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Forever Bold: Forever Bluegrass #15

Page 17

by Kathleen Brooks

  “I think we need to give the Duke family a moment to talk.” Deming held out his arm, but Ariana just tightened her grip on Jameson’s arm. That single act calmed Jameson’s nerves. Ariana would give him a chance to explain.

  “Senator Duke. Mr. Duke,” Mo said with such royal iciness that even Jameson shivered.

  “Mr. Ali Rahman,” his mother said, insulting him by not using his title.

  “It’s Your Highness, Mother,” Jameson said, stepping closer to Mo and Dani. He couldn’t explain right now, but he could show Ari and her family that he chose them over his own parents.

  “Son, you chose not to get into politics, so let the professionals handle this. A state dignitary desires to dance with the princess. You have no place here,” his father said, dismissing Jameson.

  “He has every right to be here,” Dani said with just as much ice as Mo. Jameson never thought he’d see the sweet and kind Dani like this, but she was every inch the royal now. She used her height to tower over his mother. His mother had the best facialist and cosmetic surgeon, but Dani’s natural beauty caused his mother to pale in comparison. “Jameson is my daughter’s boyfriend so I believe it is Mr. Nikan and you two who have no place here.”

  Jameson almost enjoyed the showdown. No one talked to his powerful parents like that.

  “Excuse us. I believe King Draven is waving us over,” Mo said, putting one hand on his wife and the other on his daughter. He turned them away and without a backward glance, left Jameson’s parents and Deming standing alone with him.

  Deming glared at him as Jameson stared impassively at his parents. “Excuse me, I’m going to talk to Princess Ariana.” Jameson wanted to chase after Deming, but too many things were going through his mind. The main one being it was now obvious his mother had not called in a favor to make him Ariana’s guard. If she wasn’t behind his assignment, who was and why?

  “What are you doing here?” his mother asked with annoyance. “How could you be here with them. Do you have no family loyalty at all?”

  “I was Ariana’s diplomatic security in New York when an attempt was made on her life. Her parents asked that I stay on for this trip, especially after we started dating.”

  His mother smoothed her formal gown, as if any wrinkle would even dare to appear. She visually relaxed her face into a pleasant mask as people walked by. Appearances were everything to the senator. “Your cousin is running for the House of Representatives next election. That seat should have been yours. But since you refuse to fall in line, your cousin will become my heir apparent in more than just politics. I’ll leave everything to him. It’s not too late, though. You can get rid of that horrible girl and come back home. Then it can all be yours again. The house, the bank accounts, everything you should have as a Duke. You just have to do your part.”

  “I’ll never do your bidding. And never say anything bad about Ariana again. I’ve quietly left the family business up to you. The last thing you want to do is piss me off and have me step into the spotlight. Trust me on that. Good evening, Mother. Father.”

  Jameson turned away and saw Ahmed, Nabi, and Nash not so subtly eavesdropping. The narrowed eyes, clenched jaws, and fisted hands let Jameson know that whatever friendship had been there had just been ruined by the realization of where Jameson Duke really came from. Or more specifically, whom he came from.

  “Not now,” Jameson said when they closed in on him. “I have to find Ari and explain.”

  “That’s Your Royal Highness to you,” Nabi said formally.

  “I thought you were our friend.” Jameson felt Nash’s comment like a punch to the gut.

  “I’m not my parents. This changes nothing.”

  “This changes everything,” Ahmed simply said, and the whole future Jameson was beginning to dream of shattered into a million pieces.


  “Dad, wait!” Ariana stumbled in her heels as her father and mother rushed into the gardens leading to the guest wing of the palace.

  “Sorry, honey, but I need to get inside and talk to my brother to see how to handle this disaster.”

  “Disaster? Isn’t that a bit much?” her mother asked, slowing down so Ari wouldn’t trip.

  “This is a political nuclear bomb, Dani. One that could blow us off the freaking map. What has been said around Jameson? What has he seen?” Ariana had never seen her father so upset. “He was in our house, Dani. He could have gotten into our offices and stolen confidential, classified information. You know we’re working out a big deal with other countries to limit Crusina’s power. We’re trying to get enough senate votes and that woman is not only blocking us, but actively trying to bring us down. That woman is our main enemy in the entire United States government and we just gave her son open access to us.”

  Ariana knew that Senator Duke was a supporter of Crusina, but she had never put two and two together. Jameson wasn’t like them . . . or was he? She was so confused and conflicted that she kept silent as they headed into the palace and made their way to her parents’ first-floor suite.

  Their suite was twice the size of Ari’s rooms. When they entered, they actually walked into a full office and sitting room. There was a door on the far side that led into the bedroom.

  “Come on, honey,” her mother said, reaching for her hand. “Let’s get freshened up while your father talks to his brother. I’m sure your uncle will want to have a word with you as well.”

  “Dad,” Ari started to say, but her father cut her off.

  “Thank goodness it was a fake relationship. You’re to never see Jameson again. Do you understand me?”


  “Honey, now.” Her mother pulled Ariana into the bedroom and closed the door. Ariana went to argue but her mother cut her off. “I know, Ari. I’m on your side and your father will be once he realizes Jameson is nothing like his parents. We need to think. We need a game plan.”

  Ariana heard a knock at the main door. Jameson! She rushed past her mother and opened the door into the office only to find Deming standing there. His eyes went straight toward hers.

  “Princess Ariana, I’m so sorry if that man caused you any distress.”

  “Deming,” her father said so harshly even Ari flinched. “You know our countries are not on diplomatic terms right now. Stay away from my family. Do you understand?”

  “I understand, but I’m not here on a state matter. I’m here on a matter of the heart.”

  “Oh, give me a break,” Ariana heard her mother whisper beside her.

  For once, her father seemed at a loss for words. He simply closed the door and turned slowly around. “Is he freaking kidding me right now?”

  Her mother started laughing first and Ari wasn’t far behind. Even her father finally cracked a smile and then took a deep breath. “Okay, I’m sorry. I might have overreacted dragging you in here like this. Let me call home and have them run the security cameras to see if Jameson ever entered any of the offices. I won’t accuse him without proof. It’s the least I owe him for saving your life.”

  “Thank you, Da—” Ari didn’t finish because her father’s eyes went wide, her mother screamed as Ari was sent flying into the office as an arm wrapped around her waist from behind. A cold gun barrel was pressed to her temple, and her mother stopped screaming instantly.

  “Now that I have your attention, I’ll be taking the princess with me,” a deep voice rumbled behind her. The depth and deliberately soft tone of the voice made it hard to place. “Make a sound and I’ll kill you both. Princess, you fight me, make a run for it, or scream, and I’ll kill your parents. Nod if everyone understands.”

  Ari nodded and watched as her parents did so as well. Ari had to tamp down every instinct that told her to fight. Her godfather had taught her well. She was to observe, test, evaluate, then formulate and execute a plan.

  A knock sounded and the man stiffened behind her. Ariana got ready to make a move if she had an opening.

  “Ari? Mo? Dani? Just let me explain,” James
on called through the door when it wasn’t answered.

  “Princess Danielle, get rid of him or I’ll kill her,” the man holding Ariana ordered as the pressure of the gun increased against Ari’s temple. He dragged her to the side of the bedroom door and hid behind it.

  Ari heard her mother open the door. “Mr. Duke, now isn’t a good time.”

  “I need to explain, please,” Jameson practically begged.

  “Later. We’re very busy at the moment.”

  “Busy?” he asked slowly.

  “Ari’s in the bedroom, crying her eyes out at your betrayal. Not even saving her life like you did will make up for it. Okay?”


  The door closed and they listened as Jameson walked away.

  “Very good, Your Highness,” the man whispered as he dragged Ariana back into the open doorway. “Now, here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to take the princess and we’ll be in touch.”

  “Who is going to be in touch?” her father asked.

  “You’ll know when he calls.”

  Her mother’s eyes flicked behind her, and that was the only warning Ariana got. Jameson was suddenly there. He shoved her head down as he grabbed the gun. Ari let her body go limp as she dropped to the ground.

  Jameson must have come in through the bedroom window. Ari rolled away from the scuffling feet of the fighting men. A plan was formulating as she leapt to her feet, ready to fight. Her breath caught as she watched the man and Jameson fighting for control over the gun. A shot echoed through the room as the front door crashed open.

  Ari grabbed the nearest weapon, a thick book, and was ready to throw it at the attackers when she saw Ahmed, Nabi, and Nash burst in. Her parents were whisked from the room as Nash grabbed Ari’s arm and literally began to drag her from the room.

  “No!” Ari screamed as she watched the man in a suit and Jameson fighting. The gun went flying across the room, but the man landed a solid punch to Jameson’s face. Jameson didn’t go down as he returned the punch with one of his own. “Help Jameson!”

  “No, my duty is to protect you,” Nash said, as he gave up dragging her and just lifted her over his shoulder.

  “Get her out of here!” Jameson yelled as the man landed a punch to Jameson’s gut.

  Ari watched, upside down, as Jameson kicked the man’s knee and then punched his face. That was the last thing she saw before Nash took her from the room. “Where are you taking me?”

  “Back to the party,” Nash told her as he finally set her down outside. Ahmed and Nabi had her parents outside and were rushing toward the Bermalia guards to notify them of the breach. “It’s the safest place. Most of the palace guards are there and they’re the only ones who are armed. They asked that we not be armed for the wedding and I knew I should have ignored them. I’m going to deliver you to the party and then head to the room for our guns.”

  “Ari! Baby!” Her mother shook free of Nabi and ran toward her. Bermalia guards suddenly appeared as they raced toward the palace doors that Nash had just carried her through. “Come on. Let’s get you around our people. I’ll feel better knowing Miss Violet probably has her spatula on her.”

  They were yards from the outer tables of the reception when they heard yelling behind them. Ariana turned and her breath caught as Nash, Nabi, and Ahmed formed a wall in front of them. The man who had tried to kidnap her was running down the garden path with Jameson ten yards behind him. From where she stood, Ari could see the blood running down Jameson’s cheek and tried to take off toward him, but Nash stopped her.

  “What in tarnation?” Miss Lily asked as guests from Keeneston converged onto the scene. Suddenly half the townsfolk were running to help Jameson while the other half moved to protect Ari and her family.

  “What’s going on?” Aniyah asked as she pulled a gun from her purse.

  “I told you we should have brought our guns,” Nash muttered in disdain.

  “As if Draven could make me hand it over. It’d shoot his pecker off. Speaking of his pecker, isn’t that one of his peckers in Jameson’s hand?” Aniyah slipped on her glasses to get a better look as Ari and her family moved to see.

  Yes, that was one of the solid rubber royal members in Jameson’s hand. Jameson stopped, shifted so he was holding it like a javelin, planted his foot, and took aim.

  The royal member quivered through the air before hitting the back of the man’s head. The force of the hard hit sent the man flying forward and landing hard on his stomach. In seconds, half of Keeneston was on him. Jameson waded in as the Bermalian guards rushed in. A minute later the crowd parted and the man stood with his arms handcuffed with cheetah print sex handcuffs behind him.

  “What’s going on here?” Draven demanded.

  “This man held Ariana hostage,” her father told Draven.

  “Take him to the dungeon now. Nothing will ruin Addison’s day. Mo, he’s all yours. My men are at your disposal to make up for failing you and putting Ari in danger. You have my deepest apologies. Ari—”

  Ariana saw the pain in his eyes. She hugged him then. “It wouldn’t be a wedding without some excitement. I wouldn’t worry too much about this. I think everyone is too focused on watching Nikki dancing with that count from Luxembourg. It’s been a beautiful night, Draven, and we’re all so very happy for you. Let’s all head back to the party.”

  Ari began to herd the people back toward the party. Once they were moving, she turned back to see what was happening. The man was gone along with Nabi, Ahmed, and some Bermalian guards. Jameson stood with Nash as her parents approached him. Ariana wouldn’t let them hurt Jameson. He saved her and no matter who his parents were, Jameson would never betray her. She was ashamed for even doubting him for a second.

  Jameson’s face throbbed and his stomach was sore. He tasted blood that had run into his mouth from his fistfight with the man. He wanted to follow Ahmed and Nabi as they accompanied the guards to the dungeon for an interrogation, but Mo had made eye contact with him and in that gaze was a direct order not to move. Now Mo, Dani, Zain, Mila, Gabe, Sloane, and Ariana were almost to him.

  “Any last words?” Nash asked.

  “Yeah, find out who is trying to hurt Ariana or I’ll haunt you.”

  “I don’t have a vote, but for what it’s worth, I like you. You’re good for Ari.”

  Jameson didn’t have a chance to respond. Mo was standing there in full regal mode.

  “The one damn time I didn’t have a background check run. And I mean it, it was the only time I didn’t run one and I let the enemy right into my house.”

  “Prince Mo,” Jameson started, but Mo shook his head to cut him off.

  “No. I will speak now. Your parents are enemies of Rahmi. They are single-handedly to blame for pressuring other countries into deals with Crusina and away from working with us. Crusina is a country with horrendous human rights violations. It’s a country where Nikan’s wife hasn’t been seen for three years and no one dares to ask why. It is a country that bullies, threatens, and attacks innocents both domestically and internationally. It’s a country that has threatened to shoot missiles at my country, at my home, at my people, all because we refuse to give in to their bullying. And who is your mother? She’s the senator pushing for sanctions against Rahmi for not agreeing to the trade deal with Crusina that she’s pushed through committee. A deal that would economically cripple any country that didn’t sign onto it with the US and Crusina. You were in my house. You had access to my office.”

  “Dad,” Ariana said sharply, but Jameson dared not to even glance at her.

  “I never went into your office, sir. I would never do that.”

  “Why not when your mother just pushed Deming on my daughter?”

  “Because I’m estranged from my parents, I have been for years. We don’t talk about it publicly, but I’ve been estranged from them since I graduated from college and decided to go into Special Forces instead of the law. See, they had a plan. I was shipped off to boarding school
at a young age. The very best boarding schools for twelve years, holidays included. Then I went to an elite university. I was supposed to go directly to the best law school from there, but instead I graduated and enlisted,” Jameson said, getting ready to tell a story he’d never told anyone.

  “I was called home when they found out. My mother literally sent private security to fetch me and drag me home. I was told I would not be allowed to enlist and instead she’d secured a spot for me in law school. I would take the LSAT she had illegally arranged for me to take since I refused to take it in undergrad. I would then go to law school, graduate, and practice in my father’s firm for eight years. I would run for secretary of state in the state election. After serving four years, I would run for the House of Representatives in the federal election. The goal was to have a Duke in the Senate and the House.”

  “We know you served, but you could still run for office. Veterans are a large demographic,” Zain said, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at him.

  “Yes, I could run for office, but I have no plans to do so. If I ran, I would run against her. Take what she loves like she took it from me.” Jameson tried to hide the bitterness but couldn’t.

  “What did she take from you?” Dani asked.

  “I loved being in in the service, especially my time with Special Forces. I loved the camaraderie and the feeling of having a real family for the first time. I’d never had that before. I loved fighting for people who needed protecting. I liked helping people hands-on. There were many humanitarian missions mixed in with the military missions. But one night we were sent on a mission and were ambushed. I was injured. My parents were notified since they were my next of kin. I was healing and after some rehab, I had planned on rejoining my group. Instead, my mother exerted political pressure up the chain of command and the next thing I know I’m being honorably discharged against my wishes and sent back to my mother. Literally. The plane landed at the base and I was transported to my mother where she lectured me on playing soldier, said it was time to grow up and fall in line.”


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