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Scarlett The Devil's Daughter

Page 6

by S J Crabb

  Chapter Six

  As soon as I can I escape to my room and once again lock myself in. Despite what my father wants I would rather my own company than theirs any day.

  As the sun breaks through the drapes the next morning I wake up with a feeling of excitement. I don't know why I am looking forward to seeing Drake so much; I mean we have hardly said two words to each other but I can remember every single one of them. I can definitely feel a connection with him and I think that he feels it too.

  Quickly I get ready and head downstairs, hoping that they have all left already. As I enter the kitchen it appears empty and I take the opportunity to grab some breakfast.

  Before I can escape though I hear voices heading towards me and realise that there will be no avoiding them. I cringe as I see Ashley and Savannah coming into the room.

  As soon as they see me they nudge one another and plaster the usual smirk on their faces. They are identical twins; two of the meanest girls I have ever met. They look like butter wouldn't melt in their mouths though. Both of them have long blonde hair and the darkest brown eyes. They are slim with model type figures and are both incredibly beautiful. In fact there is not a bad gene in our family, in the looks department anyway. They always have a string of admirers even here; I can't imagine what the queue is like in their full time home.

  Like me they live with their mother and only come here for the holidays. I have always envied them the fact that at least they have each other.

  My brothers are also not short of admirers. I hear the girls talking in the bar. They don't know who I am and I hear them plotting how they will get Caleb and Marius to ask them out. The thought of either of them as boyfriend material makes me want to laugh. Like my father they can take their pick and it appears that they pick as often as they can.

  Savannah looks over. "Hey Scarlett, don't tell me you've got to go to that flea pit and work like a slave again. I mean you really lucked out this summer. At least Ashley and I have a cushy number at the health club."

  She pauses for effect and then smiles sweetly. "Maybe if you smartened yourself up a bit then you would get the better job. I mean you would stand out like a sore thumb at the club." Ashley giggles. "Oh my God, could you imagine her there? They would have to lower the membership fee."

  They laugh and I scowl at them both. Before I can reply Caleb pushes past them to the fridge. Ashley glares at him. "Watch who you're shoving. You may get away with treating your pathetic friends and girlfriends like that but not us."

  Slamming the fridge door Caleb approaches her menacingly. "Shut your mouth you stupid Barbie doll. Just you remember who lives here full time and not just for a few weeks a year either. You don't get to speak like that to me in my own home and if you do it again I'll shut your mouth for you."

  Ashley stands her ground and Savannah moves beside her. I watch with interest as they fix Caleb with a look that could turn the milk sour. Their eyes burn with hatred and they look at him defiantly.

  Savannah sneers. "You don't scare us; in fact you are nothing to us. We don't choose to come here we are made to. If you don't like it take it up with our father, that I would love to see." Before he can reply we all look in complete surprise as Luna wiggles into the room. Ashley and Savannah look horrified and Caleb bursts out laughing.

  Luna is dressed in cut off denim shorts with a white vest top. She is also engulfed in a black hoody and has leather bracelets around her wrists. She has tied her hair back in a ponytail and has sneakers on.

  She looks at us and wrinkles her nose. "I'm sorry guys but I'm not feeling this hobo chic craze. Do you think it suits me?" The twins look confused and Caleb looks at me and grins wickedly before tearing out of the room.

  Stifling a giggle I follow him and shout back, "You totally rock it Luna, who'd have thought."

  Leaving them behind I make my way outside. As I pass my father's den I see him inside and a thought crosses my mind. I knock hesitantly and he calls for me to enter. He looks surprised when he sees me as I don't usually come to see him voluntarily and I can see him contemplating me with a thoughtful look on his face.

  Seeing him standing there watching me I almost lose my resolve. I have never ever asked him for anything before and I am not sure how this will go down.

  Pushing down my fears I stare at him with determination and as he sees it in my face I see his eyes dancing with excitement. Taking a deep breath I look at him nonchalantly. "I want to be able to move around freely without relying on my brothers for rides. I need a motorbike to get me to and from work."

  He looks surprised and I can tell that this was not what he was expecting me to say. He laughs which angers me and makes me scowl at him angrily.

  "Well well, a motorbike huh. Since when did you know how to ride one?"

  I stare at him defiantly. "I learned this year. If you're worrying that I can't you needn't as I have the test certificate as proof."

  He looks surprised and I take a small amount of pleasure in being able to tell him something that he didn't already know about me.

  He growls ominously. "And who arranged all of this? I was never asked for my permission and I can't imagine your mother agreeing to it."

  Shrugging I stare at him unwaveringly. "She signed the papers alright, although she may not have known what it was she was signing at the time."

  Suddenly his eyes sparkle with amusement and he laughs loudly. I am shocked, I didn't expect this reaction, in fact I don't think I have ever seen him this way before.

  He moves over and stands right in front of me. Reaching down he lifts my hand and as I feel his touch it makes me shiver inside. His mouth twists as he feels it and his eyes darken.

  "Do I scare you Scarlett? I can feel your fear within you." Looking into his eyes I can see the fire within them and it takes everything I have to push the fear away. I allow the fear that is building and the hatred inside me to merge and I use them to channel the energy inside me against him. I know that he can feel it as his hand grips hold of me tighter and his eyes hold mine.

  Suddenly we are locked in a battle of wills. I will not give in to his intimidation and suddenly feel empowered. Years of hatred and rage mix with the fear and desperation inside of me. I give it back to him with everything I've got and as I watch him watching me I can see that he feels the effects.

  However he appears to thrive on it and I see it in his eyes. He is feeding off of it and as I feel his power within me I can tell that his in increasing because of it.

  Snatching my hand away I break the connection. I know that he is too strong for me and I don't want to give him any more of me than I have to.

  I move slightly away to put some distance between us and stare at him defiantly. "Well can I?"

  His face relaxes and he smiles wickedly at me. "You are learning Scarlett and that pleases me more than anything else I could wish for. You have your motorbike but you had better be able to control it. Use the machine to learn about control. Sometimes it is difficult to control the power and it may be your downfall."

  I actually can't believe that he has agreed this easily and I feel elated. He must see my eyes dancing with excitement because he grins and takes my hand again. "Come on, let's go to the garage and we'll pick one out for you."

  As I follow him I feel excited. Finally I will have my independence. No more relying on my brothers for rides.

  We reach my father's garage and I stare at the multitude of vehicles within. I say garage but it is actually a huge barn filled with all kinds of machines.

  There are various motorbikes in every shape and variety. Sports cars sit alongside station wagons and there are also several escalades and trucks. I'll say one thing for my father, he loves his toys.

  As we wander along the rows of bikes one in particular catches my eye. Walking over to it I stroke the gleaming paintwork and run my hands over the handlebars. I can feel my father watching me and as I look up at him he nods.

  Feeling excite
d I sit astride the bike and instantly feel comfortable. My father looks with interest and then moves away and soon returns with a set of keys.

  "Come on Scarlett, let's move it outside if this is the one. You can show me what you know."

  Wheeling the bike outside I feel a connection with it. Despite the fact that there were several others alongside it this one seemed to call to me.

  Reaching the yard he hands me the keys. With excitement I turn the keys and hear the bike spring into life. The machine purrs beneath me and I can feel its power generating through my body.

  I can see my father watching me with a considered expression. "Ok Scarlett now you can show me." Suddenly to my surprise he moves behind me on the bike. As I feel him so close to me my body recoils and he laughs. "You didn't think I'd let you just ride off without proving to me that you know what you're doing did you? Well young lady now's your chance. My life is now in your hands show me what you've got."

  Well I wasn't expecting this and it wrong foots me. Nervously I try to re-group and concentrate on what I have to do. It is true I did pass my test but I haven't had much practice. A friend of mine from home let me use his bike to learn and it was nowhere near as powerful as this machine. I wonder if I have taken on too much as I feel how heavy it is especially with the added weight of my passenger.

  However I try to focus and use what I have learned. As we pull away I try to remember what to do. The bike feels heavy and cumbersome and it takes all of my concentration just to control the machine.

  My father shouts in my ear. "Use your power within to control the machine. Connect with it and use your mind to control where you want to go."

  Digging deeper I focus all of my energy on to the beast beneath me. I feel its power surge through me and suddenly my body comes alive.

  We move away and soon begin to build up speed. I feel the adrenalin kick in and as the wind streaks through my hair I feel the cold air on my face. The engine throbs between my thighs and I feel the bike's power course through my body.

  Suddenly it doesn't feel heavy anymore. It is as though we are one and it is as light as a feather. I increase the speed and forget that I am not alone. Suddenly I am on fire and I take the machine on the ride of my life.

  Instantly I feel free and happy. Nothing can reach me; I can go wherever I want to and I tune my father out and enjoy the new feelings within me.

  Reaching the top of a hill I bring the machine to a stop and catch my breath as I look at the town beneath me. I hear my father laugh behind me and he says, "Well done Scarlett, you're a fast learner. Don't get too complacent though. It is when you relax and switch off that you are at your most vulnerable. Never let your guard down and you will be fine. Now take me back and then you can get off to work. Lesson over for today."

  Without saying a word I return home. He jumps off and before he can say anything I ride off. He has surprised me today. I thought that it would be more of a battle, however I realise that all the time he thinks I am learning he is happy. However I worry about where that will lead me. I do feel different when I use my power within me and it excites and disgusts me at the same time. I don't want to use it for evil; all I want is to be normal and happy.

  I must learn to control my power in my own way not his because the thought of living my life like he does fills me with fear.


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