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The Porter

Page 13

by Ashley Dotson

  “How are we going to explain this mess?” I said looking at the field around us, “Whose land are we on?”

  Heath furrowed his brow, “I don’t even know. They’ll just blame in on a freak windstorm or tornado. Those happen out here where the land is so flat and dry. I didn’t see any livestock, so it’s okay.”

  I watched his bare chest heave up and down matching the movement of my own. His breathing labored from exertion, while mine was caused by his nearness and gorgeous face.

  Does he even notice?

  “So when can I try that Porter business?” He asked.

  “NO!” I interrupted, “That’s not something you play with. I wouldn’t want you to even practice that.”

  “Why?” He asked.

  “Um, I don’t know- Vagabonds could escape out and take over your town. You could accidentally unleash Hell. Then who would help us put them all back? Balmorhea isn’t on Neutral territory they could just show up and…and…”

  That’s it! They could just show up.

  That’s it!

  Why didn’t I think of that before?

  “What? Layla, why are you looking like that?” He was searching the vacant field, trying to find what I was just noticing.

  They could just show up…

  I stood there thinking of this morning, only a few hours ago when Mr. Reese and I foughtoff members of this town, all possessed byVagabonds. I don’t think Mr. Reese was ever really worried, it seemed more of a nuisance to him that anything else. It belied his true abilities as a daemon-hunter, retired or not.

  He was a badass. He was ready when the Vagabonds showed up.

  “How could I have forgotten so soon?” I asked myself in a whisper, feeling foolish. As soon as I reached Heath I completely forgot what was happening outside of the two of us.

  “Layla, your eyes are the size of golf balls. What are you staring at?”

  “Of course!” I repeated out loud, ignoring his comment, “They weren’t here for me- well, maybe they were a little.” I stared off past the horizon searching for any signs of a threat around us, “They’re here for you!”

  I chewed my lower lip, comprehending a new level of danger.

  “What are you not telling me?” Heath walked closer to me and slid his hand up my cheek, “Layla!”

  My eyes snapped back to his, “Wha…what… are you doing?” I asked nervously unable to move away.

  “You went away for a while.” His stare penetrating any defense I had erected. His touch calming my newly formed fears, “Tell me what you mean? Who’s here for us?”

  “This morning,” I croaked reveling in the feel of his rough hand on my face, “Mr. Reese and I subdued a few Vagabonds. They possessed some of the people from town and they were surrounding the house. Once we had them down, Mr. Reese was able to exorcise them one at a time.”

  “Mr. Reese?”

  “Yeah. He’s a Daemon-hunter.” I smiled weakly, “Surprised?”

  “I’ve got an open mind at the moment. I’ve had my share of surprises today. Whoa, wait…Does he know about me?”


  He slumped and pulled his hand away.

  “Don’t worry. He would never tell Daisy. He doesn’t want her to know any of this right now.”

  “How am I going to face him?”Heath worried. “Is he upset?”

  “No, nothing like that. He was surprised. I’m sure he’d be open-minded if you wanted to talk about it.”

  “No, no!” He shook his head coming back to me. Heath’s voice was getting lower and softer, “Not right now.”

  His brought his hand back to my face. I closed my eyes and tried to control the tears that were quickly forming in my eyes. My daemon purred like a kitten reveling in the feel of his closeness. I could feel his breath on my skin. The constant pressure in my chest caused by his absence eased.

  I turned my head into his palm, grazing his thumb with my lips. Heath exhaled loudly. It was our moment and we came unwound together.

  Our lips met violently, and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and poured months of longing into our kiss. My heart beat fast strengthening the chord that linked our souls forever. The seconds ticked by like hours as we held each other. The judgments, birthrights, and daemons all kept at bay.

  The world was as it should be and time was the only enemy I feared.

  Heath moved his hand down my throat causing a glorious heat to pulse through me. His hand fluttered over my tattoo leaving it glowing like hot indigo embers. It was a feeling only his touch could create. I reached for his hand and wrapped my fingers around his wrist, so he could know the intensity of my touch on his own mark. He groaned as his lips broke with mine. He looked from the shining tattoo on his arm to the one on my neck beginning to understand.

  The fire in my eyes was reflected in his own. He dipped his head and I raised mine to meet his. We couldn’t get enough of each other. He was still on a high from today’s excitement. I had gone so long without him. Neither one of us could resist. We couldn’t hold on any longer.

  “I want you so much,” He said in my ear.

  “I know,” I answered holding him tighter, “But not now. Be okay with this.” I kissed him hard, my hands burning holes in his back. He hissed from the pleasure and the pain. My fire affected him and much as it did me.

  My wings had unfurled at some point. I could feel his hands on the base of them, touching between my shoulders exploring every inch of my back.

  “Heath,” His name felt right on my lips, so I said it again, “Heath.”

  He was out of control as he pushed me down to the ground. It felt exquisite, but I knew we had to stop. He grabbed my leg and hitched it up over his hip, sending warning sirens through my mind.

  “Heath, we need to stop now.” I said only pulling him closer to me.

  A voice dripping with venom escaped his lips, “Never,” The sound slithered over my skin and began to worry me, “You’re mine. Forever.”

  His mouth was everywhere trailed by his hands. His ease and perusal of my body broke through the lust-fueled haze. “Heath! Stop! We are not doing this here.”

  He wouldn’t be deterred, so like any good girl who needed to protect her virginity, I knocked him backward, and he flew several feet in the air only landing on his feet. His eyes glowed blue- his lust was turning dark. His face contorted evilly and he charged me. I dodged him easily flying up out of his reached. He may be able to jump far on the ground but the air was my domain.

  I didn’t want to be out of his arms anymore than he did, but he was turning something that was supposed to be special into something sinister. Although Orrin could control his daemon, I knew that Heath still lacked self-control.

  “Heath!” I yelled trying to break through to him. He stopped, looked into my eyes. His faced lightened. Shocked at his own behavior, he began to calm himself.

  I didn’t put my feet back on solid ground until I saw his breathing return to normal and the blue of his eyes return to their normal color. Standing in front of him I saw the rage turn into fear.

  “What happened?”

  “Don’t worry about it…”

  “Did I attack you?”

  “Kind of- but it’s okay! We’ll work on it.”

  “I’m so sorry, Layla. I don’t want to ever hurt you, but I just couldn’t stop. I couldn’t help myself,” He stepped away me not fully trusting himself, “I wanted you so badly.”

  “I know,” I admitted. “I feel the same way. Every moment of every day. You don’t ever have to apologize for wanting me. I’m all yours.”

  “What now?” He asked uncomfortably.

  I shook my head free of the moment, “Well since Orias isn’t around, and that’s probably a good thing, I think you need to go talk to Mr. Reese.”

  He looked like a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar, “Do I have to?”

  “It’ll be okay. He won’t hate you.” I tried to soothe him.

  “Yeah, but what will he think
of me?” Heath shook his head, “What if she finds out?”

  Back to Daisy…

  I sighed, “She won’t know, unless you tell her. What do you even see in her? She’s a completely normal, simple-minded human.”

  Heath narrowed his eyes, “You don’t even know her!”

  “Yeah, and after what just happened I don’t really care.” I crossed my arms over his chest and waited for him to figure out why.

  “Whatever.” The word slipped out of his mouth, dismissing me as quickly as he dismissed the entire day.

  As we made our way back to the Reese’s house every trace of Orrin, my love, the daemon hiding within him was gone. The person standing before me was virtually a stranger- a scared young man hoping he wouldn’t lose his high school sweetheart. His new life was a solid fortress, holding Orrin hostage to these people and this town. His memories, his life as Heath Darringer were stronger than our love.

  Is his love for Daisy real?

  Is it more powerful than what we have?

  Wait…we don’t have anything anymore- or do we?

  I was so confused. I didn’t know how to move forward even though I was more determined than ever. I needed to put my own feelings aside and focus just on Heath. He would be forced to make a choice soon. I just hoped when the time came, he would choose me.

  “Look, Heath…”

  He stopped me, “No. Don’t.”

  He looked around the neighborhood hoping no one was watching us, “I know you want to help me right now, but you gotta know I love Daisy. I want to marry her, make her happy for the rest of her life. I’m sorry that I misled you. I don’t know what is happening between us, but you said I have to learn to control it. Then that’s what I’ll do. I want you…no- I need you to stick around. I have questions. I don’t know how to move forward with this birthright stuff. I need your help.” He paused, “But I choose Daisy. I love Daisy. Tell me you understand.”

  His words shocked me to my core. My daemon writhed with jealousy. My heart was obliterated. I felt myself weaken as his words sunk in. It became hard to breathe.

  My face trembled. I tried to smile but I’m sure I failed. My words were barely a whisper, “I understand.”

  Heath walked to the Reese’s front door by himself leaving me on the sidewalk unable to catch my breath.

  A sinister voice within me broke free. It whispered, “We may not be the one he wants, but we’re the one he’ll never forget.”

  Chapter 16


  Heath joined Mr. Reese and I during our training sessions after school.

  I sat with both of them as Heath decided to tell Mr. Reese the truth about his birthright- a story Mr. Reese struggled believing himself. I watched the myriad of emotions slide over Heath’s face, his words sounding more like a confession as he told his preacher of his tainted soul. I wasn’t surprised at all to see Mr. Reese hug him, a young man that he felt was almost like a son to him. Neither man mentioned anything about me, our relationship, Daisy, or Heath’s future. Mr. Reese only suggested Heath quit the track team, and begin learning to fight and hone his birthright. He would work with us every day after school in the field between Heath’s farm and town.

  “Is that what yall were doing when,” Heath paused, “when I hit you?”

  “Yes,” Mr. Reese said reluctantly, “Heath, it might have been your trailer that hit me, but Layla and I both agree, we think there were other forces at work. She’s told you about other daemons, correct?”

  “Only some,” I interrupted.

  “Very powerful daemons, the Vile, do not need to be on this Earthly plane in order to do damage.”

  “Like Orias?” Heath asked.

  “Yes. He is one of the thousands who could be blamed. I don’t think they will come after you to hurt you. They need you. Daemons and humans both share the grass is always greener mentality.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “The daemons on Earth want to be in Hell, and the ones stuck in Hell need you to free them.” I answered.

  “Yes,” Mr. Reese agreed, “But they’re unpredictable and strong and they don’t always ask nicely for what they want. We can use this time to explore your birthright and hone your abilities as they reveal themselves.”

  I neglected to share that I could already tell them both what his abilities were. It wasn’t my place to keep butting in. I kept silent.

  “So what does that mean?” Heath gulped audibly.

  He really is thick!

  Mr. Reese raised his arm and gripped Heath’s shoulder, “It means you need to be prepared.” He looked at both of us and sighed, “And it looks like I am officially out of retirement.”


  The hallway was noisy, or maybe the world was just a noisier place with my sensitive hearing. Either way, the dull ache in my head had me feeling weaker than usual. With the arrival of Heath at our training sessions, everything seemed to be more intense, focused, and especially unfriendly. Mr. Reese didn’t smile anymore, there was an urgency about him that wasn’t there only days ago. I guess having not only one daemon, but two under his wing was stressful- especially considering our identities.

  I was tired. That wasn’t normal.

  I dragged my feet as the students maneuvered around me on their way to class. The bell rang as I walked through the doorway to Calculus. I looked at the formulas on the board already knowing the answers to today’s assignment. I had never taken pre-Cal in Providence or my other high school in Alexandria, but everything came so easy to me. Getting my diploma was just a formality I knew my father would want. I was doing it for him at that point. If I could I would steal Heath away, find an island in the sky, and never come back down.

  But Heath didn’t want that.

  He didn’t want me.

  I found my seat in the front of the classroom as always. Heath was a few rows back sitting by Daisy- and Ross.

  Ugh, I hate him!

  He was drawing on his hand and smacking gum. I wondered if someone like him was even passing Calculus. The only thing he paid attention to was Heath and whatever sporting event was taking place that week.

  Ava rushed in as the teacher was closing the door, “Hold up! I’m here,” She pleaded wedging her shoulder into the door. “I can’t get another tardy! I don’t want Saturday school! Please!”

  The teacher grimaced and opened the door, “Only because you’re my best student, Ava,” he said as she flashed him an appreciative smile.

  Ava almost made it to the desk next to mine when she stopped and stared at the back of the room. She looked freaked out, her eyes narrowed on the back of the room.

  I turned around and saw Heath looking straight back at her. They considered each other for long moments. Ava looked stricken. Her eyes darted to mine and I understood. Something was up with Heath that only she could see. I hadn’t told Heath anything about Ava- it wasn’t my secret to tell. So Heath was nervously looking at me as much as he was Ava. His eyes seemed to be seeking the answer to a question only I could understand.

  “Dude,” Ross whispered, “Can I use your notes? We’re gonna have a quiz.”

  “Ava, sit down!” I ground out. No one in the class seemed to notice the exchange except for the three of us.

  I glanced back wishing I could calm Heath’s nerves. I could feel the stress rolling off him. He didn’t want to be considered different. It’s not that he was shallow, but rather he just wanted to keep up pretenses, mainly for Daisy’s sake.

  It was annoying.

  I tried my best to give him a look that said, everything’s fine. He blinked rapidly trying to slow his breathing and gave his notes to Ross.

  Class was tedious and boring, and sure enough, the teacher called for a quiz during the remaining five minutes. Ava’s knee bounced nervously during the lecture. Worrying about her and Heath was exhausting.

  She had drawn a new message on her arm. The letters were pointed like nails on the trunk of a large tree.

  For he
r I bend, but for you I will break.

  “I like the other one better.” I pointed with my pencil, “This one is a little dark.”

  “Too dark?” She raised her brows, “Really? That, coming from you, means something.”

  “Whatever,” I rolled my eyes.

  The bell rang loudly announcing the end to another mundane school day.

  “Fine. I dreamt it.” She moved her head closer to mine, “Heath was in it. I don’t like him or anything. I don’t know why I was dreaming of him. It was something he said. He was looking right at me, or through me actually. It’s like he was sleep walking. When I saw him sitting back there,” she gestured, “it all came flooding back.”

  I left the room feeling uneasy.

  The long day finally ended and I was looking forward to spending some time with Heath, even if we wouldn’t be alone, I always felt better and stronger when we were together.

  Someone grabbed my elbow from behind. Before I could react, in his twang Heath whispered, “We need to talk.”


  He backed me into a doorway in the middle of a crowded hallway. It was all the privacy we would be afforded at that moment.

  “Does Ava know about me?” He asked.

  “Yes,” I admitted. I wouldn’t lie to him. “But I didn’t tell her. She can see our tattoos. And before you ask- no, she is not a daemon.”

  He sighed and spit a few curse words, “I remember in Middle School she used to run around telling everyone she could read their auras and predict our deaths. So she was serious?”

  “It looks that way.” I said, “She came to me and asked about my tattoo. That’s how I first figured it out. She noticed your aura changing and the tattoo on your wrist show up a while back. She knew about you even before I did. On Prom night she saw what happened at the Reese’s house with the Vagabonds. It was Mr. Reese’s decision to tell her more.”

  “Christ!Just what I need. The town psycho knows everything about me?” He muttered, “Great.”


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