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Breath of Life 03 - Moments

Page 15

by Sara Marion

  They got back to camp and Jennah set the fish in the cooler in the tent as Duke got the fire going. The day had been warm but now with the sun setting, the night air was cooler. Duke wanted her to stay again, but he knew that Dobry would be at the forefront of her thoughts tonight if she stayed one more night.

  “You should go get Dobry, bring her back here for a bit,” Duke suggested. He thought it would give him more time with her. Right now that’s all every nerve ending in his body wanted.

  “She’s already asleep according to Audra,” Jennah was staring at her phone. “I just checked on her.”

  “You want to head back and see her?”

  Jennah looked up at him and Duke saw the apprehension she felt. “I do, but she’s sleeping so there’s no point…right?”

  “It’s up to you, Beautiful,” Duke didn’t know where that endearment came from but he saw the corner of her mouth raise into a slight smile as she looked down.

  “I would like to stay if that’s alright with you,” she looked over to him. The gleam in her eye made Ella flash before his eyes. He quickly looked away before the ache showed on his face. She’s not Ella, she’s not Ella, he repeated to himself silently.

  “I would like that very much,” he quietly spoke before he even realized the words came out of his mouth.

  “Good, now I can show you how to properly roast a marshmallow after dinner,” she laughed. Her laugh, so much like Ella’s. He couldn’t look at her quite yet. He had to reign his thoughts of Ella back in. He needed to lock her up in a box somewhere in the back of his mind. He needed to enjoy the company of Jennah and only Jennah. Ella could not interfere. He needed to get past her death, their child’s. Jennah was the perfect answer to that. He could feel it resonate deep within him.

  “I’ll take that challenge, I suppose.”

  “Shall we cook the fish we caught? I should cook tonight since you did last night,” Jennah offered. She stood, ready to grab the fish.

  “I’ll get the fish if you grab the cooking stuff from the truck,” Duke countered.

  “Deal!” She turned to the truck.

  Duke walked back to the tent. He realized he wanted this to work so badly, his chest ached at the thought of the weekend ending in a couple days. He hoped that Jennah wouldn’t ruin him like Paxton did, but something told him that Jennah was different. She had no secrets that would hurt him. He knew that he wanted to see where this was going and he wasn’t about to get off the train that would take him there.


  Jennah grabbed the roasting sticks. They had finished dinner not too long ago and she just checked in with Audra. Again, her sister warned her to stay with Duke one more night. She was fine with Dobry. Jennah was still unsure about it but Audra told her that Duke was not Josh. This was good for her. She needed to see where it would go. She had to admit that Audra was right, she needed to see where it was going. She felt something stir within her every time Duke looked at her. She found herself addicted to that feeling. She wanted it to never go away and that was something that scared her to the core. She had Dobry to think about, she just couldn’t let men come in and out of her life, but Duke was different.

  “Ready for some schooling?” Jennah held out her hand as Duke opened the marshmallows. He gave one over to her and smiled.

  “Teach me oh great one,” he teased.

  Jennah put the marshmallow on the end of her stick and stuck it in a good area of the fire. She turned it a few times and brought it out. It was slightly browned but she knew it needed a little more time because the inside was not as melted as it should be. She stuck it back in the fire and watched it. She felt Duke’s eyes on her the whole time. Bringing the marshmallow back out, she watched the marshmallow burn. She knew the fire would go out as soon as the marshmallow was black on the outside. Once it went out, she turned to the small foldout table between them and put the marshmallow on the chocolate and graham cracker. She took the second cracker and carefully maneuvered the marshmallow free from the stick.

  “Here is the perfect s’more,” she gloated looking at the marshmallow slightly melting over the crackers.

  “You should have the first one since you are the chef. You need to taste test it before I try,” Duke’s voice was low and she felt her core tighten at his tone. She wasn’t sure if there was a hidden meaning behind it. She took a bite of the gooey s’more and slowly chewed it not breaking the eye contact with him.

  Duke slowly leaned over and closing the distance between them. He swept her hair behind her ear and then pulled her into a kiss. Jennah dropped what was left of her s’more and found her hands wrapping around Duke’s face. They pulled apart and stared at each other, neither saying anything. The fire crackled in front of them and Jennah felt the heat rise but it had nothing to do with the fire within feet of them.

  “Stay with me again?”

  “I thought that was implied earlier when I didn’t leave,” she smiled.

  Duke answered her with a gentle kiss on her cheek. Jennah felt a shiver run up her spine. A flash, a memory flashed in her mind. She was sitting in a chair with her nose in a book. A man came in and kissed her in the same place on her temple where Duke just had. When she looked up to see who it was, the memory faded. She pulled back and closed her eyes, her hands pressing against her temple.

  “You okay,” she heard Duke’s concern.

  She shook her head. “Come back,” she whispered.

  “I’m right here. What’s going on?”

  Jennah shook her head. She felt Duke’s hands wrap around her wrist, pulling them away from her temples. She opened her eyes and looked into Duke’s deep brown eyes. He was kneeling before her now with concern written over his face. She was ruining the night and she hated herself for it, but it was the first time something broke through to her.

  “Jennah?” The caring look in his eyes was too much right now. She wanted to the memory to come back to her but she must look crazy right about now. She wrapped her arms around him as he stood up, raising her out of her chair. “What’s wrong Beautiful?”

  She closed her eyes, she tried to recall more of the memory. He began slightly rocking her from side to side. Jennah sighed, “I had a flash of a memory.”

  Duke pulled her away and once again she was faced with concerned brown eyes. “What was it?”

  “I don’t know but it’s the first memory that surfaced since my accident. Your kiss, the sensation of your lips against my temple…I don’t know how to explain it.”

  “Should I go get your sister or brother? Maybe we should get you back to them.”

  “No,” she pulled away. If Duke could unlock a memory, she needed to stay here. She needed to see what was in her past. “I’m fine. I want to stay here…with you,” she insisted.

  Duke stared at her. Jennah saw the concern fluttering across his face, but right now she knew staying here was her best option. Duke made her feel alive again and for the first time she felt something shift in her. A memory came back to her, even if it was short, it had to be because of the man in front of her right now. She wanted to grab ahold of him and never let him go, she had a feeling he was going to be her undoing and with that undoing, maybe she could get her life back. She just hoped she wouldn’t hurt him if he really did unlock her memories. After a few more moments, she saw him nod. “Okay, if that’s what you want.”

  “It is,” she confirmed.

  Duke brought her over to the hammock and she smiled, he was going to let her stay. They climbed into the hammock, swaying slightly as they stilled in it. Neither of them said a word. Jennah figured he was just lost in his own thoughts, trying to make sense of what just happened. They looked up to the stars that now appeared above them. She heard an owl hooting in the distance and smiled. She closed her eyes and listened to Duke’s steady heartbeat beneath her ear. She let her mind wander, hoping to pull something else out of the darkness of her mind.

  Jennah took a deep breath in. As she exhaled, Duke gently squeezed her closer
to him, if that was even possible. The security she felt made her insides melt. She didn’t understand how or why the flashback surfaced, but maybe this was good. If she got her memory back, she could find Dobry’s father. She knew that her feelings were beginning to deepen every moment she spent with Duke, but she couldn’t keep Dobry from her father. Jennah stared over into the crackling fire, deciding what she should do if her memory did return. Would she want to stay with Duke or run back to the life she had?


  Duke woke up to sunlight pouring into the tent. After Jennah fell asleep, Duke gently got up and carried her into the tent from the hammock. He rolled out another sleeping bag and tucked her safely in it. He then laid in his own. As much as he wished they had a double sleeping bag, Duke knew this would be more respectful and didn’t send the wrong message to Jennah when she woke up. He didn’t know how to react to her having a flashback, a memory last night. They didn’t say much after that. Both of them seemed to be lost in their own thoughts, but Duke felt his fears rising. Holding her in that hammock, he felt like this might be one of the last nights with her. What if she remembered who Dobry’s father was? What if she left him for her old life? He would need to keep his heart at a distance, he had to prepare for the worst. He had to prepare for another Paxton-type situation.

  Jennah stirred beside him. He looked over to her. She fit in Ella’s sleeping bag well. He didn’t know why he brought it. He figured if there was a cold night, he could use it for extra warmth, but the nights were warm. His own sleeping bag became too much at times that he unzipped it and just slept on top of it He watched Jennah adjust in the sleeping bag. She was now facing him. He reached out to her, smoothing her hair out behind her. A smile played across her lips. She was awake.

  “Good morning,” she opened her bright green eyes.

  “‘Morning,” he smiled. It felt nice waking up beside her. Again he warned himself to keep his distance.

  “I don’t even remember walking in here last night,” she quietly voiced.

  “I carried you in here. I didn’t want to sleep out in the open again,” Duke filled her in.

  “I see,” she sat up and stretched. Duke noticed her disheveled hair fell around her shoulders. He quite enjoyed the look on her. “We should eat and go see Dobry.”


  “Yes, I think after spending two wonderful nights with you, you should see my other half. Dobry is my mini-me,” she paused.

  “It’s not too sudden for whatever this is?” Duke was trying to caution himself, but he liked the fact that she wanted him around and she wanted to introduce him to Dobry, officially that is.

  “No, whatever this is between us, I don’t want it to go away. I already told you I’m drawn to you. I can’t help it.”

  “I feel the same way, I just don’t want to rush into things too fast.”

  “Agreed, but we are both adults. If one of us wants to pull out, then they will pull out.”

  Duke wasn’t sure how he felt about the bold approach, but if she was willing, so was he. They crawled out of their sleeping bags and stepped outside.

  The fresh morning air was cool. Duke had no idea what time it was as his phone was charging in the truck. Duke grabbed a couple pieces of bread and started the grill. He quickly whipped up a breakfast and sat it in front of Jennah. He made his own plate and sat down beside her. He wanted to know what memories she recovered last night, but if she wanted to share it with someone, she would have. He had no idea where their relationship technically stood, but he didn’t want to scare her away. She would tell him on her time.

  They both washed their plates when they were done. “Ready to go see Dobry?” Jennah asked. Duke nodded.

  They started heading towards Jennah’s campsite, which wasn’t too far away. He began to think of where Dobry’s father was. If Ella disappeared while pregnant, he would stop at nothing to find them. He also wondered why her family didn’t know him. He had a lot of questions, but none that he could get answers. Jennah didn’t even know herself. He felt a delicate hand take his. He looked over at Jennah who smiled at him. She was taking things a bit further with each passing moment between them. He wondered if she would be so bold in front of her siblings or if she were just testing waters to see where he stood. He smiled gently back at her and walked a little closer to her. When her campsite came into view, she gripped a little tighter as if she needed his strength to face what may be an onslaught of questions by her brother and/or sister.

  “Momma!” Dobry yelled and ran towards them.

  “Hey sweet pea!” Jennah pulled her hand away from his and bent down to scoop up the little girl running towards her. “Where you good for Aunt Audra?”

  Dobry giggled and wriggled out of Jennah’s grip. She ran back to the table she was sitting at and Jennah laughed following her. Duke watched their interaction. He looked over to see Pike eyeing him. No doubt he saw them holding hands, but Duke still received the warning look from Pike. It was like he was about to pounce on Duke with questions about his intentions with Jennah, but Jennah got to him first.

  “Good morning,” Jennah greeted Pike.

  “Hey, what are you two up to today?”

  “We came to get Dobry. I want to spend time with her because I missed her,” she picked up Dobry, who laughed in delight and Duke smiled once again.

  “I was thinking we could all do something today, together,” Duke suggested. Jennah turned with Dobry in her arms and smiled.

  “That’s a fantastic idea. It would give Pike and Audra a chance to get to know you better.”

  Duke smiled in agreement. He knew that this would have to happen sooner or later, might as well start now. He didn’t know what they could do but there was always fishing, grilling, or just sitting down to talk while Dobry played nearby. The weather was insanely beautiful. The sun was shining. There was a light breeze and the heat wasn’t unbearable yet. It was in the low seventies with no humidity so they should have no issues trying to find something to do.

  “Where’s Audra?”

  “Over taking a shower,” he threw his head in the direction of the camp showers. “I’m on Dobry duty,” he smiled.

  “Well, I’m back so you are relieved if you wanted to go somewhere,” Jennah smiled and looked over at Dobry who began coloring again.

  “Nowhere to be babe,” he smiled in the direction of Duke. Duke knew he was going to keep a watchful eye over his sister. Duke didn’t blame him. If he were in Pike’s shoes, he would do the same. Knowing some of Jennah’s past, he would be worried if Pike didn’t act that way.

  Duke took a seat near Pike. Jennah looked over at Duke and made herself at home in his lap versus sitting at the table with Dobry. Duke was once again surprised at her boldness. She threw an arm around his shoulders and she gave him a knowing smile. She knew that she took him by surprise and she was doing it so bravely in front of her brother, like she was daring Pike to say something about him.

  “So what have you two been doing?” Pike asked. Duke noticed Pike trying to keep his cool with his sister.

  “Fishing,” Jennah smiled down at Duke. He wrapped his arms around her hips and gave her a gentle squeeze.

  “Uh huh, and how did that go?” Pike eyed them both.

  “Good,” Duke answered. “She caught a few fish then we cooked them up and ate them for dinner.”

  “No shit? Jennah you fished? Like touched a worm and the fish?”

  “Well, I casted the line and reeled them in. I made Duke do the dirty work,” she laughed.

  “So are you two…” he trailed off, asking the question that is he has been curious about since they came back.

  Duke and Jennah looked at each other. Duke was searching her eyes because he wasn’t sure himself. They hadn’t defined what they were earlier.

  “Yeah,” Jennah answered. “I know it seems fast Pike, but please don’t scare him away.”

  Pike didn’t respond. Duke figured that was his plan. Pike was going to try to
scare him to see how he really felt. Duke was drawn to Jennah like a bear is to honey. She admitted she felt the same way earlier. Knowing she put the label on them, he felt his heart skip a beat. He was in a relationship. He never thought this would be possible after Paxton demolished his world, but his heart was light right now. This was definitely a fresh start and he was going to take it.

  “So I guess since you are dating my sister, we need to take a walk,” Pike stood up and stared at Duke, ignoring the eye-roll Jennah gave him.

  “Really Pike? You’re really going to try to scare him by playing the big bro card? We aren’t kids you know?”

  “I know and yes, I am playing the big bro card.”

  “It’s fine,” Duke whispered. Jennah reluctantly got up and Duke stood. He followed Pike out to the road. They started heading over to the main dock. They probably wouldn’t go far but Duke knew that he needed to get past Pike if there would be any chance he and Jennah would survive as a couple.

  “Look,” Pike began. “Jennah’s been through a lot. And I mean lot, man. I don’t want to see her go down the path and end up with another Josh.”

  Duke had never heard of a Josh. “A Josh?”

  “Her ex-fiancée,” Pike answered. Duke stopped walking. Pike sighed before he continued, “She didn’t tell you?”

  Duke shook his head. “No, we talked but Josh never came up.”

  “She walked out on their wedding. She couldn’t go through with it. Over the last few months, he has been following her. Saying they were soul mates, he doesn’t stop. He even tried to adopt Dobry during their relationship. Jennah didn’t like the idea, but then he proposed. She got cold feet, knowing he wasn’t the one but before then, she was acting in a similar manner as she is with you right now.”

  Duke stared at him. She was engaged? How could she not tell him this? Maybe she was going to, his thoughts filled in his head. Pike continued, “That’s why Jennah moved in with Audra and Chase. She is hiding from Josh. I’m hoping if he makes an appearance, I am there to set him straight. I’m afraid she will do the same with you because she is trying to figure out her life. She rushes into things. She’s a free spirit. I’m more worried about you than anything. I don’t want you to become another Josh.”


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