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Backlash (Winter's Wrath #1)

Page 13

by Bianca Sommerland

  “And you really are as gorgeous as the boys keep saying.” He chuckled and dropped his arm over his eyes. “Treat her good, Alder. Jesse’s already told everyone he’ll personally break kneecaps if anyone messes with her. I think, after hearing that her agent assumes we’re all scum, the rest of the boys will want in on that.”

  “Not gonna be an issue, Skull.” Alder rubbed Skull’s head, patted the shoulder of the drum tech who was raiding the fridge, then gave the last man, who looked like he’d stepped straight off a tank—and was about the size of one—a hand-clasping, man-hug.

  Outside, Alder waited for her, quickly taking her hand to lead her away from the bus. They walked across the dry terrain for a bit, climbing up one of the smaller hills that surrounded both sides of the highway. It didn’t take long to reach the highest point, but Danica’s mouth was dry and her throat felt caked with dust.

  The man was crazy. The sun beat down on them unmercifully and red dirt rose in a gritty haze around their feet, with just enough of a breeze for her to taste it in her mouth and feel it in her eyes. At least she was wearing running shoes, but Sophie would throw a fit if she saw Danica exposed to the elements like this.

  Stop whining. Five minutes in the sun won’t ruin you for life.

  Probably not, but why had he brought her up here?

  Standing behind her, he put his hands on her shoulders and turned her to look over the horizon. Then he brought his lips close to her ear. “When you travel as much as we do, you can forget to appreciate not many get the chance we’ve been given to see the world. Look.”

  And she did. And she forgot the heat and all the worrying and pretty much everything else.

  The view was incredible. Through the deep slope of mountains crested in rich foliage, she could make out the city. A thin sheen of fog wrapped around the base of the skyscrapers, giving them a surreal, majestic aura. She leaned back against Alder, taking in the sight and realizing she’d never really stopped and seen anything in any of the places she’d been.

  Of course, she’d paused in Paris to see the Eiffel Tower. In Rome they’d driven by the Colosseum. In every city she’d ever visited, there had been attractions that she wished she could just stand there and stare at, even if only for a few minutes. But she was always rushing off somewhere.

  She’d been to many places without experiencing any of them.

  “Thank you.” She held his hands against her chest and kissed the side of his wrist. “I needed this. I didn’t expect to get many more chances to explore with the tour than I do when I travel for runway shows or photo shoots.”

  “Ah, well, that’s where things are a bit different. Not all the guys are into doing the touristy thing, but I’d rather lose a little sleep than miss out.” He pressed his lips to her hair. “But I can go on stage with dark circles under my eyes. I could play the guitar in my sleep. You need to be all bright eyed and cheerful.”

  She absolutely loved that he understood that she hadn’t been neglecting the opportunities. Sophie was strict, and while it limited Danica’s free time, it was the only way she’d ever be successful.

  Considering what would be expected from her on the tour, she sighed. “I still have to be all bright eyed and cheerful.”

  “That depends. You really want to sell that you’re living the ‘rock star’ life?”

  “Ha! There’s selling it, and there’s having pictures of me too drunk to remember I decided panties ruin the lines of my dress.”

  He let out a soft groan. “You cannot expect me to continue being a gentleman if you talk like that.”

  With out a soft laugh, she turned and poked him in the center of his solid chest. “When have I ever asked you to be a gentleman?”

  “Very true. Would you prefer I throw you over my shoulder and toss you into my bunk?”

  She pictured that, not sure whether or not she should object. He’d make a hot caveman, but…

  “If you tossed me into your bunk, you’d give me a concussion.”


  “And would you be comfortable with your brother a few feet away?” Her mind was running wild again. She was sure she was blushing, but now that she’d been on the bus, all she could think of was making love, surrounded by virtual strangers, and trying to keep quiet. And she couldn’t imagine being quiet with Alder. By the time they finally got a moment alone, she was pretty sure both of them would combust. “He’ll be listening and picturing what you’re doing to me and—”

  Alder put his hand over her mouth and let out a rough laugh. “Well, with that disturbing thought in my head, no, I wouldn’t be comfortable. And I’d rather not give the rest of the guys something to jack off to.”

  “You say the sweetest things!” She gave him a little shove, shaking her head as they started back down the hill. “And you’ve ruined my fantasy of rock stars having orgies on their bus every single night.”

  Tripping over a rock, Alder almost went face first into a straggly little tree. He landed on one knee, his shoulders shaking.

  Shit! Danica hurried to his side. Was he hurt?

  He was laughing.

  She smacked his shoulder. “You scared me, you asshole!”

  He put his hands up and rose to his feet. Sweat trickled down his face, and he had a smear of red dirt on his dimpled cheek. “I’m sorry, I just wasn’t sure whether to be shocked if you wanted the orgies, or just laugh at the fact that you thought we had them. Then I pictured the looks on all the guys faces if I suggested it and I was a goner.”

  “So no orgies at all?” She reached out to wipe some of the dirt off his cheek. “It’s supposed to be sex, drugs, and rock and roll. You can’t just skip the sex.”

  “We don’t, we’re just not…I mean, maybe some bands do it, but my brother is part of this band. And I’m really starting to hate this conversation. Are you into one of the other guys? I mean, I could probably… It’s Connor, isn’t it?”

  “Nope.” She continued walking, curious to see how many guesses he’d make before he figured out she was messing with him.

  “Malakai?” He jogged to keep up with her. “It must be Malakai. After seeing me and him on stage… Honey, you don’t want to mess with him. He’s almost as bad as my brother. He doesn’t fuck anyone he cares about. He’d be a dick to you after and I’d have to—”

  “Okay, stop.” She spun around, putting her finger to his lips as he halted in front of her. “I haven’t slept with you yet. I wouldn’t mind watching you and Malakai grope each other again, but I think I should watch some gay porn to see how I’ll react to more. Would you watch it with me?”

  His lips parted. He swallowed. “Umm…sure?”

  “Good. Now that’s settled and I’m glad we didn’t get to Tate. He’s adorable, but I’m more likely to hug him and bake him cookies than get naked for him.”

  Alder made a face, his gaze locking on something behind her.

  She pressed her teeth into her bottom lip. “Tate’s there, isn’t he?”

  “Yep. And I’m very sad.” Tate stepped up to her side and gave her the most pitiful look. “Can I get that hug now?”

  She pulled him into her arms, pulling his head down to kiss his forehead. “Will cookies help too?”

  “Absolutely.” He squeezed her tight, then handed her a bottle of water. “Jesse sent me to look for you guys. He thought you might need this.”

  “Mmm.” Danica quickly uncapped the bottle and took a few gulps. The cool liquid was like a balm in her dry mouth and throat. “You’re amazing.”

  “But not amazing enough to get naked for. It’s okay, your boyfriend feels the same.” Tate winked at her before spinning around and sprinting back to the bus.

  She arched a brow at Alder.

  He shrugged. “You may not be the only one who’s considered orgies on the bus.”

  “I bet.” She finished her water and took his hand. “Hotel in LA. My treat. I still need to make up for breakfast this morning.”

  His brow furrowed. �
�A fifteen dollar breakfast doesn’t equal a freakin’ hotel. Anywhere. Especially not in LA.”

  “Maybe not. But what I’ll make you do once we get there?” She rose up on her tiptoes, fisting her hand in his hair and nipping his ear. “That’ll make us even.”

  Chapter Eight

  Sex is addicting

  Love that you’re giving

  Understanding that all I need is your


  The frustration, and sheer exhaustion of the band hung heavy in the humid air, but Alder sensed Danica was having a harder time than the others. The fact that the choreographer wouldn’t get off her case didn’t help. When they’d first stepped into the rented warehouse space—less than an hour after they reached Los Angeles—and Cole gave them the ‘good news’ that the lady was available today, Danica had been raring to go.

  Her energy actually got the whole band pumped up. She was used to having very little time to prepare before hitting the runway.

  But this wasn’t a runway, and the choreographer, Madame Croissant—or something like that—had humiliated her more than once, even asking if Danica knew how to do anything besides gracefully walk in a straight line.

  Dismissing the band, Madame Croissant had made Danica go through the simple dance moves alone for about fifty minutes before deeming her ‘passible’. And Alder had stood just out of sight the whole time, grinding his teeth, with Jesse at his side.

  “This isn’t a fucking Broadway show. What’s this woman’s deal?”

  “I don’t know. Our girl seemed fine after she saw the routine a couple times.” Jesse folded his arms over his chest. “Not sure she will be after this. And honestly, the whole thing seems fake as fuck.”

  “I agree.”

  “We can’t afford security, but Cole can throw money into this shit? Dude, you guys need a new manager.”

  “Brave won’t fire him. He was the manager for LOST.” Alder rubbed his hand over his face. “And Valor hired him. Which means we can’t even discuss the subject.”

  “Maybe you can’t talk to him. But I can.”

  Alder had a feeling Jesse was overestimating his influence on Brave, but he’d just nodded, relieved that the band was called back in before he was tempted to invite Danica to get the hell out of here.

  Maybe he should anyway.

  One look at the determined set to her jaw and he trashed the idea. She would hate him thinking she couldn’t hack it. Being her boyfriend, while working with her¸ meant there were some lines he couldn’t cross.

  She wouldn’t drag him off stage if he played until his fingers bled—which, thankfully hadn’t happened in years—so he would show her the same respect.

  He did step straight up to her and pull her into his arms for a hug though. She looked like she needed it.

  “Thank you.” She laughed, tipping her head up and blinking fast. “I’m good. Let’s get this over with.”

  He kissed her forehead, then took his place and lifted his guitar from the mock ego riser of stacked mats. He slung the guitar strap over his neck, letting it settle on his shoulder as Tate began the beat on the drums. SLUT had been controversial because the opening beat reminded a lot of people of the Foo Fighters Hero. But besides the brief familiarity, the quickening breakdown, and the guitars coming in with a dark tri-tone, gave the song an enduring quality that was unique. The loving words might come out brutal for the most part, but the chorus was sensual, in a way that worshiped the woman being tagged with the dubious endearment.

  Weaving between them all, Danica walked tall and proud, then spun around to drop to her knees in front of Connor. She threw her head back as he ran his hand between her breasts. On the next beat she rose and put her palms flat on the drums. She matched a break in the steady beat to avoid Tate snapping his drumsticks onto her hands.

  Then she came up behind Alder and he wasn’t supposed to react. She slid a hand over his chest, then ran both down his back. His pulse raced at her touch and he inhaled roughly to fight the surge of lust. The heat of her lingered when she slipped away. After seeing her twist and spin between them all in practice, again and again, he could picture her strutting across the stage, slowing her pace as she reached Malakai.

  On her knees again. She whipped her head back and forth, risking getting her hair tangled in the strings, but Malakai strummed rapidly, lifting his hand with every long chord, giving her a chance to snap her head back before his hand came down.

  She moved to the front of the stage, gyrating, dragging her hands through her hair as she bent her body backwards. So strong, elegant and powerful, he knew the crowd would be reaching for her. Showing her as much love as they showed every member of the band, trapped in the thrall of the music.

  Losing himself into the familiar, jagged rhythm, Alder inhaled evenly as he transitioned into the softer tones. He whispered into the mic along with Malakai.

  “Slut. Slut. Slut.”

  Brave pulled the mic to his lips, growling the first words of the chorus. “A word that means you’re wild, free, and mine!”

  Alder and Malakai snarled into their mics. “S.L.U.T. S.L.U.T.”

  And then Brave sang sweetly, so seductive all the ladies in the crowd usually sighed rather than sang. “Sex is addictive. Love that you’re giving. Understanding that all I need is your… Trust.”

  All together they shouted. “Slut!”

  Only the last time that the chorus hit did Danica approach Brave. He wrapped her loose hair around his hand, dropped the mic, and bowed her over his arm.

  He ran his hand up her thigh, between her breasts, then along the curve of her throat.

  Only, this time, rather than stop right before their lips touched, he ran his tongue over her bottom lip.

  And she slapped him before shoving so hard he couldn’t hold her, and she fell.


  Alder reacted without thinking. He saw his fist swinging towards Brave’s face, the distance between them crossed in a blink, so blacked out in rage time passed in a blur. And then he was tackled to the ground, his guitar digging into his chest, Jesse holding his wrists.

  And as he inhaled roughly to calm the fuck down, he heard Danica and Brave and the choreographer yelling.

  “What is this? I won’t deal with territorial men! They almost had the act down pat if she hadn’t ruined it with her little fit!” Madame Croissant threw her hands up in the air, and Alder could see her striding up to Cole as she lost her damn mind. “And the fighting? I instructed them not to react! You told me they were professionals!”

  Meanwhile, Danica was shoving Brave while screaming in his face. “Why would you do that? You’re not supposed to kiss me, never mind try to stick your tongue in my mouth!”

  Brave, as usual, was sickeningly calm. “Danica, I—”

  “No! You’re fucking with my career! You heard her; I’m horrible at this! And I was trying, but you—” Her voice broke and she took a step back. “I don’t know why you thought that was okay, but now I’ll probably lose the gig and this will all be for nothing.”

  Alder nudged Jesse’s shoulder to get the other man off him. He got why Jesse had stopped him from punching Brave, but he needed to go to Danica. He had to fix this.

  Holding his hands up, Brave nodded slowly. “I went too far and I’m sorry. I just couldn’t bear her saying you had no passion. That you looked too stiff on stage. I thought it would help you relax. I was wrong.”

  “Yes, you were.” Danica covered her face with her hands, her shoulders bowed. But as Alder approached her, she held a hand up and shook her head. “Can we try it again? Just one last time? Please? I can do this!”

  Cole, who was trying to talk Madame Croissant down, paused and looked over at Danica. And smiled.

  “Danica, I can see the effort you’ve made. You’ve lost nothing. And I respect the fact that you’re willing to try again.” He ran his hands through his hair and took a deep breath. “Let’s take a short break, and then we’ll give it another go.” His eyes n
arrowed as he focused on Alder. “Work this out. This will not happen in front of a crowd.”

  Inclining his head, Alder moved toward Danica, but stopped when he saw Brave draw her over to a stack of mats and kneel in front of her.

  Those lines that couldn’t be crossed between their relationship and their careers were looking like fucking walls at the moment. As much as he wanted to comfort Danica, the issue was between her and Brave. And Alder couldn’t fix this for her.

  Not if he wanted to prove he respected the work she was doing with the band.

  Off to the side of the mock stage, Jesse was smoking a joint. And sharing it with the other three members of the band. Malakai didn’t even comment on Tate taking a few tokes.

  He couldn’t join them. All his protective instincts were on high alert, but they wouldn’t be welcome now. He headed to the closest exit and slid down the wall, right outside the door, and pressed his head to his knees.

  The band was worth whatever he had to sacrifice. Which might be his damn sanity, now that Danica was with them. But at this point, he had some promises to keep.

  A promise that he wouldn’t react to Brave touching her. Unless she needed him to step in.

  But how the fuck would he know? Any other man would have pushed Jesse aside and made it clear that no one could treat his woman like that.

  Only, he’d seen how Danica had reacted to his question of why they couldn’t be open about their relationship. Whatever her feelings for him, her career came first. And she wouldn’t bother with a man who didn’t respect that.

  He wasn’t sure what was worse. Wondering if he’d gone too far, or if Brave had.

  In a normal lifestyle, the answer would be obvious, but that wasn’t the life they were living.

  He jumped as someone touched his shoulder.

  “Hey, kid. It’s just me.” Skull crouched down in front of him. “Here, have a drink. And don’t get all worried about drinking too much, or that damn diet Cole’s pressured you to be on. I’m a smart old man, and I wouldn’t put this drink in your hand if you didn’t need it.”

  Alder took the flask Skull handed him and took a few, deep swallows. “I shouldn’t need it.”


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