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Eliza Gayle Witch Bundle (paranormal romance)

Page 26

by Eliza Gayle

  He lifted her hair, baring her neck where he rained kisses and small bites all along the skin. For every sharp bite he followed with a swipe of his tongue until she moaned from the painful pleasure of it. His free hand slid under the hem of her shirt and traveled upwards toward her bare breasts. The magick emanating from his hand permeated through her skin, heating her from the inside out. She sucked in a shocked breath. Too hot. Can’t resist. Her nipples tingled, clit pulsed, and her heart raced. The darkness that was the very essence of Noah turned her on and made her hot. More. More.

  The magick flooded her body, filling the emptiness Scott’s damage had left behind. When the scar on her shoulder began to heat and burn, fear rose up thick and dark, forcing her to…

  “No!” She pushed away from Noah, afraid of what she’d do to the both of them if her beast still lurked inside. A lot of rage and hatred now lingered there, waiting to be unleashed, and she had no idea what would happen when or if it broke free.

  She couldn’t turn and look at him. She was afraid of the recrimination she would see. She gulped in the sticky, humid air, desperate to get her body back under her own control. Giving in to Noah was no longer an option. She started to walk off until he stopped her by grabbing her arm.

  “You can’t run from me this time. I’ll give you some more time considering your ordeal, but Jessie…” She looked into his determined gaze. “No more running. Now get in the boat.”

  “The—the boat?” she stuttered.

  “Yeah, you didn’t think we were going to stay here, did you?” He flashed her a wry grin, allowing her to let go of some of the tension coiled tight in her body. She looked around and could have kicked herself. She should have known that this place wouldn’t be the final destination.

  “We’re a good distance away from the city at this point, but this area isn’t nearly as secure as where we’re going. It’s still going to take a while, so if you need to go to the bathroom I would recommend doing so now. I did pack some food in my bag there so we don’t have to worry about that. Bathroom’s in the building there.” He pointed to the crumbling shack.

  “It’s okay I’m good.”

  His raised his eyebrow. “Good, then let’s get going. I don’t like us being out here any longer than we have to. No telling for certain if they can track us here.”

  Jessie stepped aboard the boat and took one of the seats in the lower front as far away from the pilot’s seat as she could get. She needed some space even if it was only about eight feet.

  “There’s some goggles and earplugs in that box up there if you want them.” He indicated the box at her feet. “It’s a long, noisy ride so I would suggest it.”

  Perfect. She would have some time to think about what had happened and what she needed to do next to prevent something bad from happening without worrying about small talk.

  Chapter Three

  Hours passed, and Jessie had barely moved from her seat. She’d eaten some food, which she really needed, and once when they were traversing slowly through some tree-crowded areas, she’d stood up and stretched her arms and legs. He’d watched the denim shorts tighten across her ass when she’d bent down, which took his breath away as he’d entertained a fleeting thought of taking her just like that, maybe even with her wrists tied to her ankles.

  Dangerous thoughts.

  His cock pulsed and ached in his pants even now as he shifted for the tenth time, trying to find a comfortable spot. Hell, he’d been hard and ready since yesterday, and back at the docks he’d come damn close to taking her right then and there with no finesse, no preparation, just heat and lust on his brain. Something had stopped her, something his magick had felt for a fleeting second. Something familiar.

  They needed to talk, but it would have to wait since the boat engine drowned out everything around them. Not much farther and they would be at his place, his only sanctuary that no one else visited. Ever. He looked forward to sharing it with her despite their past. He wanted to see her reaction to his surroundings, see if she was the woman he thought she was.

  He slowed the boat to a crawl before finally cutting the engine and letting the craft flow along with the current.

  “Why are we stopping here? Is everything okay?” She had turned in her seat, her gaze soft and questioning.

  “We are getting close to our destination, I want to listen to the river for a while, make sure nothing is amiss.”

  She nodded in understanding. His Jessie understood magick more than a normal human did. Not understanding why that was troubled him.

  Noah let his eyes close, concentrating on his other senses, especially sound. All of his thoughts about Jessie were pushed from his mind. Instead he focused on the sounds of the swamp, the water moving, the occasional bird…even the unseen wildlife like the snakes and gators hiding in the reeds could be heard if you listened hard enough. Once he had a handle on the familiar he tuned them out one by one, allowing him to listen for the unusual, for what didn’t belong in his swamp.

  Hearing nothing out of the ordinary, he pushed on, concentrating inward and called his magick, letting it build in his chest before releasing it one small strand at a time, seeking the unknown. Even with his eyes closed he saw Jessie, her aura wrapped with his magick. Not even his most spiritual self could stay away from her. Maybe he shouldn’t have been so quick to discredit his brother’s words regarding the prophecy and the women they were destined for.

  He pushed those thoughts away. There would be time for that later once they were secure, for now his responsibility was to her safety. He continued past her, following that wisp of power that now traversed the full range of his habitat. This path gave him brighter colors and sharper sounds, but nothing unexpected. Pulling back, he opened his eyes to see Jessie watching him, longing clear on her face. Noah fought the sudden and overwhelming need to drag her close to him, instead he forced his focus on the simple task of restarting the engine and getting them on their way again.

  * * *

  The strange moment broken, Jessie turned back around in her seat and watched the water in front of them. The dark swirl of the swamp pulled at her thoughts. What the hell just happened?

  The connection between them was not only constant, but she found it unnerving as hell. Not knowing whether her own brand of magick would return, and what that meant, plagued her. Maybe if she could talk to her mother she might have an idea of what could happen to her, especially when it came to Noah. Although, trusting her mother not to mislead her was a dangerous proposition. She dabbled with dark magick all the time and Jessie saw where that got her. A half-demon child with more power than the average witch. It was a real bitch.

  Now here she was with the one man she should fear the most, pulling at her entire being despite the truth. When Jessie had found out Noah wasn’t just an ordinary mercenary-hunting bad guy, but instead a demon hunter fueled by hatred, she’d run as far and as fast as she could. Not far enough, obviously.

  In front of the boat, a wall of trees too close together to pass through loomed. She turned to look at Noah and ask him what now, when the boat made a hard ninety-degree turn to the left. Her stomach lurched as she grabbed the edge of her seat and waited for the boat to right itself. When she looked behind her again he was laughing. Bastard. But she bit at her bottom lip to prevent her own grin from spreading across her face. She would so not give him that satisfaction.

  His laughter rumbled louder behind her as he traveled along the edge of trees to a small unseen opening. Another hard turn to the right and they were through the trees in what could only be described as a sort of cove. And there on the land in front of them sat a gorgeous, dark wood log cabin, so pretty it took her breath away.

  Noah steered the boat right onto the grass before killing the engine. He hopped down from his perch and jumped out of the boat landing on the soft grass right next to her. He held out his hand to help her. “Welcome to my home.”

  “Your home? You live here?” She grabbed his hand, letting him
assist her and her meager bag out of the boat.

  “Don’t sound so surprised. Even I like having a place to call home.”

  “I—I just—” she stammered.

  “I know. Nobody knows about this place so I guess anyone would be surprised, but even I need a place of refuge on occasion and this is it.”

  “It’s breathtaking.” She meant it, too. The cabin was exquisite, but just as stunning was the location. He had carved out the most beautiful section of swamp she could have imagined and made it his own. She couldn’t wait to see the inside.

  He led her up and onto the wraparound porch before dropping her hand to open the front door. Instead of simply unlocking the place with a key, he started unhooking hidden wires from the doorframe and entering codes into three tiny keypads she hadn’t even noticed.

  “Booby traps. Guy in my line of business can’t be too careful.”

  “I thought it was safe out here?”

  “It is. So far no one has learned about it, but it always pays to cover all the bases.” He opened the door. “After you.” He motioned her inside.

  Just inside the door, she found herself in a large yet cozy living room with leather furnishings and enough electronics to make any teenage boy green with envy. The walls inside had the same rough-hewn texture as the outside, giving it a warm and masculine appeal. She loved it.

  “Wow, nice place. I’m definitely impressed.”

  He shrugged his broad shoulders. “Figured if I was going to do it, might as well do it up right. I might retire here some day.”

  “Aren’t you a little young to be talking about retirement already?”

  “Jessie, if you had seen the things I have seen in this job, you would be feeling the same way babe. It’s a gut wrenching business.”

  “Then why do it?”

  He looked at her thoughtfully. “It’s what I was made for.”

  With that, he picked up her bag and headed to the back of the cabin. Presumably expecting her to follow or not. She followed.

  “You really think you were made for demon hunting? Isn’t that a tad arrogant, even for you?” They passed by the kitchen that a quick glance showed to be large and functional with stainless steel appliances and custom built cabinets.

  “It’s better than sitting on my ass doing nothing,” he replied.

  Across from the kitchen was a heavy metal door with two blinking lights, one at the top and one at the bottom. “What’s in there?”

  “My office.”

  “Top secret room, I guess.”

  “Something like that.”

  She pulled her gaze from the blinking lights and her dying curiosity to see Noah disappear into a room at the end of the hall. A bedroom, she presumed. Jessie wasn’t sure being in a bedroom with Noah right now was a very good idea. Her body had buzzed with sexual energy since she’d first laid eyes on him, and then he’d added magick to that every time he touched her. She was certain she was close to combustion. With doubts, she passed through the same doorway and stopped at the sight of the lake-sized bed. It would probably fit several people quite comfortably. Beside the bed stood a small chest with a lamp and a clock on top. The rest of the room was empty.

  “Guess you haven’t gotten around to doing much with this room.”

  He poked his head out of the closet. “It’s got a bed. That’s all it really needs.” His husky answer provoked her, and a chill rolled over her as her body pulsed with need.

  She wanted to say something quick and playful back, try to keep the mood light, but instead her desire made her light headed and mute. She walked over to the bed and sat down, leaning her head towards her knees. She needed to think of something else, anything else besides the gorgeous man coming towards her.

  “Jessie, are you all right?”

  The concern in his voice tore at her heart, and she knew that she couldn’t fight it anymore. She belonged to him as surely as if he’d put a ring on her finger. Even if he wanted nothing more from her than sex, she would take it. One more night.

  He squatted down in front of her and when her head tilted up, his body was mere inches from her face. “I’m fine,” she whispered.

  “No, babe, you’re not. You’re shaking. You’ve been through an unbearable ordeal and I pushed you harder today than you could take. For that I’m sorry.”

  “Please, Noah, don’t—you don’t have to apologize. You have no idea how grateful I am that you came for me. I wouldn’t have made it through another night if you hadn’t.”

  “Yes you would have. You aren’t giving yourself enough credit—”

  “No, you’re wrong. It’s not about my strength or lack thereof. There was to be a ceremony last night. A sacrifice had to be made.”

  Anger clouded Noah’s face as the implications of her words sank in. “I’m going to kill that bastard. I swear I am.” He started to pull away.

  Jessie grabbed his arms. “Please, Noah, I need you.” Her voice cracked, tears welling in her eyes. “Stay with me…please.”

  His hand touched lightly against her jaw tilting her head, forcing her to look at him. “I’m not going anywhere, Jessie. We’re together and we’re safe.” His handsome face was rugged with laugh lines around his eyes and mouth, lips so full and sensual she couldn’t resist pressing her own against them. The flash of heat ignited them both as Noah growled into her mouth. His tongue plunged through her parted lips, seeking her inner warmth with a force she welcomed.

  Without breaking contact, Noah pushed her back onto the bed. Her heart jolted and her pulse pounded as his movement grew as urgent and needy as hers. She reached for his shirt, quickly slipping underneath it to touch warm, smooth skin stretched over bulging muscles. As the kiss deepened to a near violent level, her hands gripped and scratched at his back. Desperate for more skin-to-skin contact, she wrestled with the waistband of his jeans. Her moans of frustration at her lack of success were met with a sudden separation of their bodies.

  She shivered from the cool blast of air over her heated skin.

  “Clothes. Off. Now.”

  He didn’t need to tell her twice. Jessie ripped the t-shirt over her head and forced the shorts down her hips while watching Noah do the same. She thought his body looked even more spectacular than she remembered. Tanned skin with ripped muscles made her mouth water, but when he freed his stiff cock and it bounced once against his muscled abs, her pussy clenched with the desire to be taken, hard.

  They leapt at each other in unison, bodies touching and sizzling everywhere. Jessie wrapped her legs around Noah’s hips as they fell backwards to the bed. Power surged in the room, keeping pace with the desire. With Noah’s teeth nipping at her neck and shoulder, Jessie swept her arms around his waist and brushed her fingers across the firm globes of his ass. His hardness pressed tight against her belly, reminding her of its shape and girth. As if she would have ever forgotten the way he filled her during the best sex of her life. Her hips bucked forward of their own free will, her pussy wet and aching to be filled. He shifted his body lower, rubbing his swollen tip through the liquid fire at her slit.

  Noah’s head lifted, his steady gaze giving her one last chance to say no as surely as if he’d said the words, but Jessie was filled with a sense of urgency that could not be denied. She struggled in his arms, arching her back and pushing her hips forward, anything to get him inside her. But he was in control here and she knew it. From experience she knew he wouldn’t give her what she so desperately wanted unless she at least asked for it.

  “Please, Noah.”

  The wicked smile he gave her sent a delicious shudder through her entire body as he pushed his length inside her.

  “Oh Goddess. So tight.” His hands clenched the cheeks of her bottom as her body adjusted around him.

  “It’s so good, Noah,” she panted. He surged fully inside her and she lost control. A scream tore from her throat as a hard shudder worked over her. A savage snarl sounded from Noah as he began to pound in and out of her, sensations fl
ooding her system with each thrust and release. Lingering anger mixed with lust flashed through them both as Noah released a surge of magick into her body, igniting a fuse straight to her clit.

  Jessie moaned and bucked against him. “Oh yes. Fuuuck.” She scratched at his arms and back, fighting for more until he pinned her shoulders with bruising force to the bed and hammered his cock, burying himself in her heat as far as possible, over and over until she exploded in a burst of magick and light underneath him.

  * * *

  Her screams of pleasure filled the room as her pussy tightened and pulsed around him—driving him fucking wild as the pressure built in his own body. He wanted to take her like this for hours, but her tight and thrashing body pushed him to far too fast and forced his orgasm to rocket through him.

  When his mind and body finally came back to the present, he noticed Jessie holding him tight and close. It made him think that she might be afraid he was going somewhere. Possessiveness roared through him as the aftershocks of their sex throbbed in his groin. He pressed a gentle kiss on her cheek before sliding from her body to lie next to her on the bed. He had no intentions of going anywhere without her ever again. Now he just needed to figure out what spooked her the first time and make sure it didn’t happen again. He relaxed back against his arm underneath his head, tucking her firmly against his chest. For the first time in a long while his magick rested inside him. No darkness pushed at his mind and will. No constant need to escape. Noah closed his eyes and let the sleep creep in, he couldn’t resist it…but…why was Jessie’s heart racing…

  Chapter Four

  Jessie trembled as she made her way through the cabin as far away as possible from the bedroom where Noah slept. The powerful yet familiar rush of Noah’s magick during sex hadn’t taken her by surprise, as they were both lost in the moment of desperate need and pleasure until Noah’s orgasm. With it had come a potent force of dark power she was helpless against with her own magick stripped.


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