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Auctioned to the Gentle Dom [The Spectrum Auctions 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 13

by Doris O'Connor

  “I wish you would, Sir.”

  * * * *

  Logan reared back. Shoving the little box he’d dropped on the floor back into the pocket of his joggers, he rose to his feet. It was the work of seconds to pick up his sassy sub, and to swing her over his shoulder. Lindsey screamed and wiggled, so he swatted her ass several more times for good measure until she slumped over his shoulder.

  “That’s better, little bird, and remember, you asked for this.”

  Carefully negotiating the door, he maneuvered his precious bundle down the stairs until he reached the cellar, which housed his weights, and what was left from his playroom equipment of the house he’d shared with Elena. Having pushed open the door, he flicked on the lights and paused, waiting for the all-too-familiar pang of loss and regret that always hit him when he entered the playroom. With Lindsey draped over his shoulder, however, that aching loss didn’t come. There was only a slight sense of nostalgia as he approached the spanking bench.

  He kept his equipment tidy and clean—an act of masochism on his part, he was sure, but he was glad he’d done so, as he slid a breathless Lindsey slowly off his shoulder until her feet touched the ground. She looked around and let out an unsteady breath, before he grasped her hips and unceremoniously dumped her on the spanking bench.

  “For the record, I will take you in whatever shape you are in. I just want you to eat when you want to, and whatever shape that will make you is just fine with me. Are we clear on that?”

  Lindsey’s startled gaze connected with his, and she nodded.

  “Yes, Sir, I think so.”

  He took a step back and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “You think so, or you know so?”

  Lindsey bit her lip and, when he growled under his breath, stopped and smiled at him.

  “I…if it pleases you, Sir.”

  Logan frowned at that answer, not at all satisfied with such a blanket statement that subs the world over offered when they wanted to placate their Doms.

  “It would, but that’s not the point. I want you to look after yourself and be healthy. Eating well and exercising regularly is a huge part of that, and I expect you to do that for yourself. Not just to please me, though I will punish you if you won’t follow that diktat. Are we clear?”

  Lindsey swallowed hard and nodded.

  “Yes, Sir. Is that what you’ll do to me now, in here? Punish me?”

  Logan smiled and took the little box out of his pocket.

  “No, I took you down here to torture you some, show you who’s boss, and to claim that ass of yours.” A groan came from his girl, followed by a sharp intake of breath when he held the box out to her. “And to give you this.”

  “Is that…?” Lindsey looked at the velvet box as though it would turn into a poisonous snake if she took it off his outstretched palm, and Logan smiled.

  “Open it, baby. I know it’s customary to give one’s fiancée her engagement ring over a fancy dinner, and I was going to do that earlier, but I got sidetracked, and I want you to wear this before we go the club tonight. That way there can be no confusion that you’re mine.”

  Again he held the box out to her, and he huffed his relief when she took it. Anxiety gnawed a hole in his gut, and if it didn’t make his emotions too obvious, he’d be pacing right now. It took him by surprise how much it meant to him that she would like the ring he’d chosen for her.

  Maybe it was her earlier admission that she was in love with him that seemed to put such extreme importance on this moment. He certainly couldn’t recall having fretted this much over Elena’s engagement ring. Then again they had been in a committed Dom/sub relationship by the time he’d popped the question, and her collar had far outweighed any cultural commitment forced on them. Again he waited for that stab of pain, and again it didn’t materialize. He was pulled out of his meandering thoughts by Lindsey’s gasp of delight and the tight knot of anxiety his guts were twisted into dissipated seeing the huge grin on his girl’s face.

  She looked utterly delighted with the ring nestled in its soft cushion, as confirmed by her next words.

  “I…Oh, this is so beautiful. I wasn’t expecting this at all.”

  Logan shrugged his shoulders, as though this wasn’t a big deal for him, either, and he’d have to think about why it was, later, for sure.

  “It’s nothing much, I know, but I figured you didn’t want anything too flashy, and the dark sapphire reminded me of the color of your eyes. It looks brown in the right light.”

  Logan inwardly winced at that admission, but his little bird’s eyes filled with tears, and she audibly sniffed.

  “No, this is perfect. Will you put it on me, please, Sir?”

  Logan grunted at that, once again reduced to caveman language, it seemed, as he took the box off her, lifted the ring off its cushion and placed it on her left finger. A sense of calm came over him at the action, and besides, it was fucking hot to see her wear nothing bar his ring.

  Lindsey held her hand up to admire the antique engagement ring he’d found in his search for the perfect ring. The dark gold band held a small, dark sapphire, which almost looked black in this light, lighter at other times, like his girl’s eyes. Surrounded by tiny diamonds interspersed with further, even smaller, dark sapphires, all held in place by the golden claws that came out of the ring, it looked damn good on her finger.

  Grasping her hand, he took that digit in his mouth and sucked. Her resulting deep-throated moan shot straight to his cock, and he grazed his teeth along her finger before he released it with an audible pop.

  “Now, where were you? Oh yes, time to torture my little insolent subbie, to make her fly and”—he pushed her back down onto the bench while spreading her thighs, to enable him to press against the tiny hole he intended to claim next—“and to fuck that ass. Turn over, sweet thing. Head down, so that I can tie you in, and give me a color.”

  The speed and eagerness with which she complied made him feel ten feet tall, and seeing her pale limbs spread out with her ass on perfect display made him want to hurry this along. However, they had plenty of time before her shift started at the club, and he wanted there to be no doubt in her mind, that she belonged to him now. For that he would need his scribing tools, and his balls drew tight at the thought of marking as her as such. It would only be temporary, but when she received the public punishment tonight that Slade had insisted on when he found out the truth about her, seeing his obvious claim written above her butt might make them take it easier on her.

  Logan knew it was in his power to stop what was going to happen, but he also knew that Lindsey needed that punishment as much as the resident dominants she had deceived would need to administer it. It was, if not the only way, the most expedient way to clear the slate, and let Lindsey start afresh.

  And he realized with sudden clarity that he very much wanted that fresh start for her, and with her. Something else to ponder over later. For now, he took in the delightful scene in front of him.

  Face-down on the bench, Lindsey presented beautifully and she shivered when he ran his large hand slowly down her back. He paused at the top of her buttocks and, using his fingernail, traced the word he was going to inscribe right there. His heart beat faster at the thought, and he effortlessly slipped into the headspace required for this. Giving demonstrations was all well and good, but he hadn’t that emotional connection to the submissives that had volunteered. This woman, however, she was his, and everyone would know that tonight.

  “You haven’t given me a color, sweet thing,” he said.

  “Green, Sir.”

  “Good girl. I’m going to tie you down now, and then warm you up a little with my flogger. I’ve got something special planned for this place right here.”

  Again he traced the area with his fingernail, satisfied to see the thin red mark left behind. It wouldn’t require much at all to break the skin and to leave her with a reminder of his care for a few days.


�Yes, little bird?”

  He positioned her legs so they were spread apart and secured them to the bench with the attached leather cuffs. Stepping around her, he did the same with her arms.

  Another moan escaped his girl when he’d finished, and the sweet musk of her arousal filled the air around him. Logan smiled at her, cupped her chin and kissed her. Lindsey whimpered into the kiss, and looked delightfully flushed when he pulled back. He ran his hands down her arms and checked the cuffs.

  “Wiggle your fingers for me, little bird. That’s my very good girl. Do the same with your toes for me.” A quick glance confirmed she could do so easily, and indulging himself, he kissed her again. Lindsey squirmed on the bench as much as she was able to—too much for what he had in mind, so he secured her torso with another strap.

  Lindsey let out a slow breath, and he wasn’t entirely surprised to see her eyes close, as though she had trouble keeping them open. Gone was the little brat and in its stead was a sweet sub giving herself into his care. A heady feeling indeed.

  “Comfy there, girl?” he asked, and laughed when he got nothing but a non-committal “Hmm” back.

  “Okay, you stay right there while I get some things.”

  That brought her head up and Logan put his hand on her shoulders to reassure her.

  “I’ll just be over there, and I can see you the whole time, sweetheart, okay?”

  Lindsey strained to see where he was pointing to.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Logan nodded and walked over to the locked cabinet he kept his toys in. He could see Lindsey relax when he took out the soft suede flogger. This was designed to warm up a submissive’s skin, and while he could make it hurt if he wanted to, it delivered more of a deep tissue massage, which should mean Lindsey would be nice and relaxed for him.

  Her eyes widened when she saw him take out his first aid kit, sterile gloves and the see-through box which contained his set of knifes and a scalpel. All sterilized before he’d placed them back, to minimize any danger of infection.

  Logan took out a sterile cover and placed it on the little trolley he used for his equipment before he snapped on some gloves and put the utensils on the surface. Sensing her rising agitation, he took off the gloves, picked up the flogger, and approached his girl. She didn’t seem capable of tearing her eyes away from the trolley. Face flushed, breathing hard, she gave off an intoxicating mixture of fear and arousal, and Logan traced the ends of the flogger up and down her spine.

  The action made goose bumps pop out over her skin, and Logan lowered his voice.

  “Relax, little bird. Tell me, have you ever seen me give a scribing demonstration at the club?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Why not?”

  He knew the answer to that one, but he was curious as to what she was going to give as her reasons.

  “I was afraid to, Sir.”

  “Why was that? Do you not like the idea, or can’t stand the sight of blood?”

  She visibly tensed in front of him, and he continued the slow swish of the tails across her skin, putting a little flick into them now, which she didn’t seem to notice. So far, so good. The muscles aligning her spine relaxed again, and stepping away, he swung the flogger to make contact with her butt cheeks. This one was designed to sting, and sure enough, Lindsey moaned. Not in pain, but arousal, which made him grin. Her mind might still have problems processing this, but her body was very much on board, as confirmed by how wet she was when he ran his fingers though her exposed pussy. He pushed two fingers into her channel, curling them to find her sweet spot, and Lindsey moaned long and hard.

  “Please, Sir.”

  “Give me an answer, or I’ll rev you right up and then leave you hanging.”

  He continued to thrust those digits into her cunt, and her internal muscles squeezed him tight as more of her natural lubrication aided the process. Oh, yes, it wouldn’t take much at all to send her over.

  She groaned when he withdrew and smacked her ass hard.

  “I asked you a question, girl. Why didn’t you watch?”

  Lindsey groaned and shook her head, but eventually she answered.

  “I was hiding from you, Sir. I was afraid you would recognize me.”

  Logan picked up the flogger and started a gentle swinging action across her skin, which made it pink up nicely, and Lindsey went limp against the bench. Her breathing evened out, and he knew he had her.

  “Good girl for being truthful. I’ll let you in on a little secret, though. I recognized you almost from the first moment I saw you.”

  “Ooooh?” The way she drew out that one syllable told him she was slipping to her happy space, and he increased the force behind his flogging. Every impact of the suede tails on her skin made her slip further away, and when he at long last stopped and lifted her head up to enable him to read her expression, he wasn’t at all surprised to see the small smile on her lips. Eyes closed, lips swollen from his earlier kisses, with beads of perspiration covering her skin, she looked utterly adorable and his chest tightened with emotions he’d thought long buried with Elena.

  He wasn’t ready to put a label on those feelings yet, and maybe he would never be able to do so, but it was enough for now to feel this alive. Happiness seemed within his grasp, and he swallowed hard.

  “Open your eyes, baby. Did you hear what I said?”

  Lindsey struggled to follow his command, and when she did so, she had trouble focusing on him. He lifted one of the sports bottles of water he kept handy in here to her lips, and she took a few sips. Her gaze cleared a little, while he waited for her to come back to him enough to be able to talk to him.

  “Yes, Sir.” The slurred words confirmed she was still under enough to make this next bit easier on her, and he dropped a kiss on her nose.

  “Good girl. Do you want to know why I didn’t turn you in there and then?” he asked, and smiled at her vague nod.

  “I could see how frightened you were, and I figured there had to be a pretty good reason for you to be hiding in the club like that, so I let it go until the right opportunity presented itself to get to the bottom of it all, which happened to be the auction.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart. Now listen to me. I want to scribe you. I need to scribe you.”

  Lindsey’s eyes widened as his words appeared to register, but her earlier fearful response didn’t return.


  Logan let out the breath he hadn’t been aware of holding and Lindsey gave him a wobbly smile.

  “I won’t go too deep, and I promise I’ll be careful with you. Trust me?”

  “Yes, Sir, always.”

  Chapter Twelve

  A brilliant smile lit up Sir’s features at her whispered reply, and peace descended upon Lindsey. She had pleased him, and she would endure anything to see that smile again. It lit up his eyes, and the heartfelt way he called her his “good girl” made her heart skip about like a demented rabbit.

  Anxiety was there, clawing at the edges of her consciousness. In truth, she would be a fool to not be a little afraid of what was coming, but she trusted Sir, and while she may not have seen him in action, she had heard enough rapture over his skill in the club to reassure her that he knew what he was doing.

  The snap of rubber as he donned a fresh pair of gloves made an army of insects crawl over her skin, and threatened to pull her out of the hazy, feel-good place his flogging had placed her in. As though he knew what was happening, Sir placed a hand on her back, and the contact instantly grounded her.

  “Let it go, sweetheart. I’ll talk you through it. I’m going to swab the area I’m going to mark, so this will be cold.”

  Despite his warning Lindsey jumped—or she would have done, had he not tied her in so effectively that she couldn’t move—when the cold sensation hit her overheated skin. The scent of alcohol hit her nose, and she relaxed into the stroke of his fingers, as he made sure to protect her.

  “Good gi
rl. Now, this next bit will hurt, but you will take this for me, won’t you?”

  Lindsey managed a nod before pain sliced through her, and if she could have moved she would have jumped off the bench and taking that scalpel or whatever the hell he was using to cut her, and used it on him, yet it never occurred to her to scream red.

  “That’s my girl, breathe, let it all go.”

  His deep voice, much darker and commanding than she had ever heard it, grounded her, and while the pain was still just as intense as ever, she breathed it out. A strange thing happened with every exhale. Her mind started to float, along with the pressure on her back, as she mentally traced his hand on her skin, and then the pain was gone, replaced by intense pleasure. Every slice of his instrument, every dab of the alcohol wipe after, strengthened her connection to him, until nothing else mattered but the waves of pleasure/pain flooding her system and the sound of Sir’s voice as he praised her over and over.

  Her pussy clenched and released, and miraculously she was hovering on the edge of release, so turned-on that the waft of cool air as Sir stepped away meant she moaned.

  “Please…I need…I want…”

  His warm lips covering hers stopped whatever she was pleading for, and she put all of her feelings into the kiss as their tongues dueled with each other, and the scent and warmth of her Sir surrounded her, bathed her in his protection. The fiery ache above her buttocks only served to make her feel closer to him, and when he finally broke the kiss and rested his forehead on hers, she sighed her contentment.

  “Thank you, little bird. You were fantastic. Time to claim your ass. Will you let me do that?”

  Somehow Lindsey managed to roll her eyes, and Logan’s strained laugh made her stomach flip over in anticipation. She’d always enjoyed anal, but something made her think that this, too, would be an entirely new experience with her Sir.

  “Minx. If I wasn’t so hard I’d fear my cock might break, I’d leave you hanging for that sass.” Logan flicked her nose and smiled down on her while he pulled his joggers off. His cock bounced up, and she licked her lips, desperate to taste him. Sir noticed, of course, because he took his thick shaft in hand and ran it across her lips.


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