Book Read Free

Lost In You

Page 9

by Remmy Duchene

  “I don’t ask, Ko. I demand what I want—fuck me!”

  Ko was no fool. He didn’t wait to be asked a third time. This time, when those words left Jackson’s lips, Ko peeled off his pants and walked over to Jackson. Gripping his shoulders, Ko spun him away and bent him over the side of the bed. Falling to his knees, Ko shoved his tongue between Jackson’s perfect cheeks and licked. Jackson hissed but Ko didn’t stop. He didn’t let up. Jackson was delicious and ready. His hole quivered and tightened around the tip of Ko’s tongue.

  “You’re so tight,” Ko managed before plunging his tongue in again. Though he wanted to play with Jackson, to finger his hole until Jackson had no choice but to submit, Ko’s cock was so hard it was almost painful. He needed release and the only person who could do that for him was Jackson. After dressing himself in one of the condoms and sliding his lube-covered fingers over Jackson’s hole, he rose to his feet, gripped Jackson’s hips and positioned his throbbing dick at Jackson’s entrance.




  Ko sighed and pushed his hips forward. He growled like a beast as Jackson’s hot, tight body accepted him. For a breath, he held still. He wanted to slam into Jackson, to feel their bodies collide and to hear Jackson’s reaction. But Ko knew once he moved, Jackson’s hole would be his undoing.


  The sound of Jackson’s strangled plea jarred Ko back to himself and he gritted his teeth. He gave Jackson what he demanded—over and over, slamming his cock as deep as it would go. Each time he did, fire lashed at Ko’s body, leaving him delirious with pleasure. He tried his best to hold on, to enjoy ever second, every heated wisp of carnality that flowed between them. But taking Jackson was better than Ko had imagined. Listening to Jackson’s rugged breath and his cries for more had Ko whimpering and grinding into his lover.

  By the time Jackson orgasmed, Ko was already past the point of no return. The moment Jackson’s hole tightened even more around him, Ko merely allowed the goodness of it to cross his eyes and push him over the brink. He came hard inside the condom, still lodged deeply within Jackson’s body. A primal sound filled the room and echoed off their sweat-covered bodies. Ko had never had a climax so powerful that he was left stiff yet shaking.

  Jackson laughed but his eyes were closed. The sound of their breathing mingled and matched and that surprised Ko. That one, small thing filled his heart close to bursting and he didn’t care if he sounded like a needy fool. He’d never had that with a man and it was wonderful. Ko resigned himself to enjoying it no matter how long or how short it lasted.

  “Jack…” Ko managed before slumping to the bed on top of Jackson. “Damn…”

  “That was much better than running away,” Jackson said. “Am I right?”

  “Gimme a second,” Ko whispered. “I don’t think my brain’s on.”

  Jackson laughed and shifted, causing Ko to fall to the bed. They faced each other and for the first time, Ko managed to lay still and stared into a man’s face. Even in his lust-induced stupor, Ko could see that Jackson was beautiful. Everything about him turned Ko on, even though he’d just had him.

  “This is not right,” Ko panted.

  “What isn’t?”

  “How is this even possible?”

  “Ko?” Worry filled Jackson’s voice. “What’s wrong?”

  “How could I be ready to go again already?”

  A slow smile curled Jackson’s lips as he slipped his hand between their bodies to find Ko’s dick. He stroked and massaged, turning Ko into a heated puddle.

  “Don’t complain, Ko,” Jackson told him. “If you want to take this ass again, you don’t need rhyme or reason—just climb on and go for a ride.”

  “I’m dreaming, right?” Ko asked. “I have to be dreaming. I’ve never met a man like you before—so ready, so willing.”

  “I’ve never met a man like you before.” Jackson leaned in and dropped a chaste kiss to Ko’s lips. “So open and ready to bring out the nasty in me.”


  “I love it. I know I can be myself in your bed, Ko.”

  Ko smiled and caressed Jackson’s cheek gently. He knew sleeping with Jackson could blow up in his face—especially when Darius found out. But he couldn’t have resisted Jackson if he tried until the world ended.

  “You surprised me, Jackson.” Ko admitted. “I never expected you to be so freaky.”

  Jackson grinned. “That’s a good thing, right?”

  “Why don’t you lift that ass of yours in the air for me and I’ll show you.”

  Jackson woke up with a start. There was a body behind him, an arm tossed possessively across him and his bed had moved. For a second, he remained motionless, eyes darting around the room, lit up dimly by a fading moon. Then slowly, he began remembering.

  He’d kissed his boss—and he’d liked it.

  He’d watched his boss jerk off—and he’d liked it.

  He’d felt his boss’s mouth on his cock—and he’d liked it.


  Flashes of their bodies tangled in the sheets charged through his head. Every breath, every pass of Ko’s tongue on his, every soft touch or hard grab. Yes, Jackson had been thoroughly used by Ko in every breathtaking way possible and he had loved every single second of it.

  Licking his lips, he rolled over to look into Ko’s face. His almond-shaped eyes were closed but Jackson could still see the fire that raged in them as he had pushed deeper into Jackson. Jackson reached up and eased a strand of hair from Ko’s face to reveal a scar just to the right of his nose. Jackson kissed it before he could stop himself and Ko sighed.


  No answer.

  In that moment, Jackson could see himself with Ko, waking up every morning like this. He craved that connection with another man but he barely knew Ko—shit, he shouldn’t have even spent the night. Cross with himself, he eased out of Ko’s arms and left the room on his tiptoes trying to find the bathroom. He could have used the en suite washroom but then Ko would wake up at the sounds and begin asking questions. It seemed Ko could read Jackson better than any other man and that scared Jackson.

  He found a bathroom at the end of the upstairs hall—it was merely a sink, mirror and a toilet. Still, he used it, washed his hands before he caught his reflection in the mirror. Sounds of their lovemaking filled Jackson’s head. The memories were stark and jarring, and though he began getting hard again, Jackson couldn’t believe what he’d done. He had been brazen, demanding what he wanted from Ko and responding with equal wildness and now he felt as if he’d been out of line.

  The thought hit him like a punch in the chest and he panted, trying desperately to catch his breath. Then suddenly his heart began racing as if he’d been running a marathon. He scrambled through the house, being careful not to make any sounds. Quickly, he gathered his clothes, found his helmet and left through the back door. Outside, he slipped on his helmet, climbed astride the cycle and pushed the stand off the ground. He rolled the motorcycle quietly down the driveway and a little way down the road before he started the ignition. As he rode through the dew-covered morning, his heart got a chance to settle down. He refocused on everything that had happened the night before and felt ill.

  He’d been wild and vocal in Ko’s bed. He’d gotten what he had wanted from Ko and it had been amazing. But how could Ko want a man who was capable of that? Jackson pulled into the parking lot of an all-night diner and bought some pancakes and eggs for breakfast. He eventually wound up sitting on Charlie’s couch with his friend staring at him curiously.

  “Okay,” Charlie said finally. “Where’s the body?”

  “Huh? What?”

  “See? You weren’t listening! What’s wrong?”

  “Who said anything is wrong?”

  “You show up at my place at”—Charlie checked the time on the DVD player and shrugged—“four in the morning looking like your cat has died.”

  Jackson set his gl
ass on the coffee table and fell back against the sofa. “I don’t have a cat.”

  “Jack…” Charlie said in that voice that brimmed with strained patience.

  “Sorry. Ko and I slept together.”

  “Woohoo! Wait…no.”

  “It isn’t even the fact that we slept together. It’s the way I was during the whole thing.”

  Charlie got up. “I need alcohol for this.”

  “Dude, it’s four in the morning!”

  Charlie returned with two beers and extended one to Jackson. “It’s five p.m. somewhere.”


  Instead of answering, Charlie set the extra beer by Jackson’s feet, wrung the cap from his and sat again. “Okay, explain.”

  “You know I’m no slouch in bed,” Jackson started. Charlie smirked at him but he ignored the look and continued. “But what happened last night with Ko goes way beyond anything I’ve ever done or experienced. This morning I woke up beside him and he was so damn handsome and I started thinking—shit, I’m a nester.”

  “Let’s start at the beginning. What do you mean ‘goes beyond anything you’ve ever done’? Did he do something that you weren’t—?”

  “No. Nothing like that. He had me…”

  “Had you what?”


  Charlie went quiet for an instant then burst into laughter.

  Jackson glared at his friend with his head tilted to one side. “It’s not funny.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “I shouldn’t have come here,” Jackson said, rising in a huff. “Your ass is an ass.”

  “My ass hasn’t been pounded as good as yours was tonight in a long time,” Charlie said, laughter still in his voice. “I’m sorry, all right? Jackson, don’t leave. Look, I laughed because—well, because everyone, man or woman, should meet a lover who makes them beg for it. It’s one of the sexiest things ever.”

  “What? Sexy?”

  Charlie took Jackson’s hand and led him back to the couch. “Listen. Sex isn’t supposed to be boring—I’m a strong believer in that. And to find a man who is that good of a lover that you are delirious, brother, that’s an awesome thing. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. It doesn’t make you a slut.”

  Jackson hung his head. “But I was so…” He sighed.

  “Ko Takao can make a man do crazy things. I can tell. He has that body on him and a very, very sinful mouth.”

  “Hey, down, boy.”

  Charlie laughed. “Again, not my type. Crap, where was I?”

  “Sinful mouth?”

  “Smart ass,” Charlie muttered. “What I’m trying to say is most of us look for that one person who curls our toes just by walking into the room. You’ve found that with Ko so why not see where it goes?”

  “We only slept together once.”

  “Once? Or for one night?”

  Jackson’s cheeks burned.

  “Look, bro. You’re going to be working with this guy. Don’t make it weirder than it needs to be. Go with the flow, relax, don’t be rigid and you’ll be surprised how things have a way of working themselves out.”

  Jackson sighed. “It’s a little late for that.”

  “What’s that supposed to—? Jack, tell me you didn’t just sneak out in the middle of the night.”

  “Not the middle of the night, per se—in the wee hours of the morning.”

  “And that’s different how?”

  Jackson had no answer. In a panic, he grabbed Charlie’s beer and drank until he tasted nothing but foam. His throat burned slightly and it left a bitter aftertaste but he didn’t care. The moment he’d thought he’d figured out one issue, he’d managed to get himself into another. He’d seen the problem the second Charlie had asked him that question. He’d snuck out of Ko’s bed, out of his house and left like a scared child.

  “Fuck. Shit. Ass!”

  Charlie grunted. “Come on. You can’t go anywhere now. At least try getting some sleep.”


  “It’s not too late to fix this, Jack, my man. But you can’t do it now. I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to be up at this hour.”

  Jackson sighed and gave in. He made himself comfortable in Charlie’s guestroom but didn’t get a wink of sleep. When Charlie entered a few hours later, dressed in a navy-blue suit, Jackson felt as if he had sand in his eyes.

  “I’m heading out,” Charlie said, sitting on the side of the bed. “Shower and shave before you go. You can pick an outfit out of my closet. Don’t go home wearing the same thing you wore last night.”

  “Thanks, Charlie.”

  Charlie smiled sadly before dropping a kiss to Jackson’s forehead. “You’re a good man, Jackson Stark. You just have to stop getting lost inside your own head.”

  Jackson said nothing.

  “Talk to Ko. Do not let this fester.”

  “I won’t.”

  Charlie rose and buttoned his suit jacket. “So what do you think?” He did a turn.

  “Very nice.”

  “Good. I aim to impress today.” Charlie beamed proudly. “It’s going to be a great day, Jackson, my man. You’ll see.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Ko spent his week catching up on work and putting together the schedule for the rollout of the new campaign. Everything from graphic designers to suppliers came across his desk that week. For the most part, it was with the designers who worked for his father. A few of them never really saw Ko as good enough for the job. He knew that because they hadn’t been very quiet about it when his father had been in charge. The people who walked into the meeting with him seemed quieter, meeker and that brought out his inner villain smile. It was the first time he’d smiled since he’d woken up to Jackson scurrying about the house. He’d known what had been happening and usually he’d just go back to sleep, not caring.

  Not with Jackson. There was something there, something he couldn’t ignore. A few times during the week, he’d been drawn to a window and there Jackson was, leaning against his motorcycle, looking so dangerous. And Ko’s heart would soar until he heard the engine dying in the distance.

  Ko blinked and the outside came back into focus. He searched the grounds below as far as the eyes could see but there was no sign of Jackson or his black and red Suzuki Bandit 1200S. Disappointment flowed through him and he hadn’t realized how he had grown to look forward to seeing Jackson—even from so far away.

  The sun was barely in the center of the sky. People scattered in all directions in the busy plaza. A few were seated by tables with their sunglasses fused to their faces and cell phones glistening in the sun.

  “Okay.” Stella’s voice caused him to jerk around to stare at her. “What’s the matter?”


  “Ko, you jumped, like, six feet in the air just now.”

  Ko took his chair. “It’s nothing. Really. I was thinking, that’s all. You know how I get when I’m contemplating something. Being the boss is a lot for me.”

  “Fine. Sure.” She didn’t look convinced. “I’ve sent the schedule to Jackson Stark. Hopefully there won’t be any conflicts. He signed the contracts so now all I need is your John Hancock…” She set the papers in front of him, and like an automation, Ko signed them all.

  “Is that all?” Ko asked.

  “No. That’s not all. You look like the walking dead, boss. What can I do?”

  Ko smiled at her. “Nothing. I’ll handle it.”

  “Right. But— But if…if I can help…”

  “You’ll be the first to know, Stella,” Ko said, even managing a lopsided grin. “You’ll be the first to know.”

  “Good. Okay. Um—the meeting for you to sit down and go over specs with Jackson and Tasha is set for tomorrow at eleven…”

  Why did he even have to meet with Jackson? Obviously the guy wanted nothing to do with Ko. Hopefully he’d still work for Hansamu because it was too late to find someone else. Ko inhaled. Well, Jackson really didn’t have a choice in the matter seeing a
s they had a contract.

  “And you’re not hearing a thing I’m saying, are you?”

  Ko snapped to. “Sorry. Look, I have to go. I need to talk to someone. Call me later.”


  Ko was already out of the door and heading to the elevator. Stella’s stilettos clicked behind him but he didn’t wait for her to say anything. He jammed his finger against the elevator button and thankfully it opened right away. The ride down was lonely and quiet—the same way he’d felt when he had woken up and Jackson hadn’t been there. But he couldn’t get attached. Jackson was young and probably hadn’t even had his chance to be wild in life. Why would he want to tie himself down with some man who only had three years to go before hitting the big four-oh?

  Ko turned his car to the other side of Bathseba and by the time he pulled into the driveway, it was just after lunch. Thaddeus’ car was parked behind Ravinder’s BMW and that gave Ko some hope his friend was home. Quickly, he eased from the seat and jogged up the front steps.

  “Ko!” Ravinder greeted. “How are you?”

  The two hugged.

  “I don’t feel so good. Is Thaddeus around?”

  “He’s taking a nap but come in. I’ll get him.”

  “No, Ravi, don’t wake him.”

  Ravinder pressed his full lips into a thin line. “Right. Like Thaddeus would agree to that. Come in. I insist.”

  Ko sighed but walked by his friend’s fiancé and into the luxurious interior. He removed his shoes and made his way into the kitchen.

  “Make yourself at home,” Ravinder said. “Grab a drink or something.”

  “I’m not really…” But Ko didn’t have time to finish. Ravinder was already gone and he was left alone in the kitchen, the space threatened to consume him. Thaddeus found him that way, standing in the center of the kitchen, rubbing his palms on the sides of his thighs.


  He turned but said nothing.


  Ko knew when Thaddeus called him that, his friend was really worried. Finding the energy from somewhere deep inside, Ko lifted his head and smiled. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were sleeping.”

  “It’s no big deal. Ravi said you looked like hell.” Thaddeus stepped closer and held Ko’s shoulders. “Let me get us something to drink then you can tell me what’s going on.”


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