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Beyond the Nightmare Gate

Page 6

by Ian Page

  Anxious to place as much distance as possible between you and the guard, you turn and walk into the city at a brisk pace.

  Turn to 175.


  You begin the arduous climb once again. There are many intricate decorations carved on the crystal wall of the tower that make your climb harder but your skill is great and your luck good and, with a sigh of relief, you eventually reach the top. Pausing for only a moment to catch your breath and rest your aching limbs, you then begin to haul on the Rope as Tanith scrambles towards you and she is soon at your side. You turn to survey your new surroundings.

  Turn to 17.


  You take up the heavy statue. Terrified, the Elessin fall back, looking at you with outrage and fear in their eyes. Staggering beneath the weight of the statue, you pick your way slowly across the hall. The Elessin do not try to stop you; they fear the statue.

  If your current ENDURANCE points total is 16 or less, turn to 283.

  If your current ENDURANCE points total is more than 16, turn to 44.


  The three remaining Elessin each take silver pipes and place them between their lips. They blow in unison and a terrible screaming sound tears into your brain. You gasp with pain and fall to the ground, covering your ears in a desperate attempt to block out the terrible noise.

  Turn to 271.


  Immediately, you are standing in the court of the Chaos-master. The high walls ripple with light as the strange architecture of the Master's hall changes constantly. In the centre of the hall, upon an obsidian throne, is seated the Chaos-master himself, ruler of the Realm of the Paradox. He makes a disturbing sight: a giant over thirty feet in height, his facial features and characteristics are in a state of constant flux, continually melting into new and hideous guises. You glimpse dark and loathsome creatures, beasts, and beings of indescribable horror, writhing within this awesome god.

  Illustration VIII—The Chaos-master continually melts into new and hideous guises.

  ‘Welcome to the Master's court!’ he bellows. ‘Allow me to introduce my guests.’

  Slowly a dark-robed figure walks into the hall. He wears a hood and carries a black staff. Following immediately behind is Tanith. She gives you a brave smile.

  ‘May I present the Wizard, Grey Star.’

  A deep dread stirs in your heart. Suddenly, the robed figure pulls back his hood to reveal your own face staring at you. ‘Welcome, brother,’ says your twin. ‘I have long looked forward to this meeting.’

  Turn to 309.


  You point back through the gate in the direction you have just come. He gives you a puzzled look and utters a string of unintelligible phrases. You stand frozen to the spot, mouth agape. He reaches out his hand and speaks again and suddenly you realize that he is asking you for something. His voice becomes harsh as he is forced to repeat himself and he fixes you with a suspicious glare.

  If you wish to show him the Glass Rod, turn to 267.

  If you wish to show him the Parchment, turn to 289.

  If you wish to show him the Gold Coin, turn to 333.

  If you wish to show him the Silver Coin, turn to 348.

  If you wish to show him the Copper Coin, turn to 90.


  At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, you try to wrest control of the winds from the Jahksa. Rigidly, he stands at the far end of the craft, testing his power against yours. The storm howls and the little craft shakes and swerves wildly. The ferocious winds carry the ship along but the Jahksa still exerts control over the storm.

  If you wish to expend another WILLPOWER point, turn to 138.

  If you wish to cease your struggle for control of the storm, turn to 142.

  If you wish to attack the Jahksa with your Staff, turn to 148.


  To break down the door with the might of your Wizard's Staff, follow the usual rules of combat, consulting the Combat Results Table as if the door were an opponent. Disregard any ENDURANCE points lost by yourself.


  You may cease attacking the door at any time; turn to 61.

  If you continue and break down the door, turn to 124.


  The Chaos-birds circle ominously overhead. Tanith chants over the key. She summons up a small, furry spider no bigger than her hand and gives you a desperate and helpless glance. Swiftly the birds attack.

  Turn to 83.


  You take up your Wizard's Staff and hold it poised above the Elessi leader's head. You have beaten him into submission. The palace is full of Elessin guards, but they stay back fearful to act while their leader is threatened.

  If you wish to take the Threnogem from the statue's mouth, turn to 71.

  If you wish to slay the Elessi leader, turn to 107.

  If you wish to attack the Elessin guards, turn to 80.

  If you wish to make a grab for the statue, turn to 209.


  Cautiously, you approach the Crystal Tower. You can see no door but, a little above head height, there is a metal plate. Inscribed upon the plate is some writing but the letters are unfamiliar.

  ‘Can you read it?’ asks Tanith.

  ‘No,’ you reply. Yet, as you speak, the lettering is slowly transforming and soon you find that you can read the inscription:

  ‘From south of here, to west, and north,

  Then east and south once more,

  A circle's motion rings the charm

  That finds the Vanishing Door.’

  You ponder the strange words and try to unravel their meaning. ‘A riddle?’ queries Tanith.

  If you wish to search for a door on the left side of the tower, turn to 56.

  If you wish to search for a door on the right side of the tower, turn to 23.

  If you have the Magical Power of Psychomancy and wish to use it, turn to 70.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 347.


  At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, you summon up a mage wind of your own. The increased turbulence causes the craft to rock crazily from side to side but has little effect on the Elementals summoned by the Jahksa.

  If you wish to call a halt to your spell of Elementalism, turn to 142.

  If you wish to increase the power of your spell, turn to 165.


  You draw out the red jewel and focus your power upon it. The Gem begins to glow and, at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, you reach out and close the Elessi guard's senses. As he stares blankly ahead, you steal past him and into the palace unseen.

  Turn to 230.


  With your eyes closed you concentrate and create an enchantment to place in the minds of the Elessin. You convince them that they have completed their search and suggest that they return to their city. Unaware that they have been charmed, they obey. The use of this spell has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  Turn to 320.


  The maddening chaos surrounding you is too much to bear; your mind lacks the strength of will to resist the distorted reality. In a short time you lose control of your mind and the Ethetron plunges into the undulating hills below.

  Your adventure is over. Your quest and your life end here.


  You are led to a high-ceilinged chamber lit by a curious, pulsing light. The room is filled with strange, ornate machines of gleaming metal. Lights flicker and you hear a throbbing hum and a continual, metallic, mechanical ring. Several Academicians tend the machines, pushing buttons and pulling levers, though to what purpose you cannot guess.

  ‘Grey Star, Tanith — allow me to introduce you to Crabkey, one of our greatest and most ingenious inventors.’

  Illustration IX—‘Allow me to introduce Crabkey, one of our most ingenious inventors’

  You recognize the shabby man who turns to greet you; he was the man who sat in the armchair when you first en
tered the chamber of the Academicians. In the strange lurid glow of the laboratory his shadowed, bulging eyes make him appear even more sinister than before. ‘We meet again,’ you say uncomfortably.

  Crabkey stares at you without speaking. Spittlethrift breaks the silence: ‘Mr Crabkey is the inventor of the machine that will enable you to journey to the Realm of the Singing City, aren't you, Crabkey, old chap?’ Crabkey continues to stare at you insolently. With a slow blink of his huge eyes, he makes an unintelligible sound in the back of his throat and nods.

  ‘Yes, yes,’ says Spittlethrift half to himself. ‘Come now, young Wizard and pretty mistress Tanith, come see his wonderful creation.’ Mounted on a small dais in the centre of the laboratory is a most unusual machine. ‘This,’ says Spittlethrift proudly, ‘is the Ethetron, the flying machine that will carry young Grey Star through the realms of the Daziarn, and to the Singing City to fetch our prize.’

  ‘Grey Star,’ says Tanith suddenly, ‘and what of me?’

  Spittlethrift falters and emits an embarrassed cough, ‘Ah, yes … well … ’

  ‘Yes, what of Tanith?’ you demand angrily.

  ‘The girl stays here,’ says Crabkey, speaking for the first time in a harsh, rasping voice, ‘to make sure you keep your part of the bargain and do not fail to return.’

  ‘She will be perfectly safe, I assure you,’ says Spittlethrift, apologetically. ‘But surely you understand our position. What is to stop you flying away and never returning?’

  ‘And if I refuse?’ you snap at Spittlethrift.

  ‘We will not allow you to use the Ethetron or show you how to fly it,’ retorts Crabkey. ‘You will be doomed to remain within the Neverness for all eternity. You will — ’

  ‘You will, on the other hand,’ Spittlethrift interjects hastily, ‘receive the Ethetron as a gift from us when you return — ’

  ‘With the Threnogem,’ Crabkey interrupts once more, ignoring a glare of warning from Spittlethrift, who has now begun to sweat profusely. ‘And we will return Mistress Tanith to you, of course,’ he finishes. Tanith clenches her fists and glares furiously at the two little men. Both step back a little from her fiery gaze. ‘Know this, little man,’ she hisses, prodding Spittlethrift in the chest with one, long-nailed finger. ‘I am not without power. If you seek to deceive us … I'll crush you like the toad that you are! I am a Shadakine Wytch, not a mere girl to be hoarded or bartered like a piece of spare luggage!’

  ‘Yes, yes, of course,’ says Spittlethrift, wiping his brow with the back of his shaking hand. ‘I understand.’

  You smile quietly to yourself. Tanith's angry bluff has shaken both Spittlethrift and Crabkey. Though Tanith does possess many uncanny powers taught to her while in the service of Mother Magri, a powerful Wytch in the service of the Shadakine Empire, her skills lie chiefly in her mastery of animals and nature and in a bravery that surpasses many warriors of greater stature. Tanith turns to you, the fire dying in her wild, green eyes. ‘Accept their offer, Grey Star,’ she says. ‘I do not fear this over-fed worm, or that slinking weasel.’

  You sense that Tanith is far more afraid than she admits but the success of the quest is as important to her as it is to you and without the Ethetron it is unlikely that you will succeed. ‘Very well,’ you say. ‘Show me how the machine works. What must I do?’

  Sullenly, Crabkey shows you the machine. Spittlethrift, pale and perspiring, remains silent, his chubby hands fluttering nervously at his side.

  Turn to 116..


  The ferocious wolf falls dead at your feet, magical fire still blazing from the fatal wound that you have inflicted.

  To enter the Crystal Tower you must choose from the remaining Keys.11

  If you choose the Spider Key, turn to 252.

  If you choose the Eagle Key, turn to 227.

  If you choose the Serpent Key, turn to 240.

  If you choose the Dragon Key, turn to 277.

  [11] You may only choose a Key that you have not already tried.


  The Elessi leader lies dead at your feet.12 Stunned by the unexpected loss of their leader, the guards look on in horror. You must act quickly.

  If you wish to attack the Elessin guards, turn to 80.

  If you wish to take the Threnogem from the statue's mouth, turn to 71.

  If you wish to pick up the statue, turn to 92.

  [12] If the Elessi leader has been holding your Wizard's Staff until now, you can now take it back.


  Immediately the Chaos-birds swarm towards you. The first flies at Tanith and instinctively you rush to protect her.

  Chaos-bird: COMBAT SKILL 20 ENDURANCE 25

  If you win, turn to 133.


  As you touch the ground, the flying machine shatters and disintegrates. The impact kills you and your torn and broken body is thrown with the other shattered fragments across the cloud plain of the Neverness.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  Ready for combat and eager to maintain the element of surprise, you burst into the room. You enter a room full of mirrors and devoid of life.

  Turn to 2.


  You close your eyes and concentrate and, at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, you create your illusion. A shout attracts the guard's attention and quickly he descends the palace stairway to investigate. Silently, you ascend the stairs and enter the palace before the guard returns to his post.

  Turn to 230.


  Summoning all your strength, and, at the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points, you hurl a powerful blast at the Crystal Tower. The white light of your Staff hits the wall squarely but its magical fire is scattered by the wall's resistance.

  ‘This is hopeless,’ says Tanith. ‘There must be some other way into the tower.’

  If you wish to try to climb the tower, turn to 264.

  If you prefer to examine one of the many black holes in the cloud plain, turn to 285.

  If you wish to examine the section of the wall immediately below the metal plate that bears the inscription, turn to 181.


  You walk to the end of the corridor and through an archway of incandescent light. You are momentarily blinded and when you can see again you find yourself facing the door once more. The Jahksa roars with laughter. ‘The great Shianti Wizard … fooled by a Shianti illusion, hah!’

  Again you try to enter but again you find yourself outside the door.

  If you wish to attack the Jahksa, turn to 192.

  If you wish to enter one of the doors along the corridor, turn to 47.

  If you have the Magical Power of Sorcery and wish to expend 2 WILLPOWER points on the formation of a magical shield, turn to 185.


  You walk to the other end of the avenue and arrive at the foot of a large stairway that leads into the glass palace. It is the most impressive building in the city and you are puzzled to find it completely empty. You wonder if it is a temple, where people gather only at certain times, or perhaps it is a sacred place and only a select few are allowed within its walls. Your instincts tell you that you are sure to discover the Threnogem here.

  If you wish to mount the steps and enter the palace, turn to 208.

  If you wish to wait for nightfall, so that you might investigate the palace unseen, turn to 121.


  This was once the realm of the Demon, Steth-Amon, a master of sound, the Guardian recounts. We, the Elessin, were created his slave singers, a choir of the damned. His was the music of dissonance; it could drive men insane or lure them and possess their minds. Long we laboured in his service. However, we sought the beauty of harmonious music, the melody of accord and we conceived of a plan to overthrow our lord. We created the Threnogem, a tool of silence, for without silence music has no meaning. Then, while he slumbered, we dropped the Threnogem into his open mouth and silenced him, robbing him of his power over us. He froze in the position you see h
im now, for the statue is Steth-Amon, mastered by the silence of the Threnogem. That you seek to take the statue from our realm is pleasing to us, for all our power has been devoted to giving life to the Threnogem and keeping Steth-Amon silent. If the Threnogem is removed from his mouth the demon will be released. All we ask is that you do not remove the Threnogem while you are in our domain. If you wish, we will help you carry the statue to your flying machine.

  You agree to the Guardian's offer.

  Turn to 182.


  The Ethetron is quite unlike anything you have seen before. It has a railed platform, and is shaped like a saucer, except that its stern is pointed like a lizard's tail. It bears a large glass dome in its centre. Passing through the top of the dome is a single black shaft like the mast of a sailing ship. The single sail resembles a giant bat's wings and is made of a strange material that shimmers like water and looks like metal but is like fabric to the touch. A closer inspection of the glass dome reveals that it contains a swirling, grey-white mist.


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