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Saving Her

Page 5

by Jessika Klide

  When I hear him hold his breath, I smile. He’s about to explode into me. Umm. I wait with anticipation knowing it’s going to be good and I’m ready to peak again.

  Then his first shot is fired and it nails my g-spot. The hard spurt tickles, but the softness of the ooze slide over it takes me by surprise, then his cock slams into it again and again, pushing it and rubbing it. The stars explode inside me and I scream out with the sweet sensuous climax of an orgasm given, not taken. The pureness of it is indescribable.


  I moan one long continuous note until he finishes and falls forward, literally collapsing on me. His dead weight trapping me. I can’t move a muscle and can barely snatch a breath of air, but I’m smiling and if I die right now, I die happy. I close my eyes and drift off.

  He rolls off, and I lay limp as a rag doll, spent and satisfied, unable to move from the exertion. He takes a deep breath and pulls me against him to spoon. Tangled, and unwilling to move, savoring the moment of raw, togetherness, our breathing syncs to deep even puffs as we fall asleep. Complete in each other.

  Chapter Ten

  Sometime later, Steve's ringtone wakes us. We are in the same tangled spoon position. I feel Aurei lift his head, then push me away before he rolls off the bed and trots into the other room to answer his call.

  I stretch and grin. Damn straight! That’s how fucking is supposed to be! Mind blowing!

  I rise too and go to the bathroom to tidy up.

  When I come into the living room, Aurei is sitting on the couch. He is frowning and listening to Steve. He holds his hand out to stop my progression to him. I wait, standing in the doorway, watching his face, wondering what Steve could be saying that would cause him to frown so hard.

  I hope everything is alright.

  Then I see his expression change and he looks directly into my eyes with a look that drops my heart to my feet. My body freezes. I'm afraid to move. He stares at me as he listens. His face.... I shudder.

  Something terrible, horrible has happened. My Golden God looks like a Dark Deity.

  He says to Steve with a calm voice. "Ok. Thanks, Bro. Give Gaby a kiss for me and tell her, I'm sorry."

  I wait silent and still as he hangs up. He sets his phone down on the table and stands. He stares straight ahead, not looking at me. I watch as he clenches and unclenches his hands. His knuckles grow white with each squeeze and I visualize how they could easily choke the life out of someone. My hand instinctively goes to my neck, observing him in this raw emotional state. He’s terrifying but he is also fascinating. His transformation was quick and there is no reservation in his demeanor.

  You are a very dangerous man, Aurelius Moore. I pity anyone who crosses you.

  When he turns his face to mine, his expression and his eyes scare the shit out of me. It's so fucking 'mean'! Then I realize what I see and shudder at the thought.

  Sweet Zeus, Father of the Fucking Gods, that’s not only his warrior face, that’s the face of a killer, and that is a dark secret he locks down deep in his soul.

  But the instant his eyes focus on my frightened face, his expression softens. "Siri," his voice is barely above a whisper. "Come here, Baby Thang. Let me hold you."

  "Yes, Aurei," I whisper. The spit is dry in my mouth. I glide to him on trembling legs. I'm not afraid of him, I'm just afraid. Until he wraps his arms around me and kisses my hair, then I’m not. I slide my arms under his around his waist and hug him tight. His strength fills me.

  I am safe as long there is breath and a heartbeat in him. We will handle whatever the fuck comes our way together! Side by side!

  He takes my hand and walks me to the yellow shirt laying on the floor.

  "What the fuck has happened, Aurei?"

  He bends over, picks it and the belt up, then he continues to the bedroom, pulling me along behind him. "Nothing we can't handle together, Little Thang." In the bedroom, he tosses them on the bed, then he takes us into the closet. He puts me between him and his clothes. His arms encircle me as he goes through and selects a comfy baggy pair, then he leans around me to toss them on the bed.

  "Aurei? What the fuck has happened?" He ignores me as he takes a shirt off a hangar. "Aurei, is it Ann? Your parents? Are they alright?"

  "Everyone is fine." He walks us back out to the bed.

  "Oh my.... No.... Not my parents!"

  He stops, puts his hands on my face and calms me down. "No. Everyone is fine."

  "Then what is it?" I ask.

  He lets me go, then lays his shirt down on the bed and picks up his yellow J crew shirt. He tries to dress me in it, but frustrated, I stomp my foot and raise my voice at him. "Aurei Moore! Tell me what the FUCK is going on!"

  He looks at my ferocious face and smiles. "You're so beautiful when you are riled up, Wild Thang! You look like you are going to kick my ass."

  Annoyed, I snatch the shirt out of his hands then throw it down. It lands with a firm poof. I tell him through clenched teeth. "Don't push me. I might try."

  "I'm not Paul." He warns. His voice is low and deadly serious. It gives me chills.

  "Tell me then before I do something we will both regret!" I flash angry eyes at him and his pierce me. We both stand our ground and for a moment I think we might tie up, but then he sighs and opens his hands to me, asking for mine.

  "You have to trust me." He whispers.

  "You have to tell me." I whisper back, placing my hands in his. His touch is tender and my anger melts away with his gentleness. He sits on the edge of the bed and stares down at our hands. His hair reflects the light and his halo sways softly as he breathes deep and even, gaining control of his emotions. I sync mine with his, then he looks up at me. His face is so serious. He lets my hands go and both his strong hands slide up my thighs to my ass as he brings me forward. I straddle him, and he buries his face in my cleavage. My hands cradle his head and his move up my back and hold me still. I wait until he lifts his face to look up into mine, then I sit on his knees and cup his face between my hands. The scruff of his beard tickles my palms. I stare into his green pools of peace searching, then asking, but not speaking.

  What the fuck is wrong?

  I see his tongue slide from one corner of his mouth to the other, wetting his lips, then it flattens wide and rolls down, disappearing as he thinks about what he is going to say. His look is soft but focused and concerned when he starts to speak. His hands leave my ass and find their way to my hair. He watches them as they put my hair behind my ears. "You were right after all, Siri, about Ruth."

  The hair on the back of my neck stands up. "Ruth? This is about Ruth?"

  He doesn’t answer. His hands find their way to my shoulders and they squeeze me.

  "Is this about Ruth or not?"

  "Yes, and no."

  She's really pissing me off! My jaw juts out and I set it, feeling real hostility."No double talk, Aurei. Straight line!"

  "Yes. Ruth is the reason, but no, it's about us."

  I hang my head and shake it back and forth. My hair caresses his hands and they find their way into it. "Oh, hell no!" I tell him. "If she thinks her crazy, bitch ass can stir up trouble for us, she has another thing coming." I look up into his face and pierce him with my conviction. "I told her I'd put her punk ass in the hospital if she didn't leave us both the fuck alone and I fucking meant it!"

  "Shush." He smirks as he places his lips on mine. I see a slight crinkle in the corner of his eyes when he leans back, surveying my determination. "You are not going to put her in the hospital."

  "I might." I nod, defiant.

  "No. You are not." He voice is low but commanding as he stares me down. "Calm down and be quiet. Let me finish telling you."

  "Fine!" I say, still riled up, but knowing I will do as he says. For now, anyway.

  Chapter Eleven

  "Kiss me." He commands.

  I lean forward and place a few pecks on his lips, but I pull back. "You better tell me what the fuck happened."

  "Calm d
own then."

  "Fine!" I say feisty, but less fierce than before.

  "Kiss me like you mean it."

  "You’re just trying to distract me."


  I smirk at him. "Trickery of the best kind?"

  "Affirmative," he grins.

  "But," I drop my forehead to his.

  "No buts."

  I lean back and look away. "But I'm angry at the bitch." His hands slide out of my hair and back onto my shoulders. He caresses my skin in small soothing circles.

  "I can see that." He smirks. "I’m angry too, but that isn’t going to help." He takes my face in his hands and pulls me to his kiss. My eyes close and my lips part. The world melts away and there is only Aurei’s sweetness. His soft, yet firm, lips captivate mine as he draws my tongue into this mouth. He sucks it gently and the feeling is relaxing and soothing. When he releases me, I open my eyes and then close them again as his hands slide back into my hair and massage my scalp.

  I relax instantly. "Umm. That feels good."

  "Be a good girl for me, Siri."

  I sigh, "Ok." I open my eyes and they twinkle into his. "But you better tell me what the fuck happened." I expect a chuckle, but instead his hand absentmindedly starts to twirl my hair around his finger. I place my hands on his chest. The good girl draws little hearts and halo’s as I listen.

  "You did see Ruth come back to the club last night angry. Steve says that girl, Debbie, met her at the bar with your jacket. Gaby realized it must’ve been yours and confronted them. Gaby and Debbie got in a fight. Ruth snatched the jacket up and ran out with it. Gaby went after her and chased her to her car. She ripped it out of her hands and headed inside with it." He puts his hands on either side of my face and runs his thumbs on my jaw line. "Then Ruth tried to run over her."

  "Oh my.... Poor Gaby!" I’m shocked!

  His hands hold my face steady. "She fell and hit her head hard. Steve took her to the ER. She needed stitches and has a mild concussion."

  "Please say she is alright!" I search his eyes for answers.

  "Yes, she's alright."

  I shake my head in disbelief. "Over my stupid jacket? Aurei, you've got to be fucking joking?"

  "I'm serious." I watch as his frown returns.

  There is more to it.

  "What are you not telling me?"

  His frown deepens.

  I cup his face and kiss it. "Straight line, Sugar Bare."

  A hint of a smirk plays on his lips. He reaches up and covers both my hands with his. He turns his lips to kiss one then the other as his thumbs stroke my skin.

  I lean forward and place my forehead on his. "Aurei, we will handle Ruth-less. There is nothing we can't handle together. Truly."

  "I know." He keeps kissing my hands and I realize he is kissing them to calm himself. "Siri, Gaby said Ruth has lost her marbles for sure. She was strung out on something. High as a kite. She has a history of abuse." I wait as he squeezes my hands. His voice is hoarse with emotion. "Ruth threatened to kill you. Gaby thinks she is crazy enough to try."

  "Oh Holy Hades! Kill me?" I shake my head in disgust.

  My gut was right. Stupid stalker bitch!

  "Don't worry, Baby Thang! I got ya!"

  I'm gonna put her punk ass in the hospital for fucking sure!

  "She’s a fucking cunt!" I pull back to tell him I'm not fucking afraid of her, but the look in his eyes....

  He is taking this very seriously.

  "A crazy fucking cunt, but crazy people are unpredictable." Aurei's arms wrap around me again and he lays back on the bed, pulling me down on top of him. He cradles me and I lay my cheek on his chest.

  I can smell his musky manliness and hear his heart beating in my ear. The feeling makes everything seem ok, but I know better.

  Sweet Zeus! She's trying to fuck up our beautiful thang! And she could succeed if she threatens me in front of Aurei....

  I see his hands, clenching and unclenching.

  He was thinking about strangling Ruth.

  I shudder and squeeze him as tight as I can.

  I can't lose you! I just found you!

  Real terror shoots through my veins at the thought.

  I have to keep them apart! She is NOT going to win! Brutus will know what to do.

  "Aurei, I have to call Brutus right away. This is what he does. He protects me from crazies. He will handle this for us."

  "Fine. You can call Brutus. But we fly out tonight for Italy." I push up to look at him. He smiles to reassure me as he drags my body up his so my face is staring into his. "Rome is the only place I know you will be safe. It’s how I protect you from crazies."

  My mind races! Rome? Tonight?

  "Don’t argue with me on this, My Every Thang." His eyes are stern and I know there is no point. He has made the decision. His hands slide down to my ass and he squeezes my butt cheeks.

  The image of them around Ruth’s throat scares the hell out of me.

  Our best bet IS to leave for Italy tonight and forget all about her stupid shit for now.

  I smile at him. "Rome sounds perfect." I lay my lips on his as I stare in his eyes. He touches his tongue to my lips and I try to nibble it.

  I see his eyes crinkle, then he assures me. "We're gonna be ok."

  "Absofuckinglutely!" I tell him. "I can't say the same for Ruth. Brutus don't play around."

  "Sounds like some Bubba’s I know."

  "Yep, I know a few of them too." I push up and sit on his abs. "Rome! OMG! Rome! Tonight!" I jump off him and snatch his J Crew shirt off the floor. "Come on. Hurry up! I’ve got to pack." I pick up his shorts and shirt, and throw them on him. They land perfectly on his face.

  He laughs and sits up to watch me as I wiggle enticingly while I button up, then grab them out of his hands and proceed to dress him. "Hands up." I bark then push his shirt over them. I leave it covering his face, only half way on. "Feet out." His beautiful smile shines on me as he pulls it down over his face and I squat to stick each foot in his shorts. "Stand up."

  He chuckles. "Yes, Drill Sergeant." He stands and I snatch them up, popping the waist band.

  "Shoes?" I ask looking around for them. "Fuck 'em. We don’t need shoes." I hold my hand out for his and he slips his fingers between mine, then I pull him toward the door. "Forward march, Big Boy."

  In the hall, I chat him up. "I'm so excited! I've always wanted to go to Italy. Did you know I wanted to be an architect once? And Mythology was my favorite subject. Oh my Fucking Golden God, I can't wait to see The Eternal City! There's The Colosseum, The Pantheon, The Vatican, The Trevi Fountain, and The Forum just to mention a few!"

  He laughs as I dance around him, twirling and making him spin to keep my hand in his.

  "Will you take me to see them all?"

  "Yes, Excited Thang. Make a list and I will be your personal tour guide."


  "Hopefully, we can fly out in a few hours. I'll make the arrangements while you pack. You'll need ...." and he runs through a short list.

  He is so organized.

  Chapter Twelve

  When I open the door to my apartment, I turn the light switch on and walk in with Aurei right behind me. The first thing that hits me is the smell of roses and I remember the Swingers, their checks, and … the cards!

  Shit! What if Ruth has them now? What if there was something private written on them. Damn! I should have been more careful.

  A touch of panic fills my voice. "Aurei, please ask Steve to check my jacket. I took the cards from the flowers last night and stuffed them in one of the pockets." I frown at him as I walk straight to the pole for the envelope. "I thought I would read them on the way to the bar, but I got distracted watching you drive my car. What if I've compromised them?"

  He says softly as he takes it from me. "Swingers and their privacy is the least of our worries right now. Don’t you worry your pretty little head over them."

  "Please call him and ask." I press my lips together
and try to smile for him, but I don't manage more than a grimace.

  "I'll ask him. Go! Pack. Don’t worry."

  I sigh and walk in my bedroom. It's been my home for the last nine weeks and I look around realizing, I won't be back here ever again. When we return from Italy, I'll be moving back home to Vegas. I find focus with that, and decide to have the moving company come pack my things early and put everything into a storage unit while we are gone.

  I'll ask Mrs. Smith to handle the details for me. She's such a sweet woman.

  In my closet, I dig around for my suitcases, and start to pack the clothes Aurei said I would need. "The weather in Rome this time of year is still cold. Pack only the heavy clothes you brought. We will shop once we get there."

  That's easy. I don't own 'heavy' clothes.

  I take my Black & Blue Baby down and try to decide if I will take her with me. I fold her gently and lay her in.

  Of course I will. She is me.

  I hear Aurei talking as I go to the bathroom and collect my toiletries. When I come out, he is still talking. I gather my computer, my gun, and empty the safe.

  Thank goodness I brought my passport.

  I put everything in my satchel and sling the strap over my shoulder, then I roll my suitcases out. "I'm ready. Come on. Let's go!" I beam at him, happy to be escaping and knowing he is right. Swingers are all about keeping secrets. They wouldn’t have written anything inside to give themselves away.

  "Excellent!" He says with a grin. "I was able to get up with a former Army brother who flies charter jets now with FlyPrivate. He was in Pensacola. He’ll be at the airport in about three hours to pick us up." He takes the two suitcases from me and I open the door for him. He rolls them through the door, then behind us as we walk down the hall back to his place. I turn around and face him walking backwards.

  "What did you find out from Steve about the cards?"

  "He checked. He said they weren't in there. The pockets were empty."


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