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Beyond the Nightmare Gate

Page 5

by Ian Page

  If you wish to jump into the fountain, turn to 225.

  If you wish to keep running, turn to 335.


  You work your way down the steps of the palace and enter the avenue of crystal that leads from the Singing City. Moving at a painfully slow pace, you finally reach the grove of trees where your flying machine is hidden. You drag the statue on board and turn to the controls. The Ethetron rises up into the air and, using the Gyronome to guide you once more, you soon feel the strange tingling sensation that indicates that you are crossing the realms of the Daziarn.

  Turn to 278.


  You take out the Gyronome. To your surprise it is still emitting its familiar, high-pitched note. You are further confused when you discover that the device continues to sound at the same volume wherever you point it. You depress the foot bar. The mist within the glass dome begins to swirl and its ghostly light grows brighter, but there is no sensation of movement, even with the bar pressed all the way down to the floor. You fear that you are stranded — becalmed upon an alien sea.

  A thread-like line of white light in the distance gives you fresh hope. Your flesh begins to tingle — an unpleasant sensation that seems to be drawing the strength from your body (lose 2 ENDURANCE points). The horizon of white light thickens until it splits the darkness in two, and yawns like an infernal chasm. Terrified, you hurtle towards the momentous shaft at an incredible speed.

  Illustration VI—The horizon of white light splits the darkness in two.

  If you wish to try to slow your pace, turn to 74.

  If you wish to continue at the same speed, turn to 310.


  You are wasting valuable WILLPOWER points assaulting the door and decide to return your attention to the five Keys.

  If you wish to try the Serpent Key, turn to 240.

  If you wish to try the Eagle Key, turn to 227.

  If you wish to try the Wolf Key, turn to 235.

  If you wish to try the Spider Key, turn to 252.

  If you wish to try the Dragon Key, turn to 277.


  The Master explains the route you must take towards a place called the Moaning Mountain. He goes on to reveal that in the side of the Moaning Mountain is a cavern and at the end of the cavern there is a Gate out of the realm that leads to a place called the Vale of Peace. The people of the Vale are wise and friendly and will show you how to reach the Realm of the Moonstone.

  He then returns Tanith to you, but your joy is subdued when the Master demands his terms: you may only leave the realm if the Jahksa accompanies you.

  Turn to 249.


  Once more you begin the arduous climb. The decorations carved upon the crystal surface of the tower wall have become more intricate and difficult to negotiate. You pray that your luck will hold but it is not enough to save you. With a cry, you slip and fall, crashing to the ground far below.

  Your life and quest end here.


  At the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points, you fire at the leading bird. Your aim is good. With a distraught cry, the bird drops from the sky, streaming smoke behind it in a coiling plume.

  The remaining creatures appear undaunted by their fellow's plight and soon fall upon you. Clinging to the rail of the Ethetron, they strain their long necks to peck at you. The damaged Ethetron can barely support their weight and slowly but surely you are being dragged into the swirling mist below. One of the birds swoops in attack.

  Chaos-bird: COMBAT SKILL 20 ENDURANCE 24

  If you win the combat, turn to 133.


  Gingerly, you set one foot on the first of the palace steps. Your muscles are screaming with the strain of carrying the statue. Suddenly, you trip and fall. You hear the terrified shouts of the Elessin gathered around as you and the statue tumble down the stairs.

  The statue hits the bottom with a resounding crash and the Threnogem rolls out from its mouth. With dismay you watch it rolling away. The Elessin scream in terror.

  Turn to 270.


  Shaking your head, you convey to them that you do not wish to accompany them. They become gently insistent and one takes hold of your arm and gestures towards the city. The laughter subsides. The Elessin are unarmed but you are unsure of their intentions.

  If you wish to go with the Elessin, turn to 45.

  If you wish to continue to refuse them, turn to 72.

  If you prefer to attack the Elessin with your Wizard's Staff and possess 4 WILLPOWER points or more, turn to 21.


  ‘Welcome to the realm of the impossible, Paradox, land of contradictions!’ booms a voice from overhead. ‘What gift do you seek from the Chaos-master?’

  ‘I seek a girl; her name is Tanith,’ you cry, ‘and one who is named Oz-na-Mun.’

  ‘So be it!’ replies the Chaos-master. ‘The bargain is struck. These things you shall have and then you must return to me and make payment.’

  Before you can ask the nature of this ‘payment’, you find yourself standing upon firm ground, looking out across a vast quarry of red soil. Your Ethetron lies close at hand. On the other side of the quarry you can see smoke rising from a rough wooden shack. You push the nightmare visions from your brain and head towards the shack.

  Turn to 127.


  The Chaos-birds wheel around the becalmed Ethetron as Tanith chants over the Key. They move to attack, but are thrown suddenly into a panic by the sight of a giant golden eagle, winging towards them.

  The fight is terrible to behold as the eagle tears and claws a bloody path through the Chaos-birds. Suddenly, the lifeless corpse of a dead Chaos-bird hurtles towards the craft.

  Turn to 290.


  You take out the Pipe, place it to your lips, and blow. The Elessi laughs — he is protected against the effects of the weapon. Unaffected, he carries out his sentence.

  Turn to 28.


  You approach the wall of the tower and lay your hands upon its smooth surface. You concentrate and, eventually, a verse appears in your mind:

  ‘There is no door. You must climb the tower,

  Or smite the wall with a Wizard's power.’

  If you wish to try to climb the tower, turn to 264.

  If you wish to search for a door on the right side of the tower, turn to 206.

  If you wish to search for a door on the left side of the tower, turn to 56.

  If you wish to examine the crystal wall immediately below the metal plate that bears the inscription, turn to 223.

  If you wish to attack the crystal wall with your Staff, turn to 339.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 347.


  You reach out and pluck the jewel from the statue's mouth. Swiftly, you turn, ready to run but before you can escape, a distant sound reaches your ears. Quiet at first, it develops into a scream and begins to fill the palace. The awful sound is coming from the mouth of the statue and freezes you where you stand.

  The ground begins to tremble and cracks appear in the glass walls. You can hear the tinkling of shattering crystal. The hideous wail grows in volume and soon you cannot block out the sound even when you cover your ears.

  Within seconds you are crushed beneath shards of broken glass and debris. You have released the Screaming God and the Singing City is doomed.

  Your quest and your life end here.


  Again you refuse but they will not accept your refusal. Two of the Elessin grab at your arms, obviously intending to force you to accompany them.

  If you wish to go with the Elessin, turn to 45.

  If you wish to fight off the Elessin, turn to 326.


  As you are flying high in the air, there is very little chance that an earthbound spirit will be able to help you. The use of this Magical Power has cost you 1 WILLPOWER point. If you wish, you may maintain your trance state and seek aid from on
e of the other Elemental spirits.

  If you desire the aid of the Fire Elemental, turn to 41.

  If you desire the aid of the Water Elemental, turn to 54.

  If you desire the aid of the Air Elemental, turn to 88.

  If you wish to cease using Elemental Magic, turn to 165.


  You lift your foot, decreasing the pressure on the bar and, hopefully, slowing the Ethetron. The white light is blinding; your head is swimming, your brain reeling, and your body trembling; lose a further 2 ENDURANCE points.

  Turn to 310.


  At first they are distant specks but they are moving towards you at high speed and soon you are able to distinguish details. You give an involuntary gasp: the creatures have oily, purple-black skins with slickly matted feathers; their eyes protrude like two swollen bruises from the sides of their heads and their cry is hoarse like the ringing of a cracked bell. The Ethetron moves sluggishly as the very last of the grey mist seeps from its dome. You turn the ship towards the Trianon but the malformed birds (if birds they are) are gaining on you.

  Illustration VII—The creatures have oily, purple-black skins with slickly matted feathers.

  If you wish to attack one of the Chaos-birds at long range with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 64.

  If you wish to wait for the Chaos-birds to draw nearer, turn to 108.

  If you have the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use it, turn to 78.


  Aimlessly you wander through the city streets. After observing the Elessin for some time, you realize that your disguise is some sort of uniform. The whole city is very peaceful and the constant music very soothing but soon you notice that the music is changing.

  Turn to 79.


  As you regain control of the flying machine you begin to slow down. You make a rather bumpy landing in a field but both you and your craft survive it unharmed. You take out the Gyronome and its shrill call confirms that you are now in the Realm of the Singing City. Away to your left and in the distance the city glints beneath the warm sunlight. Suddenly you notice several figures heading in your direction, though they are still far off.

  If you wish to hide yourself and the Ethetron, turn to 85.

  If you wish to wait where you are, turn to 214.


  You close your eyes and send out the power of your thought to the Elemental Plane.10 A raging wind blows around you, whipping the birds into confusion so that they are unable to attack. Unfortunately, you are now unable to manipulate the damaged craft and find yourself affected as badly as the Chaos-birds. A sudden gust sends you hurtling into the side of the Trianon and the sound of a collision fills your ears.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. Add the number you have picked to your current WILLPOWER score.

  If the total is 9 or more, turn to 304.

  If the total is less than 9, turn to 83.

  [10] As you are using your Power of Elementalism against the Chaos-birds, you should deduct 1 WILLPOWER point.


  The music of the Singing City has changed, and is now a rhythmic accompaniment to the sound of many voices, singing and chanting. You follow the sound and come to a long avenue, paved with crystal stones. At the end of the avenue stands a gigantic palace, and at the foot of its grand staircase, are amassed a large crowd of Elessin, all singing in perfect unison. Standing before them is a man, robed in white and gold, with golden hair and blue eyes. In his left hand he holds a jewelled crozier. He seems to be conducting a religious ceremony or ritual. You guess that the Threnogem lies within the palace.

  Transfixed by the beauty of the Elessin's music, you wait for the ceremony to end, and at length, the crowd disperses and the man with the golden hair returns into the palace.

  If you wish to mount the steps and enter the palace, turn to 208.

  If you wish to wait for nightfall, that you might investigate the palace in secret, turn to 121.


  The Elessin guards do not attack you immediately. Several fall dead under fire of your Wizard's Staff as you move like a whirlwind among their ranks. Soon, however, they overcome their awe and many place silver pipes to their lips and blow. Suddenly, a terrible pain fills your head as the sound of the Elessin pipes tears at your mind. With an anguished cry you fall to the ground and slip into unconsciousness.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  Drear has worked a subtle magic on your mind and soon you are totally under his control. He is an insane wanderer, an astral vagrant devoted to a purposeless life of journeying. Casting aside your Staff and Backpack you trek after Drear, doomed to follow in his nomadic footsteps forever.

  Your quest ends here.


  Tanith takes the Eagle Key and begins to chant. The Jahksa makes to attack but once more you successfully fend off his blows, for though he possesses a supernatural strength, you possess far greater fighting skill, aided by your Wizard's Staff. Before the Jahksa can attack again, an eagle's cry fills the air. It screams towards him and a look of panic contorts his face. The eagle is an awesome enemy and the Jahksa chooses not to fight it. Rapidly, his body grows transparent.

  Turn to 273.


  The Ethetron is thrown from the sky, flinging you and Tanith to your deaths.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  The Ethetron rocks and lurches as you try to steer her in tight curves and turns to evade the looming creatures of the mist. It is hard to control and the cracked glass dome of the craft glows feebly.

  Miraculously you pass beyond the monsters. You look back to see them disappearing into the mist and you realize that they are more like plants, fixed and rooted but able to attack anything within range.

  Turn to 33.


  You spot a grove of trees nearby and drag the Ethetron into it, covering the craft with twisted deadwood and branches. Then you crouch within the grove and wait. Peering out, you watch as four people approach. Each is dressed in a short, white toga; their hair is blonde and they have strange, circular ears. They are laughing and talking in a language you cannot understand but you cannot help but notice the soft, flute-like quality of their light, musical voices.

  These people are Elessin, citizens of the Singing City. They are searching methodically and thoroughly, without hurrying, and, as they draw closer to the grove, you realize that they will soon discover your hiding place.

  If you have the Magical Power of Enchantment and wish to use it, turn to 103.

  If you have 4 or more WILLPOWER points remaining and wish to ambush the Elessin and attack them with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 220.

  If you wish to wait and do nothing, turn to 260.


  You fly through the mind-numbing visions shifting constantly around your craft. Eventually, the unrestrained madness of the sky gives way to a more sober panorama as a vast sea unfolds beneath you. The multi-coloured waters writhe and roll and monstrous half-shapes pierce its oily surface.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 345.

  If you do not have this Power, or if you do not wish to use it, turn to 327.


  With your Staff held in both hands, you brace yourself for the eagle's first strike as it swoops down at an incredible speed. The golden bird crashes into you with a force that knocks you off your feet. In a terrifying confusion of slashing talons, flapping wings, and the crazed pecking of its hooked beak, you struggle desperately to fend off the giant bird.


  If you are still alive after three rounds of combat, turn to 150.


  You can feel the presence of the Air Elementals that the Jahksa has already summoned as they twist and coil around you. You must choose between summoning more winds to blow against the magical storm, or trying to master those that surround

  If you wish to master the winds that surround you, turn to 96.

  If you wish to summon your own powers of the air, turn to 101.


  You step on the flagstone and, to your relief, no sword drops. The stairway is ahead and to the left, the tower entrance is behind, and the small doorway is to the left and behind.

  If you wish to step on the flagstone that is ahead and to the left of you and bears one sword, turn to 42.

  If you wish to step forward onto a flagstone bearing two swords, turn to 349.

  If you wish to step on the flagstone that is diagonally behind you in front of the small door and bears one sword, turn to 118.


  You take out the Copper Coin and give it to the guard who regards it closely. Thinking that you have successfully bribed the Elessi, you turn to walk away. Immediately the Elessi guard grabs your arm. Your heart misses a beat but the Elessi is smiling as he returns the Copper Coin to you. You realize that the coin is not the currency of the Singing City but a kind of pass key or identity disc.


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