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Saving Her

Page 6

by Jessika Klide

  "Damn! That sucks."

  "It is what it is now. If there is a leak, they’ll just have to deal with it."

  "I guess so. I’ll need to let Cat know our plans too. Where's my phone? I didn't find it in my pants this morning when I searched and it wasn't in the bedroom." I frown at him. "I haven't seen it since last night!"

  "I put it on charge in the drawer of the nightstand. It's safe. Don't panic."

  I let out a breath. "I'll need to text Brutus too, and Mrs. Smith. I’ve decided to have the moving company go ahead and get my stuff. Carmela has been doing my housekeeping while I'm here. She can pack my things."

  "You can store it at my mini-storage. I’ll have Ann handle it."

  "Your mini-storage? I should have known."

  When we walk back into his apartment, I retrieve my phone. We sit on the couch and handle all the arrangements. Brutus responds immediately. "Don't worry. I know some people."

  Bubba's no doubt.

  Cat responds with a lot of worried texts about me flying off to Italy with a strange man. I get my computer out and FaceTime with her. She goes off on me immediately when she sees me, not giving me any chance to explain. Finally, I butt in. "Cat! Calm down. He's the same dude that Bart booked for a one on one session with your Star. Surely you guys checked him out thoroughly before you agreed without my consent?"

  Her mouth slams shut and she is silent, then it falls open. "What? You're shittin' me?"

  "No, I'm serious! Bart booked a VIP room and I was to be the solo entertainer."

  "Same dude?"


  "He's that Moore? I thought you said this guy was an Army helicopter pilot."

  "I did, but he is also that same dude."

  "Doll!" She whispers to the screen. "He paid Bart 100k’s for two hours with you and Brutus did the background check on him. He's loooaaaadddded!" Then she narrows her eyes. "What are the odds of you two meeting in Alabama? Jackpot odds, for sure!"

  I wink at her. "Karma! I've been telling you, she’s only a bitch if you don't pay her! If you do, she works miracles!" She laughs at me. Aurei walks in from the balcony where he was making more phone calls. "Here he is. Aurei, come meet Cat so she won't worry about me while I'm gone." He slides next to me on the couch, puts his arm around me and kisses my hair. Her face is priceless! She gives me her 'I would have liked to have taught him a thing or two' look and I giggle at her.

  He looks at the screen and smiles, "Hi."

  Her face is priceless again! She practically drools.

  "Hi," she says back, but I watch her keen eyes summing him up and I see her relax. She is a good judge of character. I knew she would like him. "You take good care of our Baby Girl and bring her home before May 1st. We get her back then. She's been gone too long. You're welcome to come to Vegas too, but she's coming with or without you!"

  He laughs at her and cuts his eyes at me. "It will be with." He tells her and I beam at them. His phone rings and he excuses himself.

  He goes back out onto the balcony and she whispers. "Is he gone?"


  "Siri! He is a dream! I'm so happy for you. You deserve someone like him. But if he breaks your heart, I'm gonna give him a go. Ok?"

  I crack up with her. "I knew you would say that about him and you made your skank face. But I’m never letting him go! Sorry." I look out at the balcony and smile. Aurei is pacing back and forth in front of the door. "I have some business to discuss with you too." I tell her about the idea I had with Clay's bar and bringing the girls in for a working vacation to help with dancer burnout. She loves the idea and she promises to talk to Laura about moving here to raise her baby. When we finish, and I close the computer screen, it's been almost an hour.

  I love that woman to pieces! I can't wait to get back!

  Aurei comes back in and sits next to me. Before he can say anything, I ask him. "Can we take your guitar?"

  "We could, but we won't need it. I have one at my studio."

  "Good. I want you to sing to me every day."

  "That's a tall order. I don't know that many songs." He laughs and puts his arm around me. I lean my head on his shoulder and snuggle. "Ann is going to come pack my things and take them back to the house. Where's your gun? She can take it too."

  "It’s in my satchel."

  "Dirk has been delayed a couple of weeks, so he can take over my lease." He pats my leg. "Let's go grab a quick, keyword being quick, shower. It's a nine hour flight to Rome and seven hours ahead, so we will lose 3/4 of a day traveling." He stands and pulls me up. "As cute as you look in my shirt, I'm not letting you arrive in Rome wearing it."

  I giggle as we go to the bathroom together. "I am wearing your shirt. I'll put on a bra though and a pair of skinny jeans with my boots."

  Right before we step in the shower, Aurei gets another phone call and walks out to take it. I bathe quickly without him and am coming out of the bathroom when he returns. He pushes me out the door.

  "No touching. Keyword quick." He tells me as he closes it.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I go to the kitchen and get a water from the fridge. I stand at the balcony window, watching the birds. I’m so lucky! My mind races around between Vegas, Aurei, and Rome, but it settles on Ruth.

  Bitch! There is no way in hell, I’m going to let her ruin what we have. She needs serious help.

  I find my phone and text Brutus. *Ruth needs a serious psych eval. Drug abuse, but stalker tendencies too. Traumatized. Delusional. Rehab rotator.*

  *Got it! Got your back. Will handle. Moore checked out. Good guy. Enjoy Rome. You deserve it.*

  *TY! <3 U!*


  I take a deep breath to relax and put my hands over my head, stretching myself, then I bend over and touch my palms to the floor. Standing back up, I repeat the tall stretch, then bend over backwards until my hair hangs off my head.

  They are both right. Everything will be fine.

  When Aurei comes in, I see him upside down. He is dressed in a black business suit, black shirt and royal blue tie. The view almost makes me lose my balance. "Damn, you look fucking hot as hell!" I tell him as I roll up.

  He stands there grinning at me. "You do too, but you need to get dressed."

  I sashay over to him. "Let me check out this new look." He rolls his eyes, but stands still while I walk around him admiring him. The suit is expensive fabric. It’s tailored too. He hasn't shaved and his whiskers are scruffy. He looks dark and inviting. HOT HUNK!

  "I don't think I will ever get used to how handsome you are. But why the suit?"

  "I'm not just a country cowboy from Alabama, nor am I just an Army Aviator. I told you my life is complicated." He smirks. "I’m a businessman in Italy."

  "You wear that suit well, Sir." He grins and gives me the kiss I ask for with my puckered lips.

  "Get dressed, Naked Thang. We have a plane to catch and the car will be arriving in about...." He stretches his left arm and looks at his watch. It’s a Rolex, of course. The gold sitting on his dark skin against the dark shirt only emphasizes the beauty of his Golden God gorgeousness. "Fifteen minutes."

  "BrB." I wink at him then skip into the bedroom. At the door, I look back at him. His eyes move up to my eyes and he busts a grin, then takes a drink from the water bottle. Umm hmm! I hurry to my suitcase and unzip it. Well.... There is no way I'm going casual with him looking so fly. I rummage around. There it is. I pull out a small, blue, spandex dress, then go back in for a white lace covered royal blue push-up bra I bought to match it. I fold our yellow J crew shirt up and stuff it in, then I unzip the other bag and pull out my matching platform pumps. Getting dressed, I wonder what kind of businessman he is.

  I laugh out loud. I have a million questions for the poor man.

  "Are you ok in there?" I hear him. "Need help?"

  "I’m ok. Nope. Just thought of all the questions I’m going to bombard you with."

  "Oh, no!" He laughs.

  When I look in the mirror,
I know it was the right choice. I look stunning in it and it matches his tie. I push the shoulders off and pull the neck line down so the white lace peeks out, then I pull the length up so it's super short. The front is pulled tight and inviting. I whip my hair, up and over my head, shake it out and finger brush it, then gently, toss it back. As it settles in place, the natural curls fall all over each other, stacking up. When I check it out in the mirror, the effect is full and luscious looking. Sexy!

  Walking through the bedroom door, I hear a long low whistle. When I stop and turn around so he can fully admire the view, his voice is husky. "Wow! You wear that little blue dress well. You are one Sexy Thang!" He walks over to me, takes my hand, rolls the palm down and pulls it to his lips. He kisses the back. "And, my Lady." He says it possessively as he stares up at me from under his eye lids. The emerald green vanishes in the shadow and only dark eyes look at me. My tits harden. My clit thumps once to tell me it is alert. I bite half my lip, dragging my teeth as a slow smile spreads across my face.

  "Yes, I am."

  There is a knock at the door. As he stands, he gives me his own sexy half smile. "Our carriage awaits. We begin our journey to The Eternal City and beyond." He holds his arm out to me and I slip mine in his. When he opens the door, there are two men dressed as chauffeurs. Aurei pulls the door open wide and they enter to get our luggage. When they come out, he locks the door and escorts me to the elevator. We walk in silence while they follow behind. When we enter the elevator, he releases my arm. I walk to the back and turn to face him. He is pushing the "L" button as the chauffeurs come to the entrance. "Catch the next one." He tells them.

  When the doors close, he walks to stand in front of me. He puts one arm on the wall and leans in. His face moves past mine and I feel his magnetism. My skin comes alive. All the little hairs stand up, pushing to touch him. His heat literally tickles me as he moves down stopping short of my neck and hovers there. My eyes roll back in my head with his seduction. My mind focuses on that one spot where his breath blows. With each exhale, the skin sings and the sensation radiates out like sonar, pinging the tips of my tits and my clit. When he inhales, the sensation rushes back to that one spot and waits for his breath to blow on it again.

  "I love the way you smell." He whispers and then he blows on it.

  I stop breathing with his skillful seduction. My mind zeroing in on that one little, tickling, spot.

  He says in a husky whisper as his finger pushes past my labia lips to touch my clit. "I love that you don't wear panties."

  My mind screams with joy as my clit floods my pussy with wetness and my tits try to touch him, pushing against my bra. "Yes," I whisper my approval.

  He blows his breath out as his throat moans then turns into whispered words. "I love how wet you are." His finger slides into my vagina.


  He curls his finger as he whispers in my ear, connecting to two sensitive spots. "I love how you moan for me."

  "Ah!" I let out a moan full of air.

  His finger slides out and he thumps my clit hard a few times.

  "Oh!" I say in surprise. My clit throbbing from the thumping.

  "I love how you love it pounded." He nuzzles my ear, sending waves of vibration from it to my clit, making it tingle terribly.

  I moan loud unashamed of the way he makes me let go. Tipping my head back, I offer him my throat as I flex my ass against the wall.

  His finger slides in my pussy and he pats my clit as he pumps it, in and out, in and out.

  "Oh!" My hand latches onto his forearm to encourage him, but his strength maintains control.

  "I love how you sang for me this morning."

  I pause, frowning, staring up to the ceiling of the elevator.

  "You didn’t know you did that. Did you?"

  "No," I answer truthfully.

  His finger slips out and he drags it forward to wet my clit. Then he moves it back in my vagina, then back all the way out to my clit. Each time he goes in, I push his arm deep and when he pulls it out, he circles my clit, making my eyes roll back in my head and my ass flex on the wall. All while he tells me. "You sang each time you came this morning. Not words, but beautiful moaning vocal runs. I didn't know you could sing so sweet."

  The elevator slows down, then dings and we arrive. My eyes fly open. Dammit! We are here!

  His hand leaves my wetness as he pecks my lips. The doors slide open and he pushes off the wall as he slips it in his pocket. He smirks pleased with my wanton expression, sticks his elbow out, and says. "Come."

  I hook his arm and sigh. Walking across the lobby floor, I stare on his gorgeousness. It feels so fucking good to have a man who isn't intimated by my Wild Thang. Hearing my heels clicking, I strut for him letting my tit bounce against his arm.

  He smiles down at me. "Tease."

  I squeeze his arm. "It’s what I do."

  He chuckles. "It’s who you are."


  When I notice three limousines parked out front, I frown.

  "I thought it best." He answers.


  "It's a diversionary tactic."



  "Ruth? Please! That bitch don’t have nerve enough to try anything out in public."

  "Maybe, but I’m not taking any chances."

  Chapter Fourteen

  When Aurei pulls the front door open, I notice a small crowd of people outside the building, milling around, then see Tony, the security guard, standing there.

  As I walk out, I hear. "Is that her? Is that Seary?"

  I wave as I wait for Aurei to come stand beside me.

  He takes my hand, and lays in the crook of his arm again. "It would appear this secret is out."

  I grin at him. "It would appear that way."

  "Is there still time to slip out the back?"

  "What?" I wink at him. "And deny them?"


  "No way," I take a step toward them. "It’s showtime!"

  "I was afraid of that."

  Immediately the small crowd of people surge toward us shouting all at once. "Yes! That’s her! That’s Seary! Seary, may I have an autograph? May I have a pic? Will you sign my chest?"

  Tony hurries forward to step in-between me and them, holding up his hands to back off, and Aurei’s hand clamps down on mine, but I launch into default Diva mode, pull my hand free, and strut my stuff out to meet them.

  Aurei manages to cut me off and join Tony.

  I smile behind the two, wave to the crowd over their heads and point at a spot over by the wall where they can have full access to me, then proceed there unnoticed.

  Work it, Siri. Work your ass-n-tits. Flaunt your stuff.

  The crowd circles around the two would be bodyguards and surrounds me. The first person to hold her phone out and request a selfie with me is Brandy, the girl I met at The Stallion last night, the one who held my jacket.

  "Siri, can I have a selfie with you?"

  "Sure, Brandy." I take the phone from her and we pose. I snap the pic and hand it back to her.

  "I knew I recognized you last night." She tells me as I pose with another fan.

  "I have a blog for military wives called Brandy’s Blabbing Bitches. May I ask some questions for it?" She doesn’t wait for my answer. "Are you from Alabama?"

  "Yes, I’m from LA. Lower Alabama."

  She laughs, appreciating the pun. "Are you moving back here?"

  "No, I’m heading back to Vegas very soon." I pose with a couple of older ladies.

  "Are you opening an entertainment business here?"

  "Not really." I sign a man’s chest. "I’m under an exclusive dance contract in Vegas."

  "We were hoping you would be performing at The Stallion." He says as I hand him back is marker.

  "Well, maybe later I’ll do a quest appearance there. The new owner is a friend of mine."


  "Who’s the new owner?" Brandy asks.

  "Clay Quigl
ey. He’s an Aussie. You should interview him. Ask him about the deal he made for it. It’s an awesome story."

  "I will." She beams.

  "Tell him, I sent you. We go way back."

  "I will. Thanks!" She takes a step back while I snap yet another picture. "Were you two a couple?" She asks eager to get some details.

  "No, our friendship is business in nature. This handsome hunk is my man." I lay my hand on a frowning Aurei’s arm as he steps up beside me.

  He gives me a 'don’t say too much’ look and I give him a ’don’t worry' look.

  She turns her phone on him and moves it up and down so she gets a full length view of his hotness. "Is he why you’re here?" Her voice sounds convinced.

  He holds his hand up to block her photo.

  Her frown asks, ’Hey? What’s your problem?’

  "No, I came home for a family emergency. My mother was in an accident. "

  While his expression states simply, ’I don’t do pictures.’

  She turns the camera back on me. "When will you be returning to Vegas?"

  "That’s enough information," Aurei interrupts. His voice leaves no doubt to anyone that this interview is finished. He waves Tony over to make sure no one follows.

  She calls after us. "Where are you two off to?"

  The limo driver opens the door for me, and as I climb in, I tell her. "He’s promised to take me to Heaven." Then I slide in and Aurei joins me.

  "Good answer." He smiles as the limo driver closes the door on us."You enjoyed that."

  "Hell yeah, I did!"

  "She was asking a lot of questions for a fan."

  The driver gets in and maneuvers the stretch down the winding drive. The other two limos follow us.

  "She’s a blogger." My eyes get big as saucers. "Oh shit, Aurei! The cards ... in my jacket!"

  "What about them?"

  "She was the chick who held my jacket last night in the line outside."

  "You think she took the cards?"

  "She must have."

  "Don’t worry. By the time we return, any story will be old news."

  "Yeah, you’re right." A car speeds up next to us and swerves recklessly, trying to see in the tinted windows. I slide down in the seat out of habit, hiding from their view.


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