Book Read Free


Page 17

by Susan X Meagher

  "I don’t get to watch you get dressed?"

  "Nope. Go make us a drink. I bought everything to make your favorite new concoction."

  "All right," Ryan grumbled, her shoulders drooping a little in disappointment.

  Jamie patted her on the butt and chided, "Don’t pout, now. I like to fuss a little, and that’s hard to do when you watch me."

  "Well, given that I always enjoy the finished product, I guess I shouldn’t complain."

  "That’s the spirit. Now scoot."

  Ryan walked into the living room and started to concentrate on re-creating the rich local drink, throwing out her first three attempts. Tasting her fourth try she mused, Hmm … a little more coconut water and I’m there.

  A pair of warm arms encircled her waist and she lost track of what she had been doing as her body reacted automatically, her hips unconsciously swaying against her partner. Placing her drink on the bar, she turned in Jamie’s embrace and immediately let out a low whistle. "Good God," she whispered. "Are you sure I didn’t die when I fell on the court in North Carolina? There’s no way that a creature as beautiful as you are can be a mere human."

  "I bet you say that to all the angels," Jamie said, leaning back in her embrace to regard her lovingly.

  "No, I don’t," Ryan said. "I’m a one woman… here in heaven as well as on earth."

  "Is that true, Ryan?" Jamie asked softly. "Would you choose me over every other person on earth as well as in heaven?"

  "In this world … in the next. No matter what form we’re in … if it’s possible to be with you for all eternity, that is my choice. You’re the only woman in my life," the dark-haired beauty whispered. "Forever and ever."

  "I love you, Ryan." She stood tall and let her partner come to her. Their lips met gently, just tasting each other for a few moments, knowing they had plenty of time to savor each other later in the evening.

  Ryan pulled back a little and murmured, "I haven’t had a chance to fully appreciate your dress. Will you model for me?"

  "Sure." Giving her partner a sexy grin, Jamie stepped back and did a slow turn, twitching her hips a little as she did so. Ryan took in the grass-green and sunny yellow print, marveling at the fine, intricate pattern of the material. The dress was sleeveless and nearly backless, obviously held up by some temporary suspension of the laws of nature. The bodice fit like a second skin, and then the dress flared just enough to allow Jamie to move freely. It was short … just about the perfect length in Ryan’s educated opinion…with a slit in the back that allowed the cool blue eyes to get an occasional glimpse of creamy white thigh.

  "That is the perfect dress," Ryan said. "I don’t know how you do it, but you’ve once again managed to highlight every one of your many glorious assets. Just spectacular, Jamie."

  "Aren’t you glad one of us likes to shop?" she asked rhetorically as she took her partner’s hand and led her onto the deck.

  Jordan and Mia had just emerged from their room at the opposite end of the cottage. Their outfits were tailor made for each woman’s individual style, highlighting her distinctive coloring. Jordan wore a sky blue bandeau top covered with a print of bright white hibiscus flowers. A low-slung sarong hung on her hips, the fabric the mirror opposite of her top – pure white with sky blue hibiscus dotting it.

  Mia wore something she described as a pareo dress. A long swath of fabric draped over one shoulder, then covered her chest and wrapped around her waist, covering everything required and not much more. The background was a deep tan, almost the color of café con leche, with a bright white over-print.

  "Very nice, girls," Ryan said, enormously glad they had decided to stay in. There were a large number of single men on the island – mostly college guys from the States–in Eleuthra for a little warm-water surfing. She knew that they’d be fending guys off all night, given their alluring styles of dress – and the last thing she wanted was any more stress.

  "Who knew such a beautiful woman lurked under those big T-shirts and jeans?" Jordan said, drawing a slight flush from her tall friend.

  "I might surprise you, but surely Jamie doesn’t," Ryan said, trying to get the spotlight off herself. "She’s gorgeous in everything she wears."

  "This is true," Jordan said. "You look fabulous, Jamie," she said, her eyes reflecting the sincerity of her compliment.

  They heard a sharp knock on the front door, and Jamie went to answer. Two young men delivered four trays, with a cornucopia of delectable scents bursting from beneath their metal coverings. They efficiently set the outdoor table with linen, then arranged the meals, adding a bottle of wine in a chilled bucket. Jamie signed for the meal, then said, "Oops! We forgot to set the candles out, Mia!" She ran into their room and brought out eight large candles, each covered with a hurricane-style glass cover.

  She and Mia arranged them along the deck railing and got them all lit. The candles provided a warm glow to the table, and a flattering golden blush to their faces.

  The restaurant featured four different entrees, and Jamie had ordered one of each. They looked at the choices, and each woman gravitated to the one that most appealed to her, luckily, each drawn to a different one. "I thought you’d pick the tenderloin of beef," Jamie said to her partner.

  "Do they raise cattle in the Bahamas?" Ryan asked, continuing her quest for all things authentic.

  "No, dear, they do not," Jamie said.

  "Then it is not for me," she said, planting herself in front of the mahi-mahi.

  Given the contented look on Ryan’s face, Jamie decided it was not the time to tell her that mahi-mahi was a Hawaiian fish.

  The food tasted even better than it looked, which was tough to accomplish. "What is the name of this soup again?" Ryan asked, looking like she was going to eat the bowl.

  "That’s a tiger shrimp bisque with a dash of cognac," Jamie said. "You seem a little fond of it," she added.

  "I knew I loved soup, but between this and that conch chowder, I honestly think I could live on it."

  "Try mine," Jamie said. Ryan took a sip and rolled her eyes in pleasure. "Leek and potato with a little smoked mahi-mahi."

  Ryan batted her eyes and begged, "Can you make that at home, honey? I’ll love you forever."

  "Sure. I think I could get close to it," she said.

  "I miss our dinners," Jordan sighed. "Wasn’t it nice to come home from volleyball practice and have Jamie and Mia waiting for us, dinner just about on the table? That’s the most normal family dining experience I’d ever had," the blonde murmured.

  Mia reached over and grasped her hand, saying, "We’ll have that again, I promise you."

  Jordan blinked at her, her eyes growing wide as she let the dream settle in her brain. Her eyes fluttered closed as she said, "Thanks, Mia, that means a lot. It’ll give me something to look forward to."

  "Yeah, and while Jordan’s perfecting her volleyball skills, you can perfect your cooking skills," Ryan said.

  Mia smiled sweetly and said, "I was promising that one day we’d live with you two again. Don’t get carried away, Boomer."

  "I misspoke," Ryan said, giving Mia a fond glance. "We’d love to have both of our dependents back."

  When they finally finished their leisurely meal, they covered the demolished platters with the metal domes as Jordan went in to find some acceptable music. She tuned to a local station that featured a slow, sexy reggae beat, hoping that the song wasn’t an anomaly, then stayed in front of the stereo for a few minutes, pleased when the next song carried the same theme. The announcer, in his clipped, British-accented English, proclaimed that it was a night for love … and Jordan knew she had found the correct station.

  "Nice choice," Ryan said when she came back onto the deck.

  Jamie approached, extending her arms towards her partner, who immediately wrapped her in a light embrace as they began to sway to the music. Jordan and Mia did the same, and within a few minutes each couple felt like they were all alone on their deserted island of peace.

  "I w
ill never be able to thank your mother enough for suggesting this, and making it happen," Ryan murmured.

  "I hope she’s having a good time," the smaller woman said. "I worry about her being in Italy all alone."

  "I don’t think she’s alone," Ryan said.

  "Ryan," Jamie said, looking directly into her eyes, "what would make you feel more lonely? Being alone, or being here in the Bahamas while I was here with my husband? Even if I could spare several afternoons to be with you and make love, wouldn’t you feel completely alone?"

  Ryan nodded slowly, forced to look at the reality of Catherine’s situation. "I don’t like to think about it," she admitted quietly. "I try to convince myself that she has this set up the way she wants it." She shook her head as she acknowledged, "Nobody really wants it that way, do they?"

  "Giacomo might," Jamie said, "but he’d probably rather have someone that satisfied him completely, too."

  "She can have that," Ryan said. "She just has to decide that she won’t settle for less."

  "She’s settled for so long that I think it’s second nature to her now," Jamie said. "I hope it’s not too late for her to wake up and demand more."

  "It’s not," Ryan said, her eyes showing her confidence. "We’ll help her get her self-esteem back. That’s all she needs … a view of herself like we see her."

  "I love that you say ‘we’," Jamie whispered. "It makes me feel so good to know that you love her, too."

  "I do," Ryan said. "I love her, and I want the best for her. We just have to support her until she wants the best for herself. She’ll get there; I know it in my heart."

  "May I?" Mia asked after tapping Jamie on the shoulder.

  "Sure," Jamie said. "May I dance with your girlfriend?"

  "Yep. Don’t wear her out though, I’ve got big plans for her," she said.

  "Like I don’t?" Jamie asked. She placed Ryan’s hand in Mia’s significantly smaller one, and patted them both on the back.

  Mia placed her arms around Ryan’s bare waist and leaned in close. "I’m so glad we’re here with you," the smaller woman said.

  "It is idyllic," Ryan said.

  "No, even though the place is wonderful, I’m talking about how nice it is to be with you and Jamie." They swayed to the music for a few minutes, just relishing the warm, salt-tinged air. "You know, I was afraid she was never going to get the love she deserved, Ryan." Her big brown eyes looked up at the tall woman and she said, "She has it with you."

  "That’s nice of you to say," Ryan said, giving her a squeeze. "I feel the same about the place you hold in Jordan’s life, you know. You’re just the woman I would have picked for her."

  "Really?" Mia’s face was lit up by a wide grin as she looked up at her friend.

  "Yes, really. You bring out all of her hidden attributes, Mia. She’s not just a competitive jock when she’s with you. She’s vulnerable and open, and she really risks. That’s very hard for her to do – but you make her feel safe."

  "Thank, Ryan," she said softly. "I care for her a lot."

  "It shows, Mia. You treat her like you care."

  "You know," the curly-haired brunette said, "I knew you looked marvelous, but I didn’t notice how beautiful those pants were. Are they silk?"

  "Yeah, I think so," Ryan said.

  "They feel wonderful," Mia said. "The fabric is exquisite."

  "Uhm … could you feel the fabric somewhere other than my ass cheeks?"

  "Oh, Ryan, you’re such a prude," the smaller woman said, giggling as she slipped her hands up to rest on her waist.

  Ryan blinked at her, shaking her head as she laughed, "You’re the first person in my entire life to call me that!" She leaned over and kissed the smaller woman gently, just brushing her lips against Mia’s. "You’re definitely gonna keep old Jordan busy."

  "That’s my goal," Mia said. "By the time she gets bored with me, we’ll be ready for the retirement home."

  "It’s nearly eleven o’clock," Jamie whispered into her partner’s ear after they had been dancing for hours.

  "Mmm-hmm," Ryan replied, not seeing what the time had to do with anything.

  "How about going for a walk on the beach? I’d love to see the New Year in walking along the surf with you."

  "Sounds good," Ryan said. "Course, staying right here and dancing sounds awfully good, too."

  "I have never seen you so laid back," the smaller woman said. "You’re practically inert!"

  "Yep. When we move here and I open my surf shop, you’ll barely recognize me."

  "Come on, lazy bones. I want to be all alone with you at midnight."

  "Should we bring a glass of wine or something to toast with?" Ryan asked.

  "Nah. I only need your sweet lips."

  "You’ve got ‘em."

  Part 5

  Jordan shot Mia a grin as their friends walked towards the beach. "Alone at last. I thought they’d never leave."

  "Who’s that?" Mia asked as she leaned back in Jordan’s embrace, her hands laced behind her lover’s neck.

  "Ryan and Jamie," the blonde said, realizing that Mia was playing with her.

  "Oh, are they here?" the smaller woman asked idly. "I hadn’t noticed. All I see is a pair of crystal blue eyes, some dazzling white teeth, and some of the prettiest golden hair I’ve ever seen in my life."

  "Don’t forget the warm, pink tongue," Jordan said, delivering the evidence directly into Mia’s mouth for inspection.

  "How could I ever forget that?" she asked long moments later. "It’s one of my favorite things on earth."

  "Really?" the blonde asked, strangely shy about believing compliments.

  "Oh, yeah," Mia said. "It’s quite extraordinary you know. The first night – when you kissed me – I remember thinking, ‘Oh, that is a delightful tongue. I can’t wait to have it explore my body’."

  Jordan’s head cocked as she asked, "Did you really?"

  "Of course I did," Mia said. "I was a goner by the time the sun rose, Jordan. I moped around for days when you didn’t call me."

  The blonde blushed, the high color evident even in the moonlight. "I was too shy," she said. "I didn’t think you’d be interested in me when you found out I was so inexperienced."

  "Not so," Mia said. "I was a little worried, but I was very interested."

  "Worried? Why were you worried?"

  Mia took her by the hand and led her over to pair of chaises sitting side by side. Sitting on one, she urged Jordan into the other. They held hands while they watched the waves breaking, a few minutes passing before Mia continued. "I was afraid that you might get upset by the feelings that going further would bring up. Frankly, I was most afraid that you’d find that being with a woman wasn’t right for you." Looking over at the blonde she said quietly, "That would have been very hard for me."

  "I’m glad you hung in there with me," Jordan said softly. "I’d been so worried about … being with someone … and you took all of my fears away. That was such a gift, Mia," she said.

  "Oh, Jordy, I’m sorry this was so hard for you, but in another way I’m thankful that you’ve not been with anyone else. It makes me feel very special that you waited to share your sexuality with me."

  "I shouldn’t get credit for being a chicken," Jordan said. "I would have been working my way through every available woman in the Bay area if I hadn’t been such a coward."

  "Well, we’ll never know for sure, but something makes me doubt that. I think you’re just careful."

  "Eh … maybe," Jordan said. "I guess we’ll never know." She looked over at her partner, her blue eyes sparkling. "So, am I making progress? I know I was horrid at first, but I feel like I’m getting my sea legs now."

  "You were never horrid, sweetheart, just nervous. The first time we were together, you touched my heart so deeply …" Mia sighed heavily, shaking her head. "By the time we had finished making love that first night, I was mad about you."

  "Really?" Jordan asked shyly. "I was pretty crazy about you, too. I did cartwheels all t
he way to school that morning," she said. "Ryan thought I’d lost my mind."

  "We were pretty silly," Mia said. "We tried really hard not to show each other how excited we were about being together."

  "Probably because I made such a big deal about not letting this get out of hand and not falling in love," Jordan said quietly. Mia was lying on her side, and when Jordan said this she rolled onto her back and looked away, not wanting her partner to see the look in her eyes. Jordan rolled onto her side and grasped Mia’s chin, turning it until they were nose to nose. "I didn’t follow my own rules," she said softly. "I couldn’t help myself, Mia. You’re such a wonderful woman…" She took a deep breath and finally spoke the truth. "I swear I was already in love with you the first time we made love."

  "You love me?" Mia’s soft voice asked, her eyes wide and filled with wonder.

  "Yes, I love you," Jordan said, her voice surprisingly strong and confident. "I love you very, very much, Mia. You’re all I think about, you’re all I dream about. You’re with me every part of every day … from the time I wake from my early morning dreams of you, until I fall asleep picturing your face. I love you."

  Practically throwing herself onto Jordan’s chaise, Mia wrapped her in a rough embrace and kissed her with a rabid passion. Pulling back just slightly she whispered, "I love you, too, Jordan. I’ve loved you from the first time I touched you."

  Jordan beamed a smile at her and declared, "I have to go to the ocean. I want to strip off every bit of my clothing and run naked into the water. I need to bay at the moon!"

  Taking her hand, Mia followed her lover down the stairs and across the sand, laughing hysterically at the wild enthusiasm that the taller woman was exhibiting.

  Jamie tugged Ryan along when she determined that her partner was moving too slowly. "You’re on the verge of being too relaxed for my tastes," the blonde said.

  "Okay, I’ll try to add a little tension to my demeanor," Ryan promised, giving her partner a remarkably slow smile.

  "Nah, you can dawdle if you want," Jamie said. "I’ve just never seen you like this – it’s going to take some getting used to."


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