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Homecoming Queen: A Second Chance Romance (Carlisle Cellars Book 2)

Page 16

by Fabiola Francisco

  “I’m so sorry.” I shake my head, once again giving thanks to the Man upstairs for my family. “Did he ever… You know, take it further?”

  “No, like I said, it seems it’s some twisted power game for him. He gets off touching women and forcing his strength on them. It’s like he has to prove something because his dick must be tiny.” I chuckle despite finding no humor in this.

  “If you need someone to testify, I will,” she surprises me.

  “Whoa… Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” she says with conviction. “It’s time this fucker gets punished for his behavior. I can just imagine how many other women have gone through this because of him. I hope I’m right when I say he stops when he does, but I don’t know.”

  “Honestly, if someone hadn’t walked into the dark hallway, I don’t know if he would’ve stopped, Sadie. He didn’t stick to over my clothes. He shoved his fingers—” I choke out, unable to finish.

  “Shit, Rose, I’m so sorry.” I fill my lungs up with air, releasing it slowly to calm myself.

  “It’s not your fault. Honestly, I want out of the label. I would love for him to be punished, but I don’t have high hopes for that.” I cast my eyes down, holding the phone between my ear and shoulder and twisting my fingers together.

  “What will you do?” Her voice is quiet.

  “I don’t know. Right now, I can’t think about trusting anyone else in the industry.”

  “The world needs your music. There are other options.”

  “We’ll see. My priority is getting through this. I’m being sued by the label for defamation and skipping out on my responsibilities. If they win, my grandchildren won’t finish paying them off.” I scrub a hand over my face in an attempt to relax the tension tightening my skin.

  “Ouch.” We’re both quiet for a moment.

  “Let’s pull our cases together. Maybe if someone sees us standing up for ourselves, others will step forward,” she suggests.

  “Do you think so?”

  “I hope so.” I appreciate her honesty. “But I’m willing to speak up. Power in numbers, right?”

  “That’s usually the case. It’ll definitely be harder to ignore. Do you mind if I consult my lawyer?”

  “Not at all.” She doesn’t seem one bit offended by that, and I’m glad. I want to have all the legal advice I can get, but having Sadie speak out alongside me should help.

  “Thank you, Sadie.” There aren’t enough words to show my appreciation. If we can join forces, we may have a fighting chance. It’ll be harder for a judge to overlook these accusations if more than one person is claiming them. Any impartial person will not let this go without a careful investigation.

  As soon as I hang up with Sadie, I update my parents, and we call a meeting with my lawyer for tomorrow afternoon. I breathe a little lighter after my conversation and allow myself to get excited about dinner tonight. I shoot my brothers a message about dinner and smile when both agree.

  Then, I stare at Tate’s name, asking myself if I want him here tonight. I want to see him, but I’m not sure if we’re ready for family dinners. I chicken out and skip downstairs to make a sweet potato pie. It’s the perfect dessert for a fall evening.

  While I’m mixing the ingredients, my phone pings with a message. I smile when I see Tate’s name, and then guilt mixes with joy that I haven’t invited him. My smile drops when I read his message.

  Tate: Hey beautiful any chance I can see you tonight?

  Madison: Hey we’re actually having dinner here tonight, fam thing

  He takes a moment to reply, and I stare at my phone, willing the bubbles to pop up as proof that he’s typing.

  “Oh, just invite the boy already,” Ms. Sullivan chuckles as she cooks.

  “Shush!” I give her the stink eye, smiling. “You’ll stay for dinner, right? You’re family.”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Come on.” I pout.

  A slow smile creeps on her face. “I’ll stay if you invite Tate.”

  “You’re evil,” I tease.

  “What’s holdin’ ya back?” She lifts an eyebrow. Despite Ms. Sullivan being Miles’s future mother-in-law, she helped raise me, and I would always confide in her.

  “I’m nervous. I don’t know if we’re at that place yet, you know? Like, we just started reconnecting, but he did call himself my boyfriend the other day.”

  “If he’s serious about being with you, he won’t think it’s too early. He’s come over for breakfast, hung out with you here. Why would this be any different?”

  She has a point. “Okay,” I take a deep breath. “Thanks,” I smile at her as I get ready to type a message. I see Tate’s response, and it tugs at my heart.

  Tate: Another time, then

  Madison: Do you want to come for dinner?

  My phone rings in my hand, Tate’s name flashing tauntingly.

  “Hello?” I answer and step away for some privacy.

  “This is much better,” his deep voice washes over me.

  “Yeah,” I sigh.

  “Babe, do you want me there? I know how important it is for you to spend time with your family. I admit I’m greedy, and I was hoping to see you tonight, but I can wait.”

  This man. How did I doubt he wouldn’t want to be a part of this? “I’m positive. It was actually my mom’s idea, and Ms. Sullivan encouraged it,” I confess. “I wasn’t sure if you’d want to come or think I was pushing faster than we should go.”

  “Madison.” My name comes out gruffly from his mouth. “After the other night, how can you think I’m not all in?” he questions, sounding a bit hurt.

  “I don’t think that at all,” I reply quickly. “It’s just… Well, family dinners are different. I don’t want to push you and pretend like no time’s passed.”

  “Baby, time’s passed, things happened, and we were separated, but never doubt my commitment. I’ll be there, expecting a kiss and a smile.” I bite down my grin.

  “I can do that.” A slow blush creeps up my cheeks.

  “Good. I’ll see you later, okay?”


  “Bye, Maddy.”

  “Bye,” I whisper and clutch the phone to my chest after hanging up.

  I stride back into the kitchen, and Ms. Sullivan smirks knowingly. “By the look on your face, I’ll guess that things went well.”

  “Yes!” I hug her. “Ms. Sullivan, it’s been so long since I’ve been this happy.”

  Her eyes sadden, and she hugs me. “You deserve it.” After a moment, she pulls back and points at me with a wooden spoon. “Now, get back to bakin’ that pie.”

  I laugh and do just that, quietly humming as I cook. I feel like I’m floating on a cloud surrounded by rainbows and hearts. All thanks to the man who stole my heart when I was young and held on to it while I was too scared to.

  Chapter 22


  I sit back next to Madison, a beer in my hand. After dinner, we came out to the yard for drinks with Miles, June, and Brett. Flames flicker from the bonfire, making the chilly fall night cozy. I look at Madison as she listens to Miles speak. Her profile glows from the fire, illuminating her beauty and making her red hair shine.

  Coming here tonight was a milestone for us. I could hear the nerves in her voice when she asked. When we were younger, I’d often come over for dinner or just to watch a movie with her. I’ll admit, it does feel different this time. We’re no longer kids with an uncertain path before us. While Madison’s current situation is rocky, I’m sure she’s got a place in my future.

  When she told me earlier that another singer reached out to her, saying she’d been harassed as well, I hugged her and twirled her around. Having an ally will help. This guy is playing dirty, and he shouldn’t get away with it.

  “I know this is a Dallas Cowboys house,” I say, joining the conversation. “But I think the Forty-Niners have a shot this year.”

  “What? No!” Miles slaps the armrest on his chair, shaking his hea
d. He looks at Madison while pointing at me. “I forbid you from seeing him. That’s sacrilege in this home.”

  Madison laughs. “I’m not getting in the middle of this. I cheer for the Cowboys. Whatever Tate does is on him.” She holds her hands up.

  When she looks at me, I wink, causing her face to split into a smile. Miles grumbles something, looking at June. “Junebug, you’re not allowed to cheer for another team.”

  June chuckles and shakes her head. “You know I don’t even understand the sport.” We all burst out laughing as Miles rolls his eyes.

  After a sip of beer, I look at Brett. “How’s the winery comin’ along?”

  He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Slow and stressful, but we’ll overcome it.”

  “We’ll start construction in the next few of weeks,” Miles offers. “We had a setback with the insurance, but it’s all clear now.”

  Madison drinks her wine quietly. I wonder what she thinks about all this and if she wants to be a part of the winery in some capacity. I make a mental note to ask her when we’re alone.

  The conversation flows around us, keeping it light as we laugh, joke, and tease each other. This is how it should’ve always been—me and Madison in each other’s lives. I reach for her hand beside me, and my heart races when she looks at me over her shoulder with an easy smile. She’s a dream, and I squeeze her hand to make sure she’s really there. Our eyes connect in a secret conversation.

  “All right, I’m gonna go. The girls have school tomorrow.” Brett stands with his beer bottle. He slaps Miles’s shoulder and hugs June before he gives Madison a kiss on the top of her head. “Keep me posted, okay?”

  She nods with a nervous smile.

  “Bye, man.” He shakes my hand.

  June and Miles follow behind, leaving Madison and me alone. I turn to her, tugging her hand and bringing her to my lap. She settles down, sitting to the side so she can look at me. Her hands comb through my hair, and I let out a soft moan at the way her nails scratch my scalp.

  I wrap my arms around her and pull her to my chest, keeping her there. Her soft breath tickles my neck, causing a shiver to run up my spine. Ignoring it, she scoots until she’s comfortable, her ass teasing my dick, and wraps her arms around my back. I rest my chin on the top of her head and sit like this for a bit. My chest expands with love filling it. It’s this feeling of immense peace, joy, and fear of losing her again. I’ll do anything to protect her and keep her safe.

  I can’t deny my feelings for Maddy. This is much more than a reconciliation. Madison is the woman I always envisioned in my future, and there’s no hiding how much I care for her. If I could hold her like this for the rest of my life, I’d die a happy man.

  “Thank you for coming tonight,” she murmurs against my chest. I kiss the top of her head before she lifts her head and rests her chin on my chest, looking up at me.

  I smile, swiping my lips with hers. “I’m glad you asked.”

  “So not too soon?” I shake my head. “My dad said he was going to ask you what your intentions with me were, and I freaked out. Talk about awkward. I think my mom convinced him not to.”

  “I don’t blame him,” I say. “If my daughter was in a similar situation as you, I’d question the people wanting to get close to her.”

  She shifts to sit up and look at me better. “Really?” A smile appears on her face.

  “Yeah,” I nod. “Babe, you’re a celebrity, and you’re going through a scandal. I hate to call it that, but we have to be realistic. Anyone could take advantage of you.” Her hands hold my face, her thumb brushing my bottom lip.

  “You’re amazing.”

  I groan, nipping her finger. Her eyes heat at my action.

  “Behave…” I warn, softly slapping her ass.

  “Tate,” she bites out. I chuckle and hug her again. I’m so fucking in love with this woman that it knocks me on my ass. These feelings are overwhelming, but I wouldn’t want to have them for anyone else.

  I kiss her softly. Her arms come around my neck, tugging at the longer strands of hair at the nape of my neck. I need a haircut, but Madison has hinted a few times that she likes my hair this length, and I’m a sucker for making her happy.

  I seek her tongue, tangling it with mine as I show her how I feel with my mouth. My hands tighten around her hips as I attempt to stay in control. When she shifts on my lap, rubbing against my erection, I groan.

  “Baby…” I whisper, dragging my tongue along her neck and taking her earlobe between my teeth. Madison whimpers when I suck. “We can’t out here.” My words do nothing to stop my hands from searching under her sweater, feeling her soft skin against my calloused fingers. She’s silk to my coarse rope.

  “I know,” she sighs, stealing my lips in a passionate kiss.

  I wish we were at my place so I could strip her naked and make her scream my name on repeat. With that thought, I need to stop before I fuck her out here.

  “Maddy…” I say against her cheek, my nose running along her skin. “Baby, we need to stop.”

  Her chest heaves, but she nods. “I know. Sorry.”

  “Oh, don’t you ever be sorry about that.” Shaking my head, I kiss her forehead.

  Her head rests on my shoulder when she speaks. “I thought I’d be hesitant for anyone to touch me. I wasn’t sure if the constant memory of what happened would ruin intimacy for me. I swore it would shake me.” I tighten my arms around her.

  “I don’t feel any of that with you. I feel safe.” She smiles at me sadly and holds the side of my face. “When I’m with you, I feel peace.”

  My heart breaks for her. “I’m glad you feel that way with me.” I brush away the hair from her face.

  “The singer I spoke with today…” She can’t tell me her name, and I respect that. When I nod in acknowledgment, she continues, “She asked me what I was going to do when this was over, when I got out of the contract, God willing I do. She was surprised when I told her I didn’t know. Right now, every label is the same in my eyes. I can’t trust them. Since this happened, I’ve been questioning what I’ll do. Part of coming home was to figure that out.”

  Shock moves through me at this revelation. I never thought she’d quit.

  “I love music, but they changed me, and I don’t want to be Rose Carlisle anymore.” She shrugs, looking at me with melancholy.

  “Whatever you decide, I’ll support you.”

  “Thank you,” she whispers.

  “You don’t need to thank me. I’m shocked, to be honest, but I understand why you feel that way. This is a decision only you can make, and you can only make it for yourself.” I give her a pointed look so that she understands.


  “No,” I shake my head. “I mean it, Madison, this is about you. Just because we’re together again doesn’t mean you’re gonna give up your dream if it’s still what you want.”

  “You’re amazing. Did I already mention that tonight?”

  “Yeah, but I’ll accept it a second time.” I grin widely.

  She giggles and rests against me, silence surrounding us. Being with her makes me feel at peace, too.

  Thinking about what she told me about her dad, I want to make it a point to talk to him, explain that I’m not using his daughter. No matter how well he knows my family and me, a father will always worry.

  I tap her bottom until she looks at me. “I’ll be right back.”

  Her eyebrows scrunch before she reacts and stands. “Where are you going?”

  “Just gotta do something.” I leave a whisper of a kiss on her lips before heading inside. I turn and look at her. “Wait for me here?” She nods.

  Turning back around, I head into the house and find Mr. Carlisle sitting in the living room, looking at something on his tablet. His gaze lifts, and he removes his glasses.

  “Sir.” I wait for him to speak.

  “What can I do for you, Tate?” He motions to the seat across from him.

  “I wanted to talk to
you a moment,” I sit down. When he nods, I continue. “I just wanted you to know that I care about Madison. I know she’s going through a tough time. You all are. Trust me, if I can kill the fu-jerk, I would.”

  “You can call him a fucker. I have many times.” I chuckle, nodding.

  “Anyway, I’m not looking to hurt her. I want to be there for her, help her through this, build a life with her. One we could’ve had—” I look away. Bringing up the past may not be the best option.

  “You’re a good man. I’ve known you since you were just a baby, saw how your parents raised you, watched you protect this community, but I’ll always worry about my little girl.”

  “I know you will, which is why I wanted to talk to you. Maddy’s not the girl she was when she left. She’s a well-known celebrity, even if she doesn’t seem like it at times. Regardless of that, I’d never take advantage of her or use her fame for my own good. There may be people like that in the world, but I’m not one of them.” I keep my voice firm but respectful and even.

  “She’s the one child I’ve had to worry about the most simply because of the career she chose. I know what it’s like to be in the spotlight. It isn’t pretty, no matter how much passion runs through your veins. I appreciate you being there for her.” He gives me a nod.

  “One more thing,” I lean forward, my palms sweating, but my gaze never wavers. “One day, I’m going to marry her. I’d like your blessing for when the time comes.”

  Mr. Carlisle stares at me unflinchingly. His eyes are steady and hard as if trying to penetrate my brain and read my mind, make sure I’m not lying.

  He stands, and I mimic him. When he reaches his hand out, I sigh and shake it. “Take care of my girl, Tate, or her brothers will be the least of your worry.”

  I chuckle, expecting nothing less. “I promise, sir.”

  With a quick clap to my shoulder and a smile, he retreats to his room, and I head back outside. Madison is sitting on the chair, staring at the fading embers in the fire pit. She turns to look at me when she hears my approaching steps and smiles tentatively.


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