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Pride and the Stranger: Book 2 in the Pride Trilogy

Page 16

by TJ Dallas

  Harry nodded but remained silent until we’d walked down the gangway and back onto the concrete pier. She sighed, squatting and running a hand through her hair.

  We waited until the colour returned to her cheeks before starting a slow walk back towards the hotel. She finally found her voice again, her sarcasm returning.

  “I feel sorry for the next person to go into those toilets,” she said, hooking her arm around Althea’s waist. “My aim wasn’t that bad, except when we hit another wave. I hope one of you left a decent tip.”

  We laughed, but Althea rolled her eyes. “I’m not kissing you for the rest of the day.”

  “You will, and you know it. But if m’lady would prefer, I’ll grab some mouthwash first.”

  “Yes, you will,” Althea retorted, snapping her head to the side and pulling back as Harry pursed her lips and leaned forward.

  We reached the hotel and went our separate ways. The air conditioning was on in our room, and I savoured the cool breeze as I splashed cold water on the back of my neck.

  Zoe wasted no time in taking off her T-shirt and throwing it aside, wafting under her armpits. I raised my eyebrows.

  “You’re so sexy.”

  She picked the T-shirt up and threw it at me. “You’re stuck with me. And it’s just so hot.”

  “Come and sit on the balcony. It’s shaded, and there’s a nice breeze now.”

  We settled ourselves down, reclining back and putting our feet up on a footstool. I picked up a pack of cards and started shuffling, glancing at the balconies around us, until a far-too familiar sight caught my eye. “No way.”

  “What is it?” Zoe looked up, following my gaze.

  On an opposite balcony, on the floor above ours, Harry’s hand over Althea’s mouth was preventing any inadvertently loud screams as she bent her forward over the railing. Althea’s eyes were closed, her shorts around her ankles, and Harry leaned forward to whisper in her ear. As soon as her lips grazed Althea’s earlobe, Harry looked straight at me.

  Let me guess; another accidental viewing, pet?

  I don’t have much choice; you’re not exactly subtle.

  Zoe covered her mouth as she tried not to laugh. I scanned the remaining balconies, but they were all deserted, the occupants at the beach or downstairs enjoying lunch.

  Harry tangled a fist in Althea’s hair as she tried to stand up, pushing her back down. Her hips thrust faster, Althea’s knuckles turning white as she held the railing. Even with Harry’s hand on her mouth, it was hard to miss the deep moans that echoed between the walls of the hotel.

  Harry bit her lip as a louder, throaty moan pierced the air. Althea pushed her hips back, her breasts bouncing under her thin T-shirt as she came, her neck flushing a bright pink.

  We couldn’t take our eyes away, even after Althea had calmed down and pulled up her shorts. Harry winked as they disappeared back inside, the glass doors of the balcony sliding shut with a quiet hiss.

  I shook my head with a chuckle and started to deal the cards. “I guess she found the mouthwash. Want to play Snap?”

  The end of our holiday was fast approaching, and I couldn’t hide the misery in my tone as we finished packing our suitcases. Our flight wasn’t until later that night, but we had to vacate the room by midday.

  We lugged our suitcases into the lift and dragged them towards the baggage room near the reception desk. Our belongings would be safe until it was time to head to the airport. I stifled a scowl as I handed the key back to the receptionist.

  “We’ll come on holiday again,” Zoe said, linking her arm through mine.

  “I know; I just don’t want to go back to Scotland. I know we’ve complained about it being too hot, but it’s too cold at home.”

  “Spoken like a true Brit,” Zoe said, chuckling. “Always whinging about the weather.”

  I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Shall we enjoy a few more beers before our honeymoon comes to an end?”

  Zoe nodded, and we made our way to the bar, ordering two beers and finding an empty table in the outside seating area. We sat facing the sunshine, and I tried not to squint as I removed my sunglasses. I had a faint pale line where the sunglasses had been on my face for the past two weeks, and I wanted to try and diminish the tan line.

  The rest joined us, bringing their own luggage and depositing it in the baggage room for safekeeping. They sat down, pulling up extra chairs and sinking back. I frowned at the look on Harry’s face. Who pissed on her cornflakes?

  Don’t mind her, Emilia replied. She’s been cranky since six o’clock.

  What’s the matter with her?

  Emilia shrugged. I don’t know, but she better snap out of it soon. Even Althea almost decked her this morning.

  I arched an eyebrow, careful not to attract Harry’s attention. As soon as she finished one cigarette, she’d light another, refusing to look at anyone.

  “Oh, Lara, I forgot to ask,” Bella said. “Can I borrow that book you were reading last week?”

  “Sure. It’s in my suitcase. Do you want me to go and get it just now?” I made a move to stand but Bella shook her head.

  “That’s OK, I’ll get it later. I just want something to read on the flight.”

  I knew what book she was referring to, and I blushed. Harry and Althea had brought along an incredible amount of erotic novels, and they’d sat at the edge of the pool for hours at a time, lost in sexual fantasies. I think those books had caused the majority of their own adventures on the balcony.

  I’d been shy about reading such a book in public, but I’d found a way to lie on my front, the cover of the book hidden. I had thoroughly enjoyed it, and Harry had let me keep it, advising she’d read it enough times to quote the entire story from memory.

  With that thought, I glanced up and accidentally caught her eye. Ah, shit.

  “What, pet?”


  “Come on, spit it out.”

  “It’s nothing, honestly.” I looked at Zoe pleadingly.

  “Althea, did you remember to empty the safe in your room?” Zoe asked, and Althea cleared her throat.

  “I did, thank you. Did you remember to, um ...” She trailed off, and no one could miss Harry rolling her eyes, lighting another cigarette, and muttering to herself.

  I was extra careful not to look at her for the rest of the day.

  By the time we got back to our flat, we were exhausted. We lugged the suitcases from the taxi to the front door, and Zoe yawned as she fiddled with the key.

  We abandoned everything in the hall, choosing to go straight to bed. It was already approaching five o’clock in the morning, and I couldn’t wait to get into my pyjamas. I couldn’t even find the energy to brush my teeth before falling into bed.

  The next day, we slept in past midday. We eventually stumbled out of bed, Zoe’s morning breath causing me to wrinkle my nose as I rubbed my eyes.

  We shared a shower, finally getting our energy back. I groaned as Zoe lathered the shampoo in my hair, massaging my scalp. “Mmm, that feels amazing.”

  “My turn?”

  I nodded, turning around and squeezing out a handful of shampoo, rubbing it into her roots. She closed her eyes and let out her own satisfied moan. “This is what marriage is all about.”

  “I thought it was so you could get half of my stuff when you get bored of me?” I teased, and she reached behind to pinch me.

  “You haven’t got much,” she replied. “I’m looking forward to getting your games console, though.”

  It was my turn to pinch her, and I nipped her arse cheek with a grin. “You suck at most of the games I have.”

  “I’m only as good as my teacher.” She stuck her tongue out, and I moved forward but threw my arms out to steady myself as I slipped on the wet surface. Zoe snorted.

  “We should get out before either of
us ends up in hospital.”

  We took turns rinsing our hair and stepped out, wrapping towels around us. I grinned as Zoe took my hand, leading me through to the bedroom. She stood in front of me and pushed me back. I landed on the bed.

  Untucking my towel, she spread it open and gazed at my body. I didn’t blush with Zoe any more, and I let her take me in, a flush arising on her neck. She dropped her own towel and straddled my hips.

  Leaning down to kiss me, my pulse quickened as her tongue grazed my own, the damp skin of her breasts sending a shiver up my spine. I felt my nipples hardening under her fervent touch, a small moan escaping.

  She kissed the side of my neck, underneath my earlobe and down my throat, licking away the water droplets cascading from my hair. She nibbled the sensitive skin on the swell of my breasts, and I inhaled deeper, a yearning building inside me. My hands caressed her back, moisture causing my fingertips to glide over her skin.

  She continued her tender descent down my ribs, along the crease in my hips and over my abdomen. I was startled when her tongue found its way into my belly button.

  “Ew, not there,” I said.

  “Why not? I have a thing for belly buttons.” She shrugged.

  “You’re fucking weird.” I giggled, trying to prevent her tongue from getting too close again.

  “Don’t tell me there isn’t something weird that turns you on?” Her eyebrow arched, but for now she rested her chin on my belly. I stopped half-heartedly struggling, her hazel eyes looking at me innocently.

  “Maybe there is; maybe there isn’t.”

  “Come on, you have to tell me. I’m your wife.”

  “And you’ll never let me forget it.” I grinned.


  I chewed the inside of my cheek, narrowing my eyes. “All right, but you can’t tell anyone else, agreed?” She nodded enthusiastically. “OK, um … I would really like to go down on you next time your parents phone.” This time, I felt my cheeks reddening, and Zoe’s mouth gaped.


  “Well, it really turns me on knowing how hard you’d have to try not to moan. I think it would be the same if we were staying at their house. You’d have to be extra careful not to make any noise, and the thought that we could get caught is pretty hot.”

  Zoe shook her head. “And you thought I was the weirdo.”

  I shoved her playfully. “You asked.”

  “I know, but I wasn’t expecting that. I thought you were going to say toes or something.” She chuckled. “For full disclosure, I also like toes.”

  “Ew. And you’re telling me this after we get married?”

  “Is that a deal-breaker?”

  “Obviously not.” I smiled. “Anything else I should be aware of, before you start assaulting me in places I’m unprepared for?”

  “No, I think that’s it. But feel free to dress up in a nurse’s outfit anytime you like.”

  “Nurses, really? I thought you’d be more of a police officer or prison guard type of girl.”

  “I wouldn’t say no, but nurses are at the top of my list. Althea has an awesome costume, with a white and red dress and a stethoscope and—” She fell silent, her cheeks flushing.

  “Althea’s dressed up for you?” My eyes widened. “Harry’s never dressed up for me.”

  “Have you asked her?”

  “Well ... no. I’ve never thought to.”

  “You don’t know what you’re missing, then.” Zoe smirked, beginning to kiss my belly again. “What would you want her to dress up as?”

  My stomach clenched as I thought about my options. “A few things would be nice. Maybe a firefighter, or a ship’s captain? You know, with the white suit and the hat?”

  I felt Zoe nod against my stomach, her lips making their way back up towards my chest. “The worst she’ll say is no.”

  “I’d be too shy to ask her.”


  I shrugged. “I don’t know. She still renders me incapable of speaking most of the time, as it is.”

  “Yeah, she has that effect on most people, but Althea can’t shut me up.” She laughed, her tongue reaching my breasts. She took my nipple into her mouth and sucked, my back arching towards her. I groaned as she pinched the other, my pussy starting to soak. Whether it was Zoe’s expert tongue, or the thought of Harry in a pair of ash-stained yellow Kevlar turnout trousers, hoisting me over her shoulder and carrying me from a burning building, I’m not sure.

  I gasped, a sudden surge of adrenaline firing through my chest. Yep, it was definitely the trousers.

  I groaned louder, holding the back of Zoe’s head.

  Without releasing my nipple, she rearranged her legs, sliding a thigh up to press against my groin. I rocked my hips against her, and she moaned approvingly at the wetness against her skin. She tugged on my nipple harder, and I fought to rein myself in.

  She finally released me, her eyes fierce as she sat up. Grabbing one of my legs, she lifted it onto her shoulder and planted her opposite foot next to my hip, lowering her pussy to my own. My lips parted, her arousal evident as she rubbed against me, her breath deepening.

  Finding a delicious rhythm, my clit started to pulse, the friction and view of her spreading my legs wider causing my heart to thud painfully in my chest. Zoe closed her eyes, rocking faster.

  We both came at the same time, legs shaking and muscles tensing, our orgasms flooding between us. My chest constricted, and I struggled to breathe, my toes curling as waves of ecstasy radiated through me.

  It was a few minutes before Zoe ran out of energy, collapsing to one side and panting, sweat trickling down her neck.

  I eventually found my voice. “Shower?”



  Since the wedding, I’d been inspired by Jay’s photography skills. He’d offered me a few lessons to show me how to work my camera. I had a nice one, a Christmas present from Zoe last year, but it had too many buttons, dials, and options for me to know what to do with.

  Jay had sat with me a couple of times now, filling my head with jargon such as aperture (I still didn’t understand the F/stops), shutter speed, RAW files, depth of field, and vignette. I’d been intrigued and impressed with his knowledge, and I felt I was getting better.

  Zoe would take me to various places, and she’d wait patiently as I fiddled with the dials, taking numerous duplicates of the same photo, trying to get it right. She had treated me to some Photoshop software on my laptop, and I’d spent hours going through various options, from sharpening to saturation, and content-aware to layer stacking. I made a scrapbook of all my photos, and I grinned like a Cheshire cat as Zoe flicked through it now, nodding her approval.

  “These are so good, Lara.” She smiled and turned the page before leaning closer to inspect the next image. “What’s that?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “An awkward shadow, I think,” I replied. “I’ve still not mastered lighting techniques.”

  “I’m sure that Harry has got a set of photography lights. I think she’s got a few backdrops as well. You could ask her to model for you. You know she’d love to.”

  “I suppose I could.” I chewed the inside of my cheek.

  Yes, yes, and yes. When are we doing this, pet? Harry asked.

  I laughed out loud, and Zoe jumped.

  You need to stop interrupting my private thoughts, I replied, trying to force mock annoyance into my telepathic tone.

  You need to learn to keep them to yourself then. I’m free now if you fancy it.

  I looked at my watch, but I didn’t know why. I didn’t have any plans for the day, and turning Harry down wasn’t something I did often. Sure, OK. I’ll be there soon.

  When I turned up at the Cardinal, Harry had already set up lights and a backdrop with multicoloured brickwork on it. She pointed out various equipment, soft boxes, and
window blinds, and I’d nodded as if I knew what she was on about.

  I’d been too distracted by her muscular torso to listen properly. She wore a black sports bra and her tight black jeans, the waistband of her Calvin Kleins peeking temptingly above the black denim.

  After a few clumsy shots, I started to relax. Harry raised a hand to the back of her neck, flexing her bicep, her other arm hanging beside her waist. Her eyes smouldered as she looked at the camera, her lips parted. Her abdomen rippled, a single drop of sweat making its way down her skin. She watched me closely, then lowered a hand to the buttons on her jeans. She unfastened them and rested her hand just underneath the waistband.

  My breath caught in my throat, my pulse quickening as she stood with her fuck-me eyes, and her lustful, yet teasing glare. I forgot that I needed to press the shutter on my camera to take a shot, and the resultant click that echoed around the empty club advised me that I’d remembered successfully. I’ll be coming hard under my own fingers tonight, looking back at these, I thought with a smirk.

  She chuckled, lowering both hands to her hips and looping her thumbs through the belt holes. She looked straight into the lens again, her eyes challenging me to capture her intensity, her power, her overwhelming influence over mere mortals such as myself. The camera clicked again, and I tried to remember how to breathe.

  “What’s the matter, pet?” she teased, turning one shoulder towards me and looking at the ground. I circled her slowly, stooping for a better angle as I snapped the picture.

  “You’re going to be the death of me, you know that?” I forced the words past my lips as my stomach tightened. I stood up to change the angle of one of the lights, bent down again, and looked through the viewfinder.

  “What do you mean?” She squatted, coming down to my level, resting her elbows on her knees and steepling her fingers underneath her chin, never looking away from me.

  I couldn’t answer.

  She dropped to lie on the ground, one knee bent, and one arm folded behind her head. I moved to stand above her, focusing the camera down. Her dark locks were tousled over her shoulders, leading the way down to her breasts. I saw the outline of her nipples straining against the fabric. She turned her head to look directly at the camera again, a serious look on her face that sent another wave of arousal through me.


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