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The Wolf's Prey

Page 8

by Edugardo Gilbert X

  A freshly showered Lennox comes in the kitchen. "Hungry?" He asks me.

  "Not really." I answer.

  "We're going to your house and getting a few of your things. Then we can eat breakfast at Lilly's Diner."

  I nod and stand up. Liam stays behind and I wave goodbye to him and follow Lennox out to his truck. The ride to my house is uncomfortable, Lennox isn't talking to me and I don't know if he's mad or not so I keep quiet.

  At my house we walk into silence; everyone is gone. Its eleven o'clock but I already have a new mattress on my bed. I take a suitcase and put it on the floor of the closet and pack my clothes. Lennox stands in the doorway watching. I can't believe this, but I'm tempted to try and give him a blow job so he forgives me. I don't care how embarrassing it is. I hate this silent treatment. I need a plan. I have to change anyway; I'm still in my pajamas from last night. I'll get naked and approach him. I know he likes when I'm naked, maybe that will soften him up. What if he rejects me? It's possible he's that angry with me.

  Sucking up all my courage I take down a floor length black summer dress and drape it on a shelf. I pull my shirt off and slide my shorts down. I don't have a bra on so it leaves me in my underwear. I turn to Lennox and walk towards him. He watches me advance, his arms crossed and his face unreadable. I don't say anything as I step in front of him. I watch my hands unbuttoning his jeans and lowering the zipper. I drop to my knees as I take him out of his pants. He is large and hard when I lick the tip and look up at him. His eyes are heated and his jaw clenched tightly. I take that as a sign of encouragement and put my mouth around him, my hands resting on his thighs. Moving my head back and forth, sucking lightly. I move one hand to the base of his manhood holding it as I try to move faster. He moans cupping the back of my head. He moans one last time and forces me to stand up. He pulls up his pants and picks me up quickly, walking out of the room.

  I'm so confused at this point; I think I was doing it wrong. He opens the bathroom door and sets me down while he starts the shower. I watch him undress in record time. He wants a shower? He grabs my arm pulling me towards him and slides my underwear down. Walking under the spray of the water he pushes me against the cold tile and kisses me roughly. He spreads my legs and I feel him pull my tampon out and turn throwing it in the toilet. I'm stunned and horrified until he turns back to me lifting me by my butt and thrusting himself inside of me. I gasp feeling him fill me completely. His pace is urgent as he slams into me, his grunts getting louder. My nails dig into his back holding onto his shoulders. His face is in my neck nipping and sucking on my tender flesh. I feel myself start to peak and his teeth sink into my neck. My legs shake and squeeze and lock around his waist as I feel my world explode. "Lennox," I moan closing my eyes.

  He rests against me pinning my hips to the tile with his, both of us breathing hard. "I forgive you." I hear the smile in his voice as he starts to suck on the mark he just gave me. It sends tingles throughout my body and I arch into him. He doesn't stop his assault on my neck until I'm writhing beneath him, raising my hips trying to get friction. When he finally moves, stopping the torture, I'm wild with need. He takes me to new heights, the feeling more intense than the last. When we both find our release again I'm exhausted.


  14 Who am I ?

  Lennox and Liam move my things into Lennox's house. Apparently, I'm not allowed to lift anything heavy so I watch from the driveway. I see Marta coming up the road and pull in, I smile when I see her.

  She climbs out and stalks towards me. "Why didn't you tell me you were moving out?" She snorts. "You tell me everything else." She teases about last night.

  "You weren't home." I point out.

  Her eyes narrow on my neck and she lifts my hair gasping. "He claimed you? Did he ask you?" She questions quickly.

  "I knew it was coming, yeah." I reply covering it back up with my hair.

  She nods. "That's good but I think dad's freaking out."

  "Really? Why?" I ask.

  "I guess because we got home and you had packed your things. I don't think he's ready to see us grow up. Mom even cried."

  "I'm like two minutes from home." I point out just as Lennox and Liam come out of the house. I feel my stomach erupt in butterflies. Lennox is looking surly as usual but instead of making me nervous it makes me smile. I like thinking that his smiles and laughs are saved for me.

  "You should go talk to them." Marta replies.

  "Yeah, you're right."

  "What's going on?" Lennox asks.

  "My parents aren't taking me moving out too well. My mom started crying." I explain.

  "If they have an issue with it they can come here and talk to me about it." He replies dismissively. "Time for lunch." He says taking my hand.

  I tug at my hand. "Why doesn't my family come over for dinner that way we can talk?" I ask.

  He nods his consent and I turn to Marta. "Six tonight?"

  It doesn't look my like my dad can wait, I watch him drive up with my mom in the passenger seat. Lennox looks patient but I'm still worried because I feel his irritation.

  It feels awkward all of a sudden. Lately, my parents have been acting so strangely, especially my dad. I just can't fathom him actually missing me for some reason.

  "Alpha Hall, if we could have a moment of your time?" Dad gets out of the car.

  "What is it?"

  "We haven't been honest." He answers straightforward.


  "Jocelyn and Marta aren't twins." Dad responds quietly. I feel the air sucked out of my lungs. What is he talking about?

  "I don't find that shocking. What else?" Lennox asks calmly.

  "She's not our daughter."

  "Again, I don't find that shocking. Why are you telling me this now?"

  I feel lightheaded. They aren't my parents, I'm not a twin. Lennox's arms wrap around my waist and he carries me inside. He caresses my back. "Breathe." I do as he says, my lungs starved of oxygen.

  Lennox sits on his white sofa with me on his lap. "Tell me everything." Lennox orders.

  "Alpha Chris Rhys, before he stepped down to his son, Brett, took Jocelyn from the Griffin Wolf Pack. He took her as retribution. Jocelyn's mom was supposed to be claimed by him the day of the challenge but a month before the challenge she ran off. She met and fell in love with Alpha Travis Griffin, they mated. Rhys found out about it and paid to have Jocelyn taken. He brought her to us when we were still in the hospital. He told us to tell everyone they were twins or he'd kill us all. That's one of the reasons we decided to leave so quickly when Alpha Brett Rhys left for those two months. If we were away from him, we could tell her who she really was and she'd have the option to go home."

  "What happened when you went home to see your sister?"

  "I told Alpha Rhys that he could have her and that I didn't tell her what his father did. That night, my sister left and the Griffin pack took her in."

  "Why didn't she come here?"

  "She knew it would start problems." He pauses then continues reluctantly. "She's also there to tell them where Jocelyn is, if you refuse."

  I sit listening, feeling my tears fall. I missed out on my real family for almost eighteen years. Did they miss me?

  Alpha Lennox Hall

  I'm not surprised these people aren't her parents; she doesn't look anything like them. I am surprised at who her real parents are. I have met them before. I was even considering mating with one of Griffin's daughters. However, unlike Jocelyn, they're chatty and annoying. They're nice girls, very beautiful, but never held my interest. I declined the offer offending Griffin slightly. In the end, I think he saw the differences between me and his daughters and understood.

  I'll have to contact him and tell him what I know. I don't want him finding out from Theo Robinson's sister. The question still remains. "Why didn't you just take her home? Why did you bring her here?"

  "Protection. I couldn't guarantee Alpha Griffin wouldn't hurt us for keeping her away from him. Yo
u and Alpha Griffin have the two most powerful packs, in numbers and in wealth."

  "You think I'd protect you from him?" I question his stupidity.

  "If you hurt us, you hurt your mate." He states.

  "I think you overestimate her love for you." I get satisfaction from his paling face. I want nothing more than to rip him to shreds. What kind of animal doesn't do the right thing until eighteen years later? I detest weakness. This man and his wolf are weak.

  "Liam, bring me the phone." I order. A minute later, after staring holes in the wimp of a wolf in front of me, Liam hands me the phone. I see he's all ready put the number in so I hit send.

  "Alpha Griffin." I hear him answer.

  "It's Lennox. I've changed my mind about mating one of your daughters."

  "Happy to hear it." He responds merrily.

  "As a matter of fact, I've already mated her. I have Jocelyn." I state playing with her hair.

  "Explain." He demands, his voice breathless.

  I tell him about the Robinsons' role in Alpha Chris Rhys' plot for revenge. He listens quietly, not saying a word. "I'm assuming you'd like to see her?" I ask.

  "Yes." He replies gruffly.

  "We'll fly out tomorrow." I reply. "What do you want done with Theo Robinson?"

  He sighs deeply. "I want to kill him for not coming forward." He growls. "Did he take care of her?"

  "As far as I can tell." I reply.

  "Can I talk to her?" He asks nervously.

  I look down seeing her body shaking slightly from her quiet sobs. "Babe, would you like to speak to your father?" She brushes at her wet cheeks but nods yes. I hand her the phone.

  "Hi." She answers crying loudly.

  "Oh, my God, sweetheart. I'm so sorry I didn't protect you." I hear him say, causing her to cry harder. I'm about to end the conversation when she responds.

  "It's not your fault. I can't wait to meet you." She hiccups and plays with the collar of my shirt.

  "I can't wait to meet you either. The whole family will be waiting to see you. Your mother and I mourned losing you, you have never been forgotten. I've thought about you every day." He says brokenly.

  Jocelyn buries her head in my chest and I take the phone. "I think she's had enough. We'll fly out early and be at your place around ten."

  "We'll be waiting. You better be comforting her." He states.

  I chuckle. "I barely let her leave my arms." I reply.

  "I don't need to hear that." He retorts disgusted. "Thank you for bringing her."

  "Not a problem. See you tomorrow." I end the call and put the phone on the sofa, holding Jocelyn tightly in my arms.

  "Get out of my house until I decide what to do with you." I order Theo. He leaves shaking with his family following behind him. I won't do anything to the man. It's up to Travis to decide what he wants done.


  Straight Jacket

  Jocelyn POV

  I don't even know what I feel, I'm confused and broken. My life has been a big lie and I don't know what to do to put myself back together. Thinking about my dad, I mean Theo, makes my blood boil. All this time I disappointed him and tried to make myself better and it would have never changed his opinion of me. I wasn't his daughter. It all makes sense. I would have never been good enough. Even knowing all of this, I have to speak to him, confront him. I won't let anything happen to him or the rest of my family. I love Marta and I will never take her father away from her. My mom too, I mean Missy, doesn't deserve losing her husband either. It's not like they could have helped it. I don't even know if they knew or not.

  "Are you okay?" Lennox asks.

  I shake my head. "No."

  "What can I do?"

  "Nothing." I reply honestly. I don't know how to make myself feel better. I feel cheated out of a loving family. I want to kill Chris Rhys myself. My emotions are making me go crazy. I'm depressed yet, I want revenge. I'm happy I found out the truth yet, I hate knowing what I missed out on. I feel like pulling my hair out. I'm in need of a straitjacket and a padded room.

  "Let's talk about it." Lennox says.

  "I don't know where to start. I'm all over the place and my thoughts keep switching from one thing to the next."

  "Let's start with facts. Theo, Missy and Marta are not your true family."

  "Marta will always be my sister. I know she had no idea. She would have told me." I state defensively.

  "You're right. She didn't know." He agrees nodding his head.

  "I don't want them hurt in any way. It's not their fault." I say quietly.

  "Theo should have done more. He waited until he had to tell you the truth and he lied to me, he deserves to be punished."

  "No, don't hurt him." I state firmly.

  "Your real family is great. I'm good friends with your father." He says ignoring my statement.

  "He's nice." I reply.

  He chuckles. "He can be, but he can also be very mean. He'll kill Chris Rhys for this. If he chooses to fight Rhys, my pack and I will fight with him."

  "I don't want to start a battle about this. What's done is done. Alpha Rhys may just give up his father. From what I've seen of their relationship, they're not close."

  "You're very tenderhearted but Chris Rhys will die and so will Brett Rhys. This will start a fight no matter how you look at it. They will be held accountable for this and lose their lives. It's unforgivable."

  "I understand that but I don't want anyone else hurt. It's not worth it and it won't change anything."

  "Well, you can try telling your father that." He smirks.

  "What are the rest of my family like?" I ask shifting on his lap.

  "You now have an older half-brother and half-sister from Travis' first mate, she died giving birth to Rachael. About a year later, he met your mother and had you and then Jessica, who I believe just turned seventeen or is about to, then twin boys, Josh and Jason. Your sisters talk a lot and your brothers fight all the time. Your mother, Jenna, is very nice, but honestly, you're nothing like her. She is very loud and bubbly. You're a lot like your father in looks and personality."

  "I had a grandpa, at least, I called him grandpa. I have his eyes, did they lie about that, too?"

  "I don't know babe. You need to talk to them about that."

  "I can't. I won't be able to lose that part of my past too. I idolized my grandpa, he was everything to me. I don't want to know." I start to cry again. If I'm not a Robinson and I'm not Miles Stanford's granddaughter, who am I really? I belong to a family I never met and I'm mated to an Alpha I barely know and struggle to understand.

  "This is a lot for you. Why don't you rest?"

  "I don't know if I should go see my real family." I blurt out.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I would have to leave them. I don't want to lose anyone else. I just lost a father, mother and a sister today. It's too soon." I explain sobbing into my hands.

  "Your family wants to see you. You can't turn away from them."

  I nod, knowing it's not fair to stay away from them. I'm not the only one hurting right now. They mourned the loss of their daughter. I couldn't imagine the pain of not knowing if my child was dead or alive.

  "We'll stay for a few days, maybe longer, depending on what Travis wants to do with the Rhys’. I'm sure he's calling on other alphas for backup."

  He rubs my back and I feel my eyes getting heavy, I'm vaguely aware when he gets up. I keep my eyes closed and fall back asleep, escaping from reality. I'm woken up by Lennox kissing my neck. I open my eyes and see him fully dressed. My eyes are dry and I'm sure they're puffy and red.

  "It's time to go, baby, get up and shower. I'll be waiting in the office. I already packed your bag."

  My heart pounds. I'm going to meet my family in a few hours. I watch him leave and get up seeing he left out a pair of shiny jeans, navy v-neck tee and matching bra and underwear. I go to the bathroom to shower quickly. I brush my teeth and hair and notice my makeup on the counter. I smile, he even left
out a tampon. I apply mascara to my red rimmed eyes. I put on my lip gloss and walk to the closet and pick out a pair of navy blue flats. Leaving the bedroom, I go to the office. I knock and the door opens to Lennox standing there.


  "Yep." I reply nervously.

  He pulls me into his arms and kisses my forehead. "They already love you. Don't be nervous."

  I nod in response and we walk out the front door where Liam is waiting with one of Lennox's vehicles. I see he left the garage door open when he backed it out. We get in the backseat of the car and Liam drives away. I rest my head on the window watching the scenery pass. Fifteen minutes later, we pull up to a private air strip with a small white and blue Cessna plane already running.

  I'm confused when we get out of the car and Lennox helps me into one of the front seats and buckles me in. He walks to the other side, getting in and shutting the door. He hits a few buttons and leans over putting a headset on me. He does up his seat belt and puts on his own headset. I watch in amazement. He's actually flying us? I get my answer when we head down the runway.

  Along the journey, he radios a couple of control towers and I watch him in awe. I've never been in a plane before, this is incredible. I feel us dip and look at him alarmed.

  He smiles. "We're landing soon."

  I watch our descent. I see the strip of flat pavement he's going to land on. He handled every part of the plane expertly and when the plane stops I'm almost disappointed. I turn when I see three vehicles headed our way. A man comes out of a steel plane hangar and waves at Lennox. I see there are already two planes in the building.

  The man in blue coveralls asks how the ride was and Lennox tells him it was fine, no trouble. All he needs to do is a basic maintenance check. I turn back to the fast approaching vehicles. Is this my family?

  Lennox wraps his arm around my waist just as they stop and the doors open. I watch a tall man with white blonde hair get out. He turns to me and I gasp, my hands flying to cover my mouth.


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