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Eliza Gayle Witch Bundle (paranormal romance)

Page 27

by Eliza Gayle

  Now her body swirled with a shadowy force that fed into her more primal side. The side where the beast lived. Or, at least, where it used to live. She wasn’t altogether certain if her magick would ever return. Scott had been pretty thorough each time he had her stripped of her power to transfer it to himself. It was a volatile ceremony to complete, yet he did it over and over with both witches and demons, feeding himself with more and more magick. She wondered what the repercussions were for that. So far he had gotten everything he wanted, well, except his nephews. She didn’t understand what his plans were, but his hatred for them bordered on the insane.

  He didn’t appear to want them dead, yet he always needed more power to fight them. It seemed to her that something big was brewing and she had landed smack dab in the middle. How the reverend had even found out about her magick, she didn’t know. There were only a few people who knew, and all but one were family members.

  Her stomach heaved again, reminding her to hurry. This magick needed an outlet, and since she didn’t know what would happen she preferred a big open space. She threw back the dead bolt lock and unlatched the sensors as she’d seen Noah do before hurtling herself through the door. On the porch she gulped in lungfuls of the humid but fresh air until her chest burned with the effort. Sweat broke out on her forehead as the blood pounded in her ears. She took two steps from the porch and swung her arms above her head in the hopes that she could direct the energy as it expelled from her.

  The darkness sizzled inside her until she cried out in pain. A tight coil began to unravel in her chest. Her beast was there and it stirred again, stretching. Heat built under her skin and raised the fine hairs of her arms as she watched the energy form into blue streaks along her forearms. With a soul splitting burst, all the pent up darkness flung up and out of her body, lighting up the dusky sky for a few brief moments.

  Jessie collapsed on the grass, weak and empty. Her beast and its magick had attempted to unfurl inside of her, but failed. With Noah’s magick gone, she was simply left with a low level buzzing of power. Well, it’s something.

  Exhausted and worried, Jessie thought about going back to bed and curling up with Noah. She dragged herself from the ground and stumbled up the steps once again, grateful for the peace and quiet surrounding the cabin. Her head still pounded from her ordeal, so she decided to head for the kitchen to search for water and, if she was lucky, some aspirin. After a lengthy search, she came up with a bottle of water but no painkillers. Sleep. I need sleep.

  She closed her eyes and hung her head over the sink, willing the pain to go away. Times like this made her thankful she’d been born with demon blood, as it helped her heal at a much faster rate than most people.

  “Jessie, what’s going on? Are you all right?”

  Her head popped up, causing the sensation of thousands of needles pushing into her skull. She moaned.

  “What happened?”

  “Headache. Bad one.” She whispered.

  “Good Goddess, woman, why didn’t you wake me?” He scooped her into his arms, taking care to cradle her head in the crook of his arm. “No, don’t even answer that, you know how much I hate excuses. You’ll just make me want to turn you over my knee for the long overdue spanking that you need.”

  She wanted to laugh, but could barely manage a curve of her lips into a tiny smile. She did relax into his arms and shut her eyes to the already fading light in the room, grateful for the comfort of his strong arms minus the surge of dark magick.

  “How are you, Noah?”

  “I’m fine, don’t worry about me. Let’s get you to feeling better, and then I think we better talk. I have something I should probably share.”

  For a moment she thought about what he said, but it soon proved to be too painful. She refocused her efforts instead on easing the tension from her body and mind because whatever Noah wanted to say could wait until the pain in her body subsided.

  Besides, what could he say that would be more damaging to their fragile relationship than her admission of being born from a demon and a witch? She would have to tell him this time and take her chances…when the time was right.

  If he chose to kill her, well, at least then her head wouldn’t hurt anymore.

  She sighed contentedly when her bare back hit the cool sheets of his bed. The room smelled of hot sex and spicy male, reminding her of the delicious time they had shared earlier.

  “I’m going to lift your head and help you take these pills, okay?”


  He lifted her smoothly and fed her three tiny white tablets and water until she got them all down. “Thank you.”

  “No more talking, Jessie. You need to rest. I need you well in order for us to start working on a plan after we discuss what we are up against. Being out here, while safe from outsiders, is only temporary until we’re ready to help my brothers and their mates.”

  Mates? Did he say mates? People still say that?

  Her thoughts blurred as the tension in her head dissipated some. Unable to keep her eyes open or her brain functioning, she slid into sleep wondering what the hell he gave her.

  * * *

  Scott watched his guard dragging the beautiful dark-skinned woman into his office. She kicked and screamed and fought them tooth and nail every step of the way. Blood oozed from her lip, and one of her eyes was partially swollen where they’d obviously had to hit her just to get her this far. When her foot kicked out and struck one of the guards in the balls he wanted to laugh out loud. Her will was so strong, just like her magick, not to mention she could be mean as dirt when the situation warranted it. It was those exact things combined that made her one of the most sought after voodoo priestesses in New Orleans. Everyone in the Quarter as well as every Parrish in Louisiana came to her when they needed the impossible done. And on the rare occasions she couldn’t give them what they were willing to pay for well, then she would call in his nephew.

  Anger boiled in his veins every time he thought about the power his nephews abused while he had virtually none of his own. At least nothing like each one of those cursed boys had. He instead had to resort to ritual after ritual to stay in power. Those bastards didn’t deserve to possess it let alone wield it. Good thing that wouldn’t be an issue for much longer.

  While the one guard was doubled over howling about his nuts, the woman took two steps toward the other and stomped on his foot with all her strength. Bones crunched and the guard screamed like a girl.

  “Enough.” His command came out loud and strong in the cavernous room.

  She looked up then, noticing whose office she now occupied and fear flooded her eyes as she spat just to spite him. Tired of her disrespect, he waved his hand in her direction and watched with amusement as her eyes bugged open as she realized she’d just been bound to the floor and had her vocal chords frozen.

  “Now, that’s more like it, Severina, isn’t it?” He knew exactly what kind of panic and agony raced through her mind as he spoke. “Just stay calm and I won’t keep you that way for long. But give me any more trouble and I will leave you like that for a week. Do you understand?” He’d lowered his voice, allowing it to caress over her. He couldn’t resist imagining her shivering underneath him. His dick hardened at the thought of mounting her from behind, his dominance over her complete.

  He walked around his desk to stand in front of her. The first time he’d met her he’d been shocked to discover one so powerful could be so young. He touched his fingers to the side of her face, letting them slide down her cheek, a soft and sensual caress. A touch she had been quite eager for a few years ago. Oh yes, she had given him much pleasure over many nights until he finally fucked her, and her magick had seen inside him to the truth.

  He’d tried to kill her then, but he’d yet to perfect his ceremonial skills and the ritual had gone terribly wrong. Broken and bleeding, he’d left her on her own to die. Instead a group of locals had found her, and one of them knew of a witch who could save her, and thus her alliance to his
nephew had been forged.

  Until now.

  The power he wielded today was far more powerful than either a voodoo priestess or a witch. He should have considered demon magick long ago. Normally summoning a demon to this realm was a risky and difficult prospect, but when he’d discovered that half demons could supply him with a similar, albeit slightly weaker version, he had taken the time to hone his craft and perfect the ritual with black magick and little repercussions to himself.

  But the half demon, half witch magick had surpassed all others and he wanted more, and if anyone could tell him how to find them it would be this bitch standing in front of him. He released her voice.

  “It’s been a long time, baby.”

  “Not long enough, you sick son of a—”

  Scott grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked her head back hard. She cried out in pain and his cock got harder. “I’d be careful what you say to me. If you want to live through the night, that is.”

  “Do whatever you want. I won’t help you.” Her lips trembled.

  “Ahh, self sacrifice, such a waste of a human trait. Everyone who comes in here is so fucking predictable it makes my stomach turn.” He grazed is teeth along her neck, biting down until she bled. Dark, rich, and spicy, just how he liked his women. What a shame. “So, if everyone does the same damn thing and I need you to cooperate, what do you think I’m going to do? Just kill you and move on? Is that what you’re banking on, you stupid whore?” He released her head and wiped the blood from his lips. He stepped in front of her and moved in close to her face. “So what the fuck am I going to do, Severina? Tell me.” His words roared through the room so loud the guards on the other side of the house probably heard him. She didn’t even flinch.

  “Kiss my ass.” His hand struck out, slapping her face so hard, spittle flew from her mouth.

  “Fine. For that you will pay.” He looked beyond her at the guard by the door. “Bring her in.”

  Severina’s head whipped around, and when she saw the young woman dragged into the room she let out a piercing cry. The girl burst into tears.

  “I’m sorry, Mom, I tried.”

  “Hush, cherie, it’s okay. I will take care of everything.”

  “Of course you will. Everyone is so fucking predictable.” Scott rolled his eyes.

  “So, stop dicking around, Scott, and tell me what you want.” Severina’s eyes blazed in fury.

  “Didn’t I warn you about your mouth? Did you think I was kidding?” He looked at the girl. “Derek, bring me a finger.”

  “No, Scott, please, I’m sorry. Please I will do what you want, just please let her go.”

  A satisfied smile bloomed from within. “Of course you will, baby, and for now Derek won’t touch her, but you won’t get another warning.”

  She bowed her head. “What can I do for you?”

  “I want Dennison and Noah.”

  Chapter Five

  Jessie woke to warm sunshine on her face streaming in through the window, and sore limbs when she stretched across the bed. Sweet memories of her and Noah the evening before tingled her body, especially between her thighs. Her body might ache but she blushed with happiness over every single sore spot.

  The magick, on the other hand, was a problem. She eased from the bed and searched the floor for her clothes or bag. She found both sitting neatly under the window. She began to redress in the shorts and t-shirt when she noticed the big button down shirt lying across the chest next to the bed. She dropped the clothes and grabbed Noah’s shirt instead, lifting it to her nose to inhale the scent of man, magick, and sex. Dear Goddess, she was in heaven.

  Jessie slid the soft fabric over her head, loving the feel of Noah next to her skin. The shirt fell to her knees and the long sleeves well beyond her hands. She rolled the sleeves to a more comfortable level as she padded to the kitchen in search of Noah and some food. Sex and magick left her hungry as a bear the next day.

  Not finding Noah, she started to pull food from the fridge. Eggs, butter, and cheese. Surely she could cook up a couple of omelets and—she looked around the counter and spied what she was looking for. Toast. Perfect.

  She set herself to making food when tanned, strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her close. “I didn’t hear you get up, cherie.”

  “I haven’t been up long, but I woke up starving. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “What man in his right mind would be bothered by a beautiful woman cooking in his kitchen?” His laughter rumbled at her ear, putting her at ease. She really wasn’t sure how he would feel this morning. She knew he would demand an explanation before long and she didn’t think she could lie to him. But the truth would destroy them both.

  She slid the omelets and toast onto the plates she’d found earlier and handed one over to Noah. “Where shall we eat?”

  He waggled his eyebrows at her. “I have an idea.”

  She knocked him on the shoulder and pushed him away from her. “Yeah, I just bet you do, but I just want to eat. A girl needs her nourishment.”

  He laughed. “Yes, I suppose she does. Well, how about the deck out back then? It’s not too hot yet and the view is not half bad, if I say so myself.” He led the way through the living room to the bank of windows overlooking the backyard. Although backyard wasn’t exactly what one would call it. On the deck she set down her plate and stood at the railing, absorbing the beautiful view. The property off the back of the deck dipped sharply, straight into the water. Steps from the house deck led to the dock spanning the length of the house and around the sides. The airboat they had arrived in now sat in the water attached to the far end of the dock, as well as a small green two-man boat like the one they’d used when they’d left the Reverend’s property.

  “Oh, Noah, it’s gorgeous out here. So serene. I can see why you like this place so much.”

  “I like the peace of it. The wild habitat mixed with the modern comforts of the house are perfect for me. I can stay connected with the world if I want or go native and spend my days on the water.”

  Jessie took a seat at the table to eat her breakfast but couldn’t tear her eyes from the beautiful surroundings. She could be happy in a place like this, far away from a civilization that couldn’t tolerate knowing the truth about her, a refuge for her when she couldn’t control herself. If only she didn’t have to hide from Noah.

  “Jessie, look at me.”

  She turned her head and settled her gaze on Noah’s chiseled face. She admired the firm set of his jaw, the slightly crooked nose and the sparkling emerald eyes that at the moment looked haunted. Her stomach clenched in fear and her appetite for the omelet disappeared. Whatever Noah wanted to say seemed serious.

  “Do you remember what I told you about my family? About the reason my brothers and I all live apart?”

  She nodded. She remembered the strange family curse that Noah dismissed as fallacy yet still managed to live by everyday, keeping himself away from his twin. Something she knew bothered him more than he’d ever admit.

  “Over the last few months some clues to our past have been revealed, through the family tarot of all things.”

  Disbelief rolled off him just as fast as the words out of his mouth. He certainly was a paradox, a witch with enormous power who looked down his nose at the basic history of his own legacy.

  “The prophecy we were given as children was only a partial. Either the whole of it was lost or withheld. With the way Uncle Scott is acting out against us as of late, I would tend to lean towards withheld. What really baffles me is how you got involved with Scott and now end up being a part of the solution. It’s too coincidental, too pat.”

  “Noah, stop.” That got her attention. “You’ve completely lost me along the way. How has the prophecy changed and what does that have to do with me being held prisoner by Scott?”

  “According to the prophecy there are four women, all born on the same day at the same time. The women are destined to bring balance to the magick of the twins. All three of my b
rothers have found their mate and swear to me that their magick has changed. That they are less driven by the dark and what dark magick they use, the residual effects are absorbed by their empathic women.”

  “They are all empaths?”


  “What does this have to do with—” Oh, no no no, he couldn’t be implying what she thought he was. Fear knifed through her as the answer ricocheted inside her before she even asked the question. “What is their birth date?”

  He looked at her with a knowing gaze. “Yes, Jessie, it’s the same as yours.” She’d known before he even said it. It explained so much, yet made everything that much harder. This couldn’t be happening.

  “This can’t be right. It’s impossible.”

  “Normally I would completely agree with you. I have thought all along that this family prophecy was complete bullshit and have ignored it as much as possible. But I have always known there was something different about you since the first time I touched you. Maybe that has nothing to do with this, but for now we need to keep an open mind to all the possibilities. Don’t you think?”

  Her heart broke at his words. Despite her leaving him without a word, he still had faith in her. Believed in her. Maybe even had feelings for her.

  But how did you tell the man you loved more than anything in the world that you aren’t at all who he thinks you are? That instead you are the one thing he hates more than anything in this world?

  If she went along with him and his brothers, searching for the truth in all this, one thing would be certain. She and Noah would not survive, one way or another.

  “No, I don’t. There has to be a mistake. I can’t be the woman you seek. There must be another.” The thought of Noah leaving her to search for another woman threatened to tear her in two. The heat of that pain built inside her to a near impossible level. She couldn’t stand by and be a part of this. She had to escape, find another place or another person to keep her safe from the plans the Reverend had for her.


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