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The Porter

Page 12

by Ashley Dotson

  “That’s three parts. Explain to me how you are made up of all three- human, daemon, and angel.”

  “That is kind of icky since it involves my parents doing it…I don’t want that visual in my mind.” I waved my hands hoping I could shake free of my self-imposed imagery.

  He laughed, “I wanna know.”

  I cringed and told him how my real mother was really an angel who took on human form. She allowed herself to be possessed by Lillith while I was conceived. My dad, who is actually a daemon-hunter knew what was happening, but had to play dumb the entire time. While he studied to be a demonologist he had learned of the prophecy of the girl they called The Beacon, a human who could control the powers of Heaven and Hell. When I was born he knew that the prophecy had begun, but only my parents knew that I was born of all three realms- that I was the Beacon. There wasn’t just one prophecy about me, but two, interwoven together.”

  “Special girl,” he said with a wink.

  My cheeks reddened, “Apparently. Anyway, when the time came for my birthright to appear he took me to Providence, which is Neutral territory. Places all over the world where fighting from any side is off-limits. It is a safe haven for all beings.”

  I watched him dangling his legs from the fallen mesquite in the late morning sun. I was expecting him to get up and run at any minute, but as always, this boy surprised me. He had been surprising me for almost a year- the best and worst year of my life. There was still so much of Orrin still within him.

  “I’m going to letting that information settle for a bit. But it’s time you tell me how does this involve me again?” He demanded, pointing to his own tattoo on his forearm. “I know no one else can see this but you. I’ve tried scrubbing it off, cutting through it…”

  “Don’t do that! It won’t work.”

  “Yeah, and it heals back real quick. That fact is the main reason I’m forced to believe you. I can explain away emotions and crazy dreams, but not instantaneous healing. I can’t explain that.”

  I raised my brows and agreed, “I can.”

  As I opened my mouth to tell him more, I paused.

  A thought hit me like a flash of fire.

  He really doesn’t know anything. None of this is coming back. Stop trying to make him remember and help him learn from scratch.

  It didn’t matter what he was to me. Heath Darringer might not remember his life as Orrin and that wasn’t important. It would all come back- Orias said it would. We would have to start over. I needed to introduce him to the daemon world slowly, like he did for me. It didn’t matter that I was one of the most powerful beings on Earth. He didn’t assume I knew anything when it came to my birthright.

  I had to stop treating him like Orrin and accept that it was Heath that stood before me.

  Chapter 14

  The Past Comes Back

  “That mark on your forearm, there, that’s the mark of Orias. It marks you as having daemon blood. I won’t talk about who you were or what you have done in the past. I want you to understand, right now, what’s happening and what it means for the rest of your life.”

  Heath held his breath and leaned into me. He wasn’t making this easy on me at all. His nearness affected every part of me, and my brain always got fuzzy in times like this. Orrin used to do it on purpose- is that what he was doing now? After last night’s kiss, I wondered if he felt the same desperation.

  “You’re not just any ol’ daemon either.”

  “Didn’t think I was,” he smiled.

  “You have special abilities, from your birthright, which show up about the same time the tattoo does. All of it kind of comes upon you at once. Your eyesight?”

  “Yeah,” he nodded.

  “Have you gotten stronger, angrier, faster?”

  “Yeah, that’s it. Is that how it is for everyone?”

  “I’m not sure. You are the only other Vulgar- ugh, I hate that word…you’re the only other half-daemon I’ve ever met. But that’s how it was for me. It wasn’t so much anger, as ultimate confusion.

  “The angry part has been difficult,” he whispered rubbing his face. “It used to be I could just think of Daisy, and that pile of cash I have stuffed away for her ring and be content for the present and even our future. But that doesn’t work anymore. Everything feels better I’m near you actually. Serene, I guess.” He laughed, “I don’t think I’ve even used that word before, but it fits.”

  My heart lifted but I tried not to let it show.

  “It feels like something corrosive is eating away at my insides all day. I’m always on the verge of exploding at someone. Some freshmen bumped into me and I almost punched him in the face.” We both laughed, feeling like bullies. “Track practice helps too. I have broken last year’s state record too. Coach is excited about regionals. He’s pretty sure we’ll take state.”

  “That’s great,” I said, trying to validate the track team when I really wanted to roll my eyes, “But you’ll be even faster before long. It’s probably not a good idea to continue in track.”

  He scoffed at the idea and I laughed it off, “I’ll let you handle that. But you’ll see soon enough for yourself. How do you feel right now? With me.”

  “Good actually,” he admitted, “You’re usually not too far away, but I find myself looking for you throughout the day. Last night I was miserable. It felt like a lie, kissing you and being with Daisy. But I couldn’t tell who I was lying to. I’m so sorry I kissed you like that.”

  “Don’t apologize. Please, don’t apologize for kissing me,” I interrupted. “Let’s get back on track. The daemon you have inside you gives you the ability to heal quicker, move better, fight harder, and be smarter than any human being. You won’t age much more, and you’re going to live a really, really, really, long time.”

  Heath looked stricken. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down, letting the truth sink in. He could be superman, have the powers most humans dream about, but he would not be able to have a long future with Daisy. The moment stretched into a long pause as Heath sat on the edge of the swing and considered the options he didn’t have.

  “I’m not giving her up. I’m not ready. I’ll never be ready.” He stammered.

  “You don’t need to worry about right now. I have friends…and loved ones,” I thought of Ben, who I wasn’t even allowed to talk to, “I’m very close with my father. None of this changes who you are,” I grabbed his hand, “You’re still the same person.”

  Touching him was a mistake. Skin to skin. My palms instantly heated andI could see the same heat reflected in his gaze. He needed me just as much as I needed him- only he was too afraid to admit it. I looked away first too afraid I would do something he would regret. But I couldn’t pull my hand away. I craved the connection never wanting it to end.

  “Sorry,” he muttered straightening, “So Orias?” He pulled his hand away first, returning to our conversation about him, “This tattoo makes me one of his? Like his child or something.”


  “But what about my dad,” his gaze fluttered back down the road. He pointed sternly, “That man at my house is my real father. I don’t know anything about Orias.”

  “You’re right. I don’t know when or if he will ever show up and claim you,” I didn’t want to make promises I couldn’t keep. After all, Orias was unpredictable. I did know he was relying on me to fulfill my part of our bargain. I wanted his help in destroying Lillith as well as having Orrin back. Our bargain, made some time back, was definitely a win-win scenario- but that didn’t make it easy. “Just know that he’s out there.”

  “Should I be worried? Is he going to come after me like your daemon-mom?”

  “Actually, no.” I answered, “I know he wants you. I bet he’s biding his time right now and letting me teach you, show you what you need to remem…to learn,” I amended. “I don’t know if he’s ever mistreated you. He’s a daemon, you know- pretty much pure evil. He’s got his own agenda, but mainly he leaves me alone because it pisses o
ff Lillith, and that amuses him. But you? He needs you. You are more unique than you could ever know.

  “How so?”

  “There is always one daemon in existence with the ability to enter both realms, Hell and Earth, without possessing another body, a human host. This daemon has to be a Vulgar, half human and half daemon. No member of the Vile, or pure daemons, can do this. The Vile must possess a host to be on Earth for a major amount of time. Sometimes the Vile can slip out of Hell to Earth for a short time, but their powers are significantly diminished- which is a good thing.”

  I remembered battling Lillith, drawing on the powers of Heaven to hold her prisoner. She killed Orrin so quickly and she was only operating with limited power.

  I shuddered at the memory.

  Lillith scares me.

  “The only place daemons are at their most powerful is in Hell. Makes sense right? But even in the years past, there has always been someone, one person, a member of the Vulgar, who is able to move daemons and humans back and forth through these two realms.”

  “Like a gatekeeper?”

  “Sure.” I was impressed he was keeping up so easily. I was impressed with my own explanation too.

  “Like Charon from Greek mythology?” Heath interrupted again.

  I had never noticed that link before, “Yeah, I guess so. But Charon followed the dictates of Hades. He was probably a Greek version of Samael. I think he chose to stay in Hell. Maybe he liked living there better than with humans.”

  “I remember studying him. Didn’t he have a boat? They called him the Ferryman.”

  “Yeah,” I continued, “He was one of the earlier ones with this birthright. When one daemon who carries this ability is gone- is dead, actually, a new member of the Vulgar is born with this ability. There is only ever one Porter at a time.”

  “A Porter.” His words sounding like a question.

  “You are that person,” I gulped, hoping he wouldn’t run away. “You are the daemon that can carry souls or other daemons between Hell and Earth. You are the only person that can bring groups of any daemon army over to Earth, or let them back into Hell. That’s why Orias wants you so much. That’s why Samael and many other Vile won’t hurt you. They need you too badly. Except for Lillith- she doesn’t like you at all. But she hates everybody.”

  Heath paused a moment considering this next part of my history lesson. His brow was furrowed. I had a hard time concentrating on his face. He sat next to me shirtless for the entirety of the morning. I was completely distracted. My hands itched to touch him, but if I started I knew I wouldn’t stop.

  “So the dream I had, where I ripped a hole in the air- is that how it happens?”

  “You showed me once, in my living room…”

  Oops! Don’t go there!

  “I mean, as far as I know. It’s kind of a personal thing, you know, not really something you advertise to the world. In fact, these things that I tell you need to be kept to yourself.”

  “You think I’m gonna go back in the house and tell my dad? He’ll think I’ve lost it,” he laughed, “He’ll just tell me to get outside and get back to work. I already know what he thinks of daemons. We were both raised in the church. He’s a very Godly man.”

  “Then don’t tell him right now. You’re just figuring all this out. Don’t tell him at all. That’s up to you ultimately. If you need someone to talk to, come talk to me. I’ll listen.” I said, hoping I didn’t sound too desperate. “I’m not quite done though. I need to tell you about the negatives that go along with this birthright. Being a daemon isn’t like being Superman exactly.”

  “I didn’t actually think that.”

  “You are going to have to learn to control the extreme anger that runs through you. You have a daemon within you- it’ll claw at you, talk to you like another person in your head. It drives me crazy sometimes because of the devious things it suggests, and I actually want to do them!”

  “Can it take over?” He asked.

  I paused knowing I had to tell the truth, “Yeah, it can. If you become too weak, it’ll tear down your internal defenses and control you. You become a passenger in your own body, seeing and hearing everything, but unable to do anything to stop yourself. It could kill someone and you wouldn’t be able to stop it.”

  “Really?” he asked incredulously.

  “Yeah. I’m not making this up!”

  “Has that ever happened to you?”

  “Yeah,” I stopped, “Once. I let the fire overtake me and I nearly burned someone’s house down. There was a kid…”

  “You said you couldn’t stop it. What happened?”

  “You,” I admitted, not caring I wasn’t supposed to discuss our shared past.

  “Me? Oh that’s right- my past life,” He rolled his eyes.

  I pursed my lips wanting nothing better than to wipe that look off his face. “Shut up! It was only like five months ago. Don’t you roll those eyes at me!”

  He persisted, “Five months ago I was wearing a football uniform in the playoffs. I didn’t even know you.”

  I raised my hands in surrender, knowing I wouldn’t win this fight, “Whatever you say, Orrin.”

  “Don’t call me that!” Heath yelled.

  My hands flew to my lips. I didn’t even realize that name had come out of my mouth. He had just irritated me so much, and my mind was focused on a different time, “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”

  We needed a change in scenery. Heath needed to get up off this tree and get moving. He wasn’t the type of guy to sit still. “One second, okay?” I pulled out my phone and texted Mr. Reese that everything was okay with Heath, no more Vagabonds at the moment, and I was going to be out for a while. I didn’t ask permission- I hadn’t done that of anyone for years and wouldn’t start.

  “Can we go somewhere else for a bit?” I asked.

  “I gotta go check the fence line at the back part of this pasture.” He said pointing through the mass of smelly cows. I could see about half a mile out, he was talking about the crooked cedar posts that probably needed to be fixed. “Come with me.”

  “I have a better idea,” I said smiling, “I’ll race you.”

  “I need the truck. Its’ got all my tools…”

  “You won’t need them. I promise.” And with that I was gone.

  I ran through the field and Heath trailed far behind me.

  “You can do better than that! Come on!” I yelled back. He was still running like a human. I was taking it easy on him, taunting him, hoping he would let a little of his control slip and whiz by me. I hoped that I would look up and he would have just jumped to the fence line.

  Jumping, as Orrin had called it, was part of his birthright. He didn’t so much as run, as just transport himself from place to place. He could go just about anywhere, as far as I knew. He jumped with me many times and made my head spin. My stomach flipped just remembering it.

  “Some track star!” I goaded him. I turned around and ran backwards knowing that would infuriate him. “Come on, baby.” I whispered knowing he could hear me. “Quit trying to run faster and just do it! What is wrong with you?”

  I watched his eyes flash that familiar electric blue. His fists pumped in slow motion and suddenly he was gone.

  I stopped so suddenly that I stumbled, flew on through the rough Texas pasture. I felt a sting in my back. I lay in the dirt smiling and wondering where it was Heath had jumped to. After I picked myself up I touched my back, and felt though a tear in my shirt my skin quickly healing.

  “Good thing it wasn’t my wing.” I muttered.

  As I stood and dusted myself off I could see Heath standing perfectly still. He had reached the fence line in a flash.

  He jumped. He moved so fast it looked like a magic trick.

  I could see his disbelief- the face of a skeptic proven wrong. He looked down at his body making sure it was still intact and smiled. His eyes met mine and that familiar look of deviousness shone brightly. And just like so many moments from
our past, he was moving, flashing, reappearing- jumping ever closer back to where I stood in the middle of the pasture.

  His last jump was so close to me he had to reach out and grab my shoulders to keep me upright. Laughing he said, “This is amazing! You should try it.”

  I righted myself and pulled from his arms, “Jumping isn’t part of my birthright. I can do other things that would knock your boots off.”

  “Really?” His arms tightened. I was afraid he was going to kiss me. The idea of his lips on mine was torture. But, he didn’t love me, and I wanted the feelings to be there.

  “You know I have wings,” I taunted him. Orrin didn’t like heights, “Should I show you?”

  “That’s okay.” Heath quickly stepped back. Apparently he was still uncomfortable with heights, “So I can transport myself to different places. How far can I go?”

  “I’m not sure. That’s something you’ll have to figure out as you grow into your birthright. You see now why you shouldn’t run in any more track meets?”

  “Nah,” He waved off my comment, “I’m sure I can handle that jumping thing. I’ll just run slower.”

  I rolled my eyes. Orrin always loved to show off. Apparently that trait was still around, “Come on. Let’s go see if you can fix the fence with only your bare hands.”

  His familiar smile, that always melted my heart, emerged as he grabbed my hand and jumped the rest of the way.

  Chapter 15

  Too Far Too Fast

  We were sweaty and exhilarated after our long day together.

  Heath was a fast learner, thankfully. I think it had to do with trust. He seemed to give it to me so readily. It was amazing how quickly he was able to harness that anger his daemon produced which allowed his natural strength and speed to appear. It’s like my presence unlocked his birthright all in one day. He wouldn’t need much training like I did. Heath seemed to learn control of his abilities as soon as they emerged.

  After he fixed the fence posts we spent the day running through the flat dusty countryside, laughing and trying to kill each other. I tried, successfully at times, to hit him with my fire and he picked up large trees or rocks to throw at me- not fun for most, but time ran away from us that afternoon. I don’t think anyone saw us, and I wouldn’t have cared if they did.


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