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Master of My Heart

Page 19

by Marissa Honeycutt

  Aiden narrowed his eyes but didn’t stop. He couldn’t, and both men knew it. Aiden didn’t know why, but Damian did and that was all that mattered.

  “Sabrina is a pleasure to take full advantage of. Be happy.”

  When Aiden looked away, Damian frowned. “It appears we will have to progress a bit more in your re-education.” He grasped the younger man’s hair and yanked him to his feet. Damian pulled down Aiden’s sweatpants and took his cock into his mouth, sucking hard. Aiden’s eyes closed and his mouth gaped open as he instantly started coming.

  Damian pulled the orgasm from him as skillfully as an aging whore, until Aiden’s knees shook and threatened to buckle. Then he pushed him to the floor and pulled his own pants down. He spread Aiden’s ass apart and pressed his cock against the tight ring he’d breached only once before. Aiden lay trembling but silent. Until the pain began. Damian was insistent, pushing into his body without kindness. Aiden whimpered and cried out as the other man’s cock tore into his ass. When Damian was fully seated, he gave a low laugh.

  “Your ass quivering around my cock feels amazing, but do you know what feels even better?”

  He shook his head, trembling with pain and fear. Damian wiped his finger across Aiden’s sweaty forehead and held it up, watching it glisten in the firelight. “Your fear. Your agony. It’s not the pain I enjoy. It’s the power that pain gives me over you. You would do anything for me to stop, wouldn’t you?”

  Aiden nodded, eyes wide. “Yes, please,” he whimpered.

  “But I won’t because it feels amazing. I can feel your thoughts racing through your mind. ‘How do I stop him? How do I make this pain stop?’ But there is no stopping it. It’s that very despair that makes me hard. Despair . . . desperation . . . misery . . . That is what I thrive on. That is what I desire.”

  Damian pulled his cock almost all the way out and Aiden sighed in relief. Damian laughed, making the other man shiver. “Yes, you should be afraid.” He thrust back in hard. Aiden howled. “When I’m finished, you will desire the same things as me. Your concerns will be eliminated. I will be able to see through your eyes . . . feel what you feel. And there will be nothing you can do to stop it.”

  Damian proceeded to pound into Aiden’s ass as Aiden howled, then screamed in pain. Damian grinned wickedly as Aiden lost his mind and fully became his.

  Part Two

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chase and his men sat around the campfire, exhausted but satisfied. They’d found and eliminated their final target earlier that day and would head home in the morning.

  He leaned against a rock, head resting back to stare into the black velvet expanse covered in sparkling stars. He exhaled deeply, glad to finally be going home.

  It had been a long month. Four long weeks of intense traveling, searching, studying, and execution. They could go home with their heads held high, satisfied that they’d done their job well.

  It’d be a week before they got home, though. They had to hike out of this hellhole, fly to Buenos Aires to debrief the South American Elders, and then, finally, he’d be able to sleep in his own bed.

  But heading home also meant it was time to give up his search for Sabrina. Give up the girl who’d held his heart for so long. Agree to the responsibilities he’d accepted before he’d met her.

  Duty called.

  Sometimes duty sucks.

  Chase thought about the women he’d briefly dated in the past. He’d rather face the Elders’ wrath than marry most of them, but there were a few decent ones in there. Richard’s youngest daughter, Lindsay, was a nice girl. Super career-oriented, though. Would she be willing to settle down and become a “proper” Elder-Son’s wife? Tom, the New York Elder, had a daughter about his age. He’d met her once. There was also a girl he’d known at West Point. Sydney. At least she’d understand his military training. He hadn’t seen her in years, though.

  Ethan sat across the fire, listening to whatever messages had come in since they’d left. His eyes widened, then widened again. Chase’s heart pounded, wondering what had happened. When Ethan stood, his eyes locked on his friend’s.

  He walked over and held out the phone. “You need to listen to these.”

  “What happened?” Chase asked, his throat tight.

  Ethan’s tired face broke into a grin. “All good things, my brother.”

  Chase frowned and grabbed the phone, pushing the button to repeat the messages.

  “Chase, it’s Jayson. Hey, I know you’re out doing your thing right now, but some girl showed up and, well . . . Her name is Sabrina. She’s a dancer. I think she might be the Sabrina. Your Sabrina. I’m not a hundred percent certain, but . . . I just hope you get home soon. I think she’s in some trouble. Even if she’s not the same girl, she could sure use your help. Call me when you get this.”

  Chase struggled for breath, as if he’d been punched in the chest. Sabrina? In Boston? Is it possible? The phone beeped and another message started playing. Another from Jayson just a few hours later.

  “Chase, I’m pretty damn sure it’s your Sabrina. Martin said he knew her before. I can’t imagine it being anyone else. Damn, dude, I wish you were home. She needs help. I hope you get this soon.”

  The messages were from the middle of September, shortly after he left. Oh God, what if something happened to her again and I wasn’t there to help her? He’d never forgive himself. His heart pounded so hard, his head started to hurt.

  He rubbed his forehead as the phone beeped again.

  “Chase, it’s Mom. Sabrina is here! In Boston. She’s all grown up and looks beautiful. But she’s scared of something. She wouldn’t even talk to me. She’s safe, though, staying with Jayson and Liz. Richard met her tonight and she’s . . . special, like he suspected. I hope you’re coming home soon. I miss you and know Sabrina will be thrilled to see you. I love you. See you soon.”

  That message was from just a few hours ago.

  The phone beeped again, but it was from the Brazilian Elder. Chase stabbed the screen to end the call. He didn’t care about the frickin’ Elder.

  Sabrina is in Boston!

  He looked around, calculating how quickly they could make it back to the river if they pushed themselves.

  “You look as if you have seen a ghost, my friend,” Alex commented, arching a brow. “What happened?”

  “Sabrina’s alive,” Chase choked out. “And in Boston.”

  The men, who had been considerably subdued all evening, suddenly sat up, exclaiming their excitement for him.

  “But she’s in trouble. Well, I think she is.” He recounted the messages and looked around the fire at his men. “I don’t know what to think.”

  “Your mom said she was okay. Jayson can be a little dramatic sometimes,” Lance said with a shrug, tossing a stick into the fire. “I’m sure she’s fine.”

  Alex nodded. “If something had happened, your mother would have called back.”

  Chase couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across his face, the idea of seeing Sabrina again after so many years filling his whole body with warmth. He no longer felt the chill in the evening air. “Mom’s message was from today. Maybe they figured out whatever was going on.”

  The men nodded in agreement.

  “Mom also said that Richard confirmed she’s a half-Immortal.” He frowned and looked at Alex, feeling nervous. “What if that changes things?”

  Alex laughed. “As in what? More interesting sex once you’re married?”

  Chase rolled his eyes. “What if she’s like the other ones? What if she doesn’t want to get married?”

  Alex clapped him on the shoulder. “Worrying and speculating won’t do anything except stress you out. Focus on what you’ll say to her when you see her again.”

  “Yeah, and how you’ll kiss her,” Corey added with a laugh. “Tongue or no tongue.”

>   Chase frowned at him. Sabrina wasn’t a normal girl. You didn’t just run up to her and shove your tongue down her throat. You cherished the moment.

  A smile crept across Chase’s face again, imagining sweeping Sabrina up into his arms and holding her as he’d dreamed of for so many years. “She’s in Boston,” he said softly, hardly believing it was true. “She found her way back.”

  Ethan beamed at him. “Yup. She did. She’ll be waiting for you when you get home.”

  “We’ll leave at first light and hustle back,” Lance said, determination on his face.

  “Gotta reunite the two lovebirds,” Seth said with a grin. Tony nodded in agreement.

  “Thanks,” Chase said, grateful that the men understood.

  Sabrina would be back in his arms in just a few days. He leaned back and looked up at the stars again, sending out a thank you to the universe for bringing her back safe and sound.


  Sabrina groaned as she woke. Head pounding, she squinted against the morning light streaming through her windows. The sun seemed really bright for her normal waking time.

  She looked at the clock and gasped. Two o’clock?! How had she slept so late? She missed class this morning, too. Martin would be so upset with her. At least there were no rehearsals on Saturday for her to miss.

  She sat up and rubbed her face. She had a dreamless night’s sleep. Unusual, but a nice change. The last thing she remembered was lying on the floor with Damian’s face between her legs. Sabrina smiled and curled her toes, remembering the pleasure of his tongue on her body. Had she passed out? What must he think of her? How did she end up in bed?

  She stood and stretched. She felt strange, but not in a bad way. She couldn’t even really pinpoint why she felt the way she did. She just didn’t quite feel normal.

  When Sabrina walked out of her room, Liz was in the living room with Jon, lounging on the couch and watching TV.

  “Hey, sleepyhead,” Liz said, smiling at her. “Feeling better?”

  “I think so. Was Martin upset that I missed this morning’s class?”

  “Nah.” Liz laughed. “You weren’t the only one not there. Several people drank too much or had too much fun last night.” She shot Jon a look, to which he responded with an eye roll. “It’s almost expected.”

  Relief spread through her as she poured a glass of orange juice and sat down at the counter. Liz walked over and sat next to her. “Was that Chase’s house we were at last night?” Sabrina asked.

  Liz tilted her head. “It’s his mom’s house. Where he grew up. But he has a condo nearby. Why?”

  “I saw pictures on the wall of him growing up and stuff.”

  “Ah. Is that why you left?”

  Sabrina pressed her lips together. “Kinda.”

  “You know, what you went through after your parents died . . . No one would hold that against you. Especially Chase. It’s not your fault.”

  Sabrina stared at her glass. “Maybe.” It was all she could come up with to say. But Sabrina didn’t believe it. What would Chase think if he knew she’d let Aiden fuck her on the roof of his mother’s house? Men didn’t like whores. Well, they did, but not for a relationship. “I’m not the same girl he met. I’m not sixteen anymore.”


  Sabrina sighed. She couldn’t tell Liz what happened between her and Aiden. “If he’s such a good guy, he deserves someone better than me.”

  She stood and put her glass into the sink, then went to take a shower. Obviously, Grace was still very active in the ballet community. How could Sabrina hope to avoid her and her son? Maybe she should look at moving out of the city after the first of the year. After Aiden left. Mr. Baker had said she was good enough to go to Europe. Perhaps she should look into that.

  If she stayed, she’d most likely see Chase more than her heart could handle.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chase rubbed his face as he stared at the endless jungle on either side of the muddy river. It was sweltering, the humidity as high as the sun. They’d hiked through the Argentinian jungle all through the previous day and most of the night, then rested for a few hours before the boat arrived to take them back to where their vehicles waited. He looked forward to reaching the luxury hotel in Puerto Iguazu and taking a long, hot shower. A few more hours on the river, a few hours’ drive, and he’d be back in civilization.

  Have you gone soft, Chase? Less than two years out of the army and you’re whining for a hotel? How pathetic!

  He shook his head. He could do this. It was what he was trained for. This was what he’d wanted to do for more than half his life.

  Okay, well not this exactly. He’d wanted to fight for his country. He supposed this was still for his country, for the most part. Doing jobs for the Brotherhood in other countries did have to be sanctioned by his own Elders. He was still using his skills for the greater good. And, ultimately, that was what mattered.

  His men were as exhausted as he was, but they wouldn’t admit it. At least not out loud. None of them would. And he knew they understood why he’d pushed them. It hadn’t been hard. They were all motivated to get out as soon as possible.

  For him. For Sabrina.

  The thought humbled him. Not for the first time, he thanked the universe for such an awesome group of men, friends who were willing to work with him.

  Once back at the hotel, he’d call Richard and let him know he was okay. Richard would tell his mom, who’d be relieved. Alex would call his wife and let her know he was fine. He wondered if he could push up the meeting with Flores in order to get home faster. He’d have to ask Richard about that. Chase couldn’t approach the Elder personally and ask.

  He just wanted to get home to see the girl who had hold of his heart. Now that Chase knew she was alive and well, and in Boston, he could hardly contain his excitement. It had been so long. He’d been so afraid something terrible had happened to her and she was lost forever.

  But no. She was in Boston. Did she know he would be there soon? Did her heart pound when she thought of him? He wanted to pull out his phone and look at his picture of her, just as he had before he’d left, but didn’t dare. Not yet. Not until they were safe at the hotel.

  He closed his eyes and thought about the first time he’d seen her. Dark hair flashing fire in the sunlight, sun-kissed cheeks, excited pale-green eyes as she watched the dancers perform up on stage. She’d grabbed hold of his heart in that moment and still held it years later.

  For what felt like the millionth time, he relived their conversation on the yacht. The memory of her voice made his heart race and he smiled.

  “Thinking about her?” Ethan asked. He sat next to Chase and arched a brow. Chase rolled his eyes, but couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across his face. His friend laughed. “Thought so.”

  He shrugged. “Before we left on this trip, I told Richard I’d let her go and find someone else. Now I don’t have to. I know exactly where she is.”

  “Think Jayson asked her out?” When Chase growled, Ethan laughed again. “Dude, kidding. You know he wouldn’t do that.”

  “Maybe once he figured out who she was.” An alarming thought occurred to him. “What if someone else did, though?”

  “Then you’ll just have to woo her back,” Alex said from behind him. “You’re a decent man. Not bad looking. Shouldn’t be too hard.” The men all laughed as Alex acted like he was studying Chase.

  “Thanks for your vote of confidence,” Chase muttered, then laughed. He was too happy to get upset at the teasing. That, and he respected the heck out of Alex. He couldn’t take offense at anything the big German said.

  The conversation around him turned to coarser subjects, such as the red girls at the Brazilian Elder’s Manor. He had a feeling there would be a lot of drinking tonight. No doubt some would find a companion for the evening. Normally, Chase woul
d, as well, but he didn’t know how he felt about that now. Honestly, he just wanted to stare at the picture of Sabrina and think about seeing her again.

  When did you turn into such a mushy guy?

  Chase smirked at himself and stared out at the jungle again, ignoring the crude comments around him.

  Where had she been all these years? What had she been doing? All evidence pointed to her being kidnapped, though. How did she escape? Had it been terrible? Had she been abused? Did she even remember him? Would she be as excited to see him as he was to see her?

  He scratched his chin through his beard. He couldn’t wait to shave the damn thing off. Some of the guys mentioned they might keep theirs, but Chase preferred being clean-shaven. Though it did hide the scar on the left side of his face caused by the explosion in Syria.

  Would Sabrina mind his scar? Some women thought it was sexy. Others were afraid of it. He had other scars, too. A few on his chest and a bunch on his left leg where he’d almost lost his foot.

  Did she remember coming to him and healing him? Or had it been a hallucination?

  So many questions, but he wouldn’t have answers until he got back home.

  Only a few more days.


  Monday morning, Chase paced in his hotel room as he waited for Richard to answer his phone. After they’d arrived at the hotel late last night, Chase had done little more than take a shower, eat a snack, and fall into bed. He’d awoken mid-morning thinking of Sabrina and ordered room service before reaching for his phone. He needed to talk to someone who had seen her. He needed answers.

  Well, he wasn’t certain Richard had seen her, but he might have.

  “Hello?” Richard sounded out of breath. “Chase? You back in civilization?”


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