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REVENGE (Kenshaw Legacy Book 2)

Page 12

by Piper Frost

  “Shit,” I blurt. “Shit, Sutton! You need to go to a hospital!”

  “Fuck you,” he counters. “I’m fuckin’ fine.” His head leans back against the seat and eyes close. “I gotta pull it out.”

  “No you don’t! If you won’t let me take you to the hospital, my aunt’s a nurse. That,” I point, my stomach rolling because it looks so fucking nasty, “That’s more than a splinter. It needs medical help.” I throw the car in drive and head towards my aunt and uncle’s house whether he likes it or not.

  I text my cousin Bobby asking if his parents are awake, letting him know I’m coming over and maybe he should wake them up. My uncle’s going to be more than pissed, but I know Aunt Kinlee will help us out. I get not wanting to go to the hospital because of all the questions, but he needs help.

  “We’re here,” I blurt, pulling the car to a stop in their driveway. The porch light flicks on and the front door swings open to Bobby running down the front stairs. “Don’t get out, we’ll help you,” I tell Sutton.

  “Fuck, Leena. This is stupid. I’m not trying to go to jail tonight. Is your aunt cool?”

  It’s not my aunt he has to worry about.

  “She’s awesome. Sweet, gentle, kind.” I glare at him. “Patient...but be nice, okay?”

  Bobby pops open the door and leans in, his wide eyes flashing from Sutton to me. I’m sure I look like a wreck with blood on my face, and Sutton looks like hell.

  “It’s him, I’m fine,” I blurt, popping open my door and running around to Sutton’s side of the car. “Help me get him in. Did you tell your mom?”

  “Holy fuck,” Bobby mutters. “I thought like someone had a twisted ankle. Not this shit. What the hell happened?”

  Sutton only grunts a response when Bobby pulls him out and helps him to the house. Bobby’s skinny and needs to eat more, get himself healthy, but next to Sutton, it’s really sad. I’m afraid Sutton’s going to crush him so I step in on the other side to help.

  “Get him in on the couch,” my aunt Kinlee orders, holding the front door open for us. She’s glaring at me and I know I’m probably going to be in a shit ton of trouble, but I need to get him help.

  “Thank you, Aunt Kinlee,” I blurt, letting go slowly as we lower him to the couch.

  She looks up at me after looking down at him and nods to the bathroom. “Towels. Grab all of them you can.” She moves to pull more of his jeans away and when I spin to haul ass towards the bathroom, I run into my uncle Bo.

  “Fuck,” I blurt. “Sorry.” I’m terrified to see the look on his face because if anyone wears their emotions in their expressions, it’s him. And holy shit he’s pissed.

  Sutton’s not saying anything but you can see he’s in pain. His eyes keep flicking to me, probably pissed I brought him here, but I think the hospital would have been worse.

  “Leena,” Kinlee blurts when I run back into the room with towels. “Leena, this is bad. I don’t have the tools here to pull this out and if it nicked anything...” She curses and looks up at me. “He needs a hospital.”

  “We can’t go to the hospital,” I stammer. “Please, just...take it out.” I feel the emotion in my voice but I can’t stay calm watching the man who just professed his love for me lie there in pain and no one can help him.

  “Move.” I go stiff at the sound of my uncle’s voice and chills run through my body. I was kind of hoping he just...wouldn’t be home around midnight. Uncle Bo looks from me to Kinlee, then lands his eyes on Sutton. “Who are you?”

  Before Sutton can respond with an asshole remark, I cut in. “Sutton Sterling. Fenton’s brother. We were out taking pictures and he fell through a shitty board on a dock thing. But he doesn’t have insurance and we can’t go to the hospital.” My heart’s hammering. I think I’m going to be sick.

  “His hospital bill would have cost me less than replacing my bloody couch,” Uncle Bo says in a deep voice, his eyes not leaving the wood through Sutton’s leg. “Managed to stay dry too. Impressive.” He’s not buying my story, and when his hand lands on Sutton’s shoulder I almost grab him, thinking he’s going to knock him out or something. “Clench your jaw, son. It’s going to hurt,” he says and yanks without giving Sutton the chance to actually clench his jaw.

  Sutton doesn’t scream, he just grunts and all the color drains from his face before his eyes rolls back and he’s out.

  “Jesus christ, Bo.” Kinlee huffs. “You had to do that, didn’t you?” She starts to clean him up and my heart races.

  “Is he okay? Did he pass out? God, why’s there so much blood?” My hand goes to my mouth watching her work but when my uncle straightens next to me I can feel his glare on me.

  “No he’s not okay, Leena. He had a piece of wood through his leg. What the hell happened? And no bullshit. What’re you doin’ with this kid?”

  “He’s my boyfriend,” I whisper, not looking him in the eyes because I can’t tear mine off Sutton. “And I’m not bullshitting. The board just...broke.”

  “Just broke. A dock just broke and neither of you got wet.” He nods and looks at Sutton again. “He’ll be fine. We pulled a saw blade out of my calf when I was around the same age. Look at me now.” He groans as he stands. “I’m gonna put a call in to your dad.”

  “No don’t,” I blurt. “Please. I’ll text him or something, just don’t tell him... Please, Uncle Bo.”

  My dad already thinks Sutton’s a bad influence. I don’t want him knowing about this. Bo glares at me and I shrink under his stare.

  “I told each of you kids you all get one get out of jail free card in your life. You turning that in right now?” He glares at me like he doesn’t really think I’ll use that for Sutton.

  “Yes. Please. Whatever.” I pull my phone out and text my dad that I’m running late with Shae. “Just please don’t tell him.” My hands are shaking and I see the blood on my phone from my fingers. “Shit.” I huff, pushing my hair out of my face.

  My uncle grumbles something about my language then storms out of the room. I stand and watch Kinlee work her magic for a moment before heading for the bathroom to clean up. I’m afraid to look in the mirror and see what I look like. When I flip on the light and my reflection hits me, I cringe. Shit, I look like I’m the one who got hurt. I grab the soap and scrub everything that I can. There’s still blood on my clothes but I’m hoping to be able to grab something from my sister when I drop Sutton off. I’m already past curfew. If I walk into my house in bloody clothes my dad will burn shit.

  “How’s he doing?” I ask, walking back into the living room a few minutes later and I see his eyes flutter open as he searches the room for me. I rush over to him and fall to the side of the couch, gently grabbing his hand.

  “I’m going to grab some clean dressing, I’ll be back.” Kinlee stands and grabs whatever she can to try and clean the area, but my uncle’s right, he’s going to have to replace this couch.

  “I gotta get out of here, Leena,” Sutton says quietly, trying to look around. “Dude.” He’s pissed, but I don’t care. There’s so much blood he probably could have died.

  “Just relax. You're safe here, I promise.” I bring his hand to my lips and kiss softly. “You’re fine.” I don’t know if it’s me telling myself that to calm my heart, or if I’m actually trying to reassure him, but I can't stop whispering it. I think the aftershock of the night is starting to set in now that things have calmed down.

  “Your dad’s going to lose his shit,” he whispers and holds my hand tighter. “I can’t lose you.”

  “He’s not going to know, I promise.” I smile at his comment of losing me. “You’re not going to lose me.” I reach over and kiss his forehead. “Promise.” Ever.

  Me and Leena, we’re perfect. She’s fucking perfect for me. We fight, we make up. We make up, we fight. It’s fucked up but I love it because in one breath she’ll call me the biggest dick she knows, in the next, she’ll tell me I’m the biggest dick she’s had. She’s mine and she ain’t going anywhere. Plu
s she keeps me grounded. When I’m not with her and I have any free time, I'm searching online for my dad. They always come up empty handed and I wish I could really get out there to look for him, so I rectify that, and get my license.

  With what Kenshaw paid me for the sculpture and a couple other pieces I’ve sold to friends of my brother, I have enough money to get a shitty truck. It’s not much, but it gets me around. It won’t take me where I want to go looking for my dad, but next to spending time with Leena and football practice, I don’t have time to look for my dad anyway. Thankfully after my leg incident, it was during the home stretch of football. I couldn’t play my last game and we told everyone the dock story. I wanted to tell the truth. We went looking for my old man and I wanted to make him pay, but Leena told me to keep my mouth shut. And I did. Because that’s what we do for each other. She’s my ride or die and nothing’s going to come between us. I can tell her anything. There’s not much I want to tell her that’s she’s not already apart of, but I know if I wanted to get something off my chest, I could. The cool thing about her is she’s laid back. As long as I’m not fucking around on her, she doesn’t want every detail of what I do when I’m not with her. And I’d never fuck around on her. I’d be stupid to lose that girl.

  I sold another sculpture so I’ve got some money to spend on my girl, and I plan on doing that today. All damn day. Whatever she wants if it’s in my budget.

  “Hey,” I answer the call from my kid’s foster mom.

  “Sutton? You got a cold?”

  “No.” I blink my eyes open. I fell asleep waiting for Leena.

  “Oh, you sound like you again.” She laughs an airy sound and I smirk, rolling my eyes. “Listen, I hate to do this but I was approved to take a little trip with the kids and the only time it works out in our schedule is the weekend you’re scheduled to come.”

  “Oh.” I glance around. “Maybe I can come sooner?”

  “Hey, I’m sorry...” She pauses and I clench my fist, waiting for her bad news. “Is today too soon? Next weekend we’re having company, and the following is Coop’s work picnic that we’ll be taking the kids to. I’m sorry for such short notice but the minute I found out, I called you.” This lady’s done enough shit for me, I can’t be pissed at her for needing this one favor.

  “Today,” I mutter. “Yeah, that’s cool. Can I come soon then?”

  “Yes! She’ll be so excited!”

  “Cool.” I chuckle. “See you soon, Mary Ann.” I hang up and try to remember if Leena has shit to do tomorrow. Because we have to move our date to then.

  When she walks through the door, I look her over from head to toe. Twice. She’s fucking hot and makes me insatiable. We might fuck more than we talk, but that’s just how we connect. She’s not going to like this though. She did a one eighty on me recently and has been saying shit like I’m acting weird. Being distant with her. That’s only ‘cause she seems to show up every time I want to try and search for my dad. Now I’ve gotta cancel our date so I can see my daughter. The daughter she doesn’t know about. She probably should, but when we get there, we get there. I don’t have to come out and tell her. I might only have a lifetime of monthly visits. Besides, what difference does it make? If she really loves me, me having a kid shouldn’t change that.

  I bite my bottom lip while I look her over and she stands in place to let me, grinning the entire time. I wink at her as my brother comes into the room because I can’t do what I was going to, but she knows it’s coming.

  “You two headed out?” Fenton asks.

  “It’s date night.” Leena walks over to me and plants a kiss on my cheek. “You ready?”

  With my hand gripping her ass, I tell her, “It’s not. I gotta cancel.” I move into the kitchen, not wanting to see the disappointment on her face ‘cause we’ll fight about it.

  “Wait, what?” She laughs, making a noise she does when she’s pissed. “We’ve had these plans for weeks, Sutton.” Stomping into the room she slams her hands on her hips waiting for an answer.

  “Shit came up.” I toss her a cupcake Paige baked and when she catches it, it’s frosting side down. I laugh, but she’s fucking pissed. She launches the cupcake right at my head and it hits me in the temple with the frosting that’s left.

  “Fuck you,” she growls, storming over and wiping her hands on my shirt. “I hope she gives you herpes.” Her hand cracks against my cheek and she spins, storming out of the room.

  “Whoa.” I can’t stop laughing and I go after my crazy girl. ”Hey, psycho.” I grab her and yank her back against me. She tries to fight, but knows it’s pointless so eventually stops and sinks. “Who?” I laugh at her. “You? Something you want to talk about?”

  My brother walks out the front door after that and I keep my eyes on him as he starts walking toward the ranch.

  “The whore you’re fucking.” She squirms in my arms. “You’re always on your phone or laptop but it’s not to text me,” she grunts, trying to pull out of my grasp. “And now you're cancelling dates. Is it that cheerleader slut?” She’s breathing heavy and I can feel her heart racing as my arms tighten around her. Damn my girl’s feisty when she’s pissed.

  “Only whore I’m fucking.” I start sliding my hand down her stomach but she grabs my wrist and digs her nails in, drawing blood. “Ow, fuck, Leena!” I yank back and look at my wrist. “Calm down. Why the fuck do you think I’d cheat on you? You’re all the psycho I need.” I move toward her again and she backs up.

  “Don’t fucking call me psycho! You’re so worried about whoever it is that you’ve been texting lately and whatever the fuck’s on that computer you won’t let me see. It makes perfect fucking sense. Drive one girl into crazy town then drop her ass for someone hotter?”

  “Baby.” I laugh at her again and pull her against me. “You’re the hottest girl I’ll ever get. And you’re no more psycho than me. That’s how I like you.” I kiss her cheek and she’s starting to give in. My phone starts to ring and I instinctively silence it in my pocket, not thinking about it until she shoves me away from her.

  Only reason I don’t acknowledge my calls when she’s around is ‘cause I don’t give a fuck who it is if I’m with her. And I do get a lot of texts, but Grant is up my ass about football and staying out of trouble. What she’s mistaking me obsessing over my phone is me trying to finding my dad.

  “Fuck you! My dad was right. You’re fucking trouble. A bad fucking seed.” She growls and tightens her fist at her sides, glaring at me. “I should have known someone like you couldn’t figure out how to keep it in his pants for one girl. So go, answer the call from your girlfriend. I won’t fucking stop you anymore.”

  Her dad said that shit about me? When I see the guy he acts like we’re cool. He has me working on another sculpture for him and that’s the shit he says about me? And she’s gonna fuckin’ listen to him? I clench my jaw and glare at her. No fucking way I’m giving her the satisfaction of something that’s not fucking true.

  “You want to know why I can’t take you out tonight?” I snatch her wrist and she jogs to keep up while I storm to my truck. “Don’t fucking talk, Leena.” I point at her over the car. “You run your mouth once and you’ll be walking home.” Fuck, I don’t mean that, but I’m fucking pissed her dad says this shit to her and she’s actually thinking it’s true. And that I’d cheat on her. On her! She’s fucking perfect for me.

  I get in and she slams her door harder than needed and I want to snap at her, but I don’t. I just start the car.

  “Where are we going? I’m not going out to dinner with you.” She crosses her arms in front of her, glaring out the windshield.

  “I’m not fuckin’ takin’ you out to dinner,” I bark at her. “Not after that shit. Fuck you for saying I’d cheat on you. I fucking love you!” I scream so loud I feel like my head’s going to explode. She’ll never get how much I love her. It’s crazy and I know that but she makes me think she’s the same.

  She falls silent and clamps her mout
h shut, tightening her hands in a fist in her lap.

  “I didn’t mean...I just...” She huffs. “You’re hiding something, Sutton. And it’s making me insane trying to figure out what it is.” She glances over at me and shakes her head. “You say you love me, but you're hiding something.”

  “I’m not fucking hiding anything! Fuck! It’s not being hidden. Just because you don’t know something about me, what? What? I’m fucking hiding it?” I’m starting to shake because she’s right, but I’m not fucking hiding it...I don’t think.

  I got no problem owning up to my mistakes but this time...fuck. I could lose her over this. I’m in high school and have a kid with someone else.

  “I don’t know, because you don’t talk to me! We fuck, we bicker, we fuck more! It’s all fun and games until you have to actually fucking open up to someone, isn’t it? Just fucking let me out. I’m done.”

  I pull over right as we get on the street. “You’re done?” I’m gripping the steering wheel so tight I might break it off. “I’m not fucking cheating, but you’re done? Because what? You want to bicker and fuck as much as I do, Leena! This isn’t a one-way street!”

  “It’s exhausting constantly wondering what you’re up to! All I want is you to open up and you fucking won’t!” Tears blink out of her eyes. “You won’t talk to me about your art. You won’t talk to me about football even when I sat through all your games. You never open up about juvie or anything that happened even though your brother’s hinted at you doing some great things in there. Fuck, Sutton, your omissions and secrets suck the energy out of me!” She swipes under her eyes and looks out the passenger window. “I don’t want to be done,” she whispers. “I just want to feel like I mean as much to you as you do to me. I tell you fucking everything.”

  “You are my everything.” I unbuckle and do the same to her, pulling her over into my lap. “I don’t give a shit about anything but you. Fuck my art, fuck football, and especially fuck juvie. We matter, baby.” I kiss her jaw. “Right?”


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