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Pride and the Stranger: Book 2 in the Pride Trilogy

Page 15

by TJ Dallas

  Really? I thought.

  Really, Harry replied.

  She motioned Riley forward. Before she reached us, Harry whispered in my ear, “What she really wants is for you to fuck her. Remember, she’s Sloth; the less work she has to do, the more she enjoys it. And the louder she’ll scream.” She winked.

  I chuckled, but my pussy soaked again. It was my turn to fuck another of the Seven. This would make it three: Harry, Althea, and now Riley. Riley was cute, her short blonde hair wet and messy, her cheeks dimpling when she smiled. Riley didn’t have any tattoos, except for the standard tattoo underneath her earlobe, nor piercings, not even her ears. It added to her innocence.

  I quickly looked around to check on Zoe, but she didn’t need a check-up. She was bent forward over the stone edge of the pool, her mouth open and moaning as Althea thrust her fingers inside her. Georgia sat nearby, combing her fingers through Zoe’s hair, her neck going more and more pink with each sensual moan that Zoe made. My chest tightened at the erotic view, but I swallowed and turned back to face Riley.

  Up close, Riley was even cuter, her deep blue eyes sparkling. She stood barely an inch from me now. Harry’s touch left me, and she circled around, briefly murmuring something into Riley’s ear before she swam lazily backward towards the edge of the pool, where Emilia waited with a drink in her hand.

  “You look very sexy in your bikini,” Riley murmured quietly, averting her gaze.

  “Thank you.” I smiled.

  As Harry had done to me so many times before, I placed a gentle fingertip underneath Riley’s chin, and she finally looked up to meet my gaze. I saw her resolve and her confidence strengthening, and she moved closer. Small waves lapped against my skin, and my core tightened a second time as my eyes drifted over her body. I moved my hand to the small of her back, pulling her towards me.

  She was the same height as me, and her lips were soft and gentle as she pressed them against mine. I let out a breath, and she sighed, slipping her tongue into my mouth.

  She took me by surprise when I realised her hand was on my back, unfastening my bikini. She silently asked if it was OK, and I nodded as she lifted the bikini away.

  “Where do you want me?” she asked, and I forced myself to pull back. I trailed my hands down her ribs, feeling the tight fabric of her swimsuit.

  “I’d like you naked first.” I pulled the straps from her shoulders and pushed the swimsuit down her body, the gorgeous swell of her breasts coming into view. I stared shamelessly, imagining them in my hands, her nipples between my teeth. Riley’s hands found my own breasts as I removed her swimsuit, and soon she was gloriously naked, the garment thrown aside.

  I kissed the skin on her throat as I walked forward. Riley moved back, towards the shallow ramp that led into the pool, her breath getting heavier as she played with my nipples. As soon as it was shallow enough for Riley to lie down, I lowered to my knees, motioning her into position.

  She smiled as she watched me tenderly push her knees apart and lower myself to my stomach. The water was at the perfect height to lap against her entrance, but her clitoris was above the water. I took it between my lips, grinning when Riley let out her first quiet moan.

  I caught sight of Harry out of the corner of my eye. She floated back against the edge next to Emilia, with a cocktail in her hand. Emilia whispered something into her ear before turning to face me. She winked when she saw me looking.

  This was going to be one sinfully hot night, fucking and being fucked by these chaotic, good, and incredibly desirable women.

  I turned my attention back to Riley. I nursed her clit, sucking and swirling my tongue, while caressing the smooth skin along her calves and the outside of her thighs. She shuddered, and my heart started to race. What noises would dear Riley make when she starts coming?

  She’s louder than you think she’ll be, Harry replied. Just go gentle with her. She’s delicate, our Riley. And she loves it slow, so take your time. She’ll let you know when she’s ready.

  I let out a moan of desire, which caused small vibrations through my lips, and Riley arched her back towards my mouth. Bringing a hand up, I tenderly parted her labia, stroking my fingers down the sides of her clit rhythmically in time with my tongue. She moaned again, louder now.

  I remained steady and consistent, relishing her taste and savouring her quiet moans. They became more and more continuous as I licked her, and several long minutes later, she put her hand on the back of my head, willing me closer.

  I looked up and found her watching me intently. I hadn’t noticed her propping herself up onto her elbows so that she could watch me between her thighs.

  I sucked her clit harder, and she dropped her head back, her chest rising and falling with each of her deep breaths. I felt her starting to pulse her hips towards me, and with my spare hand, I reached up to trail my fingertips across the sensitive skin around her nipples. When she nodded her approval, I cupped her breast, squeezing the delicate flesh. Her breasts were the perfect size for my hands, and her nipples hardened against my palms.

  Ten minutes later, she groaned loudly, her back arching.

  She’s close, keep going, Harry thought breathlessly, and I could hear the arousal in her voice. I flickered my gaze back to the edge of the pool. Emilia was nestled behind Harry now, with Harry’s breasts in her hands. Both of them were still watching me. Even as Emilia nibbled on Harry’s earlobe, neither of them looked away.

  My stomach knotted, and I suddenly feared I’d get stage fright. I didn’t like being the centre of attention, and I didn’t want to know whether anyone else was watching me. I couldn’t hear Zoe’s moans of delight anymore, and I briefly wondered what she was doing. My tongue faltered, my concentration wavering.

  Look at me, pet, Harry thought.

  I met Harry’s gaze. She quested towards me, pushing her confidence through me like she’d done at the Cardinal. The pins and needles rose in my chest, and I smiled gratefully, getting my rhythm back.

  I flicked Riley’s clit back and forth, slipping one of my fingers lower to circle her entrance. Even though it was below the water, I could still feel Riley’s arousal, and I let out another moan.

  Riley suddenly went rigid, and I felt her clit swelling in my mouth. My insides tightened as she screamed, incredibly loudly, fisting her hand in my hair and holding me tight to her pussy. I flicked my tongue faster, intensifying the orgasm that echoed around the entire pool. If anyone hadn’t been watching before, they would be now.

  I growled as I watched her face contorting in pleasure, her mouth opening wider and her eyes squeezing shut. She rocked her hips furiously against my mouth for a solid minute, screaming, groaning, and panting.

  She finally removed her fist from my hair. Opening her eyes, she looked down at me tiredly, and I smirked.

  She lay back to catch her breath as I sat up, trying to subtly rub the ache from my jaw. I took a deep breath, pleased with my performance. I stretched my neck as I looked around.

  Harry’s elbows rested on the stone at the edge of the pool, her weight held up by the water. She lay horizontally on her front, her legs wrapped tightly around Emilia’s waist.

  “Patience, sexy,” I heard Emilia whisper, and Harry bit her lip, withholding whatever reply she had.

  Emilia kept her hips angled, a strap-on buried deep in Harry’s centre. She reached into the pocket of her knee-length shorts, pulling out a small bottle of lube and a butt plug, maybe four inches in length and one inch at its widest point.

  My heart started racing in my chest yet again. It wasn’t something I’d ever tried, but I’d heard it could induce incredibly powerful orgasms. I knew Zoe liked it, and I’d slipped a well-lubricated finger just inside her tight opening a few times, relishing in the resultant wetness that slicked down the inside of her thighs as her pussy clenched. I knew Harry was up for anything, but watching her silently begging Emilia for
it made my stomach knot. Is it really that good?

  Keep watching, and I’ll show you, Harry replied.

  I struggled to keep my breath steady as I watched. Riley had come up onto her elbows now, having recovered from her climax. She brushed aside a few stray wisps of hair, focusing on the view. I squeezed my thighs together, another ache starting in my groin.

  Emilia lathered a generous amount of lube onto the butt plug and then snaked a hand around Harry’s waist to lift her arse out of the water. She poured another significant amount between Harry’s arse cheeks, an animalistic growl escaping her throat at the view of Harry’s gorgeous, smooth arse, wet and glistening.

  “Emilia, I’m not even joking—” Harry began, but finished with a loud, throaty moan as Emilia started to slide the first couple of inches in. Harry’s eyes squeezed shut, her thighs trying to bring Emilia closer. “Keep going,” she groaned, turning a few more heads.

  Althea looked around, her eyes bright. Zoe’s mouth opened, watching intently. Without needing to check, I knew Bella and Georgia would be watching too. The focus was fully on Harry now, who let out another loud guttural groan when the butt plug slipped deep inside her.

  Emilia placed the bottle of lube down, and her hand curved around Harry’s waist again to start rubbing her clit. She rocked her hips, thrusting the strap-on deeper inside Harry’s dripping pussy. Starting slow, she built pace quickly, soon fucking Harry furiously and biting her lip in concentration.

  “Come for me, sexy,” she panted. “Let me feel how tight you are.”

  In normal circumstances, no one would’ve heard it, but the poolside had gone deathly quiet; the only sounds were coming from Harry and her rapidly overpowering orgasm.

  “Harder, Emilia, come on!” Harry screamed, her body convulsing, her hands straining to keep her in position against the edge of the pool. Her hips bucked backward, her mouth open and her chest heaving. She screamed again. She’d lost all control, her tits bouncing and her thighs shaking, as Emilia pounded inside her.

  Emilia never faltered. She used her free hand to wiggle the flared base tight against Harry’s arse, eliciting an even louder scream from deep within her chest as a second overwhelming climax shattered through her before the first had even subsided. I couldn’t breathe, my mouth gaping as I watched her coming hard.

  “Stop, stop,” Harry gasped, throwing an arm back to rest against Emilia’s chest, slowing her energetic thrusting. “Stop, or I’m going to pass out.”

  Emilia slowly leaned forward to press her lips against Harry’s back as the spent woman gulped in air. She released Harry’s clit to gently caress her arse cheeks, still tight to her pelvis, the strap-on resting deep inside her.

  Harry eventually calmed, and Emilia moved to remove the toy. “Relax, sexy,” she purred. “I know you like it, but you need to give it back.”

  Her eyebrows raised, and Harry grinned wolfishly, concentrating on relaxing her tight muscles so that Emilia could remove it. Another erotic moan rolled off her tongue as Emilia tenderly pulled it from her, and she rested her forehead against the stone, breathing heavily.

  “Your tight arse is positively delicious,” Emilia murmured, bending over at the waist. She pulled the strap-on out at the same time that she sank her teeth into Harry’s soft flesh, and Harry hissed, causing Emilia to chuckle.

  I lost track of how many orgasms I’d had, and how many of the managers I’d been with, by the time I fell back into bed, just as the sun started to peek over the horizon. I snuggled into Zoe’s back with a satisfied murmur, fast asleep by the time the sun cleared the edge of the world.



  “Hurry up,” Zoe whined, watching me struggle to pull my trainer on. “The boat’s going to leave without us.”

  “It won’t. It’s right there. I just need a minute—”

  A whistle blew, and I looked up. The holiday representative was loosening the rope securing the boat to the pier, and Zoe tugged on my arm.

  “Let’s go.”

  We ran to the end of the pier, quickly producing the tickets from my pocket. The representative nodded, unlocking the metal chain across the entrance, and we hurried up the gangway. I still hadn’t managed to tie my shoelace, and I knelt once we were safely aboard.

  “Why did you have your shoe off, anyway?” Zoe grumbled.

  “There was a stone in it.” I shrugged and stood up, glancing around the deck of the boat. We were on a trip to see wild dolphins, and everyone except Georgia was with us. The all-you-can-eat buffet had served freshly made omelettes for breakfast, and Georgia hadn’t been able to pull herself away.

  “There they are.” Zoe grabbed my hand, and we squeezed our way through the throngs of people to the plastic white seats near the front of the boat. Althea moved up to allow us in.

  “What took you so long, toots?”

  “Lara had a stone in her shoe.” Zoe rolled her eyes.

  “All right, keep your hair on,” I said, chuckling. “We’re here, aren’t we?”

  Zoe stuck her tongue out, and I resisted the urge to tickle her ribs.

  Our destination was a stretch of water approximately five miles from the shore. We settled in, watching the waves and enjoying the ocean breeze. It was another sweltering hot day, and I was glad I wore the thinnest T-shirt I had.

  After twenty minutes of a conversation involving which books we’d read while relaxing at the side of the pool, we fell silent as we approached the dolphin area. The salty spray misted my face each time we went over a wave, and I held Zoe’s hand in case she somehow managed to fall overboard.

  “You’re quiet today, everything OK?”

  I looked up, a reply forming on my lips, but Althea wasn’t talking to me. Harry looked exceptionally pale, her jaw tight.

  “The water’s quite choppy,” she mumbled, leaning forward and dropping her head between her knees.

  “Do you want me to find you a sick bag?”

  Harry shook her head, taking a few deep breaths. “I think I’ll be OK. We’re almost at the dolphin site, right? Once the boat stops, I should be fine.” She grimaced, holding a fist to her mouth.

  A look of relief flashed over her face at the sound of a bell. The boat started to slow, and a man came over the tanoy.

  “OK, folks, the fishermen have just finished their hauls, so we should see plenty of dolphins. They’re clever, and they like to hang around the fishing boats, trying to steal the fish that escape the nets. We’ll be here for thirty minutes, and there’s refreshments available from the cafeteria. The toilets are located below deck, just be careful on the stairs.”

  The crowd started standing up, making their way towards the edges of the boat, craning their necks to try and be the first to spot a dolphin. Emilia and Bella stood up as well, scanning the water, and Zoe pulled me up.

  “Come on, let’s look over here.”

  I let her guide me towards a gap in the railing on the far side, and I rested my elbows on the barrier. We were quiet for a few minutes until Zoe pointed. “There. Did you see it?”

  I narrowed my eyes, following the direction of her arm. The water remained still and calm. “Um ...”

  “There. I think there’s three of them.”

  My brows furrowed, scanning the water. “Are you sure you’re not just—”

  A dolphin suddenly vaulted from the water, barely a few metres from the boat, and the crowd gasped, children squealed, and cameras clicked. The creature hit the water with a splash, sending droplets of salty water up in a wide arc.

  Zoe beamed from ear to ear. “No, I wasn’t imagining it, if that’s what you were going to say.”

  I couldn’t withhold a laugh. “Sorry.”

  We stood and watched an incredible number of dolphins, some leaping high from the water and others swimming in small groups farther out. I enjoyed the dolphin sounds resoundin
g from a speaker at the back of the boat; apparently, it encouraged the dolphins to come closer, and it gave me a sense of calm. I reached out to hold Zoe’s hand.

  She smiled, her hazel eyes catching mine. She was an amazing wife, even though we’d only been married for three months. My heart fluttered.

  The tender moment was interrupted as someone bumped my shoulder from behind. “Hey, watch—”

  “Sorry, pet.” Harry ran past, leaping down the narrow staircase to my left. She disappeared from view, and I turned to Althea with a frown.

  “Is she OK?”


  “Ahh. Hope she manages to make it to the toilets in time,” I said. “It’s weird, though; it’s a calm day. I thought people only got seasick if there’s loads of waves.”

  Althea shrugged, and I shuffled up the railing to let her in beside us. She had barely settled when the man on the tanoy returned.

  “How was that, folks? Did you all see the dolphins?” A loud cheer went up from the crowd. “Well, that’s good. We’re going to turn back now, but there’s still plenty of tea and coffee available, so help yourselves. There will be a jar at the back of the boat when we disembark, if anyone would like to thank the captain.” He winked as a round of laughter filled the boat. He put the radio on as we turned around, picking up speed as we made our way back to shore.

  We reached our original seats at the front and sat down. Bella was ecstatic, describing each and every dolphin she saw in great detail, and Emilia disappeared for a few minutes, returning with some polystyrene cups of coffee.

  We drank the coffee and discussed some more books, and Harry eventually reappeared as we approached the harbour. You couldn’t miss the pale green hue to her skin.

  “I hope you didn’t miss me too much,” she muttered.

  “We’ll be getting off in a minute,” I said, “so you’ll be back on solid ground.”


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