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Page 18

by Susan X Meagher

  Ryan smiled down at her and admitted, "I sometimes deplete my resources to dangerously low levels. When I do that and then get a chance to just relax, I tend to sink into a near-vegetative state. I think I need to somehow find a happy medium -- one where I’m not frazzled or comatose."

  "That will take some work," Jamie said, "but I think it’s a good idea. I think you’d be happier if you weren’t so stressed, either."

  "Yeah. As soon as this media assault is over, I’m going to try to be a little more moderate."

  "New Year’s resolution?"

  "No. Just a plan I’m going to attempt – with your help, of course."

  They had reached the beach, and as they padded along the firm-packed sand Jamie suggested, "Let’s go over to that little outcropping of boulders, okay?"

  "Sure, if you want to," Ryan said. She took her hand and cut back across the fluffy sand, her bare feet kicking up little pink clouds as they walked. When they grew close, she spared a wry glance at her partner and said, "Hey, look! Somebody left us a couple of blankets, some candles and a bottle of champagne. Boy, are we lucky or what?"

  "Planning is everything," Jamie said, sharing a grin with her partner.

  They settled down against the boulder after Jamie took pains to cover the rough surface with one of the blankets. Ryan sat against the stone, with her partner cuddled up between her legs. The smaller woman opened the bottle of champagne and poured a little into each of the glasses she’d brought. "Okay, at the risk of repeating myself, now I can’t be any happier," Ryan said. "Sitting on the beach with my beloved, sipping an exceptional bottle of champagne, listening to the quiet lapping of the waves … this is the height of pleasure."

  Jamie snuggled a little closer and drew circles on Ryan’s knee with her fingertip. "You really don’t think I can give you any more pleasure?"

  Knowing that the question was rhetorical, Ryan teased her, saying, "Nope, I really don’t think so. I think this is the apex of your powers."

  Checking the faint glow of her watch dial, Jamie’s mouth curled into a gentle smile as she said, "Wanna bet?"

  Her mouth curling into a grin, Ryan nodded. "Yeah, I’ll take you on. I think you’re bluffing."

  Crawling into position, Jamie settled herself just so, making sure that Ryan was right where she wanted her. Counting down the time, she leaned in close, then whispered, "Keep those sweet blue eyes open." Her head dipped, and she captured Ryan’s soft, moist lips, placing tender kisses upon them. With a massive boom! the first barrage of fireworks exploded right over their heads, the burst of sound followed by a rapture of color. Vivid red, blue, green and gold streamers shrieking across the inky black sky.

  "Happy New Year, sweetheart," Jamie whispered between kisses.

  "Happy New Year to you, Jamie. I know this year will be a happy one for me, because I’ll have you right by my side for the entire year."

  "Wow," Jamie said slowly, as if something momentous had just dawned on her. "We’ve only been together a little over 6 months. How much happier will we be with a whole year to work with?"

  "I can’t wait to find out," Ryan said, colorful streaks of fire glinting off her expressive eyes.

  Joyous voices echoed against the boulders that the lovers rested against. Ryan shifted slightly, turning her head just enough to look over her shoulder. "I have a feeling someone told someone else she loved her," Ryan said, chuckling deep in her chest.

  "Why do you think so?" Jamie asked.

  " ‘Cause Jordan’s doing cartwheels down the beach … and she’s just answered the question of what a woman wears under her sarong," she said dryly.

  "And the answer is?"

  "Nothing at all," Ryan informed her. "Ahh, I could have waited for a second and gotten that answer the easy way," she said. "She just stripped off all of her clothes … now Mia’s done the same … yep, it’s skinny dipping time."

  "Ooo … skinny dipping," Jamie said, her interest piqued. "I’ve never been skinny dipping in the ocean."

  Ryan was on her feet in an instant, her silk pants hitting the ground a moment later. "No time like the present. Besides, I don’t like the thought of the two of them out there alone. If we’re there, we can keep an eye on each other."

  "Here I go," Jamie said, shimmying out of her dress, an impish look on her face.

  Ryan was nude in seconds, and she waited impatiently for Jamie to lose her underwear. "Let’s boogie!" the blonde cried when she was naked. She grabbed Ryan’s hand and ran as fast as her legs would carry her, feet pounding against the warm sand. She was yelling the whole time, Ryan laughing helplessly as she was dragged along behind her. They hit the water and just kept going, running until they were in up to their necks. "My God! This is fabulous!" Jamie cried. "Why have I never done this?"

  Jordan and Mia came floating over, their joyous expressions dead give-aways. "Jordan loves me!" Mia cried, throwing her arms around Ryan’s neck. She released her and offered the same embrace to Jamie, then Jordan waded over and did the same.

  "That’s wonderful, you two!" Jamie cried.

  Mia put her hands on her lover’s shoulders and jumped up, wrapping her legs around her waist. "She’s loved me for months. She’s loved me as long as I’ve loved her! How stupid were we, not to tell each other sooner?"

  "You told each other now," Ryan said. "That’s all that matters."

  Mia looked so happy getting to go for a ride that Jamie jumped onto her partner’s hips as well. They played in the warm water for a long while, enjoying the fireworks that continued to shoot across the sky.

  "Hey," Ryan said. "One of the benefits of water is the relative weightlessness. Jordan and I should get to ride, too."

  Jamie slid from her hips and said, "I can take you, hot stuff. Climb on." She braced herself as Ryan wrapped her long legs around her waist. "Your legs are long enough to loop them around twice," she said.

  "I’m gonna ignore that," Ryan said, "and resume telling you how positively marvelous I feel. You’ve made me a very happy woman tonight, Jamers."

  "I hate to be a spoil sport, but it’s getting late," Jamie said. "We should go in soon."

  "I really like being outside," Ryan said. "Any chance we could stay out here to continue our party?"

  The smaller woman smiled and said, "I think this is one of those ‘sounds better than it is’ things. I think we’d need a shower first. I know I have sand in some very private places."

  "There’s an outdoor shower right by the beachside restaurant …" The look in Ryan’s eyes was one of hopeful playfulness. Jamie knew that she would be mildly disappointed if she chose not to comply with the request, but she also knew that Ryan would hold no hard feelings. Considering the matter for just a moment, she turned to their companions and asked, "You guys aren’t ready to go back in, are you?"

  "Hell, no!" Mia cried. "I wanna watch the sun come up!"

  "Would you consider being lookouts for us? We wanna go … be close … over by the rocks, and we don’t want any surprise visitors. Would you keep an eye out?"

  "Sure, girls," Mia said. "Have any champagne left?"

  "Yep. Almost a whole bottle," Ryan said. "But if you drink it, promise you’ll stay near the shore. I don’t want to lose either one of you tonight."

  "Deal. We’ll sit in the surf and talk. That’s one of our favorite dates," she said, beaming up at her partner.

  Jamie screwed up her courage and scampered across the sand, her nakedness slowly receding from her consciousness. The shower was warm and efficient, with the hotel-provided banana-scented shower gel removing every irritating trace of sand from her body. "All clean?" Ryan asked, her eyes already twinkling.

  "Yeah … but when I walk across the sand I’ll be all dirty again," Jamie said, placing her hands on her hips, daring her partner to solve that conundrum.

  "Simple solution to a complex problem," Ryan said, bending down to sweep her into her arms.

  "Honey, you’ll hurt yourself carrying me that far!"

please! You’re as light as a feather! I could carry you all over this island."

  "Are you sure? I don’t want you complaining of a bad back tomorrow."

  "I’m positive," Ryan said. "I do want to be complaining about certain parts being overstressed, but my back won’t be one of them."

  "Such a focus you have," Jamie said as they made their way back to their lair.

  Jordan and Mia had taken the champagne bottle, but they had thoughtfully left the glasses, and each now contained a few ounces of the golden liquid. Ryan lit the candles, then covered each with the hurricane glass to keep the wind from blowing them out. She propped herself up against the biggest boulder and took a sip of her wine, letting the tiny bubbles tickle her throat. Jamie scooted between her legs, resting her torso against Ryan’s. "We fit together so nicely," she said, as she idly played with the water droplets coating her partner’s thighs.

  "I know," Ryan murmured. "There are so many positions we just seem drawn to. You wouldn’t think that would be so, since I’m almost nine inches taller than you are, but I’ve honestly never felt more physically comfortable with anyone." She tugged her partner even closer, thrilling to the feel of her warm skin touching her own cooled flesh. "How do you feel about being outside? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable."

  "I feel good," Jamie said. "Having Mia and Jordan look out for us took away my concerns. I just didn’t want to be surprised by any uninvited visitors."

  "It seems like most people wanted to be at parties tonight," Ryan said. "I haven’t seen another soul since we came down here. This is such a fantastic place," she sighed, her contentment evident. "I love the fact that there’s practically nothing to do here … and that everyone from the hotel seems to have gone onto Eleuthra for some fun."

  "Mom’s travel agent is fabulous," Jamie said, "but this is working out better than I had hoped. This was just what we needed."

  "It is," Ryan sighed. "And the longer we’re here, the more obvious it is how much we needed this. I’m really starting to feel like myself again."

  "I can tell," Jamie murmured. "Your playful self seems like she’s back again." She paused for a moment and said, "I’ve missed her."

  "I’ve missed her, too," Ryan said. "I’ve got to concentrate on staying child-like. It’s one of the keys to my sanity."

  "It’s doing little things out of the ordinary like this that make me feel young," Jamie said. "Things like staying outside tonight."

  Ryan dropped her head and nuzzled her partner’s still-damp neck. "Doing this doesn’t make me feel young," she demurred. "It makes me feel hot. I absolutely love holding your warm naked body … just a candle and your luscious curves to guide my touch … the sound of the waves lapping against the shore … and that fantastic scent of jasmine and hibiscus that sweetens the air. Every one of my senses is saying, ‘Thank you!’"

  "Mmm … mine too," Jamie murmured. "This is heavenly."

  "No, this is heavenly," Ryan said, putting her arm out at a right angle and lowering Jamie onto it. When she had her in the proper position, she dipped her head and began to kiss her … the tender, emotion-filled touch warming both of their hearts.

  They continued to nuzzle and cuddle for a very long time, neither of them compelled to progress. Just this simple meeting of their lips, their breath filling each other’s lungs, was enough to completely satisfy them. "I never dreamed this would be the year I fell in love," Ryan said, her voice soft and warm. Between each word she planted kisses on her lover’s face … on her delicate eyelids … on the smooth curve of her neck. "I’m so happy that it was with you, Jamie."

  Feeling the emotion well up in her chest, the smaller woman caressed Ryan’s lips with her own. "I’m so happy that you chose me," she whispered.

  A deep laugh bubbled up from the dark woman, and she gently reminded her partner, "You… chose… me. Remember?"

  "How could I forget that?" she giggled warmly. "Best choice I’ve ever made." She ran her hand down Ryan’s shoulder, continuing down her arm until she could see goose bumps form on her flesh. "I make that choice every single day, Ryan, and I will for the rest of my life."

  "I look forward to a lifetime of saying yes," her partner replied, her voice husky with emotion.

  As she leaned into her again, Jamie’s lips tingled with the sweet intensity of their kisses. Desire began to pulse through and between their bodies, each beat of their hearts increasing their need for one another.

  Ryan shifted her powerful body, effortlessly moving her partner onto her back. As the large form hovered over her, Jamie soothed her by slowly running her hands up and down the strong back, welcoming her soft, warm tongue into her mouth. She felt delicious, familiar tingles fly up and down her spine as the darting tongue slid into the recesses of her mouth, seemingly determined to leave no part of her untouched.

  Unaware that she had moved, Jamie felt her legs lock around her lover’s pelvis, pulling her down hard against her need. A low, satisfied growl passed her lips as Ryan dipped her head once again, her kiss now more demanding, more compelling.

  Just as her body started to grind against Jamie, Ryan lifted her head, forcing her eyes to focus. Gasping for breath she said, "This isn’t how I want to love you tonight. I want to touch you gently and softly, to show you how much you mean to me."

  Smiling serenely, the smaller woman ran her fingers through her partner’s hair, pushing the dark locks from her eyes. "We can make love any way that your heart desires. Show me what’s in your heart, Ryan. Open yourself up to me."

  The deep blue eyes fluttered closed, and a shiver chased down Ryan’s spine as she tried to gather herself enough to show her partner all of the love she possessed. Blinking slowly, the dark-haired woman gazed deeply into her lover’s eyes, trusting her with every tender emotion that she held in her heart. She was staring so intently that Jamie automatically returned her gaze, not even blinking as Ryan started to glide her hands up and down her body.

  Their eyes locked on each other, Ryan kept her touch soft and slow and very, very gentle. Her eyes would trail to the skin she was caressing, her gaze so tender and filled with love that Jamie’s heart ached from the intensity of her feelings. Seconds after dropping her gaze, Ryan’s eyes would once again return to her partner’s, the strength of their connection so fierce that it was nearly visible.

  The strong, warm hands moved unerringly, slowly but inexorably drawing the smaller woman along a path that they had traveled many times. Ryan lowered her body so that she lay right next to her lover, their eyes still fixed on one another. As the long, elegant fingers slipped into her, Jamie fought to maintain her connection with her partner, forcing her eyes to remain open.

  A tiny smile tugged at one corner of Ryan’s lips, and she leaned in and kissed her partner, delighting in the small gasp that filled her mouth when her fingers touched a particularly sensitive spot.

  Once again she pulled back and stared into Jamie’s eyes, feeling the intimate connection reach every part of herself that had been closed off or hidden during their tumultuous last week.

  Ryan could see the pulse pounding against her partner’s throat, could see her struggling to maintain her gaze, even as her eyes lost their focus. Leaning just above Jamie’s lips, her desire throbbed through her body as she heard the breath catch in her lover’s chest. Her lips were captured by Jamie’s hungry mouth just as the first spasms raced through her body. The smaller woman struggled for breath, but she needed Ryan’s warm mouth covering her own more than air. Her arms were locked around her partner’s neck, holding on for dear life as Ryan’s fingers picked up the beat again, gliding against her slickness with the same rhythm as her rapidly beating heart.

  Jamie couldn’t let go – couldn’t loosen her hold one bit. She clutched Ryan to her breast so tightly that both sets of lungs were unable to fully expand – but neither woman regretted the sacrifice. Feeling her lover’s need to merge with her was deeply thrilling for Ryan, and she gladly accepted the bruises that were sure to

  As the second wash of sensation pulsed through her body, Jamie’s mouth opened to cry out, but Ryan covered her tender lips once again, needing to capture the explosion of feeling in her own body. The smaller woman didn’t disappoint – gasping out a strangled cry that was devoured by Ryan’s hungry mouth. Soft moans and deep sighs continued to spring from her lips for long moments -- every sound, every breath greedily consumed by the dark woman.

  Finally, needing to fill her lungs, Jamie regretfully pulled away just enough to be able to breathe. Ryan was so close that the smaller woman could have counted every one of her long, dark lashes, and she gave every indication that she would remain right where she was for as long as Jamie could tolerate the closeness.

  Once she was able to take in a normal breath, the blonde gazed at her partner with loving eyes and gently teased, "Why are you so far away?"

  Ryan immediately closed the scant distance and spent a few moments kissing her with a passionate intensity. Finally lifting her head just an inch she whispered, "I never want to be farther than this from your sweet lips."

  Smiling broadly, Jamie murmured, "My plans for the future match yours exactly."

  "Let the future begin," Ryan said, capturing her prize once again.

  Two bodies came running across the sand, their exuberant cries nearly swallowed by the sounds of the surf. Splashing through the waves, they found their friends, as promised, lying on the hard-packed sand just at the edge of the water.

  "All loved out?" Mia asked lazily, looking up from where her head was pillowed on Jordan’s chest.

  "I am perfectly well loved," Ryan said. "Can’t speak for my partner here, but I’m just about at my capacity for bliss."

  "Count me in," Jamie said. "Thanks for watching out for us, guys. I could never have relaxed if you hadn’t been playing lookout."

  "Don’t you think one good turn deserves another?" Jordan asked, her eyes glittering in the bright moonlight.


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