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Homecoming Queen: A Second Chance Romance (Carlisle Cellars Book 2)

Page 17

by Fabiola Francisco

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, babe. Everything is perfect.”

  She stands, and I hold her, kissing her soft lips. I sit back down, bringing her to my lap and keeping my arms around her. She’s mine. Now and forever. I vow to fight alongside her until this is all over, then I’m going to make her my wife.

  Chapter 23


  The last few weeks have been full of meetings with the lawyer to build a case with Sadie and spending time with Tate. The more I’m with him, the more I fall for the man who’s always owned my heart. He’s been supportive and caring during this time. And patient, so damn patient while I work through this. My hope is that the judge won’t be able to ignore two claims as easily as one.

  When news broke that Sadie Lynn had also been harassed, the media went into a frenzy, and fans banded together to support us. The label remained silent, unable to use the same excuse for both of us. I’m sure they’re biding their time and coming up with something even more clever.

  I add a splash of perfume behind my ears and head downstairs, where my parents are already waiting for me. Today is Miles and June’s grand opening at the bookstore. They’re doing an afternoon wine tasting to draw people in, and all the books will be for sale.

  “Ready?” My mom smiles over at me.

  “Yeah.” I slip my hands through my jean jacket.

  I hop in my car, driving behind my parents. I’m so excited for my brother and June. I wish Tate didn’t have to work tonight so he could be there, but he promised a surprise tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it. It’s been a strain on me that we can’t go out like a normal couple due to the circumstances and my celebrity status. I’d hate for anything to ruin our time out and to thrust him into the spotlight, interrupting his quiet and peaceful life.

  My eyes bug out when I see the number of cars lining the street and the crowd of people inside through the big windows at the bookstore. It’s a great turnout.

  Parking, I meet my parents by the door and notice Paul out of the corner of my eye. All eyes turn to us when we walk in, and I brace for the greetings. I’d say this has to do with my music career, but in Willow Creek, my family always received this amount of attention. We’re more well-loved than a political family, which might be because we aren’t in politics.

  My dad was their hero when he played in the NFL, and his children got the admiration passed down simply because he is our father. When it comes to small-town royalty, our family takes the label. Regardless of that, my dad has always been kind and never allowed fame or money to get to his head. I learned a lot from him, and I was able to channel his down-to-earth attitude when I started gaining my own fame.

  “Hey,” I hug Miles and then June. “Congrats, y’all. This looks amazing.” I look around the space, seeing the final product for the first time.

  “Thanks, Dimples.” Miles kisses my cheek.

  “Wine?” June raises her eyebrows.

  “Duh,” I tease with a smile. I follow her toward the bar, where she asks the bartender for a glass. I notice Carla as one of the employees from the winery. She worked in the tasting room.

  “It’s great you got Carla to help tonight,” I tell June.

  “Yeah, I feel so bad. She’s been unemployed since the fire, waiting and hoping the tasting room opens soon.” June frowns. “I figured hiring her for the night would help a little bit.” She shrugs. “She’s also gonna help us when we have events.”

  “That’s fantastic.” I smile, taking the offered glass and thanking Carla.

  “How’s it going so far?” I ask, leaning against the bar and looking at all the people here.

  “Great. Everyone gets a tasting, and then they can order a glass of their favorite,” she explains. “Some people are looking through the shelves, too, and I’ve sold a couple of books.”

  I nod, listening to her. “It’s going to be a huge success,” I assure her.

  “Thanks, Madison.” She smiles at me.

  When she’s called over by Miles, I join my parents and talk to some of our neighbors. It’s nice to catch up with people I grew up with, and I’m relieved that none of them bring up what’s being said in the media.

  I’m taking a sip of my wine, half-listening to a conversation when my eyes connect with someone. I furrow my eyebrows at the man. There’s something familiar about him, and yet he’s a total stranger. I don’t remember him from Willow Creek. Before I can ask my parents about him, he disappears.

  “Hey,” I walk toward Miles. “Did you see the guy in the black Henley shirt? He had long-ish hair.”

  “No,” Miles shakes his head. “I’ve greeted everyone and didn’t see someone like that.”

  I narrow my eyes, looking around the space, my heart pounding.

  “Is everything okay?” Miles’s voice is hard.

  “Yeah, I must just be paranoid. I’m on edge with everything…” I trail off, not wanting to mention specifics in a public place.

  Miles scans the store, but I tell him the guy left. Shaking off whatever has my nerves going haywire, I grab a second glass of wine and socialize. I get to know Lucy, June’s friend and the barista at The Grind. Seeing our town come together to support my brother, I realize how much I missed my home. I could see myself staying here, and that scares me because it means I’d probably leave music behind.

  By the time it’s closing time, I leave with two new books June promised I’d swoon over. I take her word for it and head out. My parents left a while ago, but when I get to my car, I find Paul standing by it, holding something.

  “Hey.” My eyebrows pull together, noticing it’s a piece of paper.

  “This was on your windshield.” He hands it to me, grinding his teeth.

  My heart slams like a beast as I open the folded paper. Back off is written in straight, boxy letters.

  I gasp, looking at Paul. “Who put it there?”

  He shakes his head, his lips pressed into a straight, angry line. “I didn’t see. I heard a noise and went to investigate. When I returned, I saw it there. Whoever did it distracted me so I wouldn’t see them.”

  My mind works overtime. “There was a man inside. I don’t know him, but there was something familiar about him. Long hair, black Henley shirt.” I wish I had gotten a better view of him.

  “I didn’t see him,” Paul shakes his head regretfully.

  I breathe out, rubbing my forehead and attempting to let fear slip away.

  “We’ll figure it out. I’ll give it to the sheriff.” Paul nods once, opening my car door and checking both the front and back seats. When he gives me the all-clear, I hop in.

  Paul drives close behind me as I go home, and my eyes wander everywhere so I can catch any odd thing. I find nothing, not even another car, as we drive out of town and to my parents’ house.

  When I get home, sleep evades me. Every little sound has me freaking out. Back off… That has to be someone from the label. Who else would threaten me like that?

  I lie on my bed, staring at the ceiling, my mind racing. This means that whoever is threatening me is nearby. They’re in town, watching me. When Tate calls me on his way home from work, I still haven’t slept.

  “Hey, Maddy,” his voice is gruff, and he sounds exhausted.


  “What’s wrong?” How he immediately knows something’s wrong is beyond me.

  “Rough night. I haven’t been able to sleep,” I admit, turning over to my side in hopes his voice will help lull me to sleep.

  “Why not? How was the grand opening?”

  “It was good.” I suck in a breath before telling him what happened at the end. “When I left, there was a note on my windshield. Paul found it, but he didn’t see who put it there. Apparently, the person created a diversion so Paul wouldn’t see him.”

  Tate growls. “What did it say?” he bites out.

  “Back off,” I whisper. “It has to be someone from the label.” Tears spill down my cheeks as I break.

bsp; “Shhh… It’s okay, Maddy.” I hear him curse under his breath. “I wish I could come see you.”

  “Me too.” I’m grateful to be with my parents because I feel safe here. With all the security they have, it’s hard to break in through the gate, let alone the house. However, if I lived alone, I’d ask Tate to come over and hold on to him.

  We’re quiet for a moment, our breathing the only sound coming through the earpiece.

  “I hate that I can’t be with you all the time,” Tate breaks the silence.

  “You have a life and a career. You aren’t responsible for babysitting me.”

  “It’s not babysitting; it’s protecting you. That’s my job.” He huffs out. The dull sound of the car riding down the street as he heads home sounds through his speaker.

  “We’re gonna call the sheriff today and show him the letter.”

  “That’s not enough. What if instead of leaving a letter, they would’ve hurt you. A threat is just the beginning,” his voice is tight with concern.

  “It’s why I have Paul.”

  “Yeah, and look at how easily he got distracted. Clearly, they know how to play this game. Madison, I need you safe.” The way his voice cracks wrenches my heart.

  “I’ll stay safe,” I promise on a whisper.

  “I’m gonna cancel our plans for tomorrow.”

  “What? No!” I was so excited to see him and the surprise he has.

  “It’s for the best. I’d rather not be out and about, drawing attention to you.” Hot tears continue to fall, soaking the pillow beneath my head.

  Noticing my shaky breathing, Tate says, “Don’t cry, babe… It’s to keep you safe. I promise when this is all over, I’ll give you surprises every day of my life.” He speaks with tenderness. The idea of living our entire lives together brings a sense of peace over me.

  With trembling lips, I ask, “Can I still see you?”

  “You bet your sexy ass I’m gonna see you. We’ll just stay in instead of going out. Don’t think for a second I don’t want to see you, but I won’t put you at risk for the hell of it.”

  I sigh, softly nodding as if he can see me.

  “Say something…” he pleads.


  “Why are you apologizing?” I hear the confusion in his voice.

  “For thinking you didn’t want to see me.”

  “Madison, you have nothing to be sorry about. I’m angry that someone got that close to leave a note on your car window and got away with it. Just because I’m postponing what I had planned doesn’t mean I’m not gonna see you. If I could, I’d jump back in my car and go now. I don’t think your parents would appreciate that, though.”

  I giggle. “I don’t think so either.” My parents aren’t close-minded, but I respect them and their home. Bringing Tate to my room feels weird.

  When I hear him yawn, I tell him to get some sleep. “Call me when you wake up.”

  “Get some rest, too, Maddy. You need it.”

  “I’ll try,” I lie. I won’t be sleeping anymore, especially with the sun rising.

  Once I hang up, I stretch and stand, ready for a cup of coffee. I grab one of the books I bought yesterday and head to the kitchen as Ms. Sullivan is arriving.

  “Good morning, dear,” she smiles. “Do you want some coffee?”

  I nod, exhaustion heavy on my shoulders, but sleep is unreachable. I let her turn the coffee maker on and wait silently, my mind turning over so many different possibilities from the deputies finding who left the letter to me being kidnapped. My imagination is the enemy at the moment, and a romantic comedy sounds about perfect.

  Accepting the cup of coffee Ms. Sullivan hands me, I cuddle on the couch and read while I wait for my parents to wake up. As much as I wanted to keep the note last night, I’m glad Paul has it. I would’ve read it over and over again, obsessively dissecting it and trying to figure out who the nondescript handwriting belongs to. It’s so straight and uniform, I couldn’t find any unique characterization that would hint at the person.

  However, I have an idea that Wright must’ve sent someone.

  Chapter 24


  I want to kill someone. I pace my house with pent-up anger and a need to punch something. After sleeping a couple of hours, I woke up startled. A fucking nightmare about someone hurting Madison was enough to make me jump from bed and pace like a maniac with fisted hands. I know I can’t go to Nashville and find this guy, but I’d give anything to break his face.

  I call Rafael, waking his ass up.

  “Fuck you,” he spits through sleep.

  “Listen, I need your help.”

  He must notice my anger because he suddenly becomes alert. “What’s going on?”

  I tell him what happened to Maddy last night and go into a bit more detail about her situation. I wholly trust Rafael and need someone to help me.

  “Shit,” he hisses.

  “I know. Just keep an eye out around town for anything that might seem off, any new people that don’t quite fit in.” I ask of him.

  “You got it, brother.” He pauses, but before I can speak, he talks again. “How’s Madison?”


  “I don’t blame her. If they fucked with my sister like that, I’d kill the motherfucker, let alone the woman I love.” I’m surprised by his words since he thinks love is bullshit. “I’ll keep an eye out,” he promises.

  “Thank you. I’ll let you go back to sleep.”

  After hanging up, I call Madison. Her groggy voice fills me with guilt for waking her up.

  “Sorry, go back to sleep.”

  “No, I’m okay. I fell asleep on the couch while reading.” She groans and yawns.

  “I’m glad you got some sleep.”

  “Yeah, a little. Did you?”

  “I got some,” I tell her, making some coffee. I’m gonna need the whole damn pot today. “I take it you haven’t spoken to your parents yet?”

  “Nope. I got coffee and came to the couch to read and fell asleep shortly after.”

  “I wanted to check in on you. Talk to them and call me after. I want to see you; the sooner, the better.”

  Madison sighs softly. “I do, too.”

  After hanging up, I get ready and head out to buy some groceries. We’ll order a pizza or something when she comes over tonight, but I need to stock my kitchen. It’s embarrassing how little food I have.

  While I’m walking around town, I scrutinize everything and everyone. Seeing the bakery, I walk in and grab donuts for dessert. I’m annoyed that everything looks the same around town, knowing that it isn’t. Someone’s fucking with my girl, and I won’t have it. Distracted, I finish my shopping, barely hearing the greetings from neighbors.

  By the time I get home, my shoulders are tense from stress. I call a buddy of mine that’s a deputy and ask him a few questions. I know they’re up to date with the whole situation as a preventative measure, and I probably shouldn’t insert myself, but I need to know how things are going. When all I get is a vague response that they’re being careful and watchful, my frustration rises.

  “I know she’s special to you, but we can’t do anything unless we have a culprit,” my friend tells me.

  While I know all of this, I wish it were different. I wish they could just arrest the guy in Nashville since they know who’s accused and lock him up. Sometimes the legal process is bullshit.

  By the time Madison calls me back, I’m ready to go to her and see what’s taking so long. “Babe… What’s wrong?” I immediately say.

  “Hi, sorry I took so long.” I hear shuffling in the background and a door closing. “The sheriff has a copy of the note now. My lawyer has the original in my case file. Sadie called in the middle of all this. Another woman stepped forward, accusing Wright. She wants to remain anonymous. Apparently, he went too far with her.” I stiffen at her words, my heart rate doubling.

  “It’s hard to prove since she doesn’t want her identity shared but not impossi
ble since many victims prefer to hide who they are. She did agree to meet with cops in Nashville that are investigating this so long as they keep her name confidential.”

  “Wow,” I breathe out.

  “I know,” she sniffles. “I hate that he’s hurt so many women. My heart goes out to this new person, though, because she couldn’t stop it.”

  “How about I pick you up, and we spend the day together?” I don’t want to wait to see her if I can have her now.

  “Paul can drive me,” she offers.

  “Maddy, I wanna pick you up.”

  “It’s silly for you to leave your house, drive over here, and then go back.”

  I shake my head, rolling my eyes. “Well then, I’m silly.” She giggles at this, and I smile at the soft sound.

  “Okay,” she agrees.

  “I’ll see you soon, babe.”

  “Bye, Tate. Thank you.”

  “You don’t gotta thank me.” I want to add, I do it because I love you, but I don’t. I keep that to myself.

  Changing into a pair of jeans and a plaid button-down, I hop in my truck and head to Madison’s house. I’m going to make sure she has fun today so that she’s not overthinking each detail of her life. I want to be the person that keeps that beautiful smile on her face and protects her.

  I smile when I see her waiting outside for me. As soon as I step out of my truck, she’s walking over to me.

  “I made a decision after we hung up.” I lift my eyebrows, staring into those green eyes.

  “Oh yeah, and what’s that?”

  Her fingers toy with the buttons on my shirt. When she looks up at me with a full grin framed by dimples, my heart stops. My hands fall to her hips, squeezing in encouragement, so she answers my question. Her body trembles at the contact, and I fight the urge to throw her in my truck and race home.

  “I’m going to keep you forever.”

  Her words hit me right in the chest. Every piece that broke off when she left is put back together. Every pain, every lonely night, every dream I accomplished without being able to celebrate it with her. It all restores itself as she looks at me with damn love in her eyes. She doesn’t need to say it for me to know she feels the same way I do.


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