Book Read Free

Three of Hearts

Page 24

by W. Ferraro

  “Seth, I’m fine, really. I don’t need to go to the emergency room.” Mae countered, knowing she wasn’t going to win this fight.

  “You are going Mae, end of discussion.” Seth said as he lightly touched her goose egg. He was vindicated by her wince.

  “Ok kiddos, let’s go, we’ll head back to the house and wait for Dad and Mae to get back from the hospital.”

  Megan went into Mae’s willing arms and laid her small face against Mae’s chest. Mae wrapped her arms around Megan and closed her eyes as she said her own silent thanks to their guardian angels.

  “I’m sorry your pretty car is broken” Megan said, sounding muffled due to her face being pressed to Mae.

  Mae kissed her on her sweet head and gently pushed her back so Megan looked at her, with everything she felt in her heart, she spoke, “Megan, I don’t care about the car. As long as you are ok, nothing else matters. If anything was to happen to you, I couldn’t live with myself. I’m just so very happy that you are not hurt, sweetie.” Mae choked on the last of her words.

  “I love you Mae,” Megan said as she hugged with all her might.

  “And I love you, Megan.” Looking at all of them as they surrounded her, she was looking at her family. She was where she belonged. “I love all of you so very much.”

  “Don’t ever do that to me again! Love you Mae,” Robyn said crying tears of joy and relief as she bent down and engulfed Mae.

  Bryan and Lynne followed suit, and then Conner.

  “So happy you are ok Mae. Love you.” Conner said as he kissed her cheek.

  “Love you too, Con.”

  “Mae, I’d like to live to see thirteen, so can you not do that every again, my heart almost went kaput,” Aidan said, succeeding in lightening the mood.

  “Got it, thirteen is a must. Thanks Aidan.” Mae laughed and realized that was painful to do.

  After they all drove off, Seth helped Mae to the Tahoe and in. When they were on their way to the hospital, Seth told her how scared and how grateful he was to her that she maneuvered to save Megan. He prayed he would never have to experience anything like that ever again; the thought of losing either one of them would just be more than he could bear.


  When they got to the emergency room, Robert was there to streamline her transport straight to the exam room to be seen immediately.

  The ER doctor, Dr. Klein, who Mae knew, confirmed she was in fact ok, but she would have a nasty headache for a while as well as some bruising and quite a bump by morning. After thanking her for her time, and relaying everything to Robert, they headed home.

  When they got back to the house, Robyn and Bryan were still there, as well as Lynne. Megan was curled on the couch with Bryan watching Conner and Aidan battle it out on the Wii’s version of a dance floor.

  Lynne made sure there was ibuprofen readily available along with a hot cup of tea and cold glass of water. When the pills were taken and ice was issued, Mae opted to go and change. Seth went with her to help her.

  They reached her bedroom and Seth made quick work of her clothes and got her some comfortable cotton pants with a soft t-shirt. Once she was dressed in her new attire, Seth held her as his tears fell.

  “Oh God, honey, even now with you safe in my arms, all I can see if that truck hitting you and sending you spinning. And I couldn’t do anything to stop it. I was helpless and I hated it. What if I lost you? What if something happened to Megan? How much is one person supposed to take? Oh God Mae, I would have given anything to change spots with you. I know you are relatively ok, considering the alternative, but I hate that you were hurt, I hate it!”

  Mae was astounded that Seth was so vocal about his feelings. She listened as he stated how much he hated that it happened, but she hated that he felt like this. Doing the only think she knew that would take his mind off it, she crooned softly, and when his breathing began to even out she held his face between her palms, like he’s done some many times to her, and asked him, “Kiss me, Seth”

  With that he pressed his lips to her soft and eager mouth and gave himself much needed self-therapy. Her mouth was warm and inviting. Her tongue touched and sought his as if issuing orders. He wanted to be gentle and care for her since she was in pain, but Mae wouldn’t have it. She needed to feel Seth; she needed to know that this wouldn’t change, that they wouldn’t change. She could feel his body relaxing as he took control of the kiss and gave it everything he had. Mae molded herself to him focusing on them, here, in this moment, letting their bodies communicate that she was unharmed and they would in fact have that chance of forever.

  Seth was the one to end the kiss and as he leaned his forehead against hers he kept her pressed against him line to line. Softness to firmness. Female to male. Her hands to his heart.

  “Make love to me, Seth. Please, it’s been too long. I need you. I need to feel what only you and I can feel; the miraculous sensation of when our hearts touch and our souls entwine.”

  “Honey, you’re hurt. Maybe when you are better?” Hating how he wanted to do just that, but knowing if he took her, it wouldn’t be gentle and she needed gentle.

  “They only hurt I feel right now, is the pain within that only you can make go away. Make love to me, Seth. I need you so much. I want you right now,” Mae whispered as she felt his shell of nobility crack.

  Throwing care to the wind, he cut the distance between what he felt he needed to do and what his body was screaming for. He kissed her with seeking lips and grasping hands. He needed to feel luscious inch by luscious inch. Mae tipped her head, and Seth took the hint, he trailed first his lips, then by his tongue down her neck; nibbling at her collar bone then repeating the track. When she raised her hands to started making soft circles on the back of his neck a live current went right down his spine and right to his shaft. Her touch was electrifying and the skills of her fingers were amazing. Needing to lay her down so he could thoroughly love her, he walked her over to the bed, never letting his lips leave her body.

  As he laid her down, he looked at her with her hair fanned out above her and her limbs willing and open for him. Her curves were hidden but just as evident as if she was laying there naked. It wasn’t the love he felt for her that let him see her this way, it was the truth, she was a beautiful woman in every way, and she wanted him. She said she loved him, and Seth would be true to his promise, he would show her every day for the rest of his life. He was well aware he was truly blessed to have her, and would never undervalue her again. He quickly removed the clothes he had just dressed her in exposing more and more sweet skin as he went.

  Finally lying so his big body covered her smaller one, he aligned them so she was imprisoned beneath him. He took her beautiful and precious face in his hands and said, “I love you Mae, today and always.” Then he kissed her with animal intent.

  His lips molded to hers as his hands curved and touched her breasts. Her nipples became hard and tight at the skillful caress of his fingers. Knowing what she wanted, his mouth left the warmth of her lips and traveled south. He took her left breast first into his mouth, he sucked and lightly bit as her nipple became sensitized and distended from his wonderful mouth. When he moved to her other breast to give the same attention, he gently pinched the just abandoned nipple and was rewarded by a sweet moan. He loved how vocal she was. Would her amazing responsiveness ever cease to amaze him? She was made for arousal, and he enjoyed giving her as much as she could take. Seth always would want to make her feel good, but hearing how she felt just made it that much more erotic for him. She began squirming under him; he continued his voyage to her hidden valley. Making sure to properly appreciate and vitalize all the wonderful skin of hers; he kissed and licked as his ultimate destination became closer.

  This is what she needed, Mae thought. Him and just him; he always gave her exactly what she needed, whether she knew she needed it or not. As he moved down her body, he licked and nibbled and gently scratched her with his goatee, causing all of her nerve endings
to sizzle. Every part of her felt his love, felt what he was communicating to her, and her heart just opened up and took it all in. Life wouldn’t be worth living if he wasn’t there. He was hers and she was his. As his tongue took the first lick of her, she grabbed for the headboard behind her. She held on pushing her pelvis up to his devouring mouth making the sensation even that much richer. Without asking, he answered her subliminal request, using his fingers to add extra sensation and pressure right where she needed it, as she felt her orgasm about to come to head, she screamed out, “Yes, Yes! Oh Seth, God, how I love you!”

  As she came down from her climax, she released her grip on the headboard and pulled him up by his arms, when his lips touched her and she tasted herself on him, it was erotic and shameless. In one thrust he was in her, buried, and they moved together. They were taking and giving; feeling their love and knowing this is what they were meant to do. Knowing her body was ready to release again, she made sure his erupted with hers. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around her hooking her ankles together and pressing her pelvis upward, his increased thrusts and soft-spoken gratitude was all she needed, she shattered and was glad he burst into her then, squirting his warmth into her, where no one else would ever be.

  As they laid there in each other’s arms, Mae rested her head on his shoulder. His smell was the best cologne money could ever by. She ran her fingers lightly through his chest hair as he mimicked the motion along her spine. They laid there quietly just blissful to be together, like this.

  After a few more minutes, Mae picked up her head and looked at the vivid green that was staring at her and said, “Do you think they will send out a search party?”

  “They better not. But I don’t think it will be a big secret what we’ve been doing.”

  Not embarrassed in the least bit by that opinion, Seth hesitantly said, “We probably should get up and get something in your stomach. Especially if you’re going to be taking something for pain, you need to eat.”

  Seth pulled himself out of her bed and quickly dressed. He helped Mae out and gently dressed her again and they walked hand and hand down the stairs and back through the closed interior door.

  When they walked in, Robyn was now challenging Conner on his dance floor championship title; Aidan was cheering and commentating while Bryan and Megan watched from their prime seats.

  Seth walked Mae around the back of the couch and sat her on the end closest to Megan. When Mae sat down, Megan quickly left Bryan and cuddled right into Mae. Mae opened her arms happily and hugged the little girl to her. She kissed her head and brushed her soft curls out of her face and then joined in the commentary of the dance battle.

  A short time later, Robyn was crowned Dance Champion for which she gloated quite heavily. Conner defended his loss by claiming that he got something in his eye and he couldn’t focus properly. He told Robyn not to get too used to the title, because he would be taking it back real soon.

  Trying to stop the good-hearted bickering, Bryan told Robyn it was time to go home to rest up until a suitable challenger could be found. With a couple of bobs of his eyebrows to Conner, a kiss to Megan and a wink to Mae, he ushered Robyn toward the door.

  Robyn continued her self-written victory song, down the stairs and into the car. Once Seth shut the door, Lynne said she would be off as well. Before leaving, she walked over to Mae, checked her head, not caring that Mae herself was a nurse, Lynne gave some maternal advice on how to care for the wound, gave a quick kiss to them all and headed out.

  The five of them decided to hang out on the couch for the rest of the evening and just veg. They made some popcorn and hot chocolate with mini marshmallows. Soon Megan was asleep, and the boys decided to call it a night after the eventful day. Mae offered to help Seth put them all to bed, but he insisted she stay downstairs and relax. He quickly returned, having changed himself and they soon were alone, Seth pulled Mae into his side and engulfed her in the same fashion as she did to Megan earlier and they snuggled and watched television.

  When it too was time for them to call it a night, they both walked up into Seth’s bedroom. Mae immediately noticed that Maggie’s picture was no longer on the bedside table. She looked at him and without having to put voice to the question, Seth looked at her and said, “It’s time to put it away. It isn’t far, but for us to go forward, it doesn’t need to be next to the bed we share.”

  He walked over, kissed her lightly and guided her over and into bed. He tucked her in, got her a glass of water and some pills to keep next to the bed in case she woke up and needed them in the middle of the night, and then climbed in next to her. After he shut the light off, he laid on his side and pulled her back to his front. They laid together in silence in the darkness of the room. His breath on her neck gave her comfort.

  “Are you sure?”

  Smiling at this beautiful, wonderful and precious woman, he said quite certainly, “Absolutely. Now sleep, honey.” Mae cuddled deeper in to Seth and slept better than she had slept in a long time.


  When Mae awoke in the morning, she was alone. There was a great amount of sunshine trying to come in, but the darkened shades were doing their job of keeping the light out. She looked over to the alarm clock and noted it was past ten. Not remembering the last time she slept this late, she slowly pulled herself up to a sitting position and eagerly took the ibuprofen that was where Seth had left it, the night before. After she finished the glass of water, she sat for a couple minutes waiting for the pain to lessen. After about five minutes, she got out of bed and took a wonderful hot shower and enjoyed the wonderful design of Seth’s master bath. By the time she dressed and went down stairs it was just shy of eleven. She turned from the staircase and could see Seth, Lynne and the kids talking amongst themselves, she walked toward them when Aidan announced her arrival.

  “Hi ya, Mae. How’s the noggin?”

  “Doing ok, thanks to some meds and that wonderful shower,” Mae said happily.

  Seth walked over to her and checked her head himself, gave her a gently kiss there and said, “Morning, or should I say almost afternoon, Honey.”

  “You should have woken me, I never sleep this late.” Mae said wondering what they were all up to.

  “You’ve earned some much needed rest, I’d say.” He said as he kissed her nose.

  Smiling because he made her feel so wonderful, she let him guide her towards the breakfast bar, where a cup of tea was waiting for her and Conner was currently making her some toast.

  After she ate and finished her tea, Seth asked her if she would go for a ride with him. Lynne was vocal about telling the kids they had chores to do around the house and if they hopped to it, they would be done lickety split.

  Mae thought she was somewhat rushed out of the house, but since she was with Seth, she didn’t think much of it after that.

  They climbed into the Tahoe and Seth grabbed her hand as they headed off toward their unknown destination.

  “How’s the head, honey?” Seth asked as he placed his blue tinted sunglasses on trying to block the gloriously bright sun.

  Wishing she had a pair for herself, she pulled down the passenger sun visor and told him that she was fine, just a dull headache.

  Seth guided the Tahoe this and that way, but Mae knew she’d been this way before. It was then she saw the sign for the cemetery. He pulled the Tahoe up to where Maggie’s eternal resting place and shut the engine off. Giving Mae’s hand a quick squeeze, he got out and walked over to her side and helped her out. He took her hand and directed her to the red head marker and they stood there in a moment of silence.

  Put his arm around her shoulder, he kissed her temple, taking care to stay clear of her bump. He said a silent speech to the stone and then let go of Mae and bent down and touched the stone. Mae watched as he placed his hand on the smooth granite surface and bowed his head. When he stood up he grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze.

  “I brought you here with me, so that I can move on, wit
h you with a clear conscience” Seth spoke softly. When Mae looked at him without saying anything he tried to explain.

  “Maggie was my life for so long and when she left me, it felt as if a part of me died too. But I as much as I wanted to curl up and let the darkness absorb me, it took my friends and family to get me to see that I couldn’t, I had to be here for the kids. If Maggie couldn’t, then it was my job to make sure that they were taken care of. I know as their father, that is my job anyways, but since she couldn’t, it was double the pressure on me.” Hoping she was following along, he took a breath and continued. “I casually dated here and there, but I never thought that I would find another woman that I could share my whole life with. There were ones that thought I was such a catch and thought that if they could get the kids to like her, it would make me swoon. It didn’t take long for me to realize, I didn’t want anyone near my kids, and their mother was never going to be replaced, so why bother. We were happy just us.”

  Mae watched as his face expressed all the feelings that were swirling through him and knew this was not easy for him. She gave his hand a squeeze to let him know she understood that.

  “So anyhow, this is where Maggie rests, I come here to think, I come here to talk to her and I’ll come here to pay my respect and gratitude for what she gave to me before she left. I need you to know this of me; I need you to accept this. It is part of me, she is part of me, and she always will be. You asked me if I was sure about the photo. Yes, I’m sure that it doesn’t need to be next to the bed, because just as I respect her, I’ll respect you. You are not a replacement in any way; you are your own person and what I feel for you, is yours and wholly yours.”

  Feeling relieved that he said all that he needed to say to her here, he waited for her to respond.

  “Thank you Seth for bringing me here. I’ve already been here.” She watched as Seth’s eyebrows frowned so she quickly explained, “I got lost driving one day and found myself here. I was just about to turn around and head back when I noticed the stone. I got out and found myself standing here, just where you are. I had a nice conversation with Maggie then and as I told her, I will tell you, I would never insult her memory by thinking I was a replacement of any kind. But if you’d have me, I would sure like to be an addition to your life and the life of your children. I immediately noticed the matted grass and beautiful upkeep of the grave, and I knew that she had visitors often. If it would be alright with you, I’d like to become one of those visitors. I may not have known her when she was here, but through you, the kids and your family and friends, I feel like I know her enough to respect the person she was, and I would like the honor of paying my respects to her final resting place.”


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