Book Read Free


Page 3

by K. T Fisher

  “You said in the interview that you do your own blog?” She asks, seeming honestly curious.

  “Yes.” I answer. “I started it when I was just nineteen and I love it.”

  She slowly nods her head and asks about my followers and interest and she seems impressed by how many people I actually have connect through my solo blog.

  “That’s great Lauren, if you did join Allure then we could maybe work that into the magazine as your own little project.” She suggests.

  “Wow!” I beam. “That would be amazing.”

  And it really would. Not only would I get special recognition as a fashion blogger but my network would increase if I was linked to Allure. My old boss back in America never offered this opportunity. I love Cora!

  She stands and I gather my belongings. We part on good terms with her promising to get in touch soon. I feel like I skip through the building and back down to my car. I’m in such a good mood, I don’t know why I was so worried!

  On my drive home I think about how much I want this job. Now that I’ve met Cora Lockwood and been inside the Allure building, I want it even more. It really is the perfect job. I’d get to work with one of the top magazines, use my own blog and the hours are great too! It’s also very well paid for just a Monday to Friday job, plus three of those days I work from home!

  As soon as I step through the door, Brandon and Natasha greet me and ask how it went.

  “It was amazing.” I grin, unable to hide my excitement.

  Brandon kisses me on the head, his pride shining though.

  “When do you hear if you got the job?” Natasha asks.

  I’m about to answer when my phone rings. I gasp in excitement and with shaky fingers I reach into my bag. Surely this can’t be the magazine already!

  “Is that them?” Brandon asks.

  I look down at my phone screen and stare at shock at the strange number.

  “Answer it!” Natasha shouts.

  “Really?” I listen to Lauren as she holds the phone to her ear. “Thank you.”

  She hangs up the phone and stares down at it in her hands. I’m shaking with excitement for her. She looks happy, she would look sad if she didn’t get the job right? She must have got it.

  “Well?” Grim asks her.

  Lauren looks up at us, her eyes wide and wearing a huge smile. “I got the job.”

  Her voice is low and I think I just heard her say she got the job.

  “You got the job?” I ask.

  She nods her head and then both Grim and I run to her, grabbing each other in a group hug. We laugh and then Lauren breaks away, tears shining in her eyes.

  “Why am I crying?” She giggles.

  Suddenly Grim picks her up and flips her over his shoulder. Oh boy, I know what this means.

  “I’ll go and tell the girls the good news.” I announce, already grabbing my phone and keys.

  Lauren laughs as Grim slaps her ass. “Good idea.”

  “Come back in a couple hours!” Grim shouts as he climbs the stairs. “We’re going out to celebrate tonight.”


  “I’m so happy for Lauren.” Drew smiles as she sits through another tattoo.

  When I got in the car I sent a text to Elise to ask where she was and she let me know she was with Drew while she was having another tattoo. Seriously, Drew is going mad with the tattoos.

  “Me too.” Elise adds. “She seems really happy.”

  “She is.” I sit beside her and grab the black folder full of tattoo designs.

  The buzzing of the tattoo gun is the only noise in the quiet room for a few minutes. It’s not an awkward sort of silence, we’re good friends and comfortable with each other that we don’t have to fill each second with chatter.

  Sketch, the Kings member who is tattooing Drew concentrates as he adds a deep red colour to Drew’s large rose. I see Drew looking at him and if I’m not mistaken, there’s a look of lust behind those grey eyes of hers.

  “So, another tattoo?” I ask Drew.

  “Yep.” She laughs. “I don’t think I’ll be able to hide them much longer.”

  “You need to tell your parents.” Sketch shakes his head. “Prez will have my fucking balls.”

  “I’ll protect you.” Drew winks at him.

  Sketch shakes his head again and continues his work.

  “He does have a point Drew.” Elise scolds. “There’s no point in lying any longer.”

  “So there’s a party tonight then?” Drew asks me, totally ignoring Elise and the conversation. That’s fine, that’s her decision but I already know it will end in tears. It always does.

  Just then the bell sounds, alerting Sketch of a customer entering the tattoo shop. I hear Rosanne, the shop receptionist and a Kings old lady, talking to whoever just entered. I continue to look through the pretty designs until I hear a deep and familiar laugh come from the reception area. My whole body tenses up and nerves take over me.

  “Shit.” I whisper.

  Drew frowns over at me. “What?”

  “Devlin.” I quickly answer her and then Devlin laughs again. At hearing her older brothers laugh Drew’s eyes widen.

  “Yo Sketch!” Devlin shouts and Sketch freezes what he’s doing.

  Everyone looks at each other, panicking about Drew being caught. If Devlin doesn’t like what he sees, then Sketch will be in the shit.

  I jump up from my seat, just in time to block Devlin from entering the room. At seeing me his eyebrows shoot up in shock.

  “Tash.” He greets. “What are you doing here?”

  “Thinking of having a tattoo.” I answer quickly.

  “Ok.” Devlin answers, still looking curious as to why I’m here.

  Frowning, he looks around me and I try to pass him and lead him out the room but he grabs my arms and stops me from moving.

  “Why don’t I believe you?” He asks me.

  My face burns and I’m lost for words. What the fuck do I do?

  My eyes dart to Rosanne and back to Devlin again. He’s watching me very closely.

  “You fucking him?” He asks.

  “What?” I’m lost, who does he think I’m fucking?

  “Are you sleeping with Sketch?” He asks me.

  “No!” I shout.

  Devlin frowns and lets me go, and pushes me further into Sketch’s tattoo room and freezes at the door.

  “What the fuck?” He asks.

  I look back and see Elise now stood, Sketch is sat with his hands firmly on his knees but Drew is still lying on the chair, her shorts pulled down revealing her thigh and the large half-finished red rose.

  “Drew what the fuck you doing?” He asks her and if I wasn’t so worried, I would honestly laugh.

  “Dev man,” Sketch begins.

  “Shut the fuck up Sketch, this is between me and my baby sister.” Devlin snaps, not even bothering to look at Sketch. His eyes stay firmly on Drew. Ok, the look on his face is now so serious that laughing is the last thing I would want to do.

  Sketch cleverly stays quiet. Devlin quickly flashes his eyes to me and then back to Drew.

  “You wanna tell me why you’re having yet another tattoo?” He asks her.

  Drew pales. “You know I already have tattoos?”

  Devlin finally smiles and steps closer to his younger sister. “Drew, you’re my sister and you think I wouldn’t notice?”

  “I hid them.” She insists.

  “Yeah you did, but you’re forgetting that I started getting ink when I was 14 Drew. I’m a pro at hiding so I saw the signs.” He laughs again and Drew frowns at him. “This looks like a nice piece.”

  He points down to her rose and Drew smiles. “Thanks. So you think I should tell mum and dad?”

  Again, Devlin laughs. “Yeah, I got news for you. Dad already knows.”

  Drew’s shocked expression is hilarious. “What!”

  “He suspected before me.” Devlin giggles and I can’t help but smile.

  “Shit.” She sighs.
br />   “Yeah, that don’t mean he’s happy with you. You know dad doesn’t like a liar.” Devlin looks up to me and my heart suddenly speeds up. “You knew all about this?”

  He indicates to the tattoos on Drew. “Yes.”

  Devlin stands and slowly walks over to me. “Sketch, carry on with Drew’s tattoo.”

  He indicates for me to follow and like a good little girl, I do. Rosanne is no longer at her desk, probably catching up with her old man in one of the rooms.

  “So you kept a secret from me.” Devlin says as he spins to face me.

  “It wasn’t my secret to tell.” I reply.

  Devlin thinks about that and then nods. “True.”

  We stand in silence, facing each other and it’s not weird at all. Instead my body lights with fire and I don’t know if Devlin can notice or not. I really hope not.

  “Are you going tonight?” I ask him to break the quiet.

  “Where?” He tilts his head to the side in the adorable way he does.

  “Lauren got the job and Grim wants to celebrate.” I answer him.

  “I’ll be there to pick you up.” He tells me, right before spinning around and walking away.

  “Wait!” I shout and he turns to face me again, with his hand on the door handle. “Why?”

  “Why not?” He answers back and leaves the shop. I stand there in shock, not knowing what to do with myself now.

  Do I go back in the room with the girls and Sketch? I know he’s restarted Drew’s tattoo because I can hear the tattoo gun.

  “Plus I have to have the best looking girl on my arm.” I turn around and see Devlin back at the front door to the shop. He’s deadly serious and his words cause shit to stir in me. Without giving me chance to reply, he gives me his signature smile and leaves me standing alone.

  Why the fuck am I freaking out over what to wear tonight?

  It’s only a night out with everyone. Sure, Devlin has actually asked me to go with him and he did say that he wants me on his arm. Who knew he had a sweet side?

  “Holy shit you look hot!” Lauren claps from my bedroom door.

  I’m currently wearing my high wasted black leather trousers with a matching black crop top that shows off a little flesh on my stomach.

  “You think?” I ask her, looking at my reflection.

  “I know.” She smiles. “Don’t you dare change.”

  I look her over, she’s wearing a red dress that’s tight on her breasts and waist and then flows out in a flattering way down to her knees.

  “I see red has become your colour.” I smile.

  “I believe it has.” She winks across at me.

  She loves the tattoo Grim had put on his chest of her, she did look hot that night and everyone knew red was her colour. It just pops out against her dark features and now that Grim has her tattoo and the fact she’s wearing another red dress makes me smile.

  “Anyway, someone’s here to see you.” She pouts her lips and raises her eyebrows, obviously curious.

  “Who?” I ask, even though I have my suspicion.

  Lauren frowns. “Oh you know.” She accuses me. “Why didn’t you say?”

  I shrug. “Didn’t think it was important.”

  “Liar.” She scowls. “Is there something going on between you two?”

  “Me and Devlin?” I laugh. “God no!”

  She looks me over carefully and then finally nods her head. “I told him to wait in the front room for you.”

  “Thanks.” I smile.

  Lauren gives me another curious look before leaving and when she’s gone I feel relief wash over me. Why did that feel like an interrogation?

  “Why would your brother be here for Natasha?” I ask Brandon as I slip on my heels.

  “I don’t know.” He answers as he watches me. “Just leave them to it.”

  “But Devlin’s a player.” I point out. “And Natasha isn’t as hard as she looks. She went through worse shit than me, I just don’t want her to get hurt.”

  “She’s a big girl.” Brandon pulls me up to stand in front of him. “Now, let me kiss those lips before we leave the house.”


  When Brandon and I eventually show up at the bar, I’m scared that everyone will know why we’re so late. After Brandon had his fill with me, I found that Devlin and Natasha had long ago left. Turns out time really does go fast when you’re having fun.

  “Congratulations!” Screams a tipsy Elise as she grabs me in a hug.

  “Thanks.” I laugh, making sure she has her balance.

  I look around and see that a lot of people are here! Mostly the young members, even the ones with old ladies and have brought them along. I’m glad because as the VP’s old lady, I need to get to know all these women. Even Brandon’s brothers are here, blood related and club. I didn’t expect this at all.

  “Well done on the job Lauren.” Scrappy says as he embraces me in a hug. I hug him back but I feel Brandon’s arms rip us apart and he steps between me and Scrappy.

  “Scrap.” Brandon warns.

  “What?” Scrappy raises his arms. “I know my boundaries.”

  Laughing, I take another look around the club and it’s then that I spot Natasha. She is stood at the bar with Devlin and they look pretty cosy. They’re only talking, but it’s the way their bodies are closely facing each other and the way Devlin looks at her. His eyes are intense and his jaw is clenched, I don’t think I’ve even seen that look on him before.

  Devlin places his hand on Natasha’s waist as he speaks to her, leaning in close. Very intimate indeed. Whatever he has said to hear makes her laugh and it’s a cute sight. Her eyes close and her head flings back as she laughs up the ceiling but the sight of Devlin as he watches her is what makes me have tingles. Devlin watches her intently, looking proud that he made Natasha laugh. He has a slight smile as he looks at her.

  Arms wrap around my body and I melt into Brandon. “Come on, I want to dance.”

  When I stop laughing and see Devlin watching me, I get a little self-conscious.

  “What?” I ask, still giggling a little.

  “I fucking love your laugh.” He replies, his voice is deep and sends chills all over my body.

  I look down into my drinks, feeling like a school girl all over again. Devlin has such a strange effect on me, not one I’ve experienced before. Even when I followed Mason around in my Black Inferno stalking days. This is foreign to me, and even more so that I find is difficult to me close to men after what happened with the Devils but Devlin doesn’t give me that feeling. None of The Kings do but with Devlin I know that I’m completely safe and I really like that.

  “Well hello gorgeous.” Scrappy interrupts and sadly Devlin takes a step back.

  Is he embarrassed to be seen so closed to me?

  “Hi Scrappy.” I smile.

  He leans in for a hug but when I look over Scrappys shoulder, Devlin isn’t looking at us. Instead he’s looking out to the dance floor. What’s his deal?

  As I talk with Scrappy, Baby and Neo join us. Still, Devlin doesn’t act with me like he did when we were alone but I try not to let it bother me.

  “Fuck Natasha, you look good.” Neo winks over at me.

  I haven’t spent a lot of time with Neo, but there’s no doubting he’s a gorgeous man. Apparently a smooth talker too! He puts Scrappy to shame and I thought he was the King of chat up lines around here.

  “Thank you.” I smile and as soon as I do, Devlin walks off and leaves the conversation.

  What the fuck is his deal?

  After a short conversation with the guys, Lauren joins and I give her a big cuddle and let her know how proud I am of her. She’s come a real long way from the shattered girl I got to know in that dark room. Thinking of which, I need to talk to Drew more about our salon idea.

  “Come on, Grim had hogged me for long enough. I want to dance with my girls!” She shouts, taking my hand and collecting Elise and Drew as we got to the dance floor.

  When we enter the
dancefloor, it’s pretty busy but we find a spot amongst the crowd and the craziness begins. We sing along and move our bodies any way we like. It feels amazing to let go of everything in this moment. Right now, we’re not the tragic girls that were kidnapped and tortured. We’re just normal girls who happen to be watched by a lot of heavily tattooed men. I forget about them and let my body move to the music.

  After a couple of songs I see Lauren’s eyes widen in surprise. I’m about to ask her what’s the matter but then large, warm hands place themselves on my hips and I tense.

  “It’s me.” Whispers Devlin, close into my ear.

  His body presses against the back of mine and I can’t help but melt into him.

  “What are you doing?” I ask him. When I saw him storm off earlier I thought he didn’t want to be around me.

  Devlin laughs deeply into the back of my neck. “I had to come and join you.”

  I’m about to answer, but I feel his lips brush across my exposed shoulder. It causes all kid of shit to happen inside of me. All different emotions flash inside my head. Should I let him carry on? Do I end this now? Did anyone see that? What is happening?

  However all questions fade when his mouth glides up from my shoulder into the curve of my neck and under my ear. Holy shit why did that feel so good. I’m no longer standing still, we’re gently moving to the beat of the music and when I open my eyes I see that the girls have left us and I’m alone amongst the strangers with Devlin.

  The music changes and I cringe as Pony by Genuine begins. This is a sexual song and I’m dancing with Devlin! I don’t think he is having the same thoughts as me because as soon as the song begins, his arm wraps around me and pulls me back into him. So close I can feel all of him and yes, I mean every inch of him. Holy shit!


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