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Forever Bold: Forever Bluegrass #15

Page 16

by Kathleen Brooks

  “Men! Tonight we celebrate the last night of my bachelorhood and I can’t think of a better way to do it than with a series of manly pursuits,” Draven called out. He clapped his hands and men came out of the darkness with a series of targets, horses, and a variety of weapons.

  “No. No way. I did my time on manly pursuits against the Davies men,” Aiden groaned as they were joined by several other men.

  “It’s like I’m reliving a nightmare,” Deacon said, who Jameson had learned was a Davies through marriage to Sydney who ran Daughters of Elizabeth.

  Matt and Carter, also Davies through marriage, joined them. “Is this the support group?” Matt asked.

  “I can’t wait. This looks like so much fun,” Nash said excitedly as he joined them.

  Deacon rolled his eyes. “Of course you are probably the only one who thought the Davies interrogation was fun.”

  Nash shrugged and Jameson looked around confused. “What are you all talking about?”

  “Anyone who marries into the Davies family goes through an interrogation in the form of a competition of manly pursuits like hand-to-hand, axe throwing, sharpshooting, how to kill someone with a spoon . . .” Aiden trailed off.

  “It’s not that bad,” Walker said.

  “You had your wife do it for you all because you were too injured,” Nash scoffed.

  “It was a bullet wound and you’re just pissed because my wife beat you,” Walker said proudly.

  “Are they serious?” Jameson asked Dylan, who was laughing.

  He nodded. “So much fun. Hands down the best part of being in the family.”

  Deacon shot Dylan the finger.

  “Will I have to do this?” Jameson asked.

  “I thought it was a fake relationship.” Aiden winked, and everyone focused on him. “Or maybe not so fake after all. They have a way of doing that.”

  “Who has a way of doing what?” Jameson asked.

  Aiden looked sympathetically at Jameson. “These Keeneston women. They have a way of hitting your heart like a runaway freight train. I was Piper’s bodyguard. A couple of weeks later I find myself engaged and moving my company’s headquarters to Keeneston because I couldn’t imagine my life without her.”

  Jameson looked around and everyone was nodding.

  “Totally. I was a PI in Atlanta. A few weeks later I’m a permanent Keeneston resident with a fiancée,” Deacon told him. “Never regretted it a day in my life.”

  “Me too,” Walker added. “I was in DEVGRU. Then Layne came into my life and with her, my father-in-law, and I never thought twice about uprooting my life to come to Keeneston. Now I even work with Miles at the training facility. My life is great. It’s never boring and I can’t imagine going back. That’s what love does to you and these Keeneston women. If you’re lucky enough to have one fall in love with you, you’re the luckiest son of a bitch in the world.”

  Jameson was quiet as they all smiled, lost in their own thoughts. Then they all looked at him and suddenly their phones were out.

  “Are you betting on me again?” Jameson groaned.

  “Hell, yeah. I have my eye on this new handgun,” Dylan told him. “And I know that look.”

  “She’s a princess. I’m sure there’s some rule against being with me.” Jameson finally admitted his worst fear.

  “Nope. Dani and Mo don’t roll like that,” Dylan told him. “They want Ari happy. That’s all that matters to them.”

  “And grandchildren,” Deacon whispered.

  Aiden leaned forward and dropped his voice. “They all want grandkids.”

  “Even when they say they’ll murder you if you have sex with their daughter,” Walker added. “They still want grandkids.”

  “Whoa, who said anything about kids?” Jameson thought this conversation jumped quickly from dating to kids.

  “Just letting you know in case you need to win Dani and Mo over,” Deacon said with a wink.

  “Let the games begin!” Draven called out.

  Jameson saw Zain and Gabe swaggering toward them.

  “Uh-oh. Have fun,” Deacon said, patting him on the shoulder.

  “So, city boy, do you know how to ride?” Zain asked.

  “You do know I’m not actually from New York City, don’t you?” Jameson grew up on an estate in Connecticut near the border of New York. Of course he knew how to ride. Polo was a necessity at home and at boarding school.

  “You won’t be around long enough for us to learn these things. Come on. Let’s race,” Gabe said. They turned and walked away, leaving Jameson standing there.

  “Hope you know how to ride and I’d be prepared for a dirty race,” Aiden whispered.

  “Yeah, I can ride,” Jameson said with a smile. They wanted to play games, he’d be happy to oblige them.

  Jameson mounted and found himself between Gabe and Zain. Wyatt and Carter were the others racing and then they were off.

  Gabe and Zain rammed him every chance they got as they raced across the desert track lit only by torches.

  Jameson grew up playing polo. This was nothing since they didn’t have a long mallet to bash him with. Jameson let them feel good about ramming him a couple of times before he was done playing.

  “I take it you don’t want me to date your sister?” he called out over the pounding of the hooves.

  “We don’t like you taking liberties with our sister, who you are only fake dating. If you want to have our respect and actually date our sister, then you have to prove yourself and you certainly don’t fake a relationship,” Zain yelled back.

  “So, you wouldn’t give me any shit if I told you I wanted to date your sister?” Jameson asked.

  “Hell no, it’s our right as her brothers to give any boyfriend a hard time,” Gabe called out.

  “Does that mean you want to date Ari?” Zain asked as they raced forward.

  “Not saying that either. I figure your sister will have a word in this when and if this fake relationship turns real.”

  “No, this is going to be settled between us,” Gabe called out before shoving Jameson’s shoulder.

  “Then let’s settle it with the race. I win and I get permission to date her,” Jameson challenged as he quickly regained his balance. He pulled on his reins, and Zain and Gabe shot past him as he swerved to the outside.

  Jameson squeezed his thighs hard and his horse responded. He shot forward as they all thundered for the finish line. It didn’t matter that Carter was in first or that Wyatt was in second. The real race was for third. Jameson leaned forward and kept low as he pushed his horse into a three-way tie. All three men sat back down with a groan. There would be no winner tonight.

  Ariana curled up in bed after a fun night of drinks, desserts, manicures, pedicures, and massages. It was the ultimate girls’ night filled with lots of laughter. They’d wrapped up an hour ago and Ariana had made her way to her room in the palace only to find it empty.

  Strange. She’d always loved having her own space, but tonight it felt lonely. She’d showered and changed for bed and then found herself glancing at the door as she pretended not to wait for Jameson.

  Over the course of the bachelorette party, the married women had talked about falling in love. Ari’s mind was on Jameson the entire time. She didn’t want fake. She wanted real, and she didn’t care who knew about it. She didn’t want to hide the feelings she was having. She wanted to shout them from the rooftop. Ari thought Jameson would feel the same, but the nervous energy built as she waited for him to get to their room.

  An hour later she heard a key turn in the lock before the door slowly opened. “Jameson?”

  He gave up trying to sneak inside and opened the door the rest of the way. “I hope I’m the only man coming into your room in the middle of the night.”

  “Of course you are. Did you have fun?”

  Jameson’s hair was messed and he looked a little dirty, but there was a big smile on his face. “I did. I really like your friends.”

  “They didn
’t give you a hard time?”

  Jameson shook his head. “I raced your brothers in a horse race in the middle of the desert under the stars. It was awesome.”

  “They raced you? In a friendly race?” Ari asked suspiciously.

  “I wouldn’t say friendly, but we tied so I live to see another day.” Jameson sat on the bed next to her and placed his hand on her thigh. “Look, we need to talk.”

  Ari began shaking her head. “Don’t let my brothers scare you off. This is real. Don’t let them ruin this chance for us,” Ari pleaded as she feared Jameson would tell her their real relationship was over before it could begin.

  Jameson smiled and she saw his shoulders relax. “They were upset thinking I was taking advantage of you under the guise of a fake relationship. I don’t want a fake relationship. I want a real one. I don’t know how that’s going to work out with my job in New York City, but I’m willing to do what it takes to give us a chance.” Jameson took a deep breath, his eyes locked with hers. “If you want to, that is.”

  Ariana’s nerves vanished. “Yes, I want that very much. You’re sure this princess thing isn’t too much?”

  “I was wrong. Not all royalty or politicians are the same. You showed me that. Then your family and friends reinforced that new view. I went to boarding school from the time I was just a kid until college. I never felt like I had a home and somehow I felt more at home tonight with a king and three princes than I ever have before. It’s all because of you. You took the time to show me there was more to you than my assumptions and now I don’t want to let you go.”

  Jameson leaned forward and she knew he was going to kiss her again. Ari wasn’t going to sit back and wait for it either. She met him halfway, their lips melding, his hands roaming, and their breathing shared. They kissed, sealing the beginning of something they knew was life-altering.

  The kiss could have lasted one minute or one hour, but time was lost to Ari. She and Jameson lived and breathed the kiss as if nothing else in the world existed. Time stopped. Emotions soared.

  When they finally pulled away, their eyes were dark with desire and most of their clothes were missing.

  “I need you,” Ari confessed. It was a need she’d never experienced before. Lust, sure. But this need? It wasn’t just physical. She needed him as much as she needed her next breath.

  Jameson leaned forward and rested his forehead on hers. “I’m sorry, we can’t. I don’t have a condom.”

  “Wait.” Ari leapt back and turned to the nightstand. “If I know Draven—”

  Ari opened the drawer and reached inside. “A very heavy royal member dildo. Blindfold. Oils. Silk ties.” She placed each item on the nightstand.

  Jameson groaned and Ari giggled.

  “And condoms.” Ari pulled out the giant box and handed it proudly to Jameson.

  “I can’t even be mad at Draven for the dildos to the face after this.” Ari laughed as Jameson took out a condom and paused. “Are you sure? I can wait.”

  “You may be able to, but I can’t.”

  “Thank goodness.” Jameson’s lips were back on hers as they frantically worked the last of their clothes off.

  Ari’s head tilted to the side as his warm lips kissed their way down her neck to her breasts. Ari was torn between wanting him to continue the divine kisses and needing him to make love to her right then. He seemed to read her mind as he pulled her onto his lap. With his arms holding her tight to him, their lips and tongues frantic, she slid onto him and lost herself in Jameson’s arms.


  Jameson was still floating on cloud nine when he escorted Ariana down the aisle a moment before the wedding began. If last night had been earth-shattering, the two times they’d made love today were so hot it fused the earth back together.

  Now as the evening sun began to fade in the sky, Henry Rooney escorted his daughter down the aisle as musicians played. Even with the forest of flowers around, Addison stood out. The gown was simple, yet elegant. It fit her to perfection before the ten-foot train flared out behind her. The tiara sparkled like stars but wasn’t nearly as bright as her smile. Jameson looked at Draven and felt the emotion of the moment. Draven’s eyes shone with unshed tears and pure joy. The look on his face was only for his bride and Jameson felt like an intruder during their special moment.

  Addison’s father kissed her cheek with tears in his eyes before Draven, dressed in full military uniform with a sword so large it almost brushed the ground, broke from tradition and hugged Henry with obvious affection. Ariana took a deep breath next to Jameson, and he slipped his hand over hers. She looked up at him and he finally understood what the married men were talking about last night. One look and it was as if they shared a whole conversation. They wanted this. They wanted a future together and Jameson was going to do whatever it took to make that happen.

  Vows were recited and then Father James and Draven’s officiant pronounced them husband and wife. Draven kissed his bride, but they didn’t walk down the aisle. Instead, Addison knelt down as Draven moved to stand next to the officiant.

  Father James handed Draven his crown and then a moment later handed him another crown on a deep-purple pillow.

  “What’s going on?” Jameson whispered. He wasn’t the only one who was confused. No one understood what was happening.

  “Oh my,” Ari gasped. “He’s making her his queen. This is her coronation.”

  Father James blessed Draven, the crown, and then Addison before stepping off to the side. Draven’s officiant lifted the crown and everyone went quiet.

  “Madam, are you willing to take the Oath of Rule?” the officiant asked.

  Addison looked up and said in a clear voice. “I am willing.”

  “Do you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of Bermalia with fairness and mercy?”

  “I do solemnly promise to do so,” Addison answered.

  “Do you solemnly promise to put the needs of Bermalia and her people before your own?”

  “I do solemnly promise to do so,” Addison answered again.

  “Do you solemnly promise to do all in your power to protect and help the people of Bermalia?”

  “I do solemnly promise to do so, before Bermalia and all her people.”

  Jameson watched as Draven was handed an official-looking leather binder. He held it down for Addison who signed it before Draven and the officiant signed it. The officiant raised the crown higher in the air as he stepped forward. Then he slowly lowered it to her head. “Now rise as you are reborn a servant of Bermalia.”

  Draven reached down and Addison took his arm as she slowly stood. She and Draven turned in a slow circle to face the people. The doors were opened wide for the cameras and the people to see as Draven stepped in front of Addison and went down onto one knee as he placed his hand over his heart.

  “I pledge my life and my honor to my queen. Long live Queen Addison!” Draven shouted.

  “Long live Queen Addison!” echoed through the church, through the streets, and through the country.

  The reception was larger than the wedding ceremony. Only select people had seats to the wedding and coronation, but anyone who was anyone was invited to the reception. The crowd jostled Jameson as he escorted Ariana to the table full of her family in the outdoor dreamland Draven and Addison had created.

  Tables were spread out among warm, tan, decomposed granite pathways. The center of the garden had been transformed into a dance floor surrounded by flowers. Jameson sat between Ariana and Zain’s wife, Mila, as they ate dinner.

  Zain and Gabe were up front at the bride and groom’s table since they were his groomsmen. Ava Miller from Keeneston and someone from Addison’s law school class were her bridesmaids. Zain and Ava delivered speeches before the bride and groom toasted each other. The couple cut the wedding cake, then Jameson and the other guests watched the first dance. Jameson’s arm rested on the back of Ariana’s chair. His fingers brushed against her shoulder’s bare skin as they watched the happy coup
le. He and Ari had decided to tell her family they were a real couple tomorrow morning. Tonight belonged to the newlyweds.

  The dance ended and all couples were being called to the dance floor.

  “You two should dance.” Dani smiled at them as Mo pulled out her chair.

  “You going to eat that cake?” Sloane asked even as Jameson saw Gabe and Zain heading to the table to claim their wives for a dance.

  “Here you go,” Jameson said, sliding the cake over to her. Sloane ignored everyone else getting up to dance as she moaned over the cake. “So good. I’ll be right there, honey. Just one more bite.”

  Jameson saw the look of pure adoration Gabe gave his wife and now understood it. He held out his hand for Ari and as he looked at her, he wondered for the first time about a future together—he and Ariana married. Ariana pregnant. Their lives spent together. The thoughts put a happy smile on his face as they followed Dani and Mo and Zain and Mila to the dance floor.

  “I never thought Draven had all this romance in him,” Ariana said as he held her close and started to dance.

  “He’s a man in love. I think men in love are capable of anything.” Jameson expected that was true because there was nothing he wouldn’t do for Ari.

  “Excuse me, may I cut in?”

  Ariana and Jameson had been in their own world and hadn’t noticed the man in the military uniform with an older man and woman trailing behind him until the man tapped Jameson on the shoulder.

  “Deming?” Ariana sounded just as surprised as he was.

  “Mother. Father.” Jameson’s cold greeting of his parents made Ari blink in surprise as the realization of who his parents were began to hit Ariana. He could see the disbelief in her eyes.

  “Move along now, Deming. Let the happy couple get back to dancing,” Dani smiled as she shooed them when Mo spun her by them.

  Dani may not have made the connection of who the senator and her husband were, but Mo did. He brought them to an elegant stop and Jameson could see the anger on his face, the confusion on Dani’s, and the betrayal on Ariana’s.


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