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Backlash (Winter's Wrath #1)

Page 12

by Bianca Sommerland

  “Very true.” She put her hand over his, and they continued to chat about lighter subjects as they had another cup of coffee. They shared a few favorite bands and had been to a few of the same venues in Detroit to see them live as teens. They got into a short debate about gun control after hearing a heated discussion at a nearby table, but agreed to disagree. They had similar views on religion and politics, meeting somewhere in the middle.

  And they both loved animals, which Danica insisted was the only thing that mattered. Her grandfather had a cat that he shared the house with and he loved more than he’d admit. He’d gotten the kitten for Danica right after she got home from a runway show in Finland when she was seventeen. Knowing full well she wouldn’t be home long enough to take care of him.

  He’d named the scruffy black cat Ninja, because he said the little rescue kitten was sneaky. Whenever she went home, she’d find the cat cuddled up on her grandfather’s lap.

  Alder told her about the stray dogs he and Brave had been bringing home for years. Their parents were great with the dogs, but limited the ones they kept to three. The others were given good homes with neighbors. At this point, he knew every dog on the block.

  He missed his two girls, Ink and Ebony, whenever he went on tour. Brave’s dog, Ewok, had spent a few months on the bus their last tour, because he was smaller than Alder’s German Shepard mixed mutts, but he’d gotten a bad ear infection and had to go home for treatment.

  They’d be back in Detroit in two weeks, and he was doing much better, so he might be joining them again. Except for Jesse, the roadies hated having Ewok around, since they needed to watch him while the band was on stage and he was an energetic little thing.

  Danica offered to help with him.

  And Alder was pretty sure he’d fall in love with her before long if she didn’t stop being so freakin’ awesome.

  His phone buzzed. A text from Jesse, letting him know the band was waiting for him and Danica. And Cole was getting pissy.

  Alder sighed and gestured for the waitress. They’d been here almost three hours. He left a big tip to make up for them hogging the table.

  And he took Danica’s hand as they made their way back to the SUV.

  “I’m glad we got to do this.” He opened the passenger side door for her. “This tour will be tough. The band is being pushed to another level, and you’re part of it, but since you haven’t been through any of this before, you might get overwhelmed. I hope you know you can come to me. About anything.”

  “I will.” She curved her fingers into the collar of his T-shirt and drew him close, claiming his lips. “And you’ve shown me I can.”

  He felt much better about bringing her to the meeting and letting her face the guys with that assurance, but that didn’t last long.

  Standing behind the bus, under the frame tent, they’d been talking for about ten minutes before Cole made his announcement.

  “I’ve hired a choreographer in LA. Danica will be on stage for the show.” He didn’t seem to notice every member of the band staring at him. Or care if he did. “Performing ‘SLUT’.”

  Danica wasn’t sure who she should grab first. Both Sophie and Alder looked ready to rip Cole’s head off. But then Jesse put his hand on Alder’s shoulder. So she brought her attention to Sophie.

  Who stepped up to Cole and jabbed her finger into the center of his chest. “Her contract specifically states that she will not be asked to do anything demeaning. I suggest you explain yourself before I negate this whole deal!”

  “Sophie—” Danica sighed as Sophie continued her diatribe about legal terms and respect. There was no talking her down when she thought one of her girls was being mistreated.

  And the fact that Cole was simply nodding, completely unaffected by a single word, was just making the situation worse.

  Danica wasn’t offended, because she’d heard the song. But Sophie clearly hadn’t.

  Brave slammed his fist into the side of the bus. “Enough!”

  Sophie pressed her lips together and glared at him. Cole folded his arms and his brow furrowed as he turned to his lead singer.

  The band, all but Alder, looked like they were trying not to laugh as Brave stepped up to the manager and the man took a step back.

  “You’re being an asshole. And I get why, in your twisted mind, you’d want to see if the chick knew what she was signing on for.” He pointed at Danica. “She’s not freaking out, so she gets it. So what if her agent doesn’t listen to our fucking music?”

  “The song is still very sexual. The last thing we need is a hard core feminist dragging her girl off the stage in the middle of a show.” Cole’s tone was steady, but he didn’t seem as confident now that Brave had called him on his shit. “And what about you? Will you be comfortable performing with a woman?”

  Brave’s jaw ticked. “Don’t fucking start that shit with me, Cole. I’ll play nice in public and follow your goddamn rules. You think me feeling up a chick on stage will be good for the band? I’ll do it. Otherwise, it’s none of your business what I do with my dick.”

  “Fair enough.” Cole took a deep breath as Brave backed off. His expression changed so abruptly, Danica wondered if he had any experience as a model. The cameras must love him. That fake smile was more genuine than anything she’d ever manage to pull off. “Now that we’ve gotten past the unpleasantness, please let me clarify. SLUT is a song Brave wrote to disregard all the negativity behind the word. It’s actually quite empowering.”

  “Is that so?” Sophie looked at Danica, relaxing when Danica nodded. “Very well. But I would like to hear from the band. Are you all comfortable with Danica joining you on tour? I expect you will have to make some drastic changes in your lifestyle. She’s not one of your groupies and—”

  “Sophie, I don’t need them changing anything for me.” Danica’s face heated as the men’s eyes locked on her. Then she felt a strong hand take hers and the weight on her chest lifted as Alder smiled at her.

  “She might dress better than the women we know.” He looked pointedly at her jeans and T-shirt, as though he wanted to make sure no one missed his sarcasm. “But she’s not as high maintenance as she seems.”

  One of the men she’d seen sitting with Alder at the after party let out a dry laugh. “She wears a bit more clothes than the women I hang out with. Honestly, I don’t see a problem with having her on the bus, but I can’t say how I feel about the whole act until I see it.”

  “I’m with Connor.” The man who’d been protective of the drummer—she was pretty sure his name was Malakai—rested his forearm on the youngest member’s shoulder. “Why don’t we call LA a test run? See if we like that act. And how the fans respond.”

  Tate nodded, tilting his head to one side as he looked from Danica to Alder. “Are you guys together? I saw some stuff online and some of the female fans are freaking out. Won’t seeing her all over Brave make it worse?”

  “That’s a very good question, Tate.” Cole rubbed his chin in thought. “The photos being spread around are bringing some positive attention to the band, but I think it would be good for Danica to have her own title. She’s a paid performer, so we could add her to the website and make it official. Let the fans have fun speculating who she’s with.”

  “Why is it such a big deal if they know she’s with me?” Alder shook his head when Jesse whispered something to him from his other side, but the tension left him when Danica squeezed his hand. “I’m sorry, but this is getting ridiculous. Fine, she’s not coming along just as my girlfriend. But we are together.”

  Cole’s smile changed, making him look a bit like a shark, even though Danica was pretty sure he was going for sympathetic. “Alder, I know this relationship is new and it’s very sweet you want to tell the world. But what looks better on her resume? Performing on stage with Winter’s Wrath, posing for album covers and other marketing material? Or spending some time on the bus following her boyfriend around?”

  Damn it, he’s right. She didn’t wan
t to have to choose between her career and Alder, but if she was forced to…she really hoped he wouldn’t be the one putting her in that position.

  “Maybe the question should be whether you will have an issue with her performing with me, Alder.” Brave’s tone was cold, but at least he was being direct. And not playing Cole’s games. “Is it more important to claim her than it is for this opportunity to benefit everyone?”

  Alder dropped his gaze as his brother continued to stare him down. “No.”

  Danica released the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. She hoped this didn’t mess up their budding relationship, but they could figure that out on their own. The most important thing was her presence not causing a rift with the band.

  Which her silence didn’t help. She needed to stop letting Sophie and Alder speak for her.

  “I’m sure you’d all like me a lot more if I gushed about how much I love your music, but I only starting listening to it a few days ago. I enjoy most of the songs, but not enough to ask any of you to sign my boobs. You’ll need new material.” She grinned when Tate barked out a laugh. The other guys smiled. Even Alder. “This is an amazing opportunity and I’m happy Sophie and Cole set it up. I’m serious about my career and I can tell you’re just as serious about bringing this band to the top. I think we’re gonna have a great partnership.”

  Brave clapped slowly and stepped toward her. “Diplomatic and smart.” He lifted her hand to his lips, brushing her knuckles with a soft kiss. “I look forward to dancing with you again, sweetheart.”

  She caught his amused gaze flick past her before he headed to the front of the bus and had no doubt he was goading Alder. She refused to acknowledge the childish rivalry he and Alder seemed to have going on. But when she turned and saw Jesse with his hands on both of Alder’s shoulders, speaking low, she couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to it than she’d first assumed. She hadn’t seen any jealousy in Brave’s eyes, even though he’d tried to provoke it in his brother.

  He obviously knew Alder and Jesse were close, but did he have any clue that his brother had been in love with the man? Did he love Jesse too much to care?

  Not really any of her business, but she had a feeling, if anything was going to put a strain on the band, it wouldn’t be her presence.

  The band wouldn’t have lasted this long with so much animosity between the brothers.

  Which meant it was getting worse.

  Chapter Seven

  “You wanna cookie?”

  Danica started and looked up from where she’d stretched out to read a science fiction novel she’d found, Xenogenisis. Not the type of book she’d normally read, but she’d quickly become completely engrossed in the story. So much so that she hadn’t heard that the band had stopped practicing in the back lounge.

  She sat up and shook her head, smiling at Tate as he withdrew the box of cookies. “No thank you.”

  “I guess you’re not really allowed to eat stuff like this. The rest of the guys aren’t either. Well, Brave could, but I’m pretty sure he’s not human.” Tate stuffed the cookie into his mouth, then swung open the fridge in the kitchen area. “You want some carrots?”

  Laughing, Danica shook her head again. “I’m good. I am curious why cookies are forbidden. Is Cole really that strict?”

  “Not really, but he can make you feel like an ass if you do something he doesn’t like. Gain weight, wear the wrong clothes, shave your head.” He gave her a sheepish smile as he ran his hand over his semi-mohawk. “I thought he was gonna kick me to the curb when I gave myself a buzz cut a few months after joining the band. He said it ‘ruined my signature look’. I wore a beanie until my hair grew back—even when it was crazy hot out.”

  “I know what that’s like. I put blue streaks in my hair once and Sophie wanted to strangle me. She wasn’t shy about telling me. Was a bit easier to fix than a shaved head though.”

  “Yeah…but I’m lucky. As a drummer, I need as many calories as I can get. And it’s the cookies or coke, so Cole doesn’t get on my case.” He took another cookie out and grinned as he took a bite. “He doesn’t know I’m more scared of what my Grandma will do if I start up again. Don’t tell him though. He’ll stop being so nice.”

  ‘Nice’ didn’t seem like a word anyone could use to describe Cole, but Danica kept that thought to herself. She was relieved when he’d told them he’d be driving up to LA on his own, rather than in the bus. Alder had mentioned Cole usually rode with them—his bunk was the only one never used for storage—but on this tour he’d been taking his car more often. Something about making detours when the band didn’t need him so he could set up new opportunities.

  “I won’t say a word.” She placed the book cover flap between the pages to save her spot as the rest of the band came into the front lounge. Malakai and Alder sat on the sofa across from the one she was sitting on, setting a notebook on their knees as they began to jot down what looked like notes.

  Connor dropped down on the floor and started doing pushups. “Is it just me or is this drive taking forever? I need to move!”

  “You’re such a freak, Con.” Brave stepped over Connor and sat beside Danica, propping his feet up on Connor’s back. “It’s been about two hours. You want me to ask Jesse to pull over at a rest stop so you can jog for a bit?”

  Nodding, without pausing his steady up and down motion, Connor nodded. “That would be awesome, man.”

  “I’ll talk to him, but you’re gonna have to chill out a bit on our next trip. It’s only a four hour drive and we shouldn’t be stopping at all.” Brave pushed off the sofa and ruffled Connor’s hair. “But we’re ahead of schedule, so it’s fine.

  Another situation Danica wasn’t sure she had any right to comment on, but there was something familiar about Jesse’s mention of Connor constantly working out, and the almost desperate way Connor talked about moving. She’d met a few models, of both sexes, that shared that particular obsession.

  “Have you ever had an eating problem, Connor?” She bit her lip when Alder and Malakai stopped writing notes and Tate stared at her. “I’m sorry, that was blunt. It’s just…obsessive exercising can be a symptom. We’re told to look for signs at the agency and I just wondered if you…” Real smooth, Danica. You can shut up now.

  The men’s attention had all turned to Connor as he rose to a crouch. “I exercise enough to be able to eat whatever I want. And hey, it’s cool, I’m not offended that you asked. There’s usually a guy from one of the bands we tour with that asks at least once. They’ve diagnosed me with everything from OCD to bulimia. My doctor says I’m just hyperactive.”

  “And he gets prescriptions for the good stuff!” Tate blurted, taking Brave’s spot beside Danica, still holding on to the cookies. “Medicated marijuana. But he won’t share.”

  “Your doctor doesn’t like the idea of you taking any drugs.”

  “Not that it stops you from bumming from anyone who’s soft for your puppy dog looks.”

  Alder and Malakai spoke almost at once, shaking their heads as they both gave Tate disapproving frowns.

  Tate rolled his eyes, hopping up as the bus rolled to a stop. “Speaking of which, I’m gonna see what Jesse’s up to. If Brave’s not all up on him, maybe he’ll share.”

  “He better not!” Malakai called out, but Tate was already gone, with Connor trailing after him.

  Grumbling to himself, Malakai followed them out.

  And Danica took the opportunity to cover her face with her hands and call herself a few creative names. Including one her Ojibwe teacher often used. “Ningiiwanaadiz!”

  Eyes wide, Alder crouched down in front of her and pulled her hands away from her face. “What does that mean?”

  “I am crazy. There’s no insults in Ojibwe, but it’s fitting. I’m screwing this up so badly!”

  “No you’re not. If I know Connor, and I do, he thinks you’re sweet for caring.” He circled her palm with his thumb. “Stop second guessing yourself. We’re stuck o
n this bus together, all seven of us, for days at a time. At some point you might say or do something, or one of the guys will, and shit will hit the fan. But right now they’re getting to know you and they like what they see.”

  He rubbed her knees and held her gaze while she considered his words. And she realized he was right. This trip was going to be a lot more strained if she didn’t speak her mind. Honesty, concern, and complete openness were all parts of who she was.

  “Okay. I get it.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “You want to get some fresh air, or take advantage of our precious seconds of privacy?”

  Alder ran his hands up her thighs. “Seconds aren’t enough for all that I want to do to you. And I’m tempted to be selfish, but you need to get used to taking every opportunity to get off the bus. Have you ever been down this highway?”

  “No, I usually fly to LA.”

  “Come on then. The view is pretty sweet if we are where I think we are.”

  As they headed for the door, two older men Danica didn’t recognize ambled onto the bus. She spotted Tate’s young drum tech behind them and figured these must be the roadies.

  One of the men, with a shiny bald head and a face covered in scars and tattoos, greeted Alder, inclined his head to Danica, then collapsed onto the sofa they’d just left.

  “Like fucking chewing on dirt in the van—had to keep the windows open. Malakai’s trying to fix the AC, and Jesse told us to come grab a beer and chill in here for a bit.” Without rising, the man held his hand out to Danica. “Forgive me for not getting up, but I need to rest my old bones. I keep telling the guys I won’t do tours in the South anymore, but I’m full of shit. You can call me Skull.”

  “Nice to meet you, Skull.” She was tempted to ask for his real name, but he’d have told her if he wanted to be called anything else. “I’m Danica.”


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