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Forever Bold: Forever Bluegrass #15

Page 15

by Kathleen Brooks

  “Ari?” Jameson asked.


  “Where were you? I said your name three times. They need your dinner order.”

  “Oh!” Ari rambled off her order and wished dinner would never come because then she would have to sit up to eat.

  But it did come, and small groups of Keenestonites began to stop by as people got in some walking and talking before the plane’s interior lights were dimmed. Melatonin, pillows, silk pajamas, and blankets were distributed as everyone enjoyed a slumber party at 35,000 feet.

  Greer was the first to fall asleep. Jace and Stella curled up together on the other loveseat. Colton, Landon, and Porter stretched out on the fully reclined chairs. When Ari got back from changing, Jameson was stretched out in the pajamas on the twin-sized bed.

  “I don’t think I can fit unless I lie on top of you.” Those damn little circles. They’d turned her brain into lust-filled mush.

  A large satisfied smile spread across Jameson’s face. “I was going to suggest we spoon, but I like your idea, too. Come on, Princess. Let’s go to bed.”

  Jameson shifted to his side. He moved his arm under the pillow and patted the mattress. Ariana slid under the blanket and ran her feet along his legs. His arm came around her and rested slightly under her breasts before he pulled her tightly against him.

  Ariana might have forgotten to breathe as she felt every inch of him against her backside. She loved the way he was strong to her soft, the way his chest pressed just a little bit more against her when he breathed, and then the way his thumb brushed against the underside of her breast.

  “Breathe, Princess. I’m not going to bite.” Jameson whispered against her ear. His warm breath sent heat rushing through her body.

  “How can you make that sound like a pet name when I know you’re being sarcastic?”

  “I’m not being sarcastic. You hear that word every day. I want it to be different when I say it.”

  “Why? I had the impression you didn’t think very highly of princesses,” Ari whispered, trying to keep their conversation private even though everyone else around them slept.

  “That was before I met you. You’ve changed everything. For better or worse.” His voice suddenly sounded sad and Ari turned her head to look over her shoulder at him.

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means after this is over I have to go back to New York City. No matter what I feel—and Ari, I do feel something—we have completely separate lives.”

  Ari felt her heart sink. She knew this wasn’t permanent, but it hurt to hear anyway. “I wasn’t looking for anything. I saw you in Crusina and I had this wild fantasy as I listened to the ambassador rambling on that you’d ask me to dance. Everyone there wanted a piece of me, except you. By the end of the night, I was so annoyed by the politics of it all, I had to leave, but I wasn’t going to leave without talking to you. I did one last lap trying to find you and instead I got hit on by Deming . . . again. Then when I saw you in New York—you’ll think I’m silly—but I thought it was fate.”

  She felt Jameson stiffen for a second before relaxing. “I wish it were fate.”

  “So, what do we do, Jameson? Just pretend there isn’t anything between us and go back to the way things were as soon as the wedding is over?”

  Ari felt Jameson’s hold tighten on her as if he were refusing to give her up. “Or we take advantage of every minute we have together. If things are meant to be, they’ll be.”

  “That sounds an awful lot like fate,” Ari said to him before laying her head back down on her pillow.

  “When everything shakes out and we’re still together, I’ll know it’s fate and not something else.”

  “Something else?” Ari asked.

  Jameson took a deep breath and then placed a gentle kiss on her neck. “We’re all pawns sometimes, Ari.”

  His statement shocked her. She knew that feeling well. Did he? Of course he did. He worked for the US government. Agents were just that: pawns on the board to be moved around at a moment’s notice.

  “I understand.”

  “Do you understand what I feel for you isn’t fake?”

  Ari looked behind her again. Their eyes met in the darkness and she saw the truth. Nothing about their time together was a lie. It had all been real. Their relationship wasn’t a ploy. They weren’t playing a part. “None of this is fake. It’s all real. The feelings, the kiss, and unfortunately, the attacks.”

  “I need to tell your parents.”

  “What?” Ariana asked a little too loudly, causing Porter to stir a bit. “Why would you do that?”

  “It’s the right thing to do. Your mother has me staying in the same room as you. I don’t want them to think I took advantage of you.”

  Ari placed her hand over his and squeezed. “That’s really gentlemanly of you, but I don’t think you fully understand the ramifications of doing so. Let’s wait and enjoy this time together. Then, when it’s time for you to go back to the city, we can decide our next step. If we agree to take that step together, we’ll tell them it was real all along.”

  “If you’re sure?”

  “Oh, I’m sure. If we tell them now, they’ll have you interrogated in Bermalia and there’s no telling what kind of weapons Draven has.”

  She felt Jameson chuckle behind her and smiled. For a couple of days, she’d have him all to herself with no family interference. The real question was how was she going to let him go?


  Jameson woke up with his hand cupping Ariana’s breast and her butt pressed up against him. It was the best way he’d ever woken up in his life. If only it could happen every morning . . . until he opened his eyes, that was.

  “Get your hand off my sister.”

  Jameson’s eyes popped open. Gabe’s face was right above his and the look on his face wasn’t cheerful. In fact, it was near murderous.

  Jameson lifted his hand from Ariana’s breast only to have her reach up and grab it and snuggle it close to her once again.

  Jameson grimaced and of course that was when Zain’s face appeared next to Gabe’s. The two brothers stared daggers down at Jameson.

  “Fake relationship does not mean real touching. You take advantage of our sister and I’ll feed you to the tigers. Bermalia has wild ones, you know. They’ll never find you,” Zain threatened.

  “We are supposed to act like we’re in a real relationship and that does involve real touching and kissing.” Jameson knew he was pushing it but he was going to be touching and kissing Ariana every chance he got and using the excuse of their relationship to do so.

  “Gabe, you totally touched Sloane when you stepped in pretending to be her boyfriend at the bar.”

  Jameson shot Greer a grateful look as Ariana and the rest of their group began to wake up.

  “Zain, Gabe.” Ari smiled sleepily up at them. “Do you need me? Is there some family meeting or something?”

  “He’s touching you,” Gabe growled.

  Ari sat up and Jameson made sure to keep the blanket over his lap. If they were mad before, they’d probably toss him from the plane if they saw what was under the blanket.

  “It’s a small bed.”

  “He could have slept elsewhere,” Zain pointed out.

  “Mom told us to be a couple. We have to get comfortable around each other to be able to fool everyone. It’s not like we had sex with everyone watching.”

  “Don’t drag me into this,” Porter said, jumping up from his recliner and running away as quickly as possible.

  “Zain, Gabe, Stella, and I were here the whole time. We all were. Nothing happened. It shouldn’t matter if it did, either. Jameson’s a good guy.”

  “Thank you, Jace.” Ari smiled at one of her best friends and Jameson would need to remember to thank him later. It meant a lot that her friends liked him.

  “Oh, and you’d be okay with someone touching Cassidy?” Gabe asked.

  “I’d kill him,” Jace answered seriously.

nbsp; Dammit.

  “Good morning! Everyone is up. Good.” Dani said with a big smile as she joined them. “They laid out a large buffet in the dining room and we’ll be landing in two hours. So, eat, get freshened up, and then the wedding activities will begin! Gabe, Zain, it wouldn’t kill you to look happy.”

  “We won’t be happy while that man has his hands on our sister,” Zain said, crossing his arms over his chest.

  Dani rolled her eyes and Jameson tried not to smile. “Boys, they’re dating. Of course they’re going to touch each other. I assume neither of you were virgins when you walked down that aisle.”

  “Mom!” they both exclaimed simultaneously.

  “Don’t Mom me. Now, shoo. Leave your sister alone.”

  “Mom,” Zain said, sounding very much like the prince he was. “They are not getting married. They’re not even in a real relationship.”

  Dani pulled herself up and even though she was several inches shorter than her sons, she somehow seemed to look down at them as if she were scolding them. “Don’t pull that prince voice with me, young man. Now I told them to act like a couple so if you have a problem with it, you take it up with me. I’m sure if they were an actual couple, they’d tell us and then you could torture him all you want until they marry. Now, go. It’s time to get ready.”

  The brothers hung their heads. “Yes, ma’am,” they both said before walking away.

  “There! Ari, go take a shower in the master real quick. There’s a list of people wanting one, but I saved you a spot. I put your and Jameson’s bags in the master, too, so he can shower while you get dressed.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” Jameson watched Ari grab her little carry-on and head to the front of the plane.

  “Excellent.” Dani patted his shoulder and then turned around and headed off again.

  “Looks like you’re in with Dani. Not so much Zain and Gabe. Wonder how Mo will handle his daughter in love?” Greer asked more to herself than to Jameson.

  “In love? You’re moving pretty fast, Greer. They’re just acting like a couple,” Landon said before looking at Jameson questioningly. “Right?”

  “I mean,” Jameson said before Jace cut him off.

  “He’s a goner.”

  Jameson would have said something else, but they were all on their phones again.

  “What are you all doing?” Jameson asked.

  “Placing a bet on when you will propose to Ari,” Greer told him without looking up from her phone.

  “I’m so happy I moved to Keeneston,” Stella said with a little giggle. “The night of the wedding would be a great time to propose. Momma needs an order of Aristocrat Ornamental Pear trees.”

  Jameson thought they were joking, but they weren’t. “Wait! You think we’re in love and I’m going to propose by tomorrow?”

  Stella looked up at him and nodded. “No worries, I’m hedging my bets and putting down next week, too.”

  “Greer? Landon? Jace? You too?” Jameson asked, and they all nodded.

  “I’ve seen a lot of my cousins with that same look on your face,” Landon told him sympathetically.

  “Yeah, this might be a fake relationship in name, but those aren’t fake feelings. You two are totally into each other. Which is good. I like you, Duke.” Greer smiled at him and Jameson wondered if they’d still like him if they made the connection to his parents.

  “You’d better take your shower,” Jace said, drawing an end to the rather strange conversation. Somehow during the time he was supposed to be getting to know Ariana and dating her, he also got to know and like her friends.

  Jameson nodded and grabbed his things. He was mentally going over the discussion about his feelings when he noticed everyone was saying “good morning” to him. Every single person he passed said “hi,” asked him a question, and made him feel as if he were part of the town. Well, unless he hurt Ari. He’d also been threatened with more bodily harm than he’d had during his time in Special Forces.

  Jameson knocked on the master door and then opened it when no one answered. He heard the shower turn off and a second later the door opened. Ari was naked except for the towel she was using to dry her hair as she walked into the bedroom.

  “I’m sorry,” Jameson said quickly but wasn’t so quick to avert his eyes.

  Ari jumped and used the towel to cover herself. “Oh, it’s just you. I didn’t hear you come in. I see your name is next on the list. Do you want me to wait for you to get done?”

  “Sure. I won’t be but a minute.”

  Jameson flew through his shower. He’d seen Ariana naked and now his life wasn’t ever going to be the same. Suddenly proposing tomorrow night didn’t seem ridiculous because he was sure he’d never be able to be with another woman again. Ariana was a walking dream come true. She had curves that begged to be worshiped.

  Jameson turned off the water and flung open the door and froze. Ariana stood there with the towel hanging from her finger. “Fair’s fair. I figure since you got a good look, I deserved one, too.”

  Jameson would have been nervous, but the way her eyes were scorching the water from his skin as they traveled down his body, he felt quite the opposite. “It’s only fair,” he told her, loving the way she unconsciously licked her bottom lip as she stared at him. His wasn’t covered in gold, but the way she was looking at it made him feel like a king.

  The sound of a knock on the door broke the spell that was steaming up the room. Ari’s eyes shot back up to his as she handed him the towel. She closed the door behind her and a minute later Jameson peeked out into the bedroom to find only his clothes on the bed.

  Ariana would never be able to look at another dildo without thinking of Jameson Duke naked. But then the moment was gone and real life took over. If only she could have locked the door and never come out until they were both well satisfied.

  Jameson had joined her after a bit and together they ate breakfast with her friends and talked to people before landing. Jameson held her hand as they left the plane, but then all the attention went to the fleet of Hummer stretch limousines. Standing in front of them were Draven and Addison along with Addison’s parents, Henry and Neely Grace.

  “Why does he have a sword?” Jameson asked her.

  “He’s very attached to it. It’s like it’s a version the royal member he can still show in public.”

  “Gross. Thanks for that image. You have triggered extremely unpleasant memories and I’m reliving the dildo attack.”

  Ariana snickered before they neared the couple. Hugs were exchanged, introductions were made, and then they were whisked off to the palace. The second they arrived they were met with a team of servants.

  “My dear friends. Today we hold our bachelor and bachelorette parties. You are all invited!” Draven shouted. “We’ve broken you up into groups to take a tour of the palace and to go over the itinerary. And then it’s time to party! All other guests for the wedding arrive tomorrow morning, so for tonight the palace will be Keeneston only.”

  “I don’t like this,” Jameson whispered to her. “I thought I was going to be with you the whole time.”

  “No worries, Jameson, I’ve got this.”

  Ariana spun around and squealed with excitement. “Abby! I didn’t know you two were going to make it.”

  “We were able to wrap things up quickly and get here on a commercial flight. Now, let’s see this place.”

  Dylan shuddered and Ariana noticed. “Is everything okay?”

  “Bad memories from the last time I was here.”

  “You’ve been here before?” Abby asked. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I was here when Piper had her trouble,” Dylan said as he looked over Ari’s shoulder. Ari turned around to see Aiden smirking at him.

  “What’s that about?”

  “Nothing,” Dylan said too quickly.

  “Hey, Dyl. Want to have round two?” Aiden called out and Dylan actually looked embarrassed.

  “Husband . . .” Abby said slowly.
“Details, now.”

  “When Piper escaped and ran here for protection, I snuck into the palace because I wasn’t technically supposed to be here. I also didn’t know about Aiden and he didn’t know about me. A fight resulted. That’s all.”

  “That’s all?” Aiden snickered as he and Piper joined them.

  “I was simultaneously horrified and laughing hysterically,” Piper told them and now Ariana had to know what happened. “It’s not every day your brother sneaks in armed with a knife and the only weapon at hand was one of Draven’s royal members.”

  “Wait,” Abby said as she looked at Aiden. “You brought a dildo to a knife fight?”

  Ariana burst out laughing and Dylan rolled his eyes.

  “Jameson knows all about that, too,” Dylan said, deflecting. “At least I’m not the only one to take a dildo to the face.”

  The whole group lost it. Even Jameson and Dylan. And just like that, over dildos to the face, Ariana fell in love. Jameson fit. He fit in her heart, he fit in the town, he fit with her friends, and she couldn’t imagine Keeneston without him.


  Jameson was in trouble. He didn’t want this assignment to end. In fact, the more time he spent with Ariana and her friends, and even her threatening brothers, he felt like he belonged.

  Now he found himself with the men of Keeneston and a king. It was somewhat bizarre to be with a group of men he didn’t know but felt as if he did. Dylan and Aiden were beside him as they sat down in the desert party area. A full bar was set up, caterers were handing out amazing food. Pillows, stools, and lounge chairs were spread around several bonfires all under the night stars. A band played off to the side and scantily clad, yet covered, women handed out cigars.


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