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Auctioned to the Gentle Dom [The Spectrum Auctions 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 14

by Doris O'Connor

  His salty essence teased her senses, yet he kept too far away for her to do anything but flick her tongue out. The action made Logan groan, and she hissed her relief, when he stepped closer and slid his heavily veined penis into her open mouth.

  “Fuck.” His guttural exclamation made Lindsey grin around her mouthful of cock, and she hollowed out her cheeks and sucked in earnest. Tiny spurts of his pre-cum were her reward and she eagerly swallowed as Logan’s dick hit the back of her throat.

  One hand fisted in her hair, he kept her still, and started to thrust in and out of her mouth. When she used her teeth to graze his shaft slightly as he withdrew, Logan tugged hard on her hair, and groaned long and hard. That sound was the biggest turn-on yet, and she pulled a face when he withdrew all the way. Seeing his cock all slick with her saliva made her pussy clench in need.

  She was so damn close to release, if only he would fuck her and put out the growing ache between her legs. Coupled with the waves of heat still travelling over skin woken up by his flogging, and the slight ache on top of her butt, which seemed intent on reminding her that she was his, her whole body was a mass of conflicting sensations. Subspace floated on the edges of her consciousness, that marvelous, happy realm where her mind was void of anything—anything bar Sir’s voice and the feeling of belonging.

  She wanted, needed to go back there.

  “Please, Sir.”

  Her voice didn’t sound like her, all breathless and dreamy, and it took an inordinate amount of effort to form those two words even. The swish of a flogger registered seconds before a swarm of bee stings exploded on her skin, biting into her fresh mark and intensifying the glorious ache. It came in waves, not pain, but pleasure, and when one of the tails hit her clit, Lindsey screamed and flew.

  “That’s my girl. You’re ready now.”

  The force of her orgasm took her breath away. She bucked against the restraints, her toes curled under, and her breath stalled in her lungs as she opened her mouth in a silent scream, caught in the maelstrom of pleasure that threatened to pull her under and never let her go.

  Something cold dribbled into her ass cheeks, followed by the gentle invasion of Sir’s fingers, as he took his time preparing her with one hand while he ran lazy circles around her clit with the other. It meant the contractions of her orgasm seemed never-ending. All too soon, those magical fingers of his disappeared to be replaced by blunt pressure against her anus.

  “Relax, let me in, girl. That’s it. That’s so it. So fucking good.”

  The slight burn of his entry gave way to pleasure as Logan pushed into her butt and grasped her hips.

  “I’m in. I need to move, little bird.”

  The strain in his voice made her smile even as she croaked a weak, “Green.”

  He must have heard her, however, because he pulled out slowly, awaking every nerve ending she had back there, and when he pushed back in again, Lindsey moaned.

  It seemed to have been the signal he was waiting for, because Logan upped the speed of his thrusts, and her just-waned orgasm flared anew. The pressure built between her thighs in ever-increasing outward circles. Her heartbeat thundered in her ears, and everything seemed heightened at that moment. His harsh breathing, which matched her own, the beads of sweat which fell on her back, the wet sounds of skin slapping on skin, and the feel of his balls hitting her clit on every thrust into her.

  When Logan changed the angles of his thrusts, he hit that spot deep inside her that sent her body crazy. The pressure built to unbearable levels. The bench shook with the force of their coupling, and when Logan shouted out and stiffened above her, Lindsey, too, screamed her release as another orgasm swept through. No less intense than the previous one, it robbed her of her ability to speak, to do anything but lie there, shaking in aftershocks and gasping for air, as the world went black.

  * * * *

  Fuck, that was intense. One hand braced on the bench, Logan tried his best to keep his weight off his girl, as he waited for the feeling to return to his legs and the spots in his vision to clear. He couldn’t even remember the last time he had come this hard. Taking the base of his softening penis in hand, he carefully withdrew from the tight clasp of Lindsey’s body. Both her holes quivered as she rode out the last tremors of her orgasm, and seeing her all stretched out from his cock with his cum slowly seeping out of her asshole and into the swollen folds of her pussy was fucking hot.

  A stab of guilt assaulted him at the same time. He knew he was clean, as was she, obviously, but they hadn’t discussed whether she was on birth control. In the heat of the moment, Logan hadn’t even thought about using a rubber. After all, they were engaged to be married, so if she did fall pregnant, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. In fact, his chest tightened in longing at the thought of having children of his own. Not that it was likely. Elena and he had never conceived, after all.

  He pushed all thoughts of children firmly from his mind when Lindsey moaned and tugged on her restraints. Stopping only to pull his joggers back up, he made short work of untying her, and when he picked her up, she all but collapsed against him. Eyes closed and breaths coming in short gasps, she still seemed to be floating happily, and he was glad for that. Time to pamper her a bit.

  He managed to get them up to the bathroom, and wrapping a towel around her, he deposited her on the toilet while he ran them both a bath. Lindsey came round a bit more as the bathroom filled with steam. Yawning, she smiled at him.


  “It’s okay, little bird. Let me take care of you. You went in deep, and you were so very brave.”

  She wriggled and winced, and having turned the bath taps off, Logan guided her to her feet and turned her around.

  “Let me see, baby.”

  He traced his fingers over the red, angry marks that his scribing had left behind in her fair skin, and Lindsey moaned.

  “It’s beautiful, baby. I’ll show you when you’re not quite so out-of-it.”

  A giggle was his answer, and Logan picked her back up again and sat down with her in the bath. Lindsey hissed as her sore flesh came into contact with the water, and struggled against his hold.

  “No, it will pass and you’ll feel better for it, baby, trust me. That’s my good girl.” He murmured the words into her hair as she sagged against his chest, and he stretched out his long legs in a protective cocoon around his girl. Picking up the bath sponge, he began to gently wash her down. The little sighs and mewls that came from his girl made him hard as nails again, and Logan ruefully shook his head at his predicament. At this rate, he would have to rub one out before they went to the club, because there was no way his little bird was up for any more sex today.

  He probably should have gone easier on her, but for the life of him he couldn’t regret his actions. It felt right to have claimed all of her holes, and pushing her forward slightly, he ran the sponge over her slender back. The earlier redness caused by his flogging was already fading to be replaced by the cozy glow that only a warm bath could cause on delicate skin. Even so, the letters he’d inscribed on top of her butt stood out.

  Logan’s sub.

  It gave him an extraordinary amount of satisfaction to see his name on her skin, and to know that the slight ache she would be left with over the next couple of days would remind her who she belonged to. Pulling her back into his arms, he rested his head on the bath support and closes his eyes. Contentment filled him and he would allow himself this moment of just being.

  * * * *

  Logan jerked awake, not sure what woke him, or how much time had elapsed, but the water had cooled considerably. Lindsey was fast asleep in his arms, and scooting out from behind her, he moved her until her head rested on the support. Having dried himself and wrapped a towel around his midriff, he lifted his girl out of the bath. She woke up slightly, arms flailing as he did so, but he eventually managed to wrap her into a towel and carried her through to his bedroom, where he placed her face-down.

  Logan patted her dry and th
en inspected his handiwork again. He applied some more antibiotic cream to be on the safe side, then covered the whole area in a light, non-sticky dressing he kept in his the first aid kit that lived in his bedroom. He smiled to himself as he did so.

  Old habits died hard, and despite never having scened with anyone in this house, he still kept the essentials in almost every room. One never knew when one needed them, after all. Having tugged his girl under the cover, he put the bottle of water and a bar of dark chocolate in easy reach for her. He wrote a note and placed it on top of it.

  Drink and eat, when you wake up. That is not a request!

  Satisfied that he had done all he could for now, he pulled on some boxer briefs, socks, jeans and button-down shirt, ready to go the club later, and skipped down the stairs to the playroom. He caught his reflection in one of the hallway mirrors on the way down and the shit-eating grin on his face caught him by surprise.

  It was more than the simple fact that he’d just had fantastic sex, he knew that, and pushing open the door to his playroom, he frowned at his wayward thought processes. Where was the guilt that always assaulted him if he so much as looked at another woman since Elena’s passing? It had always seemed disloyal to do so, and surely, after what had taken place between Lindsey and him, that guilt should floor him.

  All he saw when he looked across at the spanking bench and the trolley holding his equipment—which would need sterilizing, before he put it away—was his little bird in the throes of passion. He absentmindedly stroked his dick to give him some relief as it pressed painfully against his jeans. His libido certainly had awakened with a monstrous appetite, and if he didn’t know that she needed her rest, he would be sorely tempted to march back up there and take her again.

  She wouldn’t refuse him, he knew that. Lindsey seemed to be as in thrall with the sexual pull between them as he was, but to act on that impulse would make him a complete brute.

  So, instead, Logan concentrated on cleaning up. He’d just finished the last of his sterilizing when the doorbell rang in short, impatient, staccato bursts that could only belong to Peyton. Mindful of the sleeping woman upstairs, he hurried up the stairs and wrenched the door open. As he’d suspected, Master Pedro’s sub stood on his doorstep, or rather almost fell into the hallway as she’d been seemingly on the verge of bashing on his front door. Logan put his hands on her shoulder to steady her, and her grin disappeared at his raised eyebrows.

  “Was trying to break the doorbell not enough for you, girl? Now you have to bash in my door?”

  Peyton threw him a glance from under her lashes, and then promptly dropped her gaze to the floor. Logan hid his grin, and made a mental note to congratulate Pedro on his training of her.

  “Sorry, Sir, it’s just…You did say it was urgent, and…well, it took me a while to convince her ladyship. Then she insisted on packing herself, and I swear I was growing roots waiting for her in that mausoleum they call their house.”

  Logan laughed, and letting Peyton in, he picked up the two suitcases. Gesturing for Peyton to precede him, he followed behind. He didn’t miss the way she took in her surroundings. Just like Lindsey had done, Peyton traced the crayon marks left behind. Unlike Lindsey, she turned round, however, hands on hips, and gave him a coy look, before she dropped her gaze again.

  “You don’t have any kids, do you?” she asked.

  “No, I don’t. Those are from the previous occupiers. They had a houseful of them.”

  “Oh, you didn’t think to redecorate?”

  Her tone was far too innocent for his liking, and instead of answering, he shrugged his shoulders and set the suitcases down at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Haven’t had time, that’s all.”

  “Right, of course not, Sir.”

  Logan chose to let that sass go for now. Crossing his arms over his chest and staring her down was enough to make her bite her lip and fidget with the strap of the cloth bag she was holding in her hands.

  “Sorry, Sir,” she murmured and he had to hide his grin again.

  “Better, girl. You don’t want me telling your Master that you’ve been disrespectful now, do you?”

  A grin kicked up her lips, and Logan shook his head.

  “I would make sure it wouldn’t be fun for you,” he said, and Peyton pursed her lips in a mock pout.

  “You Doms ruin all of my fun.” She smiled up at him and handed him the bag in her hands. “On a serious note, now, I assumed Lindsey wouldn’t keep her club-wear at her parent’s house. As I didn’t hear any shrieking and caterwauling from her ladyship and I wasn’t escorted off the premises by their scary butler, I’m assuming I was right in my assumptions. So, this is her club uniform for tonight.”

  Logan took the bag off her with a murmured thanks.

  “You’re welcome, Sir. Unless there is anything else you need me for, I best be going. My Lord and Master wants us to get there early tonight, for obvious reasons.”

  Logan shook his head and saw her out.

  “Georgina might surprise you, you know,” he said as he opened the door, and Peyton pulled a face.

  “You think so, Sir?”

  Logan wasn’t entirely sure of that, but he nodded anyway.

  “Georgina wants what’s best for her daughter. Once she sees that Lindsey is happy, she’s not going to be a problem. It took her a while to accept that Elena and I were in a D/s relationship, but when she could see that it was all consensual, she relaxed about it.”

  Peyton nodded and fixed her dark eyes on his.

  “Elena was your wife?” she asked. “I was sorry to hear you were a widower.”

  That hated word seemed to have lost some its sting, and Logan simply nodded.

  “Do you mind me asking what happened?”

  “You can ask, but I’m not going to answer it.” The words must have come out more forcefully than he intended them to, because Peyton blanched and found the study of his welcome mat most interesting all of a sudden.

  “Sorry, Sir. I meant no offense.”

  “None taken, girl. I only mentioned Elena to demonstrate that Lindsey’s mother will not be an issue.”

  “Okay, that’s good.” Peyton visibly brightened. “Because we’ve been talking wedding venues and the only one Lindsey seemed at all enthusiastic about was the club. She said she felt most at home there, and that way, there would be no reporters trying to get pictures. I swear I get so disillusioned with my profession at times.”

  Peyton sighed and carried on talking, but Logan wasn’t really listening anymore. He was still stuck on the wedding-taking-place-in-the-club part. Interrupting Peyton’s chatter, he held his hand up.

  “Did she really say she wanted to get married at the club?” he asked.

  Peyton nodded. “Well, not in so many words, but I get the impression she feels safe there. After all, that’s what tonight’s punishment is all about, right? To give her back that safety net and to ensure she can make a fresh start?”

  Logan nodded in reply.

  “There you go, then. Anyway, I’ll see you at the club, Sir.”

  “Yes, thank you for all your help, Peyton. I appreciate it.”

  Peyton’s smile in answer made the already-stunning brunette look breathtakingly beautiful, and he found himself returning that grin.

  “You’re very welcome, Sir.”

  Logan shut the door after her, and leaned his head on the cool wood.

  The things you learned when you didn’t even go looking for the answers. Lindsey and he had some talking to do, it seemed, and he had a future mother-in-law to prepare for a far-from-traditional wedding.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Celine Dion singing on top of her voice brought Lindsey out of her sleep with a smile. Trust Sir to wake her up like that. It still amused her greatly that Logan and she shared their love for the singer. It wasn’t something she would have thought he’d listen to, which just confirmed how little she really knew about the man she was going to marry.

ng slightly, she winced at the dull ache across the top of her butt, a wince that turned into a laugh when she saw Logan’s note pinned to the bar of chocolate in her view.

  She grabbed the water bottle first, and the cool liquid had never tasted better as it lubricated her throat. Jeez, she was thirsty. Then again, a heavy scene could do that to a sub. Lindsey had seen enough aftercare at the club, and been at the receiving end of it, to know how important it was to rehydrate after a scene. Not that she had ever gone as deep as she had with Sir. She gingerly shifted to an upright position and, opening the chocolate, broke of a strip.

  She wasn’t a fan of dark chocolate normally, but she had to admit this one made her instantly feel better. The only way this moment could be better was if she’d woken up in Sir’s arms.

  His deep voice travelled up the stairs, as he sang along to the lyrics, and Lindsey’s stomach did somersaults. She really could listen to his voice all day. Her gaze fell on the engagement ring he’d given her and she knew she had a huge smile on her face right now. He might only have given her that because it was expected of him, and people would wonder about the nature of their engagement otherwise, but it still meant the world to her.

  It reminded me of the color of your eyes.

  Lindsey hugged herself as she replayed those words in her mind, and the romantic in her sighed.

  Seeing her suitcases by the door to the bathroom gave her another pleasant surprise. Her club uniform was draped over it with another note.

  Lindsey made her way across after popping yet more chocolate in her mouth, surprised to see that she had eaten over half of the bar. Unheard of for her, but then again, Sir had ordered her to eat to her appetite. So that was exactly what she was going to do.

  Her heart beat faster when she read the note, and anxiety crawled up her spine.


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