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Slide: Rugged Skulls MC

Page 18

by Amy Davies

  Posey stands on Slide’s thighs and claps her hands like a happy seal being fed at a zoo. I chuckle at her reaction and move my gaze over to Slide, who is stock still, even though he’s holding Posey by her hips to stop her from falling.

  I reach over and touch his leg, and his gaze moves to mine. The emotion in his eyes shows just how happy he is. They’re filled to the brim with tears, their blue color bright. He smiles and brings one hand up to pinch his eyes and clear the tears away, before he clears his throat.

  “Fuck me, I’m going to be a dad,” he chokes out.

  And in three, two, one…

  “Badded word, Ryan. Ten bucks, Mister.” Her hands go to her hips as she states this, and we chuckle again, even the nurse. The machine makes a noise and the nurse hands me a few printouts of the baby.

  “You can make an appointment at the front desk for the next scan. I’m sorry about earlier. I don’t usually act like that. Please accept my apology.”

  I nod, as does Slide, and she exits the room. I adjust my top to cover my stomach again and sit up, meeting Slide’s lips as I straighten. The kiss is soft, gentle, and heartwarming. His tongue touches mine, and I moan. I know in the back of my mind that I shouldn’t because Posey is in the room with us.

  He breaks the kiss and rests his forehead against mine. We soak up the moment, and my heart soars when Posey rests her forehead against our jaws. We chuckle at her. The sweetness coming from this moment will stick with me for as long as I live.

  This is us, the new Daniels-Stern family.

  “Come on, let’s get you to Coffee Cove. I have some club business to get done today.” With one last kiss, Slide adjusts Posey on his hip, and we leave to set up the next appointment.

  On the way out, we see a table with an elderly lady sat behind it, selling some crochet animals for charity. Posey goes crazy when she sees a panda one. There’s a panda, elephant, giraffe, cat, and a dog. There is also a cute little pod pea one.

  “OMG, I needs one, Ryan. Please, pretty please,” she begs, and I know that he will get her anything she wants, because my little girl has this sexy biker wrapped around her little finger.

  She has all the men in the club wrapped around her little fingers, especially Sarge. It still baffles me how this big, broody biker melts at the sight of my baby girl, who he would give the world to.

  “How much for the panda?” Slide asks with a smile on his face, because he knows he’s making my baby happy.

  “They are ten dollars each. All the money goes to the NICU, here at the hospital,” the lady explains, while handing the panda over to Posey.

  “Can I have the pod pea, please?” I ask her, and she gives me a large, loving smile. She looks between Slide and me.

  “There you go, dear. You have such a beautiful family.”

  “Thank you.” I beam and take the item from her. Slide looks at me and I hold it up to him. “For us. Two peas in a pod.” I shrug, and his laughter fills the air around us, making my smile widen with happiness.

  “Love it, baby. Love you.” He leans in for a sweet kiss to my lips before stepping back and taking my hand again. We walk to his car hand in hand. It has been three days since we found out I was pregnant. My parents were over the moon, and Leaf said that it’s about time I found a man who matches my amount of crazy.

  When we get to his car, Slide straps Posey into her brand-new pink car seat that has a food tray, which she loves immensely. I get into the car and put on my seatbelt before pulling the scan photo out of my purse and staring at it.

  The smile on my face seems to be stuck as giddy happiness surges through me at the thought of carrying Slide’s baby. My pregnancy with Posey was hard, morning, noon and night sickness. The dizziness was awful, which is why I ended up moving in with my parents. Chris was deployed through a majority of the pregnancy.

  “You okay over there?” Slide’s voice cuts through my thoughts.

  “Yeah. Feeling overwhelmed that I’m pregnant again. I just hope this one will be easier than my pregnancy with Posey,” I tell him, and he reaches over for my hand, bringing it to his mouth and kissing it. My body prickles with need, and I know Slide sees that. His eyes crinkle as he smiles at me, and his mouth leaves more sensual kisses to the back of my hand, and then over my wrist.

  “This pregnancy will be an easy ride, babe, because that’s my baby you’re growing in there. He will want an easy ride too. You feed him delicious food and give him all of your love, and I can tell you my boy will behave.” His words make me smile, and I lean in for a quick kiss.

  “Still convinced it’s a boy?”

  He gives me a boyish smile. “Yep. Got a feeling. Plus, I will need a bigger gun collection if we have a girl, sunshine. Just look at Posey, and then look in the mirror; stunners the pair of you. God help me or any horny little fuckers that want to come near my baby girls,” he jokes, and I giggle at how serious he suddenly looks.

  “Oh, handsome, I think our girls will be strong enough to handle little horny boys when they get older. They will have plenty of big scary uncles at their backs, as well as a biker and an Army dad,” I say against his lips, as I move in for a kiss.

  He breaks the kiss and looks over his shoulder at Posey, who is already sleeping in her seat, cuddling the crochet panda tightly in her arms. Slide’s hand moves to the back of my neck and pulls my mouth back to his as he kisses the breath out of me.

  His tongue tangos with mine. The love he’s pouring into the kiss will stain my heart with the love that he wants to stay with me for all eternity. My body vibrates with need for him; my nipples pebble beneath the material of my bra and my thighs press together to ease the ache in my pussy.

  My hands cup his face, holding him to me while our lips, teeth and tongue play, licking and nipping at each other. The kiss quickly becomes heated, which happens a lot with us. I know he talked to the boys about pregnancy hormones, so I know the sex will get wilder and more often—not that I’m complaining. I mean, who would when you get to have sex with a man like Slide.

  “Fuck, baby,” is all he says, as he rests his forehead against mine. We breathe each other in.

  “I know. Later.” The promise sits between us, and he kisses me quickly again before starting the car and driving Posey and I to the Cove for my afternoon shift. Posey will be staying in the back with Kenny, and my shadow, Abe, will be out front watching me and the store front.

  When we arrive at Coffee Cove, Slide becomes more alert than he was on the drive. He parks the car and shuts it off, before climbing out and getting a sleeping Posey out of her seat. I reach back for her little panda backpack and meet them on my side of the car before we walk inside.

  Slide takes Posey straight through to the back office, where a sleep and go sits for her whenever she’s here most of the day. I step up to the counter, and Kenny comes around and hugs me.

  “How did it go?” he asks, and steps back as Slide joins us.

  “It was great. Baby looks good. I’m four to five weeks, which was my calculation. Don’t you have to get going?” I ask Slide.

  He leans back in mock horror. “Are you trying to get rid of me, baby? Do you have another man who needs your attention, so you need me out of the way?”

  “Yes, and yes. Now shoo, he’ll be here any second and he can’t see me with you.” I wink at him and point to the sexy looking dessert, and he cracks up laughing before pulling me in for a deep but quick kiss.

  He holds his hands up in mock surrender. “Fine, I get it. I’ll go. I know when I’ve lost. Who am I to stop any sugary dessert from getting your love and attention? But make sure he’s gone by the time I come and collect my girls.”

  With one more kiss, Slide leaves, and I go about starting my shift. Walking along the outside tables, I pick up the empty plates and mugs and wipe the tables down. I’m about to walk back inside when I’m grabbed from behind. I go to scream but a hand clamps over my mouth, and I’m dragged away into a vehicle.

  A bag is placed over my h
ead, and I’m put in a seat. Thoughts of Posey, my baby, and Slide rush through mind, thoughts of never seeing them, of losing my baby.

  “Shut the fuck up and you won’t get hurt.” That’s the last words I hear before I faint, and everything goes black.



  Switching the car off, I pull out my phone that is vibrating like crazy in my jacket pocket. I see that I have a dozen or so missed calls from Abe. My heart rate spikes before I’ve even hit the call button.

  “Slide, man—fuck. They took her. I was sitting just inside, and I could see her, but they came out of nowhere and pulled her into a van. I got the plate number. Fuck, I’m sorry, brother.”

  I can hear the desperation in his voice, but I can’t find the words to soothe him. I need to get there and find her. I bolt for the clubhouse and see everyone sitting in the main room.

  “Let’s go! Some dumb fucks took Farrah from the Cove. Abe got us a plate, but he didn’t follow,” I bellow, and then turn on my heel and head straight to my bike.

  I don’t bother to check if my brothers are following me because I know they will always have my back. I start my bike up, spin out of the compound and gun it down the road, toward Coffee Cove.

  My hands tighten on my handlebars, the grip turning my knuckles white with both anger and worry over Farrah and our baby. Today was such a great day, seeing my baby for the first time, calling Posey my daughter. It made my heart fucking soar to new heights.

  My bike has barely come to a stop when I’m off it and racing into Coffee Cove. There are no customers, which means Kenny shut up shop.

  “Daddio,” Posey cries out. My head snaps in her direction, and she struggles with Gavin to let her go.

  “Come here, baby.” I give Gavin a nod and take her into my arms.

  “Badded duckers took Mama.” She cries softly into my neck, and my chest constricts at her words and her pain. My gaze finds Kenny, and he sighs, closing the gap between us.

  He rubs his hand over her back. “She heard me on the phone. Sorry, man, I didn’t see her behind me.”

  “It’s okay, brother. Posey, baby, I need to talk with GK and the boys okay. Will you go with Gavin to the back room?”

  She shakes her head against my chest and grips my leather jacket in her tiny fist, refusing to let me go. With one hand under her butt and the other soothing her back, I turn to my brothers.

  “She okay?” Magnum asks, nodding to Posey in my arms. I nod, and he carries on. “Tommy knows who took your woman. He said he recognized two of the boys that jumped out of the green van.”

  My gaze snaps to Tommy, who is standing behind a table, his hands tucked into the front pockets of his jeans, his shoulders hunched forward and his head down, not looking at anyone. He’s trembling. I can see his body shaking.

  “Where would they take her, Tommy?” His head snaps up at my question.

  His eyes widen in fear, but at the moment, I couldn’t give a shit. His old crew took my fucking woman and I want her back unharmed. Not waiting for him to reply, I pull out my phone, unlock it, and scroll until I find the number I want.

  “Hey, man. How’s things? How’s Tommy doing? I haven’t talked to him today,” Quincey answers.

  “Brother, we have an issue. Some of Tommy’s crew took my woman.” I jump straight in. I don’t have time to piss about. I need to find Farrah.

  “Fuck me. Are you sure it was his old crew?”

  “Yeah. He saw two of them. Where would they take her, Quince? She’s pregnant, brother. We had it confirmed today.” Tommy’s legs give out, and Sarge catches him and sits him on a chair.

  I can hear Quincey cursing up a storm on the other end of the phone before he actually speaks to me.

  “Give me five, brother, and I will call you back. Is Tommy okay?”

  “He’s safe.” With that, he ends the call. I drop my phone on the table in front of me and then bring that hand up to rub Posey’s back again. Her breathing is evening out, and I know she’s fallen asleep, which is perfect timing, because Risky comes through the door.

  Magnum brings her into his arms and fills her in on what’s happened. After a quick, hard kiss, she makes her way over to me and kisses my cheek.

  “I’ve got her. Go and get your woman back,” she whispers. I nod and gently hand Posey over to her, knowing full well that she will protect her with her life.

  “Thanks, Risk.” I kiss Posey’s head once more and Risky leaves with Ferris hot on her heels.

  “I’m sorry, Slide. I should have gone after them. It just happened so fast,” Abe’s voice comes from behind me. His tone reveals his anger, but also regret for not protecting my girl.

  I take a deep breath and turn on my heel to face him. His shoulders are back like he’s ready to take whatever punishment I’m about to dish out, but that’s not what’s going to happen.

  “There was nothing you could have done, man. Like you said, it happened fast,” Opal says, as he steps up to us. I frown and look to him. He throws his thumb over his shoulder. “Just checked the security footage. They knew what they were doing. The van barely came to a stop when they grabbed her, and they took off before the door was even closed.”

  My anger spikes at the vision that is playing in my head—of them fuckers throwing my woman in the back of a van while she’s pregnant with my kid. My fists clench at my sides and a few knuckles crack from the force. With my chest heaving in anger, I see Abe stepping back from me, and I shake my head at him. He stops is movements.

  “Not angry at you, man. I’m angry that they took my woman. They’d better pray to every fucking god that she’s not hurt in any way, and that her and our baby are okay.” He gives me a sharp nod and steps away, over to where Joel is standing by the main door.

  “Your friend needs to phone us back with some information, Slide, or I’m going fucking hunting on my own,” Kenny spits out, his anger evident in his deep tone.

  Nodding, I rest a hand on his shoulder, and I can feel how his muscles are tense. Kenny is like me; he will kill anything and anyone that gets in our way to get Farrah back. Her, Posey, and my baby are all that matters to me right now.

  “We need to let Chris know,” I say, but Kenny shakes his head.

  “He’s already left for his next deployment. It’s his last one,” Kenny explains, and I nod and walk over to where Magnum is talking to Sarge and Edge.

  “You okay, brother?” Edge asks.

  “I will be when we get her back. Fuck, today was supposed to be a fan-fucking-tastic day. Now it’s a shit show,” I declare.

  “She will be fine, man. She’s a strong, fierce woman. She’s smart and will know how to cope and not piss them off,” Magnum edges, and Sarge sniggers.

  “You mean like Risky did?” Magnum flips him off but has a smile on his face.

  “Yeah, that little shit needs to know when to shut her mouth. Just as long as her mouth is open when we’re in bed or my dick is hard, we will be fine.” He winks.

  Trust my brothers to try and destress the moment. That helps clear the head. If you go headstrong into a situation, bad shit can happen. There is fuck all we can do until Quincey calls me back with some info.

  “Horny bastard,” I throw back at him, and he wiggles his eyebrows.

  “Hey, brother, you’ve seen my woman.”

  “Slide.” Tommy’s timid voice cuts into our conversation.

  I look over my shoulder and see Tommy standing there, biting down on his thumbnail—a nervous habit for most. The color has drained from his face. I can see that he is genuinely sorry for this shit that is happening.

  Turning to face him head on, I want him to look me in the eyes and tell me shit that I need to know to get Farrah back. I fold my arms cross my chest, my leather jacket creaking at the movement. With a quirked eyebrow, I wait for him to say something, but I see his eyes widen, and then I feel the boys closing in behind me. They can be an intimidating bunch of fuckers when they want to be.

�I-I’m sorry I brought this to you, the club, Kenny, and Farrah. I wanted to get away from them. That’s why Uncle Q said for me to come here. I think they threw the brick through the window. I never should have got involved with them in the first place, but they bully you into joining.” He keeps his gaze on the floor, moving his foot over the pattern on the tile.

  “Where would they take her, Tommy?”

  He shakes his head, finally looking up at me.

  “I don’t know, Slide, I swear.” His words rush out of his mouth in panic. “I don’t know their hangouts, or if they have crew down here, but knowing Dav, he’s searched some people out to help him. He’s like that—never likes to do everything for himself.”

  “Anything at all will help, Tommy. Names of people he might know down here,” Opal steps in.

  “Nothing. Fuck!” Tommy mutters, bringing his hands up to the back of his neck and squeezing. He growls and bends at the waist, the guilt sinking deeper and deeper in his head.

  “Hey, kid. Look at me,” Sarge speaks up. Tommy brings his gaze up to Sarge, and I can see him cower a little. Sarge is one imposing bastard.

  “You’re the one who walked away from the little shits. It was you who decided to be a bigger man and want something more and better for your life. Do not ever let anyone tell you how to live your life. These fuckers will leave you alone soon enough. We just need something that will help us get Farrah back. My brother’s old lady is pregnant, Tommy. We need to get them back in one piece.”

  My phone rings and so does Tommy’s, breaking the deep conversation from my brothers who rarely string two whole sentences together. I notice his face goes pale as he answers, but Magnum and Sarge are on him, making sure he’s okay.

  “Quince, please tell me you have something,” I urge into the phone. I need my woman back in my arms. I am never letting her out of my sight again, that’s for fucking sure.

  “I called in a few favors. They’re holed up in an abandoned house on the edge of town. It used to be an old wheat mill. Do you know it?”


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