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Master of My Heart

Page 20

by Marissa Honeycutt

  “I am. We’re all safe and sound in Puerto Iguazu.”

  “Good. Very glad to hear it.”

  “What are you doing? You sound like you’ve been running.”

  Richard laughed. “I just walked up the stairs to my office. Kathy’s been on me to exercise more, so I started taking the stairs in the mornings.”

  “To the thirtieth floor?”

  “No. Only the last five. I get off on twenty-five and take the stairs the rest of the way.”

  “Ah.” Chase laughed. “Maybe you should come with me sometime. We had a lovely jaunt through the jungle yesterday.”

  “How many hours?”

  “You don’t want to know.” Chase stared out the window and looked at the green trees just past the hotel’s boundary wall. “But everything went according to plan and everyone is well.”

  “That’s what matters. How are you feeling? How’s the foot?”

  Chase grimaced. “Aching. I’m gonna be limping for a few days.” He knew he’d pushed himself too hard, but he couldn’t bring himself to slow down.

  “You’re back earlier than expected. Did you push yourself too hard?” Richard knew him too well, seemingly having read his thoughts.


  He chuckled. “Did your mom call you?”

  “And Jayson.”

  “So you know Sabrina’s here?”

  Chase’s heart leapt at the name. “Have you seen her?” he asked, his throat tightening.

  “I did. At the donor cocktail party Friday night.”

  “And?” Chase’s voice rose an octave, and Richard laughed again. Chase cleared his throat. “Is she okay?”

  Richard hesitated, which made Chase’s stomach twist. “Yes. As far as I can tell, she’s okay. There’s . . .” Richard paused. “She’s scared, Chase. I talked with Jayson. It sounds like she escaped something terrible. He doesn’t know a lot, but whoever had her is dead and she came out here. But she’s still terrified. Jayson said she was doing okay for a while, but something changed and she’s scared again.”

  Chase sat down in one of the plush chairs near the window. “Did you talk to her?”

  “A little. I saw her looking at the pictures of you and your brothers. She misses you. But, for some reason, she’s scared of you seeing her. I don’t really understand. She’s clearly been abused, and I think she’s afraid you’re going to reject her because of it.” Richard sighed. “I think she may have gotten involved with Aiden Lang in some way, too. She’s frightened of him.”

  Chase’s hands clenched into fists at the thought of anyone hurting Sabrina. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. He would deal with it once he got home. She’d never be afraid of anything ever again. He’d make sure of that.

  He narrowed his eyes. “Wait. Aiden Lang? The movie star?”

  “He’s playing Drosselmeyer.”

  “Can you tell Martin about it?”

  “I asked Jayson—she’s staying with him and Liz—but neither of them know anything about her dating anyone. He said Sabrina tends to be scared of people in general, so he hadn’t noticed anything between her and Aiden explicitly. She did stay out all night a while back, but wouldn’t say where she was. I might mention it to Martin. I’m sure he’d want to be aware of anything going on.”


  “Chase, you’re going to have your work cut out for you. I know she’s here, but that doesn’t mean the Elders will extend the deadline for you to get married. If you can’t figure out whatever is going on with Sabrina, you still may have to look elsewhere for a wife.”

  Chase clenched his jaw. “She made it to Boston. On her own. Don’t you think it could be a sign that we’re meant to be together?”

  “Maybe. I’m not saying it won’t happen, but I can also see that it will be difficult to break through her fears. She expects to be hurt by men. I don’t know if she’s capable of trusting anyone.”

  “Maybe my mom could talk to her—”

  “She tried. Grace hugged her and she . . . Well, she didn’t take it very well.”

  Chase frowned. “How could anyone be afraid of my mother?”

  “I honestly have no idea. But she was.”

  “Well, I’ll figure something out.” Chase was determined to get through to Sabrina and win her over. He had to.

  “If anyone can, I’m sure it’s you. Just be careful.”

  “When can I meet with Flores so we can head home?” Chase asked, changing the subject. Mateus Flores was the Brazilian Elder who had sent him and his team on the job.

  “I’ll call him as soon as we’re done and text you the date and time. He called me last week, wondering where you were, so I’m sure he’s eager to hear your news.”

  “Thanks, Richard.”

  “Anytime. I’ll see you soon.”

  Chase put his phone down and leaned back in the chair, still staring out the window. Maybe Alex would have some insight into how to get through to Sabrina.


  Monday, Damian texted Sabrina, just “to say hi” and ask how she was feeling. She told him she was fine. In reality, she was far from it. Jayson kept mentioning that Chase would be home soon. She was having problems concentrating on learning her dances for The Nutcracker. She was terrified of the inevitable call from Aiden each night, demanding her presence at his house. Tuesday night had been the hardest. Aiden’s driver had taken her to some alley where she was raped by multiple strangers before he took her to Aiden’s place. He’d made her lay down on the couch, then painfully fisted her while she gave his butler a blowjob.

  After rehearsal Wednesday, Aiden pulled her into a storage closet and fucked her up against a rough brick wall. “Come over tomorrow night,” he whispered into her ear as he slid out of her. “I have something special planned.” He slapped her ass, then walked out of the room, leaving her alone. Her knees buckled and she fell to the floor, trying not to cry.

  She couldn’t imagine the other girls surviving what he was putting her through. Sabrina lifted her chin. She could do this. Only a couple more months before Aiden went back to LA and she could move somewhere, anywhere Chase wasn’t. This morning, Jayson had told her Chase was on his way home and would be back in Boston that night or in the morning.

  She wiped away the tears that had slipped down her cheeks and stood. Only a few more months. She’d survived five years of hell with Ramon. What are a few months with Aiden?

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Thursday, Chase hummed as he walked along the busy streets of Boston to his mom’s house. He was content, if not happy. He and Ethan had arrived at the condo very early that morning, and after a few hours of sleep and a shower, he was ready to start his day. The mission had gone well, the Brazilian Elder was happy, Alex and his guys were back in Germany, and Chase’s own men were back at their respective homes, safe and sound. He couldn’t ask for anything else.

  Except to be reunited with Sabrina.

  Chase opened the door to mother’s house in the heart of Boston. “Mom?!” He heard footsteps in the back of the house. A few moments later, his mother appeared by the staircase.

  “Chase!” she exclaimed and hurried over to him, arms open wide. She wrapped them around him, hugging him tightly. “I’m so glad you’re home.”

  “Me, too, Mom.”

  “Did you see her yet?” she asked, a twinkle in her eye.

  Chase shook his head. “I wanted to see you first.”

  A broad smile appeared on her face. “You’re such a good son.”

  Chase smiled back, glad that he made his mom happy.

  “Jayson’s been calling all week, asking if you were home yet.”

  Chase frowned as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “I thought I had—” He cursed under his breath. “I forgot to turn it back on after my meeting with Flores. Elder or not
, the man’s a pain in the ass.” He pushed the power button and waited for the phone to power up.

  His mom laughed. “Richard says he approved of your work. Not an easy thing to do, as I understand it.”

  He shrugged. “I just do my job.”

  “Something you’re very good at.”

  Chase stared at the flashing shapes on his phone, trying to be patient until he could check his messages. “What do you think Sabrina will say when she finds out what I do?” It had been something he’d thought a lot about over the last week. What would Sabrina think when she found out he was a paid killer? He did many things in the course of his work with his security firm, some of them close to the moral line, but he only killed for the Brotherhood. He wasn’t a mercenary, but he still did things that most women probably wouldn’t understand. Sabrina had been so innocent when he’d met her. Would she reject him when she found out what he did?

  “She knew you were in the army. You told her you were going to be a Green Beret. I’m sure she doesn’t expect you to have a desk job.”

  Chase made a face at the idea. “I think I’d shoot myself if I had to do that.”

  His mom laughed. “I can’t imagine that, either. I’m sure she’ll be fine. You’re a good man, Chase. She’ll know that once you get to know each other again.”

  “Get to know each other period,” Chase corrected. “What if she doesn’t feel the same way she did then? It was so long ago.”

  “I don’t know everything that has happened to her, Chase. Jayson has indicated it was really bad, though he doesn’t know a lot.” She sighed. “Let’s go sit down for a few minutes.”

  Chase followed his mom into the living room and sat down on the couch where she always counseled him.

  “As I’ve come to understand it,” she began, “she was taken shortly after she got home, as you suspected . . .” She hesitated. “She was abused, Chase. Sexually and otherwise.”

  He swallowed hard. Richard had told him as much, but the way his mom said it . . . She had always been pretty intuitive and empathetic. She also knew Sabrina before all this happened. She’d interacted with her on the yacht a little. She would be able to see the difference in Sabrina. Anger bubbled up inside him at the images flashing through his head of poor Sabrina being beaten and raped. His hands clenched into fists.

  “Richard says that because of who she is, she’s unharmed physically. That she’d have healed every time . . .” His mom swallowed. “That poor girl.”

  “Who was it?” Chase growled.

  “Jayson doesn’t know, aside from the fact that she escaped because they were killed.” She tilted her head. “I don’t think he was comfortable telling me everything he knew. You might want to talk to him before you see her.”

  Chase’s phone beeped. He looked down to see several text messages from Jayson. “He wants to have lunch if I’m home in time.” Chase looked at the time at the top of the phone screen, then at his mom. “But I don’t want to leave you so soon.”

  She waved her hand. “Go see him so you can see Sabrina. I’m fine just knowing you’re home safe.”

  “Are you sure?”

  His mom nodded. “I’m sure. I know how important this is to you.”

  Chase quickly shot off a text to Jayson, arranging to meet him for lunch at a deli near the ballet studio. “I’ll call you later,” he said, leaning over to kiss her on the cheek before standing.

  “Chase, you might want to get a haircut before you see her. It’s a bit unkempt.”

  Chase reached up to run his fingers through his hair. He’d planned on doing so when he got home, but had gotten distracted. He laughed. “I suppose that would be a good idea. Thanks.”


  An hour later, Chase and Jayson sat down at a table near the window. Chase shook his head as Jayson sprinkled hot sauce and mustard all over his chicken salad. Tabasco and mustard as salad dressing had started as a dare in high school, but Jayson had found out that he really liked it.

  “I never know what you’ll look like when you get back from one of these things,” Jayson remarked as he stared at Chase. “Last time, you looked like a bushman.”

  Chase laughed. “I shaved as soon as I got back to the hotel. It was itching like crazy. I’ll get a haircut this afternoon.”

  “I’m just glad you’re back. For multiple reasons.”

  “I am, too. How’ve you been?”

  Jayson’s expression turned conflicted. “She’s a great girl, Chase.”

  Chase studied his face, then his stomach clenched. Has Jayson fallen for Sabrina? Does she feel the same way about him? “Are you two seeing each other?”

  His friend’s eyes widened. “What? No!” he exclaimed quickly. Too quickly.

  “What happened?”

  Jayson stabbed at the food on his plate, then took a deep breath. “I didn’t know who she was at first. Martin asked me and Liz to look after her and, well . . . She has nightmares. Really bad ones. She sometimes wakes up screaming.”

  Chase winced at the thought. “And?”

  “Well, the first night, I . . . I just meant to stay with her until she fell asleep. Honestly.” Jayson gave him a sad look. “Geez, I got a hard-on because she’s . . . She’s fucking hot.”

  Chase’s hand clenched around his fork.

  Jayson held his hands in the air. “You know what she said when she felt it?”

  He didn’t respond, aside from glowering at his friend.

  “She said . . . She asked, ‘Do you want me to help?’” Jayson said in a sad voice. “She said that’s what she’s supposed to do.”

  Chase’s anger vaporized at Jayson’s words. “She really said that?” he asked softly.

  Jayson nodded. “Yeah.” He frowned. “Course, that took care of my dick.” He stabbed at his food again. Chase wondered if something else had happened. After a few minutes, he cleared his throat. “I didn’t mean to sleep with her.” Jayson looked up, his brown eyes wide. “Honestly, I didn’t. I thought it was a dream until I opened my eyes and . . . and realized it wasn’t.”

  Chase stared, not having a clue as to what to say. His best friend had slept with the girl he intended to marry. The girl he’d barely kissed before being separated for five years. The girl he didn’t even know was still alive until a few days ago. He took a deep breath. “How could you not mean to, but do it anyway?” he asked slowly, trying to stay calm.

  “She started things while I was still asleep, and . . .” Jayson ran his hands through his hair. “Fuck, man. I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to. We talked after. Chase, she’s been told some really fucked-up stuff. She thought it was her job to please me. She wasn’t allowed to say no to any man.” He shook his head. “She had bruises on her arms. Something happened on the train. She said she didn’t remember what, though. I dunno. Maybe she was drugged. Or maybe she just didn’t want to tell me. She doesn’t open up very easily. But she didn’t think it was a big deal.” Jayson’s expression was a mix of bewilderment and sadness. “How fucked up is that?”

  Chase stared out the window, trying to digest everything. “Anything else I should know?” he asked evenly.

  Jayson proceeded to tell him everything he knew about Sabrina. Chase tried to keep his temper at bay when he admitted to starting things again, but was relieved when Jayson assured him he’d told her it couldn’t happen again.

  When he finished speaking, Chase stared out the window. “I can hardly believe it.” How could anyone survive something like that?

  “It’s awful,” Jayson agreed. “But even after all that, she’s really an amazing woman.”

  Chase looked back at Jayson when he heard the admiration in his friend’s voice.

  “She’s an amazing dancer. She’s so sweet and kind, even after living in hell for so long.” Jayson shrugged. “I can see why you fell for her.”

“Do you like her?”

  “How could I not? But you’ve been searching for her for years. You can protect her from whatever or whoever is after her. I can’t.” He looked thoughtful for a moment. “She remembers you.” Jayson blew out a long breath, and Chase wondered what he wasn’t saying.

  “What?” Chase prompted.

  “She thinks you’re gonna reject her because of what happened to her.”

  Chase stared at him in disbelief. “Why on earth would she think that?”

  “I have no idea. It’s not like she asked to be kidnapped and abused. I don’t understand her thinking sometimes. She won’t open up to me. Or anyone else, for that matter.”

  Chase tapped his fist on his mouth as he stared out the window again, thinking about everything he’d learned. Was he up to the challenge of a really messed-up girl? Was it even possible to get through to her?

  He had to try. He’d waited too long to see her again to walk away without even trying. “When do you think would be a good time to see her?”

  Jayson frowned. “She’s doing something tonight. Maybe you can convince her to not go.”


  “Because, before I came to meet you, I asked her about what she was doing, figuring you’d probably want to stop by, and she wouldn’t look me in the eye when she said she was busy. She’s been out almost every night, coming home exhausted in the morning. I don’t know what’s going on, but she doesn’t look thrilled about it.” He stabbed at his food again and shoved a forkful into his mouth.

  “Have you seen her with Aiden Lang?” Chase asked, remembering what Richard had said on the phone.

  Jayson chewed and swallowed. “Aiden? What do you mean?”

  “Richard said he thought she might have gotten involved with him.” Chase watched his friend’s face carefully.

  “They rehearse together. I don’t really see them interact, but now that you mention it . . .” He pursed his lips. “They did go up on the roof together at the cocktail party. She went home a little while later.” Jayson made a face. “Do you want me to ask her about him?”

  Chase shook his head. “No. Don’t upset her.”


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