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Scarlett The Devil's Daughter

Page 7

by S J Crabb

  Chapter Seven

  I enjoy my ride to the bar and it is with some disappointment that I turn the machine off and leave it behind me.

  As I enter the bar Drake looks up and I see his eyes sparkle as he grins at me.

  "Morning Scarlett, you look amazing today." His words shock me and instantly I turn on my defensive mode. I look at him and scowl but he just laughs and comes over to me.

  As he reaches me he reaches up and smoothes my hair away from my face and grins at me. "Your hair is all over the place and your cheeks are flushed. Your eyes are shining with excitement and I can only wonder what has done this to you."

  I laugh nervously.

  "I got my first bike today." He laughs and takes my hand leading me to the door. "Come on then, show me."

  I follow him out in surprise. As we reach the machine he runs his hands over it and I enjoy watching his strong muscular arm caressing my bike. I am mesmerised watching him and feel a shiver run through me as I wonder what it would feel like to feel him run those hands over me.

  Shaking myself out of my daydream I can see him watching me with a strange look in his eyes. "Do you want to show me your moves Scarlett?"

  He nods towards the bike and I blush. The thought of him behind me on the bike is not an unpleasant one and suddenly I feel excited. I nod excitedly. "But what about the bar, we can't leave it?"

  He smiles. "Don't worry, I'll tell Dylan that we won't be long."

  I watch as he heads back inside and suddenly feel uncertain. It was one thing having my father behind me but the thought of Drake pressed against me will take all of my concentration.

  He soon returns and we get on the bike. As I feel him behind me I almost can't concentrate on the job in hand. I turn the engine on and he shifts closer to me. I can feel his leg against my thigh and he runs his hands around my waist and pulls me closer to him. Leaning towards me I can feel his breath on my face as he whispers, "Are you ready for this Scarlett?" Swallowing hard I nod as words are escaping me and I move away.

  Once again I feel the power of the machine and we speed off down the narrow roads and out on to the highway. I push myself and the bike and the feeling of pure speed is exhilarating.

  I take us to the hill that I went to earlier with my father and stop to take in the sight. Spinning around I see Drake grinning at me with excitement and I grin back at him.

  "How long have you been riding a bike Scarlett that was impressive?"

  I can feel my eyes sparkling and laugh excitedly. "Well if you don't count my lessons and the subsequent test today is the first day."

  I laugh as I see his shocked expression. He soon replaces it with a large smile and shakes his head. "Well judging by that performance you're a natural. I'm just amazed your father let you out on such a powerful bike."

  My eyes lose some of their sparkle at the mention of my father and I see him look at me in concern. "You don't like your father much do you Scarlett?"

  Sighing heavily I look at him and for some reason don't hold it back. "No I don't. The time that I do spend with him is wasted in my opinion. I only see him in the holidays which I dread coming around. I was pleased that he arranged this job for me as it means that I have an excuse to get away from him and the rest of my family."

  Drake looks at me and just smiles. His eyes are holding mine and I can't look away. Whatever the connection is between us is strong and I know that he feels it too.

  He reaches up and pushes the hair away from my eyes. As I feel him touch me it makes with shiver with anticipation. I want to kiss him so badly which is unlike me. I long for those strong arms to hold me and to never let me go; to keep everyone away and for my world to be safe.

  I watch as his eyes darken sending me deeper and deeper under his spell. Suddenly we are so close. His mouth is inches away and I long to draw his lips to mine. I feel myself shifting closer to him and then suddenly he runs his hand behind my head and moves my face closer to his.

  His lips touch mine briefly almost as if he is afraid. Then he holds me close and kisses me and I can feel the passion in him as it permeates through my body. I kiss him back with all that I have. I need him so much, the feelings that I have for him consume me and I almost feel desperate. It is as though he is my oxygen and I have been starved of it for too long. Behind my closed eyes I can see all of him. I read his very soul and I know that he feels the same.

  We pull apart and I see the desire in his eyes. He says huskily, "I knew it would be you Scarlett. The first time I saw you standing there in front of me I felt it."

  I inch closer to him and look at him longingly. "I know Drake. This feels so right us together like this. It is as though we were always destined to find each other."

  He nods and pulls me towards him again. This time his kiss is deeper and more passionate. I lose myself in it and never want it to end. At this moment in time I am the happiest that I have ever been in my life before.

  Reluctantly we pull apart and he sighs heavily. "We had better get back. Dylan will be going mad as we've been gone for ages."

  Suddenly I feel bad for Dylan and nod.

  "Come on then; we've got a job to do after all."

  As I start the engine I savour the feeling of him pulling me into his body. It is the perfect fit almost as if we were from the same mould. Laughing to myself I wonder if this day could get any better.

  Dylan is mad at us and we have to work extra hard to placate him. When we got back the place was heaving and he was struggling alone.

  We are so busy and don't have any time to stop. I feel on a high though and whenever I catch Drake's eye he winks at me and the look he gives me sends molten liquid desire shooting through my veins.

  Once the lunch time rush is over we get a chance to grab something to eat. Dylan looks at us both knowingly and rolls his eyes. "That's all I need, two crazy lovebirds to contend with. Like I don't have enough on my plate already without you two sneaking off every five minutes to make out."

  Drake laughs as he sees me blush. "Chill bro, we know that work comes first. It's not that much of a surprise is it?"

  Dylan laughs. "The only surprise was that it took you so long. My money was on one hour after she started."

  They laugh and I grin at them both. Dylan then surprises me as he turns to Drake and says, "You still set to perform tonight?" Drake nods and I look between them.

  "What do you mean perform?"

  Dylan puts his arm around Drake's shoulder and grins. "My baby brother is something of a rock star. He writes songs and plays the guitar. Once a week he performs in the bar and he has got quite a following."

  I look at Drake in surprise and he smiles as Dylan carries on. "The trouble is we get really busy because of it and it will be too much for just us to handle so I've had to ask Layla to help out."

  Drake snorts and I look at them in confusion. "Who is Layla then?"

  Drake grins wickedly at his brother. "Dylan's wet dream. He has stalked her for ages but she has a boyfriend and you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of him."

  Dylan looks annoyed and snaps, "You don't know what you're talking about. Anyway I've got paperwork to do. You two can manage between you for a couple of hours, it's the least you can do after earlier."

  He walks away and I can tell that Drake hit a nerve. "What's that all about?" I say as he slams the door behind him. Drake grins. "Layla Sullivan is his High school crush. She is your typical willowy blonde with curves in all the right places and a face that men would kill for just to get a smile from it. The trouble is she is already taken and so extremely off limits. He can't get her out of his mind though and doesn't want anyone else."

  I feel sorry to hear it and feel a great deal of sympathy for Dylan. "How awful. Do you think that things may change and she will leave her boyfriend?"

  Drake suddenly looks nervous. "You don't leave him Scarlett, he has to leave you and given the fact that there isn't anyone else in this town that could
hold a candle to her, present company aside, that is extremely unlikely to happen."

  Jumping up he pulls me towards him. "Just to keep me going for the next hour or so." He kisses me sweetly and soon all thoughts of Dylan and Layla fly out of my mind.


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