upon the seat of a chair and is secured to it; her hair is strewn about, her legs tied as far apart as possible and her swollen belly appears stretched exceedingly taut; her cunt fairly yawns in his
face. ’Tis upon her belly he beats a tattoo, and when his whip has brought a profusion of blood into sight, he walks round to the other side of the cylinder and discharges upon her face.

  N.B.—According to my notes, the adoptions do not occur until after defloration, hence say that the Duc adopts Augustine at this point. Verify whether or not this is true, and whether the adoption of the four sultanas does not occur at the very beginning, and whether at the beginning it is not said that they sleep in the bedrooms of the friends who have adopted them.

  That evening, the Duc repudiates Constance, who therewith falls into the greatest discredit; however, they treat her with some consideration, because of her pregnancy, in connection with which Messieurs have certain plans. Augustine now passes for the Duc’s wife, and hereafter performs none but a wife’s functions upon the sofa and in the chapel. Constance descends in rank to below that of the governesses.

  THE 29TH. 140. He works exclusively with girls of fifteen, and he flogs them with sting nettles and holly until they are bleeding; his taste in asses is highly developed, he is not easy to please.

  141. Flogs only with a bull’s pizzle, continuing until the buttocks are in tatters; he uses four women one after another.

  142. Flogs only with steel-tipped martinets, discharges only when blood is flowing generally.

  143. The same man of whom Desgranges will speak on the 20th of February requires pregnant women; he flogs with a bullwhip, by means of which he is able to remove respectable chunks of flesh from the buttocks; from time to time he aims a blow or two at her belly.

  Rosette is flogged that evening, and Curval has her forward maidenhead. The intrigue between Hercule and Julie is brought to light; she has been having herself fucked. When scolded for her misbehavior, she replies libertinely; she is therewith whipped extraordinarily. Then, because Messieurs are fond of her, and also of Hercule, who has given yeoman service so far, they are pardoned and frolicked with.

  THE 30TH. 144. He places a candle at a certain height. Attached to the middle finger of her right hand is a piece of bread soaked in wax and set afire; if she does not make haste, she’ll be burned. Her task is, with this bit of ignited bread, to light the other candle set high upon the shelf; she is obliged to leap in order to reach it; the libertine, armed with a leathern-thonged whip, lashes her with all his strength, to encourage her to leap higher and to light the candle more quickly. If she succeeds, there’s an end to the game; if not, she is flogged till she falls unconscious.


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