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Slide: Rugged Skulls MC

Page 19

by Amy Davies

  “The old wheat mill.” I signal to my brothers, and they nod, running to their bikes. “Thanks, man.”

  “Keep me posted, Slide. Tell me Tommy is good.” His voice takes a softer tone when asking about his nephew.

  “He’s good,” is all I say, before I end the call, catching up to my brothers on their bikes.

  Knowing that Posey is taken care of, my mind can solely be on getting my sunshine home safe and sound. We gun it through the streets and head for the outskirts of town, not caring what traffic laws we break.

  My heart is racing, my body is buzzing with adrenaline, and my head swims with visions of Farrah being hurt, like Jodie was when her cunt of an ex took her. I know Farrah is a strong woman. I just hope she’s strong enough to get through this.

  Before I know it, the old wheat mill’s drive comes into view, and my anger hits an all-time high, knowing that they’re in there doing God knows what to my woman. I follow behind my brothers’ wing formation as we get closer and closer, until Magnum pulls off to the side and tuns his bike off.

  “What the fuck?” I mutter, as I follow suit and walk to where my prez and VP are standing.

  “We’re not taking the bikes any closer. The noise will let them know we’re coming. Joel is bringing the cage, so when we get Farrah out, she won’t have to be on the back of your bike. Brother, we don’t know what shape she will be in,” Sarge explains, and I pull in a deep breath and nod in understanding.

  “Let’s go. Let’s get your woman back,” Magnum declares.



  I glare at the four wannabe gangsters across the room from where I’m tied to a chair. Thankfully, they haven’t hurt me in any way. The roughest they’ve been was when they practically threw me into the van, but the leader was pissed that they did that, and he beat the one who handled me badly. He kept saying that I wasn’t a part of what he wanted, but they needed me to bait Tommy, which made no sense. They didn’t need me, but they did. Freaking kids need to make their minds up.

  They’re just that, kids. No older than eighteen, maybe nineteen. It’s crazy that these boys put so much effort into being criminals and doing the wrong thing, yet they won’t put effort into making something good with their lives.

  I often wondered what went through a teenagers’ mind when they put so much effort into the wrong thing for them, but I guess it’s their prerogative what they do with their life.

  Thinking of kids and their ways, I think of Posey and my unborn baby. I know I will see them again soon, because the boys don’t seem to want to hurt me. They just want to lure Tommy out.

  All parents can do is steer their kids in the right direction during their learning years, but there comes a time when they are old enough to make their own decisions.

  “Here.” One boy thrusts a bottle of water and a protein bar at me.

  I look down at my wrists, then back up to him, and lift my eyebrows. “Do you really think I can drink that with my hands tied to the chair?”

  He looks over his shoulder to the leader, who huffs and steps over to us. He pulls out a flick knife, and my heart hammers against my chest. He smirks, knowing that he just put the fear of God into me. Fucking prick.

  I scowl at him, and he laughs, leaning forward and cutting the cable ties off my wrists. I instantly bring both wrists to my chest and rub each of them. I notice that my wrists have red marks on them from the tightness of the ties. Slide will go crazy when he sees these.

  “You seem like a smart kid. I’m sure that if you let me go, we can set up some sort of meeting with Tommy and his uncle.”

  “Nah, not happening,” he gripes. “You don’t just leave the crew, you go out in a body bag. That’s has always been the way,” he tells me, and I shiver at the anger in his voice.

  “But why? Surely if you want something better for yourself, that should be your choice, just like it was Tommy’s. He told me that he’s seen three friends gunned down in front of him, and he wanted something better for himself, but he was too afraid to walk away. But then he got caught in that car theft and he saw his chance. You can’t blame him for wanting more out of life.”

  I had hoped that my words would hit home at some point, but he just snarls at me and turns to walk across the room. Clearly, I hit a nerve. I have to be thankful for the fact that he didn’t tie me to the chair again, so I sip the water and take a bite out of the protein bar.

  Time passes in a blur. The boys sit around on their phones, ignoring me, which I am completely happy with for the most part. To be honest, I would rather be home with my man and my baby girl. I just have to keep the faith that Slide and the Rugged boys will be here soon to get me out of here and home safe.

  I smile when I think of Slide laying on the floor on his stomach and Posey flat across his back as they watch pandas on TV. My hands go to my stomach as a wave of sickness rolls through me.

  “Oh God,” I mutter. One hand goes to my mouth as I try to control my breathing and push away the feeling.

  “You okay, bitch?” one of the boys calls out to me. “Ow, what the fuck, man?”

  “Don’t call her a bitch, you asshole,” the leader says. Clearly, he’s slapped the other one around the head. They stand there and glare at each other, taking their attention off me, but it soon comes back to me when I bend over, almost falling out of my chair, as I vomit all over the floor, narrowly missing my feet.

  “Oh fuck, man, I didn’t sign up to clean some bitch’s puke up,” someone complains.

  “Call her a bitch again and you’ll feel my fist in your face, fucker,” the leader snaps back.

  I gag a few more times, expelling the rest of my stomach’s contents onto the floor. A hand comes to my back and rubs up and down, but I flinch away. He can’t honestly think I want his sympathy when he kidnapped me in the first place.

  “You pregnant?” he asks from above me, and I nod.

  “Thought so when you kept touching your stomach. How far along?”

  “You really want to make friends now? You kidnapped me and took me from my man and my baby girl. Why are you doing this?” I bitch, and take in a deep breath as another wave of nausea hits. I close my eyes and try to control the sickness again.

  “Just trying to be nice. My sister is pregnant. I know a bit about morning sickness, or in your case, just fucking sickness. Are you done?” he states.

  “Nice? Nice would be letting me go home.” Tears fill my eyes. I will them away but fail epically as they escape and fall down my cheeks.

  “Not yet. Tommy needs to pay for thinking he can walk away. No fucker walks away. Not again,” he spits out, and my inner curious cat lifts her head.


  He glares at me before straightening his shoulders and launches into his history. “Yeah, again. I let some punk into our crew. He was solid, man, fucking solid. Then his girl got fucking pregnant and he thought he was better than us, so he walked away, and I let him. A few years later, we found out the dick joined the boys in blue and killed one of our own. I won’t let that shit happened again.” By the time he’s finished, his nostrils are flared, and his eyes are wide with anger, but still he doesn’t touch me.

  “I’m sorry about your friend, but you can’t punish people for wanting a better life; like Tommy.” He doesn’t reply.

  I sit back in the chair, lift the bottle to my lips and drink some water. The taste of vomit lingers in my mouth, but the water helps wash it away. Taking more deep breaths, I start to relax. The boys get back to talking, but I can feel the leader’s eyes on me, though not in a bad, creepy way.

  Once he’s satisfied that I’m okay, he goes back to looking at his phone and ignoring me again, and I’m grateful for that. With another glance in my direction he taps his phone a few more times before putting it to his ear.

  “Tommy, how the fuck are you, bitch?” He doesn’t say anything for a few seconds, so I assume Tommy is talking. “You come to me, and I will let the lady go. You don’t get t
o walk out of the crew the way you did, dude. I’ll text you the address. No fucking pussy bikers,” he spits into the phone, then ends the call.

  A little more time passes, and the boys are so completely engrossed in their phones that they don’t hear the light rumble of motorbike engines. Smiling to myself, I keep my eyes on them to make sure I can see what will come my way when Slide and the club come barreling through here.

  The noise fades and my stomach drops. Maybe it wasn’t the Rugged Skulls, maybe it was some guys on bikes just passing. I have no idea where I am, so we could be near a road that bikers use often.

  My fear starts to settle in again as the leader mutters something that I can’t make out. He jumps to his feet. His phone goes to his ear and he talks fast, in an angry tone.

  “Motherfucker!” He spins around and looks at me, before running from the room, leaving the other boys looking a little lost at what to do. They shrug and race after him. As soon as the door slams shut behind them, I make my move, but before I can reach the door, it swings open and Slide comes storming through.

  My body sags in relief as I rush forward into his arms. His eyes are blazing, his chest heaving, but his body calms as soon as his arms wrap around me. I struggle to breathe from the tightness of the hold he has on me, but at the moment, I don’t care. All I care about is that I’m safe and in my man’s arms.

  “Fuck, baby, are you okay? Did they hurt you?” I shake my head as his gaze moves over me, checking for injuries. But he won’t find any.

  “No, they didn’t hurt me. The older one wouldn’t let them touch me. He gave me water and a snack, even helped me when I vomited.”

  “You were sick? Why?”

  I point to my stomach. “Your kid is cooking in there, remember?” I chuckle, and happiness surges through me as it sinks in that I’m safe. “Posey?” I breathe her name.

  “She’s good. Risky has her. But, baby, she knows that someone took you. She overheard Kenny calling in help.” I look at Slide, and he winces as he tells me that my five-year-old daughter knows that I was kidnapped.

  “Was she upset?” Stupid question, I know.

  Slide leads me out of the building, and we pass the rest of the Rugged boys on the way. I can see each of their gazes assessing me, checking me over for injuries just like Slide did. When we get outside, I see the three boys all on their knees with their hands on their heads.

  With wide eyes, I look at Slide, and then Magnum, who shakes his head at me.

  “Don’t hurt them,” I burst out.

  “Baby,” Slide warns, but I ignore him.

  “They didn’t hurt me. Yes, they made some bad choices, but they’re still young. Hand them over to the police if you have to. Maybe they can help them in some way. Oh hell, I don’t know. Surely there must be programs out there like Kenny’s.”

  The men chuckle, and I put my hands on my hips and glare at them with my mom look. Rookie, Opal and Edge back down, but Magnum and Sarge keep their smiles.

  “Oh honey, I live with Risky. No mom glare scares me anymore. She glares enough for all mothers. Plus, the little shit withholds her P-Town from me,” he gripes, but has a smile on his handsome face.

  “P-Town?” one of the boys asks, and Magnum slaps him on the back of the head.

  “Don’t ask about my woman’s pussy.”

  “Fuck, man, I only asked what it was. But damn, that is a good pussy name. Maybe she’ll let me visit.” He had to mouth off. I move fast and get between him and Magnum as he pulls his gun out of the back of his jeans and aims it at the kid, who visibly shrinks in on himself.

  “Talk about my woman’s pussy like that again and I’ll shoot ya fucking face off, you little punk,” Magnum spits out, digging the gun into the kid’s head.

  His hands go up in surrender, and he looks at the floor. I see a war raging in Magnum’s eyes. He wants to hurt the boys, but I think my words are bouncing around his mind also. Seconds tick by, but then he pulls the gun away and looks at Opal.

  “Call the police. Tell them these fuckers took Farrah, but she’s on her way to the hospital for a checkup,” he demands, and Opal nods, doing as he is told.

  Slide pulls me close, and I bask in the feel and smell of him. Home.

  “Come on, I need to get you checked out like Prez said.”

  “I’m fine, babe, honestly.” I smile at him, hoping to portray how I’m feeling. I lean up and kiss his jaw. He smiles down at me, his hand going to my stomach, and it knots. And I get what he’s saying without words.

  “You may feel fine, baby, but I need to make sure, and the doctors can do that. Plus, they can check on the spud. Feel me?” I nod and smile at him.

  “Oh, I feel you alright.” I wiggle my eyebrows, and he bursts out laughing, causing everyone to look at us. I see Rookie wink at me.

  “You’ll fit right in here, darlin’,” he says, and I smile, feeling the love from these men.

  Slide’s hand moves down over my butt, and he pulls me flush against him. He squeezes said butt cheek and kisses me deeply. Time stands still, and thoughts of how this scenario could have turned out so differently run rampant through my mind.

  The kiss is everything.

  Loving, sensual, and soul searching, packed with so much promise.

  “Alright, you horny fuckers, break it up,” Edge pipes in, and I smile against Slide’s mouth.

  “Come on,” is all he says, and he leads me over to a truck that is being driven by Abe, who jumps out as soon as he sees me.

  A look of anguish covers his face; drawn mouth, frowning, hands clenching, and unclenching with each step he takes to us. I feel Slide’s hand tighten on my waist, a sign of reassurance.

  “Farrah, I am so fucking sorry. I should have reacted faster. I—” I hold my hand up to cut off his sentence.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, Abe. There’s nothing you could have done.” I step forward and lay my hand on his forearm. His eyes jump to Slide, and he slowly backs away. My hands falls to my side and I frown.

  I sigh. We step around him, and Slide helps me climb into the van. He gets in beside me and holds me tight as Abe drives us to the hospital. On the way, I think of how quickly my family has grown over the last few weeks. The Rugged Skulls MC has taken Posey and me in like they have known us for years.

  Now I’m going to add to their family. I can only imagine what will happen if I bring another girl into their club. These big, tatted up, rugged men fawning over a baby girl will be comical to see, just like it is watching Posey put them in their place when she makes them hand over money for swearing.

  This is going to be fun.



  Farrah is sitting on the bed waiting for the lady to come back with a scan machine to check on the baby. She’s connected up to a blood pressure machine because of the stress she just went through. Opal let us know that the police came and took the boys, and they would want a statement from Farrah tomorrow.

  “Babe, will you calm down. Me and the baby are fine. She’s snuggled nice and tight in there,” my girl tells me, but it doesn’t ease my worry, though it does cause some inappropriate thoughts to come to the surface.

  “It isn’t the only thing that fits nice and tight in there, baby.” I wink at her, and she laughs, and fuck me the sound goes straight to my dick.

  Any sound she makes goes to my dick. Lash told me the night we told the guys about the pregnancy that when Farrah is in labor, she will moan and groan and it will sound like she’s constantly climaxing. He said Sweets in labor left him with a hard-on for hours, that he had to beat off in the toilet of her room twice, so the nurse wouldn’t see his bulge.

  “You, Mr. Stern, have a very dirty mind,” she tells me, and I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

  “But you love that about me. You love the dirty talk when I’m fucking you, fast and hard.” I move until I’m sitting on the bed, and lean in so my mouth is next to her ear. “Slow and deep.” My voice drops, and Farrah squirms on
the bed.

  “You like it when I run my tongue over your body, making the goosebumps come out. Your skin heats up and gets all flushed and supple from my touch. You are always ready for my touch, ready to be played with, ready to be kissed and licked like you never have before.”

  My hand trails over her thigh and drags her skirt up, but someone clears their throat, halting my next step. Farrah stiffens, and I look over my shoulder to see a nurse smirking at us.

  “Shall we see how this baby is doing, because I can see that mom and dad know what they’re doing.” I’m shocked by her response, but I laugh and kiss Farrah, then climb off the bed.

  We sit and watch as the nurse checks out the baby and then Farrah. Everything is good, thank fuck.

  “All good, Mom and Dad. I would suggest some rest for the rest of the week, maybe get your man here to wait on you hand and foot.” The nurse winks at Farrah, and they giggle.

  “She can have whatever she wants, but do I get to wear some of those sexy waiter’s outfits?” I grin, making them laugh again.

  “Like the black hot pants and a bow tie, with cuffs on your wrists?” Farrah asks, and I nod. “Then hell yes. Have you seen your body? Hot as fuck, babe.”

  The nurse laughs and leaves us to it. It doesn’t take long for my brothers to visit, along with Kenny and Posey, who is being carried by Sarge.

  “Mommy! Daddio saved you.”

  “Daddio?” Farrah asks, looking at me as Sarge brings her closer. I shrug and look at Posey.

  “Where did ‘daddio’ come from?” I tap her nose when I ask her, and she giggles.

  “I heard it at daycare. Is it a bad word?” Posey looks unsure and clings to Farrah and her little crochet panda I got her. She hasn’t let it go since I bought it. My heart melts at seeing my woman hold her baby girl in her arms, knowing that there will be a new addition there in a few short months.


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