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A Child's Christmas (Mills & Boon Heartwarming)

Page 23

by Kate James

  Paige looked at him suspiciously, but she nodded.

  “You answered those two questions yourself a moment ago,” he continued. “Jason will be fine and there is such a thing as everlasting love.” This time he placed a finger over her lips when she was about to speak. “So what’s left? What other reason do you have for not marrying me?”

  Paige shot a nervous glance over her shoulder at Jason’s bedroom. “Do we really have to go into this now?”

  “Don’t answer a question with a question. You answer mine first, and I’ll answer yours.”


  “Okay, I’ll finish, then. I’ve thought about this long and hard since you gave me back the ring. What I said then still holds. I love you and I love Jason. I want to be there for both of you, and I want to be there as your husband.” He paused. “I want to be there as Jason’s father.”


  “No buts. You refuted your own two objections. Is there anything else?”

  Paige felt her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She chewed on her lower lip as she struggled with what to say.

  Daniel reached into his pocket and pulled out the lovely velvet box. Flipping open the lid, he removed the ring and held it in his right hand. He took Paige’s left hand in his. “Paige, will you marry me?”

  “Can’t we talk about this after Jason’s surgery?”

  “No, because I want to marry you today.”

  “What?” The word exploded from her lips, and she quickly looked back at Jason’s door. “Are you crazy? We have to leave for the Karlsen Center in—” She glanced at the clock on the wall unit. “Just over two hours.”

  “I know.”

  Her confusion was back. “I don’t understand. How...?”

  Daniel grinned. “The paperwork we completed for the marriage license is still valid, and I brought a justice of the peace with me. That’s one of the advantages of being a lawyer. I have friends in high places. So, we have a small civil ceremony right now. You, Jason and me, with a couple of your neighbors as witnesses. Because of all the strings one of my partners and I pulled, the adoption can be made official as soon as we’re married.”


  “After Jason’s back home and recovered, we’ll have the ceremony, as we’d planned, with our family and friends. What do you say?”

  Paige started hiccupping and tears flowed down her cheeks as she threw herself into Daniel’s arms.

  “Can I safely assume that’s a yes?”

  Her head was burrowed against his neck, but she nodded and managed a muffled, “Yes.”


  PAIGE AND DANIEL were married by the justice of the peace in her apartment. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett were witnesses, and Chelsea and Mr. Weatherly served as maid of honor and groomsman. Mr. Weatherly brought Laura, too. They arranged for Paige’s parents to be part of the proceedings via speakerphone.

  Jason was elated by this turn of events. He did double duty, giving his mother away and acting as Daniel’s best man.

  Mr. Weatherly supplied a bouquet that Laura happened to catch when Paige tossed it. Thanks to Chelsea’s quick thinking, they even had a first dance, to Tracy Byrd’s “The Keeper of the Stars.”

  Come what may, Jason now had a dad. And Paige had a husband, a partner and an unquestionable source of strength and comfort. Jason was so excited, so happy, he didn’t have a chance to worry about his upcoming ordeal later that day.

  Daniel had arranged for a minivan to transport them to East Baltimore. They arrived well in advance of the appointed time and walked into the hospital holding hands, Jason between his parents. Jason was beaming. Looking at him, no one would have guessed he was on his way to have major surgery.

  They went through the patient registration procedure and were escorted to Jason’s room. Daniel had booked a semiprivate room. He and Paige had discussed it, and although they planned to be there the entire time Jason was in the hospital, they felt it might be better for him to have company near his own age, as well.

  Shane, his roommate, was nine years old and in for a bone marrow transplant for myeloma. The boy was outgoing and upbeat despite his illness, and he and Jason bonded immediately.

  It was almost time for Jason to be taken to pre-op when the hospital room door creaked open.

  A man of average height and build, with a thick crop of longish blond hair, stood in the doorway. Daniel and Jason looked at the man with no recognition, but Paige felt herself grow faint. She fumbled around in an effort to grasp Daniel’s hand.

  “May I come in?” the man asked, directing the question to Paige.

  Paige glanced at her son. Satisfied that there was no obvious reaction, she got up and came forward. “Let’s step outside,” she suggested. Her voice quavered, but her delivery was resolute. Hearing it, Daniel followed his wife.

  In the corridor, Paige closed the door behind them and spun around to face the visitor. “You’re not going to stop the surgery, Mark. You don’t want to know what I’m capable of if you so much as try.”

  The exchange obviously clarified for Daniel who the man was, and he stepped up behind Paige and rested his hands on her shoulders. “I second that.”

  “Who are you?” Mark shot back.

  Daniel straightened even further, and it gave Paige some small satisfaction that he now had a good four inches on Mark Summerville. “I’m Paige’s husband.”

  He paused to let the words sink in. Paige watched as Mark’s mouth opened and closed without any words coming out.

  “I’m also Jason’s father. I’ve legally adopted him.”

  Paige silently thanked the powers that be that Daniel had been able to call in all sorts of favors to push the adoption through so quickly.

  Finally, his tone menacing, Daniel added, “I am also her lawyer.”

  Mark’s mouth worked, but he was evidently at a loss for words. He turned his attention to Paige. He held out a hand, almost as if he was reaching for hers.

  “Paige, I’m not here to cause trouble or to try to stop the surgery.” He shifted his gaze briefly to Daniel. “You won that battle.”

  His voice dropped to a whisper. “I’m here to see my little boy.”

  Paige searched her ex-husband’s face, looking for any indication that might belie his words. Mark seemed humbled, genuine and...distressed. She saw a maturity in him that had been lacking when they were married, a seriousness that had never existed before. And, yes, even a sincerity that he would’ve been incapable of when they were together.

  Paige placed her hand on Daniel’s, which still rested on her shoulder, and glanced back at him. “Would you give us a moment, please?”

  “Sure.” He cast a warning glance at Mark and slipped back into the hospital room.

  “What’s this all about, Mark?”

  Mark rubbed his forehead. “You have every right to turn me away, Paige. I know that.” He seemed to reach for her again, but lowered his hand. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking since you called me. I’ve also talked it over with Becky, my wife. I wasn’t fair to you, or to Jason. Not all those years ago, and not when you called me.” He rubbed his temple again.

  “I never should’ve tried to stop the surgery. Sorry isn’t enough. Not for that, and not for what I did before. Becky wasn’t happy when you called at first. We’ve had our challenges, money being one of them. But she came around, and she helped me see that you’ve only ever wanted what’s best for Jason. Deep down, I knew that, too. I was just messed up—still am in some ways—but I’ve been getting help. Becky gave me an ultimatum a couple of years ago, and she was right. If I’d done that when you and I were together... Well, that’s water under the bridge.

  “But the more I thought about it, the more I realized I want Jason in my life—if he can forgive me. I want him to know me, and I want him to know his half sisters.”

  Paige was about to respond, but Mark interjected. “We can talk about it later. At the moment I just want to see my little boy, okay?” />
  Paige stared at Mark for long moments. Finally, she nodded. “Okay.” With her hand already on the door handle, she paused and turned. “Mark, I’m trusting you, but if you do anything—I mean anything—to hurt Jason or make this harder for him than it already is, I promise you will be sorrier than you can imagine.”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed once, then again. He nodded in acknowledgment.

  Jason was speaking animatedly with Shane, while Daniel was standing back in a corner, when they reentered the room.

  Jason’s eyes were wary and focused on the man to his mother’s left. He took a good look, and a deep line appeared between his brows. His eyes narrowed in speculation. “Do I know you?”

  Mark stepped forward and slid into the chair next to the bed. “I hope you will, Jason. I really hope you will.”

  Jason seemed confused and shifted his gaze from the man to his mother and back again. “Who are you?”

  “I’m your father, Jason.” Glancing at Daniel, he amended, “Your birth father. I’m Mark Summerville.”

  Satisfied that Mark meant no harm to Jason, and wanting to be respectful to allow him some time alone with his son, Paige and Daniel took Shane to the playroom, knowing his parent’s wouldn’t mind. By the time they returned, Mark and Jason both had tear tracks on their faces, but they were laughing and holding hands.


  KISSING HER SON good-bye before the surgery was the hardest thing Paige had ever done.

  All three of them remained in the surgical waiting room. Daniel and Paige sat huddled together, almost always touching. Mark alternatively sat or paced. Very few words were exchanged among the three of them.

  Try as she might, Paige couldn’t find any resentment toward her ex-husband for the years he’d spent away from his son. All that mattered to her was the delight on Jason’s face when he’d chatted with his father. Whatever might have happened before, his father had come to see Jason at this crucial time. She believed Mark was truly remorseful and committed to rebuilding his relationship with his son. She was glad of it. Jason had said—just before he was taken to be prepped for surgery—that he couldn’t believe his good fortune at having two dads, after having spent most of his life without one. He’d gone on to say that with his newfound good luck, he knew the surgery would go well.

  The wait was excruciating. Nearly four hours later, the surgeon finally walked into the room, wiping perspiration from his forehead. Paige rose immediately, with Daniel by her side. Mark, too, hurried over to the man in scrubs.

  Noting the surgeon’s drawn features, fatigue clearly evident on his face, Paige was filled with terror. Then she saw the corners of his mouth turn upward. She clutched Daniel’s hand more firmly and stepped forward, still afraid to ask.

  “We removed the tumor, Mrs. Kinsley. There’s no evidence the cancer has metastasized, and there were no complications.”

  Paige sagged against Daniel and started to weep. Daniel held her tightly as the doctor continued. “While there’s always risk of infection, we’ll be watching for it. Jason should make a full recovery.”


  PAIGE, DANIEL AND JASON were holding hands again the day they left the hospital. It was a clear evening with bright pinpricks of stars overhead. Paige was stunned by the changes in her life in a few short months. A husband she loved and cherished. A future full of hope and promise. And—most important—her little boy would be looking forward to many more Christmases.

  The surgeon had explained that if Jason’s tests were clear over the next six months, he would be deemed cancer-free. Yes, there’d be retests, but that six-month period would be crucial. By Christmas, they could have the most precious gift of all: Jason’s clean bill of health.

  With Jason’s hand warm in hers, Paige gazed up at the night sky and silently said thanks for all the incredible blessings in her life.


  “OUCH!” PAIGE EXCLAIMED. She yanked her hand back from the pot on the stove and stuck her burned thumb in her mouth

  Daniel put aside the Christmas cake he’d just set on a plate and was immediately behind her, reaching around. “Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?”

  “I did,” she mumbled, her thumb still in her mouth. “But I’m okay.”

  He turned her to face him, his hands resting on her waist. “Let me have a look anyway.” He pulled her thumb out of her mouth, examined it and placed a kiss on the tip. “I think you’ll live, but do that to the rest of your fingers and you could have a promising career in crime.” When she stared at him blankly, he elaborated. “No fingerprints! You used to find me funnier before the hormones got the better of you.”

  She put her hands on his shoulders, rose up on her toes and kissed him. “I still find you sweet and incredibly sexy. Doesn’t that count for something?”

  “Well...” Daniel was just drawing her toward him when the kitchen’s door flew open, and eight-year-old Jason came tearing in with a gangling black puppy on his heels. Jason screeched to a halt, but the puppy wasn’t so quick and skidded into the back of Jason’s legs.

  Jason pretended to cover his eyes with his hands. “Yeesh! You guys at it again?” The look on his face told a different story. He was obviously delighted to see his parents so happy and close.

  “Aaanywaaay.” Jason stretched out the syllables. “Everyone wants to know when dinner will be ready.”

  Paige slipped out of Daniel’s embrace and stroked Jason’s back. “You can tell them it’ll be soon. Why don’t the two of you go out there and entertain everyone while I finish up in here?”

  Daniel rested a hand on Jason’s shoulder. “We’ve been given our marching orders. Let’s get to it.” Jason scooped up the puppy and trailed Daniel out of the kitchen.

  Paige watched her son and her husband walk out together, and wiped her eyes with one hand while sliding the other across her stomach. The hormones really were affecting her.

  Fifteen minutes later, she pushed the door ajar, poked her head out and called for Daniel. Everything was prepared and laid out on serving platters. Paige clasped her hands together. “What do you think?”

  He swept a loose strand of hair away from her face and trailed his lips over the spot where his finger had been. “It’s perfect. Just like you.”

  She drew in a deep breath. “All right. Let’s get this show on the road, then.”

  “Paige, there’s no need to be nervous.”

  “Are you kidding? Our first Christmas together with your family and mine, and with our news?”

  “It’s all good.” He lifted the turkey platter. “As I said, nothing to be nervous about.” He balanced the bowl of mashed sweet potatoes on the same arm and turned to Paige. “Ready.”


  AFTER THE TURKEY and accompaniments had been cleared, dessert and coffee consumed, Daniel and Paige excused themselves. They returned with Daniel carrying an ice bucket holding a bottle of Dom Pérignon and Paige a tray with twelve champagne flutes. A hush fell over the room.

  “What’s all this?” It was Paige’s father asking. “Looks like a celebration.”

  Paige placed the tray on the table and gave her father a hug and a kiss. “It is, Dad. One we wanted to share with all of you.”

  As Daniel popped the cork, there were cheers and excited murmurs. Laughter followed when the puppy, startled by the noise, let out a volley of high-pitched barks. “Shh. Quiet, Scout,” Jason struggled to get him settled and finally lifted him onto his lap, to be rewarded with lavish doggie kisses.

  Flutes were filled and passed around. Two flutes were reserved for apple juice and placed at the head of the table, where Paige now stood.

  Daniel moved beside her and slid his arm around her waist. “Jason, would you come join us, please? Why don’t you let Chelsea hold Scout for now?”

  Jason obliged and went to stand with his parents.

  “It was a year ago tomorrow that I met this remarkable woman,” Daniel began and turned to Paige, giving her a wide smile. “It all started t
hat Christmas Day, when I had the pleasure of delivering a Christmas gift to Jason.” He smiled down at the boy, who was grinning up at him in return.

  “And that act gave me the most unexpected and wonderful Christmas gifts imaginable—my wife and my son.”

  “Hear, hear!” Mr. Weatherly, having had a touch more to drink that evening than was customary for him—after all, he and Laura had their own recent engagement to celebrate—raised his glass in a toast.

  “Okay, let’s toast to that, but please save some champagne.” Daniel handed one of the flutes filled with apple juice to Jason, and Paige reached for the other.

  “But that gift, the gift I received last Christmas, as unbelievable and miraculous as it was, is actually surpassed this year,” Daniel continued. “Although tomorrow’s the day we’ll be opening most of our gifts, there are a couple we’d like to share with you tonight. Paige...”

  Paige briefly turned into her husband’s arm for a quick hug. She then faced their guests—her mom and dad, Daniel’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, Chelsea, Mr. Weatherly and Laura. “You are such wonderful family and friends and have been so unfailingly supportive as we faced our challenges. Each one of you is very special to us, and you are unconditionally in our hearts. It’s for this reason that we’d like to share these gifts.

  “First, you all know that Jason had his final MRI last week—six months after his surgery. I think you also know how important this test was. If there was no recurrence, then the chances are very good that he’s clear of cancer.” She squeezed her eyes shut, but then opened them and smiled through her tears. Daniel snuggled her closer against his side, and Jason reached up to take her other hand. “So...the came back clear!”

  “That is the most precious Christmas gift of all!” Daniel added. There were loud cheers, plenty of hugs, gasps of joy and warm, heartfelt exclamations. A toast was called and they again sipped their champagne.

  “Save some of your champagne, please!” Daniel advised again. He waited until their guests were quiet once more. “Now, if we thought our life couldn’t be more perfect, we have one more gift to share with you this evening.” With an arm around Paige and the other around Jason, he looked at their family and friends. He glanced at Paige, winked at Jason, and the three of them in unison exclaimed, “We’re having a baby!”


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