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I Just Need You

Page 17

by J. Nathan

  I drew in a deep breath. “I need to finish school and get my degree. I can’t let them strip me of that too.”

  “It’s not safe,” my father said. “Look what happened yesterday. Who knows what’s next.”

  “But I was safe. Tristan protected me,” I assured them.

  “He won’t always be there,” my father argued.

  I glanced to my mother before looking back to him. “He might be.”

  My father’s eyes jumped from me to my mother then back to me. “What does that mean?”

  “I like him, Dad,” I explained.

  “Well, that’s good. Having security you despise wouldn’t work at all,” he said.

  I shook my head. “No, Dad. I like him. I want to be with him, and he wants to be with me.”

  “That can’t happen,” my father said, shaking his head and not wanting to hear it.


  “Your safety needs to be his top priority.”

  “It is sir,” Tristan said.

  Everyone turned to Tristan who now stood in the kitchen doorway, filling it as if he belonged in our home. Like he belonged by my side.

  “Kresley’s my top priority,” Tristan assured them as he walked over and stood beside me at the island. “I hope my attentiveness and actions yesterday proved that to you.”

  My father closed his eyes, pained by the new information we were dropping on him. When he opened them, his accusatory glare was trained on me. “Is this why you want to go back to school? Is this why you won’t stay home where it’s safe?”

  “No,” I assured him. “I have a life there. I have friends. I’m safe with everything I do. And I’m months away from graduating.”

  “Kresley, someone just came after you,” my mother argued.

  I knew my parents worried about me. Hell, I was worried too. But I couldn’t live my life in fear. I had security looking out for me. And, despite what happened yesterday, there was no saying anyone else would be coming for me.

  Tristan placed his hand on my shoulder, giving me his assurance that I was doing the right thing, and spoke to my parents. “I care about your daughter and won’t let anything happen to her.”

  “We don’t doubt your intent,” my mother said to him. “It’s the fact that we can’t be sure how well you’ll do your job if she becomes a distraction for you. She’s our only child, and the thought of anything else happening to her keeps us awake at night.”

  “I understand,” Tristan said. “But if I find myself becoming distracted, I’ll resign. I’d never do anything to put Kresley in danger. You have my word.”


  “Well, that went well,” Kresley said from the passenger seat as we drove back to Remington that night.

  “Are you joking?”

  She shook her head. “No, they like you. I can tell.”

  “I’ve never met the parents after I’d already met the parents.”

  Kresley laughed. “Well, you did a great job.”

  An hour into the drive home, I glanced over at Kresley who’d become quiet. Her head rested against the window and her eyes were closed. After her restless sleep last night, I knew it was just a matter of time before she’d crash. I lowered the radio and continued to drive in silence. I noticed a party supply store coming up on my left and hit my blinker, pulling into the parking lot and parking the car. Briggs pulled up next to me, probably wondering what the hell I was doing. I glanced to Kresley who was still asleep and switched off the engine. “I’ll be right back,” I whispered.

  I stepped out, asking Briggs to hang with the car. I was in and out of the store in five minutes, tucking the small bag containing my purchase into the back of the car so Kresley couldn’t see what I’d bought.

  When we were back on the road, she glanced to me. “You gonna tell me what you needed at a party supply store?” she asked, all raspy and sleepy.

  Dammit. I didn’t think I woke her. “Nope.”

  “So, you’re gonna keep secrets from me?”


  She shook her head. “Good relationships are based on trust.”

  “And sex.”

  She rolled her eyes. “So, you’re using me for my body? That’s what this is?”

  “I’m a body guard, baby. It’s in the job title.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Oh my God.”

  I laughed “What?”

  “You were right. I might not like you the more I get to know you.”

  “Take that back,” I ordered.


  “Take it back, Kresley or—”

  “Or what? The mean Tristan will rear his ugly head?” she asked.

  “Oh, he’ll be rearing his head all right.”

  She groaned. “Stop. I’m starting to hate you again.”

  I laughed, loving that I could tease her and in turn I’d be treated to her smile and sassy ways.

  When we returned to the dorm, I asked Briggs to wait for her while she showered, and I ducked into her room. She walked in with her wet hair in a knot on the top of her head as I sat on the edge of her bed.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, her eyes moving around her room curiously.

  “Just waiting for you.”

  She smiled as she walked over to me. I opened my legs and she stood between my knees, wrapping her arms around me. “I’m so happy today’s over.”

  “Were you worried?”

  “A little. I didn’t want to let them down too much,” she said.

  I slipped my arms around her hips. “I think they’re happy to know they raised a strong daughter who, when faced with adversity, can handle it.”

  “Stop lying.”

  “I’m not. Most rich kids are unequipped to deal with serious stuff because so much has been done for them. I bet your parents are happy to know you’re okay on your own.”

  “I’m not really on my own.”

  “You took off to France not knowing anyone but your bodyguard. And six months after the attack, you’re here. Give yourself some credit.”

  She nodded, her eyes darting away from mine.

  I didn’t want her to go to a dark place, so I tightened my arms around her and fell back so she landed on top of me. She giggled, and it was the purest thing I’d heard in a long fucking time.

  “Do you like surprises?” I asked.

  She smiled and her eyes lit up. “I love surprises.”

  I rolled out from under her and slipped off the bed. “Wait for it.” I turned off all the lights in the room.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, watching me curiously.

  I moved back onto the bed and turned her so we both lay on our backs with our heads on her pillow.

  Her breath hitched as she stared up at her ceiling.

  “I brought the stars to you,” I said as we gazed up at the glow-in-the-dark stars I’d stuck to the ceiling above her bed. “Nothing’s blocking your view in here.”

  She grabbed my hand and linked her fingers with mine. “I’m sorry for anything mean I’ve ever said to you. I take it all back.”

  “I’m no angel,” I assured her. “And, anything you’ve said, I’ve deserved.”


  We both laughed, knowing it was the truth. I could be a real prick sometimes.

  “You’re gonna make me, huh?” she mused as she stared up at the stars I’d arranged in a circular pattern.

  “Make you what?” I asked, confused by her question.

  “Fall in love with you.”

  I swallowed my surprise. I knew she cared about me, but wasn’t sure she was feeling anything close to what I was feeling for her. I rolled on top of her and settled between her legs, staring down into her pretty eyes. “I hope so.”

  She smiled and I captured her smile with my lips.

  I’d needed to do that all day long, and now, there was nothing stopping us.



  If I thought I stuck out with my s
ecurity before the incident in the woods, now I knew for sure I did. Briggs and Tristan walked like two pillars on either side of me across campus. Thankfully, Marco wasn’t back yet because there wasn’t a doubt in my mind he would’ve led the way. Thank God for small favors.

  We walked into the building toward my first class. Briggs followed me inside the classroom.

  “Whoa,” I said, turning to stop him.

  “I’ve got orders.” He walked right past me and over to my professor.

  I walked to my seat and pulled out my laptop, ignoring the fact that he was likely telling my professor why he planned to stay in the class. After he spoke to her, I pretended not to notice him standing in the back of the classroom with his arms crossed for the entire lecture. And, as annoyed as I wanted to be, knowing he was there, while Tristan was in the hallway, gave me a sense of security I otherwise wouldn’t have had.

  When the professor dismissed class, I gathered my things and headed toward the front door. Tristan and Briggs stood in the hallway. I smiled at Tristan, but his game face was on and he avoided my eyes. Though we needed to keep our relationship quiet, that wasn’t the reason for his inattention. He was worried. His eyes were taking in everyone and everything around us. I just wasn’t used to seeing him nervous. Did he know something I didn’t know? Had they traced the fingerprints back to someone with no ties to the money exchanged?

  As we walked across campus, those thoughts plagued my mind. Not the people playing Frisbee. Not the beautiful trees around the quad. Not the students rushing to their next classes.

  At dinner, as many times as I tried to meet Tristan’s gaze, he dodged my eyes, watching the crowded room instead.

  “So?” Elodie said, pulling my attention from Tristan.

  “So,” I repeated.

  “We’ve got an entourage tonight,” Alice acknowledged.

  I nodded, stuffing a fork full of pasta into my mouth to save myself the inquisition that was inevitably coming. They knew I’d gone home yesterday, but not why.

  “Did something happen that requires two bodyguards at dinner?” Elodie asked, unable to conceal the worry in her eyes.

  I glanced from Briggs to Tristan, in different corners of the room. I looked back to Elodie and nodded.

  Alice’s eyes widened. “Are you okay?”

  Elodie’s eyes assessed my face. “Did someone hurt you?”

  I shook my head as I swallowed down my food.

  “But they tried?” Alice asked.

  I nodded. “Tristan saved me.”

  They both spun on their seats to look to Tristan standing on the other side of the room. Still, his eyes were on the room and not on the three of us.

  “Hot and brave,” Alice said.

  “And taken,” I added.

  They spun back around to face me with their eyes bugging out of their heads.

  I stifled a smile while nodding my response to their unasked question.

  They squealed, causing the people around us to turn to see what was happening at our table.

  “Shhhhhh.” I closed my eyes, embarrassed by the unneeded attention.

  “I knew it!” Elodie said, completely proud of her foresight.

  “Who caved first?” Alice asked.

  I thought about her question. They still didn’t know we’d slept together and then all hell broke loose. “It was mutual. The more time we spent together…it just happened.”

  Alice’s brows shot up. “It?”

  I cocked my head. They didn’t know when to quit.

  They squealed again.

  I dropped my head and shook it, not bothering to mention that wasn’t what I meant. Because in the grand scheme of things, it had happened too.

  They eventually stopped grilling me, and we finished eating dinner. We returned to the dorm a little while later accompanied by Tristan and Briggs. I stopped short when we stepped onto our floor. Marco stood against the wall outside my room. A smile spread across my face as I left the girls at their room and hurried over to him. “Welcome back.”

  “Welcome back, big guy,” Alice called down the hallway.

  “How’s your wife?” Elodie called.

  “Good,” Marco grunted, before turning and opening my door so I could step inside.

  Tristan and Briggs retreated to their rooms as Marco and I stepped into my room. He pulled out my desk chair and flipped it backward, taking a seat that way. “Sit.”

  I sat on the edge of my bed. “You’re scaring me.”

  “My wife is scheduled for a C-section in two days, so I’m only here because I need you to know what our guys at the office just found.”

  My heart began to speed up. “Okay.”

  “The man in the woods was paid to kidnap you. His name was Juron VanSang, and he was wired half a million dollars to take you, drug you, and get you back to France.”

  “Okay.” I swallowed down the lump of emotion in my throat. “I figured it was something like that.”

  “Do you have any idea why these men in France are so keen on getting you? It’s not making sense anymore. If they wanted a rich kid for ransom, there are plenty out there. Why are they dead set on you?”

  I shrugged, just as confused as anyone. “Do you know where in France he was supposed to take me?”

  He nodded. “A warehouse outside of Paris. We alerted the authorities there and some of our men are already on their way there to see if they can find anything. We figure VanSang would’ve had to let the people footing the bill know once he had you. When that call never came, they would’ve aborted the mission. But that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t have left any clues. If they did, my guys will find them.”

  I nodded, struggling to digest the information. “Does Tristan know about this?”

  He cocked his head, clearly seeing the look in my eyes that accompanied Tristan’s name. “I’m about to fill him in right now. I just got the call and wanted you to hear it from me.”

  “Thank you for telling me, Marco.”

  He pushed himself to his feet, towering over me. “We’re going to keep you safe, Kresley.”

  The sound of my name on his lips sent a chill through me. I’d wanted him to call me by my name for so long that now that he had, it scared me. It told me he was worried. And if Marco was worried, I needed to be worried too.

  Once he left, I changed into my pajamas and attempted to work on my homework. But my mind was reeling, making homework impossible.

  It wasn’t like I didn’t know VanSang’s intent when he appeared in the woods at the shelter. But hearing the actual plan—a plan that had been strategically put in place and paid for—made it that much more real.

  This wasn’t some game. This was my life.

  A little after nine, there was quiet tapping on my door. I slipped off my bed and went to it.

  “Kresley,” Tristan said.

  I opened my door, relieved to see him standing there in his basketball shorts and T-shirt with his holster under it. “Is it okay if I come in?”

  I tipped my head to the side. “You’re asking now?”

  He shrugged. I stepped back and he walked in, moving to my desk and leaning against it.

  “I’m not a fragile flower, Tristan.” I closed the door. “You don’t need to walk on eggshells with me.” I walked over and stood in front of him.

  “Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to hear what Marco just told me and not want to go out there and hurt any person involved in this?”

  I took his hand in mine, knowing he meant what he said. He’d told me he’d been taught not to have feelings while away at military school. So, this had to be all new for him—having feelings for me while worrying about me at the same time. “But I’m okay.”

  “I know. I just can’t stop thinking about what could’ve happened if he got to you.”

  My eyes dropped away from his, the thought a terrifying one. What if he had gotten to me?

  “What are you thinking?”

  I glanced up at him, pushing an
y fears I had aside. “I’m thinking I’m happy my bodyguard gets to sleep in my bed.”

  His own worries seemed to disappear. “Oh yeah?”

  I nodded.

  He pushed off the desk and stepped forward, the hunger in his eyes impossible to ignore. I backpedaled, as if it were a game, until my back hit the door. He caged me in and dropped his forehead to mine. “Do you know how hard it is following you around all day without being able to touch you?”

  I swallowed down the knot that suddenly jumped to my throat.

  He grabbed my ass with both hands and lifted me right off the floor.

  I wrapped my legs around his hips and dangled my arms over his shoulders, expecting him to carry me to the bed. But he didn’t. He held me against the door and captured my mouth with his. He tipped his head, giving himself the best angle to devour my lips—and he did. His tongue pushed inside, tousling with mine in a slow and steady chase.

  He pulled back once we were both good and breathless. “There are so many things I want to do with you, Kresley Hastings.”

  My brows shot up. “Like?”

  “Oh, I think you know.”

  I laughed.

  “But I also wanna take you out.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  He nodded. “What do you say?”

  “A date?”


  I stifled the giant grin fighting to overtake my face. “Where will we go?”

  “Not an Italian restaurant or lame open mic night, that’s for sure.”

  “Someone jealous?” I teased.

  “Fucking Chris. He’s lucky I didn’t hurt him.”

  I rolled my eyes. “So, how will a date work? Will Briggs have to come with us?”

  His eyes pinched tightly for a second. I knew all the details of us trying to go out together would be a frustrating situation for him. “I have no fucking idea how it’s gonna work,” he admitted. “All I know is the guys will never let me live it down that I was the one to break rule number one.”

  “Who cares,” I said. “You ended up with the girl.”

  He smiled. “I did, didn’t I?”



  I paced the floor in Marco’s room as sunlight was just beginning to push through the blinds. “We’ll meet you downstairs at the car,” I informed Briggs who sat on Marco’s bed, still looking half asleep. “You are not to chime in on our conversation or give us any looks or I’ll use my weapon on you.”


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