Book Read Free


Page 2

by K. T Fisher

  I give a few members a quick wave as I pass them and make my own way to Baby’s room, wondering what he’s gotten himself into now. I knock just the once and let myself in. The pretty girl sat on the bed in just her underwear looks shocked to see me. I play my part and look angry to see her and cross my arms over my chest.

  “Tasha!” Baby shouts, as if he’s shocked to see me.

  “Surprised to see me?” I ask, sounding pissed and look back to the girl. “Who are you?”

  She quickly stands, looking panicked and gathers her things. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Have you two been fucking?” I scream.

  “Babe.” Baby complains.

  “I didn’t know he had a girlfriend.” The poor girl quickly gathers her things and run passes me. She pauses when she’s beside me. “You should be with someone better.”

  She quickly runs off, leaving me feeling a little guilty. I walk to the side of Baby’s bed, he’s looking rather pleased with himself as he smiles up at me.

  “She didn’t seem so bad.” I point out.

  “Don’t be feeling guilty Natasha. She was talking about the changes she could make to my room! How fucking awful is that?” He honestly looks scared at the thought.

  “You’re a dick.” I laugh.

  All of a sudden, he jumps up out of bed and I get an eye full of a very naked Baby. He runs right up to me and I try to get away but I’m not fast enough. I squeal as he grabs me, squeezing me up against his nakedness. He laughs loudly at my discomfort.

  “Don’t touch me with that thing!” I shout, trying to not think about his dick on me.

  Baby backs away, but now he’s started swinging his cock around. The slapping noises are just as bad as the sight. I cover my eyes and run out his room but because I’m covering my eyes I don’t see where I’m going. I bang right into a hard body and when I open my eyes I see Devlin looking down at me. A mixture of confusion and amusement on his face.

  Oh shit.

  I back away from the man muscle in front of me and clear my suddenly dry throat. Fuck!

  Why does Devlin affect me so much? Never has anyone made me feel uneasy like this.

  I don’t want to stay around Baby’s naked dick and Devlin’s hard eyes a second more than I have to and make my way around him. I speed walk out the bedroom halls and out into the clubroom. The room seems oddly large when there’s not a lot of club members filling it up.

  I wave over to the same bikers that I did on my way in as I quickly walk into the next room and then into the kitchen. I desperately need a drink and then I need to get the hell out of here. Devlin makes me feel weird every time I see him, even worse when it’s in an awkward situation like that! Fucking Baby and his stupid fucking cock.

  I reach into the large fridge and find myself a fresh bottle of flavoured water. I hate water, I can only stand the flavoured kind, so I’m thankful someone thought to get some.

  As I’m refreshing my throat, I hear the door open and I cringe. I really hope it’s not who I think it is.

  “So, you and my brother.” I hear his deep voice and close my eyes. I’m so glad I’m facing away from him so that I can compose myself.

  I place the water on the side and take a deep breathe before facing Devlin.

  “Don’t even think about saying anything else.” I demand as I turn around. Shit, he fucking looks good.

  Devlin is dressed in his usual black jeans and matching black shirt that clings to his thick muscles at the tops of his arms and chest. Yum!

  “What were you doing in there?” He asks. “With my naked brother.”

  There’s an expression on his face, and I’m left confused because I thought I saw a flash of anger. Why would he be angry? I don’t get him at all.

  “I was helping.” I point out and take another sip of my water.

  My throat is dry again and I’m beginning to think it’s because of the man I’m standing with.

  “With the chick I saw running in her underwear?” He asks, looking surprised.

  With a smile I nod. “Yeah.”

  “How?” He asks, taking a step closer to me.

  I can smell him. Devlin smells of freshness, like he’s just taken a shower and a manly musk that’s pure Devlin. I can’t help but take a deep breath in again. Then I remember he asked me a question and quickly answer so I don’t look like a complete idiot.

  “If the girls are clingy and he can’t cope, he asks for my help.” I answer, in a smaller voice.

  Devlin always gets this reaction out of me. I become uneasy and tense and I’m not sure if this is the good kind or not.

  “So, you charge in there like you’re a jealous old lady or something?” He asks and this time I know I heard anger. Devlin isn’t happy and I don’t know why.

  “Something like that.” I reply, not daring to look him in the eye.

  “You wanna be his lady?” Devlin asks and my head spins.

  “What?” I screech, now looking him in the eye. “You’re joking right?”

  “Just wondering why you would do that, you seemed pretty friendly in there.” He shrugs.

  “Look Dev, not that this is any of your business, but there’s nothing between me and your brother and there never will be. We’re friends and I offered to help him out.” I snap, getting right in his face.

  It’s only when I stop talking and Devlin looks down at my mouth that I realise how close we are.

  “What if you get hurt?” He asks, sounding honestly concerned for me.

  “Why would I?” I ask, my voice lowering as the tension becomes thick between us.

  “Tash, if one of these girls is a fucked up psycho and you run in with a balls to the wall attitude, they could flip.” He frowns.

  “I can handle myself against a girl Dev.” I grin. “Why are you so interested anyway? Are you thinking of hiring me for my services too?”

  As soon as the words come out my mouth I cringe. Shit, what did I say that for?

  Devlin’s face turns smug and he snickers. “That depends on which ones you’re offering Tash.”

  I take a step back, trying to clear my head of Devlin but it’s no use. It seems Devlin doesn’t want any space between us because he steps closer to me again, closing the gap and looking me straight in the eye. His dark eyes widening as he stares into my blue ones, the action causing my breath to hitch.

  “If you’re offering what you do for Baby, then I don’t need that. When I have a woman, I enjoy making her come undone and scream my name, but once it’s done she’s out. No sleeping together and no cuddling, not with a random. That shit is for old ladies, and it will stay that way until I find her.”

  Devlin continues to remain his eye contact and his words shake me to the bone.

  “Good luck finding her.” I whisper.

  Devlin tilts his head to the side, observing me. “What makes you think I haven’t found her already?”

  My heart pauses, and then continues hard and fast. The way he’s looking at me, and his words, make me think he’s talking about me. He couldn’t be. We’re friends, nothing more. Sure we had that kiss when I first came here, but it was needy of me and awkward.

  Devlin can’t be talking about me really, could he?

  I don’t know what to say. I’m speechless. Suddenly the kitchen door bursts open, but I don’t take my eyes away from Devlin right away.

  “There you are!” I hear Lauren and tear my eyes from the man in front of me and see Lauren smiling from the door. “I need your help!”

  She stops smiling as she looks between Devlin and me then frowns. She takes in the scene in front of her and I haven’t a clue what she’s thinking. We must look odd, Devlin standing so close to me and staying silent.

  I look at Devlin, who is still looking at me. I don’t have the slightest clue what’s going on here. I see Lauren’s eyebrows raise and her mouth begin to open, no doubt wanting to ask what’s going on.

  “Bye.” I whisper to Devlin before I break away.

p; I quickly walk over to Lauren and take her arm in my hand, dragging her out the kitchen.

  “What the fuck was that?” She asks, but I don’t answer.

  I carry on walking though the clubhouse, not looking at anyone and taking Lauren with me.

  “Natasha!” She shouts and I pause as we reach the front door to the clubhouse. “Are you ok?”

  I take a deep breath, feeling so much calmer than I was in the kitchen with Devlin.

  “Yes.” I answer and even I can hear the breathlessness of my voice.

  Lauren raises her eyebrows, not believing me but I can’t answer her. I don’t even know what was happening between us.

  “He caught me helping Baby and wanted answers.” Is all I can say to get her off of my back.

  After a couple of seconds, Lauren slowly nods and places her hands on her hips. “Yeah, Brandon seems to be a little confused too.”

  I loudly sigh and rolls my eyes. “I’m helping a friend. Perhaps I shouldn’t do it anymore.”

  I don’t wait around any longer. I push open the door and walk out into the welcoming fresh air.

  “Where are you going?” Lauren asks.

  “I don’t know!” I shout back. Anywhere is better than here right now.

  “I need your help!” She replies in a louder voice than mine. “I need an outfit for tomorrow!”

  I stop in my tracks and look up to the sky. A shopping trip is just what I need right now. I spin around to look at Lauren and see she’s already smiling at me. The bitch knows me so well.

  I did say I loved shopping right?

  Only, I’ve forgotten why I enjoy shopping at the minute because I’ve been sat in the same place for the past forty minutes whilst Lauren has tried on every dress in the damn shop. Oh, but that’s after she dragged me around a bunch of other stores and was unsuccessful. I managed to grab myself a couple of pairs of new jeans and some fresh new Converse but that’s about it. I’ve had to help Lauren choose her perfect outfit for her job interview tomorrow.

  She’s really nervous about it but I don’t know why. I already know she’s going to kick ass and ace the interview. Try telling her that though, she’s worked herself into a state of panic and the only way that’s going to calm her is to try and find a new outfit.

  Lauren then steps out in a white fitted pencil skirt, with black a zig zagged pattern and a black blouse that has an unusual v neck, but it works really well.

  “You look hot!” I praise when she steps out.

  “You think?” She asks, sounding so unsure like all the rest.

  Lauren keeps turning and looking at herself in the mirror.

  “Lauren, you look gorgeous.” I assure her.

  “You don’t think it’s too slutty?” She asks me.

  My face goes black, I have no expression. “Seriously? After the shit Demon made us wear, and you think a blouse and a skirt that reaches your knees is too slutty?”

  Lauren bites down on her lip. “Crap, sorry I didn’t think.”

  I walk up close to her. “Lauren, everything you’ve tried on has been great. Get the outfit and relax. You will be fine.”

  She lets out a huge breath and scrapes her long hair back with her fingers. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  After she keeps apologising and gets changed, she decides to buy the outfit, along with some extra tops and a few more jeans and we’re good to go. Finally.

  As Natasha drives us back home I sit in silence, just staring out the window and listen as Natasha sings along to Maroon 5. I can’t stop thinking about Maisy. I really want to reach out to my sister, but I’m still worried that the Devils are still lurking around the corner.

  I know I killed Demon, but I don’t know what’s happened to Strike and Andrew. I saw the look in Strike’s eyes when he thought he finally had me back. I saw the look of hatred in his eyes when Demon walked in and took his toy from him. Strike wants me for himself and now that I’ve killed Demon I’ve given him the go ahead. I’m just glad I have Brandon and his club to keep me safe. Without them I’d be either a miserable prisoner or dead.

  “You’ll be fine.” Natasha adds in between her singing.

  “Huh?” I ask as I break my stare from out the window and look to her.

  “Your interview tomorrow.” She smiles. “You’ll ace it.”

  I breathe a heavy sigh and lean my head back against the seat. “I hope so.”

  “I fucking know so!” Natasha shouts and I have to laugh. I love this girl.


  I wake the next morning and my belly is in knots. I am so fucking nervous for today!

  I roll over onto my back and look over to Brandon, he’s still asleep. I take the chance to look him over, he’s such a gorgeous man. I’ve been a little worried about him. He’s starting to look tired and stressed. I want to ask him what’s wrong but I don’t want to over step my boundaries but another part of me is thinking that Brandon is my man and I can ask him whatever I please. I’m just worried about him.

  I take in his many tattoos and smile when I see his new addition. I can’t believe he actually got it. I will always remember the day, Brandon walked into the clubhouse proudly after he had been out all day. I’d been wondering where he had been, but I wouldn’t voice it, a good old lady has trust in her man and me asking where the VP was all day wouldn’t look good on either of us.

  He walked right over to me and grabbed me in a heated kiss then explained that he had a surprise for me. Baby and Devlin were standing behind him with knowing smirks as Brandon sat me down. He stood back and I looked around him for a clue. I couldn’t see anything, so where was this surprise?

  I sat in shock as he removed his leather vest. This caught some attention from not only the women who were standing around, but club members too. They all watched along with me as he handed me his vest and then began to lift his shirt. When I saw his ‘surprise’ my eyes widened and I heard a collective gasp from people who surrounded me.

  On Brandon’s side, was a picture of me and I know which photo he had taken it from. I was on a night out with the girls, I admit I was looking hot in a short red dress, matching red heels with my black hair hanging straight around my shoulders. Brandon had made love to me twice before I left the house and was waiting for me when I returned, naked and hard.

  I looked at myself, tattooed on the side of Brandon’s chest, speechless. It’s an amazing tattoo. Not because it’s of me, but because the detail is beautiful. You can even see the lipstick I’m wearing and the sparkle in my eyes. I’m stood in a sexy pose, black shading behind me and the colourful roses coming up from my feet. It’s a big tattoo and very brave. I just can’t believe he has me tattooed on him! Most people would have a name, or matching designs, not a large picture covering most of his flesh!

  I do love it though and when I saw it, I cried from happiness. Sometimes I don’t feel worthy of this man, but he reminds me every day how much I mean to him.

  Brandon stirs and when he sees me looking down at the tattoo he smiles. “Morning baby.”

  I give him a smile back, the nerves for what I’m going to do today returning with vengeance. Brandon must see this and grabs me close, dragging me across the bed and up against his warm body.

  “You will be great today babe.” Brandon tries to assure me, seeing right into my nerves.

  I look him over and even though he’s just woken up, he still looks like he’s tired.

  “Are you ok?” I ask him.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” He asks, but I notice his slight hesitation to answer me.

  “You look tired and I’m not stupid. I see I how stressed you are.” I point out. “What’s wrong?”

  Brandon begins to play with my hair, thinking over what to tell me.

  “It’s just club business.” He finally answers. “After what the Devils did to you, taking you away and putting you through that shit again, I won’t let them get away with it.”

  His words scare me. “I’m safe now.”

p; Brandon captures my face in his hands. “I know that, but I still want to make them pay.”

  The look in his eyes is of pure hatred for the men who hurt me.

  “I killed Demon.” I remind him. “Surely that’s enough.”

  He gives me a sad smile. “I want to make sure every last Devil is removed from this earth.”

  Brandon then snaps out of his vengeance talks and tries to take my mind away from my quizzing. He kisses my neck and I lean back to give him more room. “Let me take care of you.”

  Before I know it, Brandon’s lips are gone from my neck and travelling down my naked body. I did to wear short shorts and a thin strap top to bed but after Brandon started to rip my clothing so he could pay attention to my body, I decided I might as well surrender and sleep naked. To be honest I actually prefer sleeping naked, it feels so much more freeing.

  He reaches my nipple and I moan as he licks around the hard peak. I grip his head as he sucks my nipple into his mouth and my hips thrusts up involuntarily. The connection between nipple and pussy is unbelievable.

  “Brandon.” I gasp, giving him a warning that I’m going to cum.

  He growls as he leaves my nipple and slowly kisses down, licking my stomach as he goes even further down. He gives me direct eye contact when he reaches my most intimate area and swipes up with one long stroke. My eyes close and my head tilts back into the pillow as he licks more and more. His tongue makes me spread my legs wide and moan even louder. I grip onto Brandon’s hair, grinding my pussy in his face just to get that bit more friction. I gasp loudly as he sucks onto my clit.

  “Oh god.” I moan. “I’m cuming.”

  Brandon growls and I become undone.


  “Ok, Miss Ashford,” my interviewer smiles from behind her desk. “Thank you for your time.”

  I sign out of relief. “Thank you.”

  She gives me a warm smile. “Don’t worry, you did a good job.”

  I really like this place. Allure magazine is a top London magazine and I didn’t think I’d ever get this far in the interviewing. Believe it or not, I had to go through two previous types of tests before I even got the face to face interview today. Considering that my interviewer, Miss Cora Lockwood is the head woman around here, she’s really nice. A lot better than my previous boss. Cora Lockwood inherited the magazine. This place runs not only in her family but through her veins. She knows her shit and I’m so honoured to meet her, I just hope I’ve impressed her and got the job.


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