Book Read Free

Dawn to Dark

Page 5

by Halston James

  With each word I uttered, her eyes grew bigger as her joy seemed to overcome her entirely. She bounced in her chair, clapping her hands together softly, all while smiling the most breathtaking smile I’d ever seen on a person.

  We stayed together long into the night, discussing everything she would need to pack for a week away with my family. I started to worry for a moment when I thought of telling my parents, but I knew they would be just as taken with Arabella as I was. There wasn’t any way they couldn’t be.

  However, I did call them to give them a heads up.

  The phone seemed to ring for an eternity before my father’s voice drifted over the line.

  “Channing residence, this is Tyler.”

  “Hey, Dad,” I croaked out, my voice suddenly dry from nerves.

  “Son! What a pleasant surprise. Hold on a moment, let me get your mother.”

  “Dad, that’s…” my words faded as I heard him calling for my mother in the background.

  A click sounded, letting me know I was now on speakerphone. “Royce, oh my baby. How are you?”

  “I’m fine, Mother. I just wanted to check in with y’all about my flight schedule and a few other things.” My accent became clearer after hearing my mother’s voice.

  “Of course, dear. Have you gotten everything settled? Did you have enough money in your account?”

  My parents still provided me with a monthly allowance, though I told them it was unnecessary. I wasn’t one to spend my money frivolously, unless it was on Arabella. Just the thought of her name brought a grin to my face.

  That girl was going to be the death of me.

  “I’m good, Mom, don’t worry. I was actually more concerned about something else.”

  The silence last just a second, but it spoke volumes.

  “Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s fine,” my father said stoutly.

  “So, there’s this girl,” those were the only words I uttered before my mother gave a cry of happiness and peppered me with questions concerning Arabella.

  They were beyond gleeful I was bringing a girl home. Being an only child, my parents doted on me without relent. It was comforting, knowing I had such loving parents, especially when I looked at Arabella and knew she’d missed out on a childhood like I’d had. I saw the way it pained my mother never being able to have another child, knowing she longed for a daughter to do things with.

  Hopefully, she and Arabella would get along. Form a relationship and be happy together. They both deserved it.



  Arriving in Texas was like arriving in a whole other world. Everything seemed so much different than what I had been used to.

  Royce gave me so little hints for what to expect, but I didn’t think he could have ever prepared me for this.

  It seemed so much bigger. I guess the saying everything is bigger in Texas really held true. Especially when it came to the homes. Or maybe that was just Royce’s.

  His parents picked us up from the airport, a petite woman running through the throngs of people to embrace Royce tightly. After hugging him, she inspected every inch of his body, searching for differences or injuries, I assumed. When he told her to stop, she pecked him on the cheek then turned to me. I was nervous at first, thinking she would take one look at me and dismiss me, but she did the opposite. Not even pausing in her movements, she embraced me just as tightly and swayed me from side-to-side. Just as I was beginning to panic, a burly man strode up and clasped hands with Royce before pulling him into a “bro hug.”

  The man turned to me, possibly seeing my frantic eyes, and gently pulled his wife away from me.

  “Darling, let the poor girl breathe. You’re terrifying her.”

  I didn’t want her to think I was ungrateful, so I quickly spoke up. “No, no, it’s fine. It just caught me off guard is all. I wasn’t expecting such a warm greeting.”

  My face heated, but the man and woman smiled, showing their acceptance of my words.

  “Royce told us so much about you. Oh, where are my manners? My name is Clarissa, and this is my husband, Tyler. As I’m sure you’ve figured out, we’re Royce’s parents.”

  Clarissa looped her arm through one of mine, directing the men to gather the bags, before leading me out of the terminal and into the parking lot where their large SUV waited. The comfort I felt from the woman was the same I’d felt from Royce. The instant connection was surprising, but I didn’t question it, just went along with his mother.

  Their house was impressive, as most of the houses were on the block. It was then I realized Royce came from money, a pretty large sum of money if the house was any indication. I knew he had money, but never really thought past that. Never considering how different our lives really were from a financial standpoint. Well, after meeting his parents, on all standpoints.

  Our differences loomed over me as I was guided into the large and extraordinary home. It stood at least two stories tall, made of varying shades of tan and gray brick. Large glass windows took up the majority of the downstairs walls, framed in wood finishing. I’d never seen anything like it. While my home had been glorious in appearance in the past, years of neglect had turned it into a monster of a home. Like the evil inside had permeated itself within the home itself.

  The inside was just as marvelous. Words couldn’t describe the warmth I felt emanating from within. I wanted to stand in the grand foyer with my arms wide open and soak in its gloriousness, but I knew that would seem like an odd thing to do.

  Instead, I listened to Clarissa tell me about the paintings littering her walls and things about Royce as a child. Before long, she had me laughing hysterically at one story in particular. She had even found pictures documenting the event and was eagerly showing them to me.

  That’s how Royce and his father, found us. We were both laughing uproariously in the sitting room with dozens of photo albums spread out between us. Each story she told only got better, until we finally collapsed on our sides with tears running down our cheeks.

  “Darling, what on earth is going on?” Tyler asks with curiosity clear in his tone.

  I tried to sit up, to present myself like I was put together, but the look on Royce’s face sent me into peals of laughter again. Horror was the only way to describe it.

  “Mother! Really? This early? We just got home and you barely know her!” While he said the words loudly, I knew they didn’t hold any real heat; the look in his eyes betrayed him.

  Walking over to us, each of the men took our hands and lifted us to our feet. Royce helped clear away the falling tears, my wide smile only hindering him slightly. He tried to look at me fiercely, unamused with my antics, but I simply smile bigger and stood on my tiptoes to brush a kiss across his lips.

  Momentarily forgetting his parents were in the room, I pressed slightly harder, wanting him to lose his fake grumpiness and return my affection. A sniffle broke me from my mission, returning me to where I was. Shyly glancing at his parents, I took in the happiness glowing from their eyes while taking me in with their son.

  Clearing her throat, Clarissa informed Royce which guest room was to be set up for me to stay in, shooing us away with a flick of her dainty hand. As we walked away, she let us know we would be going out for dinner and to dress accordingly. The look she shot Royce clued me in that he should know exactly what that meant.

  Taking me by the hand, Royce led me up the stairs, turning to the right when we reach the top. A long hallway boasted several doors. Royce explained that this was deemed “his wing” and each room was set up for something. He had his own library, a game room, and a small gym with a treadmill, free weights, and other equipment needed to keep him in peak condition. Finally, we came to a room decorated in light blues—the walls, the bedding, and some trinkets. Walking in, I took in every little detail.

  “This is your room for the week,” Royce said, breaking me from my gawking. “I have two spare bedrooms on this floor, but this one hardly ever gets used.”

He looked sheepish when he said it, but I didn’t know why such a statement would cause that reaction in him. While Royce set my bag down on a lounge, I plopped myself on the bed, jerking up in surprise when I felt its softness. My hands splayed across the comforter, pushing slightly and watching it rise again. Joining me on the bed, Royce took my hand in his and tugged, causing me to fall over onto his lap.

  “Arabella,” he quietly said my name.

  Turning over, keeping my head in his lap, I gazed up at him in question.

  “There’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you.”

  His tone grabbed my attention, forcing me to sit up and take this seriously, somehow thinking that I needed to be sitting for his next words.

  He stayed quiet for a long moment, taking my hands once again, twinning our fingers together, and fiddling while stalling for time. I took his face in my hands, something he often did to me when he wanted me to focus solely on him. Whatever he had to say must have been hard or he wouldn’t have been acting like this.

  “Whatever it is, just say it. We can deal with it.”

  But his eyes said something different. They held a fear that chilled my bones. My hands fell from his face, but he quickly picked up the left one and set it against his cheek, leaning into it and closing his eyes in bliss. When they opened again, the fear was gone, acceptance of some sort now settling in them along with joy.

  “I think I’m falling in love with you, if I’m not already there.”

  The words shot giddiness inside my weary soul, and I threw my arms around him, whispering I felt the same way.

  When the week came to an end, I was startled to find how hard it was to leave. His parents were absolutely amazing to be with, opening their arms and hearts to me without question. The ride to the airport was somber, very little being said between the four of us. Once we made it inside the terminal, Clarissa and I wrapped each other in our arms, tears silently flowing, as we said goodbye.

  As we boarded, Royce and I hand in hand, we glanced over our shoulders multiple times to wave to his parents. The flight home paled in comparison to the flight over. My eagerness for something new no longer making the ride something exciting.

  I couldn’t wait to visit again.



  It only took two days after a wonderful week-long vacation for my world to come crashing down around me.

  Mi Bella, a name I had started calling Arabella after confessing my feelings, and I were sitting in the quad with a few of our friends. Well, mostly mine. Arabella only had one close friend so far, Destiney. She was there, too. Everything was going great; we were laughing and having a good time until I felt Arabella stiffen beside me.

  Looking toward her quickly, I followed her line of sight and saw two unfamiliar girls walking up with Cody. The devious smiles on all of their faces had my hackles rising and fear building in my gut.

  Arabella sat as still as a statue, unmoving and unable to break her eyes away from the figures heading straight for us. I had no idea who those girls could be, but from her reaction, I figured she knew. And it didn’t bode well for either of us.

  “Dearest sister! We’ve been so worried about you!” The taller girl cried in a high-pitched voice. My ears rang from the unearthly shrill.

  “Yes, we have. Mother has been beside herself with worry since you ran off.” The shorter girl didn’t sound like a dying cat, but the harshness in her eyes gave off cruel vibes.

  Standing, I placed my body between Arabella and her so-called sisters. She’d told me she had sisters, but the impression she left me with was that they weren’t close, certainly not enough for them to seek her out. Not without a good reason. Something told me it wasn’t exactly a good thing for Arabella.

  “Hello, I’m Royce Channing, Arabella’s boyfriend.”

  I stuck my hand out, giving them my most charming and disarming smile. The girls softened toward me until my words seem to register and their features hardened. The taller one glared around me, searching for Arabella, I was sure.

  “Stella. And this is my sister, Ashley,” she indicated with a wave of her hand. Ashley fluttered her eyes in a flirtatious manner, only confirming my suspicions about their motives.

  “Here, sit, you must be tired from such a long journey. Arabella has told me so much about you.”

  Their eyes widened then narrowed at my words, knowing the things she had said couldn’t have been kind.

  We continued a semi-pleasant conversation before the gloves came off and Stella shattered my poor Arabella’s heart.

  “We heard a fascinating story earlier about a frat house.” Everyone quieted at her words, glancing between Arabella and me and Stella and Ashley. They acted as if this was the most intense game of ping pong they’d ever seen played. Only popcorn could have made this into more of a spectacle.

  “Oh, how is that?” I nearly snarled the words.

  Arabella had taken to glancing between us as well, unsure where this conversation could be heading, but I knew. Cody’s look made sense. He wanted the bet to come to an end now, thinking it would be entertaining and solidify everything within the fraternity. His arrogance and blackened heart didn’t see how this would destroy Arabella, or even me. Yet, he didn’t realize he had lost as well because I hadn’t completed his dare to its full parameters. I never slept with Arabella, having enough conscience to hold off on something with that much emotional connection.

  “Each year during rush week, every fraternity and sorority set up goals that their rushers have to partake in. Their willingness to compete, as well as eagerness to participate, shows the seniors who has the balls to be in their house. What many people don’t know though, is that it isn’t just the rushers who have something to complete.”

  Everyone stared at Stella, taking in her words. Some of them already knew where this was going because they were in fraternities or sororities themselves. They knew what was demanded of their presidents.

  “What else happens?” Arabella asked with a broken voice, dread coating it like thick sludge.

  The grin that bestowed Stella’s face caused Arabella to flinch, a trait she had slowly been gaining control over. I hated how often she would do that whenever someone approached too fast or made sudden movements with their arms and hands. The reality behind her reaction wasn’t lost on me, but I never brought it up, never wanting to cause her more pain than she had already suffered. That would all crumble before me now.

  I wish there was a way I could have shielded her from this, realizing too late that I could have. All I’d had to do was tell her myself when I needed to. Or hell, never agreeing to the stupid challenge in the first place. My outlook on life had changed since then, at least I had thought it had, but sitting here beside the girl I was falling in love with, watching her haunted past slap her in the face with more devastating news, I knew I hadn’t.

  I was the same guy I had always been. A coward. A man unworthy of such a precious gift.

  “The presidents of each Greek house also have to perform a task, set upon them by their peers.”

  My fists clenched in need to grab Arabella when she turned to me with betrayal in her eyes. She didn’t know exactly what I’d done yet, but she could gather from the way Stella spoke what they were indicating.

  “Most of the time it’s because they are newly appointed and need to prove their worthiness to lead their brothers. The one we heard was particularly juicy because after hearing Royce’s name, I knew exactly what was going on here.” Stella’s words kept digging the knife further and further into my heart as Arabella’s eyes filled with tears.

  Destiney had risen at some point and sat beside Arabella, wrapping a comforting arm around her shoulders. She whispered words of escape, trying to pry her away from the scene currently playing out in front of us, but Mi Bella refused. No, she stayed to hear everything, to know exactly what was happening to the world around her.

  Stella turned to face Arabella head on, making sure her words hit
their mark. “Your entire relationship is a sham. Cody here, made a wager with Royce, along with the other brothers in his fraternity, that he needed to sleep with you and when the time was right, break up with you publicly.”

  Everyone gasped, except for those of us who knew my sordid secret, before focusing on Arabella. I expected to see the hurt look in her eyes, maybe even the anger. The total soul-crushing devastation wasn’t something I planned for though.

  My mouth opened to explain, that everything had changed. That I was never going to go through with it, but my words failed me. I could only look upon her with utter sadness and humiliation, something I didn’t deserve to feel, not with Arabella the one having this thrown at her.

  Ashley decided she needed in on the action as well and chimed in her two cents. “Why don’t you go ahead and do that, Royce? Now is as good a time as any, isn’t it?” The sickly-sweet way she said the words churned my stomach and forced a sneer to curl my lips in disgust.

  “Everyone shut up! That isn’t going to happen. Arabella…” but my words were too late. She had already gotten up and rushed across campus, probably heading toward her dorm.

  Destiney stood glaring at me and the stepsisters, her hands clenched into tight fists beside her hips. Her eyes pinned me to my seat, and without warning, she stepped forward, raised her right fist, and plowed it straight into my face. She didn’t say anything, just turned on her heel and walked away.

  I watched them both, Arabella and Destiney, storm away. Arabella taking my heart with her.



  My eyes were swollen and red from the amount of crying I had done over the past several weeks. Just when I thought I had gotten over Royce, something reminded me of our time together and the waterworks would start all over again. I couldn’t even remember what had brought on today’s cry session, but here I was snuggled up on my bed, wrapped in a fluffy robe, as well as my blanket. Tissues were littering the bed around me and my phone was clutched in my hand with a picture of us from his parent’s house pulled up.


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