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Breath of Life 03 - Moments

Page 14

by Sara Marion

  “So,” she said as they others were out of earshot, “What do we do now?”


  Jennah laughed, “Sounds delicious, but don’t burn my marshmallow.”

  “What? Marshmallows are the best part! It’s the glue to the s’more,” he grabbed a roasting stick and shoved two marshmallows on it. He held it over the flames and Jennah scooted closer to him.

  “Let me let you in on a secret,” she grabbed his arm. He felt an electric current between them. “The chocolate is the best part of the s’more.” She laughed leaning into him and Duke turned his gaze to the ground in front of her. Her laugh made him smile.

  “We’ll see about that. I make a mean s’more,” he nudged her. They started laughing. Duke put the marshmallows closer to the fire to start browning them.

  “You’re burning them!” Jennah cried out.

  “No I’m not,” Duke chuckled.

  “Yes, you are! Give me that!” She smiled. She reached for the roasting stick. Duke whisked it out of her reach. She leaned in closer trying to reach across him to save the marshmallows. He leaned away and they both laughed at their silly struggle over the marshmallows. Soon her chair tipped, which caused a domino effect and Duke’s chair tumbled over.

  Duke dropped the roasting stick as he landed on the ground. Jennah was on top of him and their were both laughing at how silly they must have looked. She laughed laying her head on his chest and Duke chuckled as he checked on his marshmallows that were melting off the metal roasting stick. “Well, now they are burnt,” he grinned.

  “It’s all your fault,” she poked at him. He noticed how big and carefree her smile was.

  “No, I had it under control until you decided to take over,” he poked her back and she started squealing, trying to get away from him.

  They rolled around the ground for a few minutes as Jennah tried to get away from his ticklish pokes and then Duke pinned her to the ground. They both smiled at each other, their laughter dying down. The world around them slowly fading away. Duke slowly lowered himself down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. She reciprocated and propped herself up on her elbows, taking the kiss further. Duke pulled away as a flashback of Ella entered his mind. The same moment he saw earlier in the week where he and Ella once let the world fade away around them before Jack and Paxton showed up. He stood trying to disperse the similarities and helped her up. He then turned to face the water, not wanting to explain to her what exactly just happened.

  “What’s wrong?” She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Duke inhaled, her touch seemed so familiar. Ella did the same thing, that’s what bothered him most about what was happening between him and Jennah. Everything she did reminded him of Ella. He turned but didn’t move out of her arms. She rested her head on his chest.

  He rested his chin on Jennah’s head and wrapped his arms around her. “We don’t even know each other, but I have a strong attraction to you. It scares me,” he confessed.

  She didn’t move. “I know. I feel the same way. I’m scared too and I know I should be running but I can’t seem to move my feet.”

  “So don’t, stay with me. Get to know me tonight,” Duke held his breath waiting for his answer. He knew there may be a weird tension between them if they ended up splitting ways, but there was no way he could stay away from her. She was his best option. He hadn’t thought of anything else but her since he spotted her in the campground.

  Jennah broke their contact and took a step back. Duke saw the uncertainty on her face. She was throwing caution into the wind, but it looked like she was getting ready to bolt any minute. She turned her head, staring at the direction of her campsite. He prepared himself for her to run. She faced him once again, “Ok.”

  Duke smiled. “So let’s take this back a step.” He moved over and picked up the two chairs setting them upright. She sat down in one and stared into the fire. Duke sat beside her and just stared at her. “Tell me about yourself,” his voice was quiet.

  “There’s not much to tell.”

  “Sure there is. Tell me about Dobry. She is such a cutie,” he doted.

  “Is the hammock comfy?”

  Duke looked over at the hammock. She was trying to evade the question. Why that was, Duke could only wonder. Pike’s brotherly threat floated through his thoughts once more, I will kill you if you hurt her. Something bad must have happened to Jennah. He knew he didn’t want to push her, so he just responded to her question, “Yeah it’s comfy.”

  “Can we lay in it?”

  “Sure,” he stood and held out his hand to her. She took it cautiously, like if she made the wrong move she would get hurt. Duke noticed there was something behind her stare, but what it was, he didn’t know. He led her over to the hammock.

  He got in first and then she laid beside him. She snuggled up against him on her side, her head against his shoulder looking off towards the water. He gazed straight up at the stars that were now prominent in the sky. They fell into a comfortable silence.

  The evening itself was a warm one. Laying beside the fire, Duke didn’t bother asking if they needed a blanket. He slightly adjusted them to fit perfectly by each other without a risk of falling out. He loved his old, netted hammock but if you didn’t balance just right on it, you would run the risk of tipping too far and falling out. His adjustment caused the hammock to sway slightly and he heard Jennah sigh contently. Neither of them really wanting to break the silence they found themselves in.

  “Dobry is my miracle baby. Her father is not in the picture because I can’t remember who he is,” Jennah finally answered.

  “What do you mean?” Duke didn’t move, afraid of disturbing whatever thought process she was going through. He was also enjoying the feeling of her against him.

  “I had an accident when I was pregnant. When I came to in the hospital, I had no idea who I was or that I was even pregnant. Everything before the accident is still a blank. As the months went by, I was hoping one day something would come back to me but it never did and my belly kept growing.

  “So you’re family took care of you then? They didn’t know who the baby’s father was?”

  “No, they didn’t know,” she trailed off. “Pike and Audra really helped me.” She went quiet for a few moments. Duke thought about how she must have felt, not knowing who she was and the fact she was pregnant. It must have been a hard and lonely time even though family surrounded her.

  “What about you? What’s your story?” her voice floated through the quiet air.

  “I grew up here in Manhattan. I went off college on a football scholarship, went to New York for my last two years where I met my best friend, Jack. I was married at one point but my wife passed a couple years ago in an accident on the interstate.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Jennah interrupted. “That must have been hard.”

  “It was and still is. I’ve been in a dark place lately. I thought I was falling for someone else a few months ago, but she only made things worse. I’m slowly getting over it and I think I’m finally read to look forward again.” He felt Jennah smile. Her cheek now rested on his chest and he took in a big breath of the night’s cool air. As he exhaled, he felt himself relaxing a bit more with her.

  “Looking forward can be a daunting task. I still have a hard time with it,” she confessed.

  “Maybe we can both look forward together,” Duke smiled.

  “Maybe. You did burn my marshmallow, I may not be able to trust you if you can’t even cook me a marshmallow,” she giggled.

  “I didn’t burn them, you just don’t like roasted marshmallows apparently. I mean look, you did make me drop them in the dirt. How unfair is that?” he joked.

  “Touché,” she tilted her chin up.

  Duke looked down at her and kissed her forehead. They fell into comfortable silence looking up at the stars. Duke soaked up every moment of bliss with her. Soon he noticed her breathing evened out and she was sleeping against him. He smiled as he closed
his eyes, hoping that his dreams would be peaceful. He didn’t want to wake her because of his beautiful nightmares. He hoped Ella would give him just one night of peace.


  Jennah cracked her eyes open at the sound of kids playing near them. When her world came into focus, she realized that she was still wrapped around Duke in the hammock at his campsite. She gently lifted her head up and saw that he was still sleeping. Judging by the amount of sunlight it was still early in the morning. She knew she should get back to her campsite to see Dobry, but she didn’t want to wake up Duke. Jennah stared at him recalling her wonderful dream that appeared in last night.

  She dreamt that she and Duke were moving in together. He looked a little bit younger in her dream, but they were both moving into her house. She knew that her heart was the one creating this fantasy, but Jennah could see a long lasting future with Duke. Somewhere last night, her heart won the tug-of-war game ensuing inside of her. Jennah’s mind was telling her to run, but her heart wanted her feet to stay planted firmly by his side. She couldn’t believe that the mere eighteen inches between her head and her heart could be at polar ends when it came to Duke. It was too easy for her to trust him with her heart and that is why she decided to tell him about the accident. It was the first time she had opened up about it outside of her family. She usually made up a story about herself and hoped whoever was asking wouldn’t ask too many questions. She did however avoid the subject of her ex-fiancé. There was no need to have him worry about her ex.

  Jennah laid her head back down as she wondered if Josh was still looking for her and Dobry. She wished she could go back and save herself the heartache and not fall for him. Josh was a mistake and she realized it when it was almost too late. She was in her wedding gown when she decided she couldn’t marry him. She excused herself from the bridal party, she grabbed Dobry and she ran. It was the cowardly thing to do but Josh was suffocating her. It was the one time her heart and mind agreed. Both told her that Josh was not the one, but she tried to force it upon herself. She didn’t realize how obsessive Josh had become by then. Jennah had taken a taxi back to the house, packed up her and Dobry and left a note for her mother, sister and brother telling them she didn’t belong there and she most definitely didn’t belong with Josh.

  She was jolted from her trip down memory lane when Duke shifted and stretched. She froze as she felt the hammock start tilting one way as the weigh shifted around.

  “Good morning,” he said groggily.

  “Morning,” she replied.

  “How long have you been up?”

  “Not very long,” Jennah lifted her head and smiled at him.


  “I should get back to Dobry.”

  “Breakfast first, then I will let you go,” Duke chuckled.

  “Keeping me prisoner?”

  “I would like to,” he smiled. Jennah’s heart skipped a beat. She couldn’t understand the effect that Duke had on her, how she fell so fast.

  “You drive a hard bargain but I’ll stay for breakfast, then I have to go get Dobry. I don’t want Audra to be stuck with her. She can be quite the diva sometimes,” she chuckled. “Let me just text her,” Jennah reached for her phone in her pocket. She hoped that she still had some battery life left in it.

  “While you do that, I’ll get breakfast started,” Duke smiled. The excitement in his voice reminded Jennah of a kid getting a new toy. They were just so excited to open it up and play with it. She hoped she wasn’t making another mistake by letting her heart lead her. She knew this was different than Josh, but it worried her since she had Dobry to think about.

  He got out of the hammock as she took it over, texting Audra.

  Jennah: Be back soon. He wants breakfast. How’s D?

  Audra: She’s good. Stay as long as you like :)

  Jennah: He said he wants to keep me prisoner here, ha ha

  Audra: Did you ask for cuffs? ;)

  Jennah: OMG! I barely know him.

  Audra: I think you should stay. I see the chemistry between you two.

  Jennah: I still have to come back and get Dobry.

  Audra: She’s fine here. Between Pike and I we got her. Stay

  Jennah: I haven’t been away from her ever.

  Audra: Well then this is good. Have Fun. Don’t come back until he kicks you out.

  Jennah: I can’t believe you.

  Audra: I’m your sister. I love you and wouldn’t leave you with a psycho. He seems like a good one.

  Jennah: You sure you’re okay taking Dobry for the day?

  Audra: Hell if you stay with that hottie, I’ll keep her for as long as he wants you to stay!

  Jennah: I don’t know.

  Audra: Stay give it chance. We are fine over here.

  Jennah: Ok. Text if you need me.

  Audra: I won’t. Just remember, I love you!

  Jennah: <3 you too

  Jennah put her phone away and looked over in Duke’s direction. He had pulled out a tabletop grill from the car and was in the process of getting the food ready to cook. She watched him move around the campsite with ease. Every few minutes he would glance over at her and smile. Jennah had to admit that Audra was right. There was something brewing between the two of them and Jennah was welcoming it so far. She had a bit of hesitancy, but she figured that was her mind trying to warn her about what happens when she rushes into something. Her heart however was dead-set on this man. Just watching him move around, she couldn’t keep her eyes off of him. The lean muscles flexing beneath his clothing sent tingles across her body. She wanted Duke and there was no denying it. She only wanted to control the pace they were moving at but she was failing miserably.


  Duke looked back over his shoulder. He could still feel Jennah’s eyes on him. He was thankful that she was staying for breakfast. He knew that once they broke the bubble they were in, he didn’t know what would happen, if they would ever see each other again like this. They spent the night laying by each other and he quite enjoyed waking up next to her. In fact, waking up beside her made him feel whole again.

  He started cooking on the grill. He used foil as his skillet since he didn’t want to cook over an actual fire this early in the morning. It was going to be a warm one today. He figured it would be a great day for fishing in the shade off the bank. It would be even better if he could talk Jennah into staying a bit longer for it. She was already hesitant to stay because of Dobry. Maybe she could go get Dobry and they could all go fishing. Kids like fishing, right?

  Duke peeked over at Jennah again. Her eyes still tracing his movements. She gave him a shy smile and he couldn’t help but smile back at her. The electric currents between them were almost visible. He wanted to go over there and kiss her until her legs gave out. He wanted to explore her body and get to know it very well, however, his head told him to pace himself. This could end in complete misery and he would be back at square one.

  Turning his attention back to the grill, Duke carefully scooped up the eggs and set them on a plate. He checked the sausage he had on the other side and they were just about complete. It was simple breakfast but it was his favorite.

  “Change of plans,” Jennah’s voice sounded behind him.

  He plucked the sausage from the grill and put it on their plates. Handing her one, he turned around turning off the grill, “Don’t tell me you have to leave now.”

  “No, Audra wants to spend some quality time with Dobry. They are going to have a girl’s day.”

  “So where does that leave you?” He hoped that she would not be rushing back to her camp soon.

  “Well, my day is wide open now, so I am not sure. This is the first time I have been away from Dobry with the exception of work.”

  “Spend the day with me. We can go fishing for lunch and maybe even dinner if you are up to it.”

  “I don’t know if I’ve ever been fishing, but I do like to stare at the scenery.”

  “Good then it’s a date! You, me, f
ishing,” he smiled. She didn’t protest as she took a bite of her food.

  “Thanks for breakfast.”

  Duke smiled over at her. He was thankful that Audra was taking Dobry. He had a full day with Jennah and he planned on taking advantage of it to see where this could go. He could get to know her and his weekend was already getting better with each moment she spent near him.


  The day had flown by fast. Duke was bringing his line in. The fish had seem to disappear over the last hour. He wished he had more time with Jennah though. He found himself staring at her while his bobber hung out in the water. The little conversations they had intrigued him and he just couldn’t stop the pull he was feel. She was slowly reeling him in a little closer each time she smiled at him, laughed, or even sat there taking in the beauty of their surroundings. He knew Jennah may want to head back over to her campsite, as periodically throughout the day she was stealing glances at her phone, probably looking to make sure Dobry was still okay.

  Jennah had shared pictures of Dobry throughout the day. She shared stories of watching her grow up from the first time she smiled, the first time she crawled, to her first words and the day Dobry started walking. Duke felt his heart swell with each story. He felt the excitement Jennah must have felt when those events occurred. He began thinking about Dobry’s next milestones and how he wanted to witness them as well. Looking over at her, while finish packing up their stuff, he realized that it would only be a fantasy. He didn’t know how things would really work out with Jennah. They built a bubble around them over the last 24 hours.

  “Well, I think I caught more fish than you today,” she teased as she nudged them. They were now on their way back to Duke’s site. They had walked a little ways down the bank to set up their fishing spot.

  “Beginner’s luck,” he chuckled. Things were easy-going between them. It felt like they knew each other for a long time, rather than just days, weeks, however you wanted to define those few moments they were together before this.


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