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The Wolf's Prey

Page 7

by Edugardo Gilbert X

  He leans back taking off his shirt then comes back over me slamming his mouth on mine. I feel his desire against my center. His skin is hot and smooth as I run my hands along his ribs, feeling his muscles dance under my fingertips. Lowering my hands I skim the waistband of his pants lightly with both hands until I feel the button of his jeans. I undo it and pull the material apart, forcing the zipper lower. He growls against my mouth making me hotter instantly.

  Feeling him kissing and nipping down my jaw to my neck is bliss, but when he rocks against me grinding himself into my pleasure point I'm in heaven. "I want you." He growls. I pull his pants down further taking him in my hand, just as his fingers sink into me. Gasping, I arch against him wanting more. My orgasm starts building rapidly, I moan and throw my head back. Just before I find my release his fingers leave me and I groan, "Lennox!" As I feel the tip of his manhood enter me. Slowly, he sinks into my flesh and I feel myself adjusting to him. The pain isn't unbearable, just different. I look up into his eyes and they mirror my needy ones.

  I bring my hips up letting him know he can move. His long slow strokes are satisfying, but teasing too. His body shakes and I can't tell if he's liking this pace or if he wants more like I do. My need wins out and I grab his butt urging him to go faster. His guttural moan as I bring him to me tells me I was right. His thrusts quicken but it's still not fast enough. "More. faster." I beg. Something in him snaps and his hips start slamming into me over and over pushing me over the edge. I cry out my release, tightening my legs around his hips. I feel his mouth on my neck and tense up thinking he's going to claim me. He kisses my neck and after a deep grunt and a few more thrusts he lays his head on my chest breathing heavily.

  "You didn't want me to claim you." He accuses.

  "It's not that. I'm just nervous about it, like it's happening too fast." I reply honestly. Not wanting to hurt his feelings.

  He turns his head to look up at me. "Next time I'm not stopping. You better be sure by then."

  I nod. "I will be. I didn't even think we were going to have sex. I thought this was going to be a repeat of last night. Next time, I'll be ready." I reply. Hoping he understands I need to take baby steps. He smiles a real smile and lifts himself off of me.

  He lies down beside me and laughs. "I didn't even get my pants off."

  "There's always next time."

  He growls. "Careful or it will be a lot sooner than you think." A phone rings and he ignores it. The phone rings a second time and there's a knock at his door. I look at him confused. "Something must have happened." He explains getting up. "I'll be right back." He says leaving the room.

  I try to listen to what's being said but I can't hear anything. I'm listening so hard that Lennox's sudden shouting makes me jump. Seconds later he comes back into the room. "What happened?" I ask.

  "Someone set your bedroom on fire." He states angrily.


  Purchase a Coffin

  I sit in stunned silence. Someone set my room on fire. I snap out of it when Lennox stalks to his closet. I jump up pulling the sheet off the bed and look for my clothes. I run out of the room to get my shirt and right into Liam, bouncing off his chest while clutching the sheet tightly. "Sorry." I say quietly. I feel arms come around me and I'm pushed behind Lennox's body.

  "What are you doing?" He asks Liam.

  "I was coming to see what you wanted me to do. I already checked for a scent trail but I didn't get any foreign wolf scents."

  "Meet us outside." Lennox orders and Liam leaves.

  Turning to me he asks, "What were you doing?"

  "Going to get my shirt." I explain.

  "I'll get it. Go back in the room."

  I do as he says and find my clothes. I put on my bra noticing my underwear in shreds on the bed. Ignoring them, I pull my pants up and seconds later Lennox comes in with my shirt. I quickly dress and we walk out of the room. I notice how tense Lennox is but I'm only really worried about my family. Who would do this, anyway? Liam is at the driver's side of a black Trail Blazer with the engine running. Lennox opens the back door for me and helps me in shifting me to the middle and climbs in beside me.

  The car is quiet the whole ride to my house. We get out and the smell of the fire hits us. Whoever set it used lighter fluid, I can smell it. There's no damage to the outside of the house so that's a blessing.

  I walk up the front steps and into the house knowing Lennox and Liam are following behind me. I go to the living room where mom, dad and Marta sit, with confused and angry looks on their faces.

  Lennox and Liam walk past us going up the stairs to my room. "Everybody's okay?" I ask worried.

  "Yeah, it didn't get out of control." Marta answers.

  "Who would do this?" Dad questions outraged.

  "I have no idea." I reply truthfully. The only person I've had an issue with was the girl who hit me in school. Lennox comes into the room with Liam and I watch his stony face. "What happened? What did you hear and what did you see?" He asks pulling me into his arms.

  "I was in my bedroom doing homework when I heard a noise from Joce's room. I thought she was back from your house. I went to go talk to her when I heard a whoosh sound and smelled something burning. I ran to her room and saw her bed on fire and called for mom and dad. We got water from the bathroom and put it out. The window was open but I didn't see anyone leave."

  Lennox looks at Liam. "Did anyone see anything?"


  "What do you think?"

  "It's wasn't Rhys. I think someone heard about you staying here last night and got mad. We should start with Tom." Liam suggests.

  "Alpha Hall stayed here last night and someone set her bed on fire. I'd say that was jealousy." Marta snorts.

  "Question Tom and any boys from the school sniffing after her." Lennox orders.

  "I'm going to need more men." Liam requests.

  "For what?"

  "She's popular." He replies seriously. Lennox growls but nods his head.

  "What if it's not a guy that did it? A guy wouldn't scare the girl he likes by setting her bed on fire. It's probably a girl you were with at some time. A guy wouldn't do this." Marta states knowingly.

  Lennox looks at Liam. "Go find Wendy." He growls.

  Wendy? The girl with the brownies? He was with her? Oh, my God! She saw us together! I shook her hand. Now I just feel horrible and mad! What if he was with her and she didn't know they were over? Was that why she was there with the brownies?

  Liam leaves and all I want to do is shower and talk to Marta. She'd know what to do about the Lennox and Wendy situation. He should have told me that they had been seeing each other. It probably hurt her to see us together. I remember her smiling until she saw me. I thought it was because I was crying.

  "I'm tired." I state hoping that he'll leave.

  "We need to wait for Liam." He responds. I forgot we rode with him.

  "I'm going to go shower." I try again. This time he releases me and I go upstairs. I walk to my room and see the scorched mattress. I grab clothes for bed and leave the room, walking to the bathroom. I run the hot water and undress. I am so angry with Lennox and disgusted that he would do that to someone he was seeing. I'm hurt and pissed off he would treat me like I was special when he still had someone else the whole time.

  I try to relax under the shower spray; I just can't. Tonight has been ruined for me. I feel like it was a mistake. I just want Marta so I can cry on her shoulder.

  Shutting off the water I get out and dry off with a towel. I dress and walk back downstairs. Wendy is on the couch crying with Lennox standing in front of her and Liam behind her. By the looks on everyone's faces, she's the one that set my bed on fire. I just don't know if I blame her. Her boyfriend was cheating on her with me.

  Lennox nods at Liam and Liam goes to stand in front of Wendy. He grabs her arm forcing her up. Lennox comes to me and takes my hand; I follow him to the front door. When I see he's not going to release my hand or stop walking, I dig my heel
s in and pull at my hand. "I'll say goodbye right here." I state not looking at him.

  "You're coming with me." He replies pulling me forward.

  "I want to stay here. I'll sleep with Marta." I reply calmly.

  I know his eyes are on me. I feel them like lasers on my face and body. "No, you're sleeping with me." I know not to argue with him, I won't get what I want anyway. I nod and follow him out of the house. Wendy is in the front seat still crying, Liam is behind the steering wheel and we get in the backseat. I hear her sobs and I feel like joining her.

  I want to know what he's going to do with her but I don't feel like talking to him either. The car stops outside of Lennox's house and he opens the door waiting just outside the door for me. I climb out next to him and we go inside.

  "You need to eat before you go to bed." He orders walking to the kitchen. I am hungry so I don't argue. He takes down plates and starts filling them with leftovers from the refrigerator. "What's wrong?" He asks turning to me after putting the plates in the microwave.

  "What are you going to do with her?" I question instead.

  "Force her to leave." He answers without pause.

  "Can't you just forget about it? Give her a warning?"

  His eyes narrow and he turns back to the food. "No."

  "You can just do that to her?" I ask in disbelief.

  "I can. What if you were in that bed? She's going."

  "She has feelings for you. She wasn't thinking straight." I say quietly.

  "Feelings for me?" He scoffs. "I never touched or talked to her more than I had to. There are no feelings." He replies disgusted.

  Listening to him I feel relief wash through me. He never slept with her. Never touched her. I still think he's overreacting. If they were never a couple, why would she have done this? Maybe she has a mental disorder?

  "If you didn't have a relationship, why would she do this?"

  "She admitted to doing it, I don't care why." He responds putting a plate in front of me and handing me a fork.

  "Thank you." Feeling the need to apologize I clear my throat and say, "I’m sorry, I thought you were with her and left her for me."

  His eyebrow rises. "Is that why you were being so cold?"

  I nod blushing. "I'm really sorry." I reply sheepishly.

  He didn't say anything and I get agitated. "Are you really mad?"

  "No, I'm thinking of ways you can make it up to me." He stands up. "You were mad at me earlier too, I deserved it."

  He takes a pan from the stove top and walks over to me, setting it in front of me. It's rice crispy treats. I smile. "What is this?"

  "My apology. I made them myself. You have to beat this." He challenges and I laugh.


  The Apology

  Wrapped in Lennox's arms I feel confused and frustrated. After dinner last night, he showed me the rice crispy treats that he made me and I melted. Then he told me I had to beat his apology. The way he was looking at me told me what he wanted, I think. Lennox is like a riddle I can't figure out. One minute, I see his joking side, the next he's cold, like a curtain gets pulled and I have to struggle to figure out his mood. I need to talk to Marta; she knows more about guys than I do. I feel a trickle of wetness between my legs. Oh no, my period.

  I try to get out of bed without waking Lennox but I'm unsuccessful. He leans up sleepily. "I need to go to the bathroom." I explain my cheeks burning. I doubt Lennox has any tampons.

  He lifts his arms and I scramble out of bed and into the bathroom. I sit on the toilet and confirm my suspicions. Now what? I have no options.

  I clear my throat. "Lennox." I call.

  "Yes baby?" He asks sleepily.

  Dang it! I hate my life. "I um…I started my period." I say cringing. He groans and gets out of bed.

  "I'll be back in five minutes." He replies.


  I hear him shuffling around and the bedroom door opens. Why didn't I think about this before I left the house? I wait a couple minutes before I wipe and leave the bathroom. I pick up his cell phone and walk back to the toilet. Sitting back down, I dial Marta's cell number and hit send.

  "What?" She asks sounding grumpy.

  "I started my period and Lennox had to go get me tampons. Now I'm stranded on the toilet. Oh and last night I accused him of having a relationship with Wendy and was mean to him. Now I owe him an apology and I have to top his apology to me, which was him making me rice crispy treats." I rush taking a deep breath. I hear silence then Marta's laughing hysterically.

  "Lennox went to buy you tampons!" She laughs. "I just can't see him doing that." She says clearly entertained.

  "He had to. I don't have any with me."

  "You better give him a real good blow job for that." She states.

  I scoff. "I don't know how to do that." I can't imagine the awkwardness of my attempt to learn.

  "You're a smart girl. You'll figure it out."

  "Yeah, I'll just tell him to lie on his back while I figure out how to give him a proper blow job." I reply rolling my eyes. "Can you ever-" I look over to see a grinning Lennox leaning against the door frame. Why do I do this to myself? I left the stupid door open. "Tell me you haven't been standing there long." I beg mortified.

  He chuckles and I hear Marta squeal with laughter. "He heard you! This is the greatest night of my life!"

  "I hate you." I reply hanging up. "I borrowed your phone." I say sheepishly. Avoiding eye contact with him I hold his phone out to him. He takes it and hands me the tampons. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome. I'll be on my back waiting for your first lesson." He replies shutting the door.

  "That was a joke!" I yell. Next time I think of doing something stupid like calling my sister, I'm just going to jump off a bridge and save myself the embarrassment.

  I take care of business and wash my hands and try to stop my burning cheeks. I open the door and, as promised, Lennox is on his back waiting for me. "Haha." I say, smiling reluctantly.

  "You know that's twice you and your sister were caught talking about me and blow jobs."

  "It's not my fault she thinks it will solve all my problems." I mutter. I climb into bed and turn off the lamp.

  Top of Form

  Bottom of Form

  "Was that supposed to be my apology?" He asks amused.

  "No, she said I better give you one as a ‘thank you’ for the tampons."

  He moves to wrap himself around me and I fall asleep in his strong arms.

  I wake up alone and I don't hear Lennox. I assume he's either in his office or out for a run. I go to the bathroom to take care of things and walk to the kitchen. I just take down a glass and fill it with orange juice when Lennox comes in wet with sweat. His chest is bare and his track pants are almost falling off his hips. He looks mouthwatering.

  "Stop looking at me like that or I'll take you, bleeding or not." He states. My eyes snap to his and I see them dilate. I look to the ground as he steps forward. Wanting a distraction, I grab my juice and take a drink. He stops in front of me and lifts my chin up with his large hand. This is when I'm most nervous with Lennox, when his wolf takes over so quickly. His eyes land on mine, he growls and I jump. "Don't do that." He orders. I nod, not really knowing what he's saying. I assume it's my nervousness, he doesn't like when I show my fear. He won't hurt me, I know he won't, but it's almost instinctive for me to run when I see his wolf rise. It will be better once he claims me. I'll be able to judge his moods better.

  His eyes remain locked on mine until he backs up slightly. "Sorry." I say feeling inadequate and ashamed. I hurt his feelings when I show my fear of him. It indicates my lack of trust in him. "I know you won't hurt me. It's just that when your wolf surfaces, it's so raw and powerful, it's intimidating. I'm not used to seeing that side of someone come so quickly." I admit.

  He doesn't reply just kisses my lips quickly and walks away. Great, just when I think we understand each other I find out I'm missing more puzzle pieces of him. I sit do
wn and sip my orange juice. A sweaty Liam comes in breathing hard. I chuckle. "Tough work out?" I ask smiling.

  Still breathing hard he nods and gets a glass of water. "You could say that."

  "What were you doing?"

  "Training. You don't have to worry about him losing his fight with Alpha Rhys. He took us all on. Didn't even faze him." He shakes his head tiredly.

  "Everyone knows about his strength. Hopefully, Rhys comes to his senses and backs out."

  "He can't back out now and between you and me, I think Lennox is looking forward to it."

  "He told me he loves it."

  He nods. "So, you're moving in?" He asks.

  "No, I just stayed last night. My bed got torched remember?"

  "Vaguely." He jokes. He leans in and whispers, "He has a habit of not saying what he wants and just takes it. You're moving in here today, he told me."

  "Why wouldn't he tell me first?"

  "He probably thought you figured it out when he brought you here last night." He reasons.

  I guess it doesn't matter. He is going to mark me soon anyway so it makes sense. I just wish I knew him better. At least we have chemistry, I want him and he wants me. I hope we end up having more in common than that though. Even having slept together it still feels like we're just barely above acquaintances.


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