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Three of Hearts

Page 23

by W. Ferraro

  After eating at a small Italian place about four blocks over from the hotel, Seth walked back into the hotel’s lobby and was standing waiting for the elevator when he noticed a familiar ponytail. She was here! Quickly and quietly he motioned for the kids to be quiet, he got down on his haunches and whispered instructions to Megan and pointed in Mae’s direction. Praying that Megan’s squeal of delight wouldn’t tip Mae off, he watched as his daughter ran in and did what she did best, surprised people.

  Mae had just slid off her stool and placed the money to cover her bill on the bar, when she was suddenly grabbed from around her waist. Startled, she looked down to a mop of red curly hair that smelled of childhood and Megan. Not believing her eyes, she placed her fingers under the child’s chin and pulled up so she could see the face. There was her Megan.

  Speechless, Mae looked all around and stopped when she was caught in three vivid green gazes.

  Conner and Aidan quickly joined Megan and embraced Mae causing tears to joyously fall down her cheeks. After she hugged and kissed each one of the kids, she asked them what they were doing here.

  “We’re here looking for you, we came to bring you home” Aidan said. Leave it to Aidan to be so matter-of-fact.

  Seth slowly strolled towards the small gathering praying she would look at him and would know how much she meant to him, to all of them.

  When her blue eyes locked on his, compelled by an overwhelming force, he walked up to her and put his hands on both sides of her face, he breathing her name: “Mae.” After looking his fill at her beauty and knowing she was truly here with him, right now, he said as strongly as he could, amidst all the adrenaline was pumping through his veins, “I love you so much, Honey. Please don’t leave us, we all need you and want you to come home.” Seth said as he finally laid claim to her lips and kissed her.

  Mae looked into his eyes and then around to the kids and saw all their faces echoed the same sentiment. They came here for her. If that wasn’t love, she didn’t know what was.

  As they stood there in a tight circle with Megan in the middle, the kids went on and on about how they left Hamden to find her. Seth guided them out and stood back as his kids engulfed her. Deciding to go up to Seth and the kids’ rooms, they entered the elevator and no one let go of anyone else. When they got into the room, Seth asked the kids to give him and Mae a couple of moments alone to talk. When his children were alone in the next room, Seth pulled Mae into his arms, and buried his face in her hair.

  “I thought you were gone forever. Please don’t ever leave me again, my heart, body and soul wouldn’t be able to take it.”

  “I’m not going anywhere ever again. Right here is where I belong, in your arms.” She said as she savored the warmth he gave her.

  “We have so much to talk about and work out, but we’ll handle it, together,” Seth vowed. He kissed her with all the pent up fear and angst that had consumed him since she walked out on him the other night. He filled his kiss with the physical promise of all the days that lay ahead of them.

  Mae wrapped herself around Seth as he took the kiss deeper. She felt whole, she felt like herself more now in this moment than she had in the last week. His tongue tasted as his hands rubbed and caressed until her body hummed with the familiar electric charge that was only Seth. Coming back around to the here and now, and aware that all three kids are just through the open door, Mae reluctantly pulled away and ended the kiss.

  “Before we get too carried away…” she softly explained.

  “I wish I could show you right now how much I’ve missed you and how completely sorry I am.” Finally calming and accepting that she was truly here with him, he let out the breath he wasn’t aware he had been holding. Resting his forehead to hers, he was content just to stand there gazing in the bluest blue that ever was created.

  Neither of them could tell you how long they stood there just still and holding each other when there was a loud shout coming from the other side of the wall.

  “Is it safe for kids?” Conner yelled with humorous intent.

  Mae and Seth both laughed and Seth answered back, that is was completely safe for children with no chance of therapy being needed.

  Megan was the first to run into the room and she headed straight for Mae. Mae picked her up and sat with her on the bed just holding the little girl and loving the feel of her in her arms.

  “Mae, I have a present for you, but I left it at home.” Megan said, disappointed.

  “Oh sweetie, that was so nice of you. I’m sure whatever it is, I’ll love it almost as much as I love you.” She smiled at the green Finn eyes and kissed Megan on her head.

  Now watching the Red Sox game on the plasma in the hotel room, the five of them decided to order some ice cream sundaes from room service and just spend time being the five of them.

  By the time the game was over, Megan was sound asleep and sprawled out in the middle of the king size bed. Conner and Aidan had given up in the top of the ninth, on the pathetic loss of their beloved Sox, and had gone over to the other room and were currently watching some new release comedy. And by the sounds of the laughter, it was quite the movie.

  Mae got up from where she lay next to Megan and walked over and sat down next to Seth on the sofa. She cuddled right into his side and placed her head on his shoulder.

  “So what are the chances that we would both stay at the same hotel?” Seth asked as he traced her skin from elbow to palm.

  “Apparently, very good, Mr. Finn,” Mae said laughing, just enjoying the nearness of him.

  “So how did you know I was in Boston?” Mae asked a moment or two later.

  “Robyn tried to track you down at the hospital and Tina told her you had come down here.” Kissing her on the forehead just for something to do, he then continued, “So we put two and two together and figured you would come down here trying to get your old job back.”

  Feeling the need to be completely honest to both him and herself, Mae sat up and faced him. “I actually met with Lois, the nursing director, this afternoon and not only did she offer me my job back but also with more money. It was what I came here looking for, but even before I knew you and the kids were here, it just felt empty. This isn’t where I want to be Seth; I want to be with you, looking out over that beautiful lake every morning and watching as the sun dips down behind the trees at night.”

  “God, that is music to my ears, Mae, but if Boston is what you want, we can discuss it as a family and figure it out.”

  “No I want to go home to Hamden with you and your family,” Mae answered from her heart.

  Seth leaned in and kissed her and they lost themselves in each other. His lips sealed to hers, as his tongue lingered in and out. He wanted to get lost in her body, to worship her the way she deserved and how he would every day until death do thy part. His hands roamed and appreciated all her softness and lusciousness. She answered in kind, feeling his long limbs and distinctive strength. His chest and shoulders became her anchor to the oblivion that was going on around her, that wasn’t this man. Mae wanted to be consumed by his hunger for her; and she wanted to form herself to him completely. Her soft moans fueled him to continue and brand her in every way. As they slowed down considering Megan was ten feet away from them, they talked quietly and kissed and petted some more as they planned on leaving tomorrow morning and heading back to Hamden.

  Seth suggested that Mae sleep in here with Megan and he would go and sleep in the other room in one of the two double beds. As he tucked Mae into the bed next to his sleeping daughter, they whispered their love for each other again and promised to dream of each other.

  In the morning, Mae was roused by the feeling of small hands on her face. She peaked through one eye and watched as Megan ran her little hand over her face. Wanting to enjoy the moment with her, Mae laid still as Megan ran her small fingertips over the rise of her nose and around her cheeks, lightly over her closed eyes and ending rubbing her arched lips.

  Mae opened her eyes wide to find
the side of Megan’s face pressed into the plush pillow with her mane of hair spread out covering most of the white pillowcase. Her large curious eyes were looking directly into Mae’s.

  “You’re awake” Megan spoke softly

  “I am,” Mae whispered back as she settled down in to the warm covers

  “I’m so glad we found you and you want to stay with us now.” Megan said, still lightly touching and feeling

  “Nothing would make me happier to stay with all of you forever. I’m sorry Megan if I made you sad, I’ll promise I will try very hard not to do that again to you, okay?”

  Mae placed her own hand on Megan’s face and mimicked the little girls motion by running along the lines of her little cherub face.

  After a few minutes of little tickles and hushed giggles, Megan sat up, pushing her mesh of hair out of her face and whispered, “I want pancakes, do you think they’re awake?”

  Loving the way her childish mind hopped from topic to topic, Mae murmured for them to quietly get out of bed and go and wake the boys. Holding her finger to her lips Mae motioned for Megan to go over to the far bed where Conner laid across the foot of the bed and Aidan was asleep curled on his side. In the bed closest to her, Mae looked at the beautiful creature that was Seth. He was on his stomach with his arms curled under the pillow and his head turned to the side facing the boys. His broad back was displayed for her as the sheet rode low around his waist. His feet hung off the end of the bed, which caused the comforter to fall and currently lay in a heap on the floor.

  Smiling at the sight they all made, Mae looked over to find Megan jumping with mischievous anticipation, Mae held up her hand and counted down from three, when they reached one, Megan leaped into the middle of the bed effectively landing her arms and torso across Conner’s back while her feet got Aidan. Their grunts made her squeal in delight and continue to jump and bounce. Mae went for a more subtle assault, but still effective since Seth was caught unaware. She kneeled on the bed and began tickling his sides, which she knew was his most ticklish of places. As Seth begged for mercy from the surprise attack, all three of the kids decided this was the best way to kick off their family memories. Megan lead the charge from the other bed and they all simultaneously tickled and laughed until there were tears, but these were the best tears, they were the tears of laughter and joy.

  After breakfast and check-out, Megan pleaded to ride with Mae, and Seth agreed. As the boys climbed into the Tahoe, there was mumbles of how they’d rather be in that car and they didn’t know they could have asked to ride in the Camaro. Seth followed Mae out of the city and he stayed behind her most of the way as the headed north on Route 91. They had stopped once to use the restrooms and stretch their legs. Megan was asleep in the Camaro, so they boys were out of luck switching places with her. As they got on the road again and was nearing their exit, Seth called Mae.

  “Hello, I just wanted to call and tell you that I love you.”

  “Well, I love you too, and that is the best kind of call to receive.” She said sincerely, then added, “Thank you so much for not giving up on me and us.”

  “Thank you for giving a damn fool like me another chance at forever.”

  “Always, my love. Ok, I’m hanging up now, I have precious cargo.”

  She disconnected the call and looked in her rearview first at Seth driving three car lengths behind her and then at Megan, who was sound asleep. The exit was coming up; Mae put her turn signal on as the off ramp approached. Before she knew it she saw the red pickup dart her way from the left. Knowing contact was inevitable, she slammed on her brakes trying to let the front of the car take the impact. As metal hit metal, the Camaro turned clockwise and was now facing the Tahoe that had made an emergency stop.

  Seth could see that Mae’s airbags had deployed. He had watched in horror as the pick-up truck crashed into Mae, shattering the windows and turning the car around violently. As the Camaro came to a stop in a cloud of smoke, the pickup was now on the grassy island that separated the off ramp from the highway. Seth pulled the Tahoe over to the shoulder and put his flashers on. Conner tried to climb out to run to Mae and his sister, but Seth yelled and begged him to stay in the SUV with Aidan, as well as call 9-1-1. Not knowing the condition of Mae and Megan, he could not take the chance of Conner or Aidan witnessing something. As he ran toward the Camaro, he could hear sobbing. His sent up prayers and vows willing to make the ultimate bargain if they could just be ok. He stopped at the passenger side and saw Megan was the one sobbing and begging to get out. Mae was unconscious in the front hunched over the steering wheel’s deflating airbag. Knowing he needed to concentrate on Megan, he tried to sound calm but his voice cracking and the shaking of his body proved he was anything but.

  “Baby, are you hurt? Megan answer me!” he shouted over her sobbing.

  “DADDY! Get me out; please I don’t want to be in here,” she pleaded with him as she continued to scream.

  Seth tried to open the passenger door but the vehicle’s safety feature had kept it locked.

  “Megan, block your face!” Seth hollered as he kicked at the cracked passenger window. It shattered sending millions of pieces inward and outward. Not caring if he got cut, he leaned and was able to undo Megan’s safety belt and had a prayer answered as she stood up and climbed over the front seat. Seth grabbed her and pulled her out, crushing her to him, kissing her head as he refused to let her go.

  The state trooper and ambulance arrived just as Seth got Megan to slow her sobbing. They rushed to him asking if he was hurt, and he tried to tell them what had happened and that he wasn’t involved. Explaining that his other two children were in his Tahoe and that Mae was still in the car, the Trooper told him he would get the boys and bring them over to where the Ambulance was. The EMT insisted on checking Megan out in the ambulance, hesitant to leave Mae, still unconscious, but knowing she would want him to stay with Megan, he carried his baby girl over to the ambulance.

  As the EMT checked Megan for any sign of trauma, she stayed curled into Seth’s chest. After the EMT told them, she would be sore and have some whoppers of bruises, luckily she didn’t have any severe sign of injury. Getting the sign from the EMT, the trooper headed toward them with Aidan and Conner, once they were within twenty yards, they ran crying and wanting to know if their sister was okay.

  “She’s ok guys. She’s a tough cookie, our little spitfire. She’ll have some discomfort and bruising but she should be fine.” Seeing the sudden relief on their young faces and feeling some of the weight released from his own chest, Conner asked about Mae.

  “I don’t know anything. She was knocked out when I got Megan out. I came over here with Megan and they haven’t told me anything yet,” he choked out as he watched as firefighters were still working on the car.

  Just then he saw two EMTs, run with equipment and a stretcher, toward the Camaro and there was a lot of commotion.

  Conner read his mind, “Go Dad, I’ll stay here with them.”

  Kissing Megan’s head as he turned her over to Conner and Aidan, he ran to find out about Mae. He got there just as they were pulling her out, she was conscious now.

  “Mae! Mae!” He yelled, as he reached her as she was being buckled in to the stretcher.

  “Seth, oh my God, where’s Megan? Is she ok? I am so sorry! I never saw the truck until it was too late. Seth!”

  Grabbing for her hand, and taking his first deep breath since she hung up the phone, he answered, “She’s fine Mae, I swear, just some bumps and bruises. It wasn’t your fault; I’m just relieved you are both alive.”

  Mae needed to see for herself that Megan truly was ok.

  “I need to see Megan, please let me see her, now. I don’t need to be on the stupid stretcher, I’m fine just a bump on the head. I have to see her, I have to know she’s not hurt.”

  “We are taking you to the ambulance where she is, let us just check you out and make sure you are fine or if you are going to the hospital.” Said the female EMT

>   Seth never let go of her hand. He needed some sort of physical contact with her. He needed to feel the warmth of her skin and know that blood was pumping through her veins proving she was still with him. When they reached the ambulance, the kids went to her and Conner held Megan up so Mae could inspect for herself that she was genuinely uninjured.

  Mae was finally able to get off the stretcher. As the EMT finished their exam of Mae; Robyn, Bryan and Lynne all arrived. Conner had called them while he waited in the Tahoe after he called 9-1-1.

  Robyn and Lynne had been crying; their faces remained blotchy and wet. They hugged and kissed each of the kids and then surrounded Mae and did the same, as she sat down after the EMTs deemed her ok. Seth remained glued to her side with his arm protectively around her. His girls were safe. He silently thanked whoever was responsible for answering his prayers and pleas.

  “Sweet Mae, first you break our hearts by leaving us, and then you come home only to scare us out of our minds.” Lynne said as she maternally looked over Mae head to toe and focused on the swollen lump on the side of her head.

  “Sorry Lynne, everyone. I just want to go home.”

  “Oh no you don’t! You are going to the hospital to be checked out just to be on the safe side,” Seth insisted adamantly


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